Esempio n. 1
        /** @see ball_query, range_query
         * Returns all the points withing the ball bounding box and their distances
         * @note this is similar to "range_query" i just replaced "lies_in_range" with "euclidean_distance"
        void ball_bbox_query(int nodeIdx, KInt2 pmin, KInt2 pmax, List <int> inrange_idxs, List <float> distances, KInt2 point, float radiusSquared, int dim = 0)
            GameKdTreeNode node = nodesPtrs[nodeIdx];

            // if it's a leaf and it lies in R
            if (node.isLeaf())
                float distance = (points[node.pIdx] - point).sqrMagnitude;
                if (distance <= radiusSquared)
                    if (distances != null)
                if (node.key >= pmin[dim] && node.LIdx != -1)
                    ball_bbox_query(node.LIdx, pmin, pmax, inrange_idxs, distances, point, radiusSquared, (dim + 1) % ndim);
                if (node.key <= pmax[dim] && node.RIdx != -1)
                    ball_bbox_query(node.RIdx, pmin, pmax, inrange_idxs, distances, point, radiusSquared, (dim + 1) % ndim);
Esempio n. 2
        void ball_bbox_query(int nodeIdx, KInt2 pmin, KInt2 pmax, List <KInt2> inrange_idxs, List <float> distances, KInt2 point, float radiusSquared, int dim = 0)
            GameKdTreeNode node = nodesPtrs[nodeIdx];

            // if it's a leaf and it lies in R
            if (node.isLeaf())
                float distance = (points[node.pIdx] - point).sqrMagnitude;
                if (distance <= radiusSquared)
                    bool insert = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < distances.Count; ++i)
                        if (distance < distances[i])
                            insert = true;
                            distances.Insert(i, distance);
                            inrange_idxs.Insert(i, this.points[node.pIdx]);

                    if (!insert)
                if (node.key >= pmin[dim] && node.LIdx != -1)
                    ball_bbox_query(node.LIdx, pmin, pmax, inrange_idxs, distances, point, radiusSquared, (dim + 1) % ndim);
                if (node.key <= pmax[dim] && node.RIdx != -1)
                    ball_bbox_query(node.RIdx, pmin, pmax, inrange_idxs, distances, point, radiusSquared, (dim + 1) % ndim);
Esempio n. 3
        void knn_search(KInt2 Xq, int nodeIdx = 0, int dim = 0)
            // cout << "at node: " << nodeIdx << endl;
            GameKdTreeNode node = nodesPtrs[nodeIdx];
            float          temp;

            // We are in LEAF
            if (node.isLeaf())
                float distance = (Xq - points[node.pIdx]).sqrMagnitude;

                // pqsize is at maximum size k, if overflow and current record is closer
                // pop further and insert the new one
                if (pq.size() == k && > distance)
                    pq.pop();                     // remove farther record
                    pq.push(distance, node.pIdx); //push new one
                else if (pq.size() < k)
                    pq.push(distance, node.pIdx);


            ////// Explore the sons //////
            // recurse on closer son
            if (Xq[dim] <= node.key)
                temp = Bmax[dim]; Bmax[dim] = node.key;

                knn_search(Xq, node.LIdx, (dim + 1) % ndim);
                Bmax[dim] = temp;
                temp = Bmin[dim]; Bmin[dim] = node.key;

                knn_search(Xq, node.RIdx, (dim + 1) % ndim);
                Bmin[dim] = temp;
            // recurse on farther son
            if (Xq[dim] <= node.key)
                temp = Bmin[dim]; Bmin[dim] = node.key;
                if (bounds_overlap_ball(Xq))
                    knn_search(Xq, node.RIdx, (dim + 1) % ndim);
                Bmin[dim] = temp;
                temp = Bmax[dim]; Bmax[dim] = node.key;
                if (bounds_overlap_ball(Xq))
                    knn_search(Xq, node.LIdx, (dim + 1) % ndim);
                Bmax[dim] = temp;
Esempio n. 4
        int build_recursively(List <List <int> > sortidx, List <int> pidx, int dim)
            GameKdTreeNode node = null;

            // Stop condition
            if (pidx.Count == 1)
                node = new GameKdTreeNode();       // create a new node
                int gamenodeidx = nodesPtrs.Count; // its address is
                nodesPtrs.Add(node);               // important to push back here
                node.LIdx = -1;                    // no child
                node.RIdx = -1;                    // no child
                node.pIdx = pidx[0];               // the only index available
                node.key  = 0;                     // key is useless here

            // allocate the vectors
            List <int> Larray = ListPool.TrySpawn <List <int> >();
            List <int> Rarray = ListPool.TrySpawn <List <int> >();

            // initialize the "partition" array
            // Setting parray to -1 indicates we are not using the point
            for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
                workarray[i] = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < pidx.Count; i++)
                workarray[sortidx[dim][pidx[i]]] = pidx[i];

            int pivot = -1; //index of the median element

            if (pidx.Count * Math.Log(pidx.Count) < npoints)
                Larray.Resize(pidx.Count / 2 + (pidx.Count % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1), -1);
                Rarray.Resize(pidx.Count / 2, -1);
                heapsort(dim, pidx, pidx.Count);
                Copy(pidx, Larray, 0, Larray.Count, 0);
                Copy(pidx, Rarray, Larray.Count, pidx.Count, 0);
                pivot = pidx[(pidx.Count - 1) / 2];
                // The middle valid value of parray is the pivot,
                // the left go to a node on the left, the right
                // and the pivot go to a node on the right.
                int TH  = (pidx.Count - 1) / 2; //defines median offset
                int cnt = 0;                    //number of points found
                for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
                    // Is the current point not in the current selection? skip
                    if (workarray[i] == -1)

                    // len/2 is on the "right" of pivot.
                    // Pivot is still put on the left side
                    if (cnt == TH)
                        pivot = workarray[i];
                    else if (cnt > TH)

                    // Don't overwork, if we already read all the necessary just stop.
                    if (cnt > pidx.Count)
            // CREATE THE NODE
            node = new GameKdTreeNode();
            int nodeIdx = nodesPtrs.Count; //why it's not +1? should not happend after push back? -> no since size() is the index of last element+1!!

            nodesPtrs.Add(node);           //important to push back here
            node.pIdx = -1;                //not a leaf
            node.key  = points[pivot][dim];

            node.LIdx = build_recursively(sortidx, Larray, (dim + 1) % ndim);

            node.RIdx = build_recursively(sortidx, Rarray, (dim + 1) % ndim);