Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Makes a game object to represent currently dragging assembly.</summary>
        /// <remarks>It's a very expensive operation.</remarks>
        static void MakePointer()

            // Make pointer node transformations.
            if (pointerNodeTransform)
            pointerNodeTransform = new GameObject("KISPointerPartNode").transform;

            // Deatch will decouple from the parent so, ask to ignore it when looking for the nodes.
            attachNodes =
                KIS_Shared.GetAvailableAttachNodes(partToAttach, ignoreAttachedPart: partToAttach.parent);
            if (!attachNodes.Any())
                //TODO: When there are no nodes try finding ones in the parent or in the children.
                // Ideally, the caller should have checked if this part has free nodes. Now the only
                // way is to pick *any* node. The surface one always exists so, it's a good
                // candidate. Though, for many details it may result in a weird representation.
                Logger.logError("Part {0} has no free nodes, use {1}",
                                partToAttach, partToAttach.srfAttachNode);
            attachNodeIndex = 0; // Expect that first node is the best default.


            // Make pointer renderer.
            var combines = new List <CombineInstance>();

            CollectMeshesFromAssembly(partToAttach, combines);

            // Create one filter per mesh in the hierarhcy. Simple combining all meshes into one
            // larger mesh may have weird representation artifacts on different video cards.
            pointer = new GameObject("KISPointer");
            foreach (var combine in combines)
                var mesh = new Mesh();
                mesh.CombineMeshes(new[] { combine });
                var childObj = new GameObject("KISPointerChildMesh");

                var meshRenderer = childObj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                meshRenderer.receiveShadows    = false;

                var filter = childObj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                filter.sharedMesh = mesh;

                childObj.transform.parent = pointer.transform;
            allModelMr = pointer.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>().ToList();
            foreach (var mr in allModelMr)
                mr.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));
            pointerNodeTransform.parent = pointer.transform;

            Logger.logInfo("New pointer created");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Sets possible attach nodes in <c>attachNodes</c>.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// If part has no valid attachment nodes.
        /// </exception>
        private static void MakePointerAttachNodes()
            // Make node transformations.
            if (pointerNodeTransform)
            pointerNodeTransform = new GameObject("KASPointerPartNode").transform;

            // Deatch will decouple from the parent so, ask to ignore it when looking for the nodes.
            attachNodes =
                KIS_Shared.GetAvailableAttachNodes(partToAttach, ignoreAttachedPart: partToAttach.parent);
            if (!attachNodes.Any())
                //TODO: When there are no nodes try finding ones in the parent or in the children.
                // Ideally, the caller should have checked if this part has free nodes. Now the only
                // way is to pick *any* node. The surface one always exists so, it's a good
                // candidate. Though, for many details it may result in a weird representation.
                Logger.logError("Part {0} has no free nodes, use {1}",
                                partToAttach, partToAttach.srfAttachNode);
            attachNodeIndex = 0; // Expect that first node is the best default.

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>Makes a game object to represent currently dragging assembly.</summary>
        /// <remarks>It's a very expensive operation.</remarks>
        static void MakePointer(Part rootPart)

            // Make pointer node transformations.
            if (pointerNodeTransform)
            pointerNodeTransform = new GameObject("KISPointerPartNode").transform;

            // Deatch will decouple from the parent so, ask to ignore it when looking for the nodes.
            attachNodes =
                KIS_Shared.GetAvailableAttachNodes(rootPart, ignoreAttachedPart: rootPart.parent)
            if (!attachNodes.Any())
                //TODO: When there are no nodes try finding ones in the parent or in the children.
                // Ideally, the caller should have checked if this part has free nodes. Now the only
                // way is to pick *any* node. The surface one always exists so, it's a good
                // candidate. However, for many details it may result in a weird representation.
                    "Part {0} has no free nodes, use {1}", rootPart, rootPart.srfAttachNode);
            attachNodeIndex = 0; // Expect that first node is the best default.

            // Collect models from all the part in the assembly.
            pointer = new GameObject("KISPointer");
            var model     = KISAPI.PartUtils.GetSceneAssemblyModel(rootPart, keepColliders: true);
            var colliders = model.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>().ToList();

            CreateAutoOffsets(model, colliders);
            aboveAutoOffset = autoOffsets[attachNodeIndex];
            foreach (var collider in colliders)
            model.transform.parent   = pointer.transform;
            model.transform.position =;
            model.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

            allModelRenderers.AddRange(pointer.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>());
            foreach (var renderer in allModelRenderers)
                renderer.material          = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));
                renderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                renderer.receiveShadows    = false;
            pointerNodeTransform.parent = pointer.transform;

            DebugEx.Fine("New pointer created");
Esempio n. 4
        static void OnMouseEnterPart(Part hoverPart)
            if (hoverPart == partToAttach)

            if (allowMount)
                ModuleKISPartMount pMount = hoverPart.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartMount>();
                if (pMount)
                    // Set current attach node
                    AttachNode an = attachNodes.Find(f => == pMount.mountedPartNode);
                    if (an != null)
                        attachNodeIndex = attachNodes.IndexOf(an);
                    // Init attach node
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <AttachNode, List <string> > mount in pMount.GetMounts())
                        if (!mount.Key.attachedPart)
                            KIS_Shared.AssignAttachIcon(hoverPart, mount.Key, colorMountOk, "KISMount");
            if (allowStack && currentAttachNode.nodeType != AttachNode.NodeType.Surface)
                var variant = VariantsUtils.GetCurrentPartVariant(hoverPart);
                if (variant != null)
                    VariantsUtils.ApplyVariantOnAttachNodes(hoverPart, variant);
                foreach (var an in KIS_Shared.GetAvailableAttachNodes(hoverPart, needSrf: false))
                    KIS_Shared.AssignAttachIcon(hoverPart, an, colorStack);
            SendPointerState(pointerTarget, PointerState.OnMouseEnterPart, hoverPart, null);