public ArtilleryTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMartillery; texture = world.texTowerArty; name = "Artillery Tower"; fireSound = "artillery"; volleyMode = true; range = 1250; dmg = 15; sDmg = 15; firingRate = 250.0f; pAcceleration = 0; imprecision = 40; maxMissiles = 30; missileInterval = 50; homing = false; pSpeed = 8.5f; sRange = 115; mmColor = Color.Orange; cost = 125; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg = dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; }
// The arrow tower is the most basic tower example. public ConcussionTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMconcussive; name = "Concussion Tower"; fireSound = null; texture = world.texTowerConcussion; mmColor = Color.LightBlue; firingRate = 5000.0f; dmg = 0; range = 200; pSpeed = 5f; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg = dmg; defaultRange = range; cost = 25; SetDrawRectangle(); pOrigin = new Vector2(center.X, center.Y - 35); firingTimer = firingRate; }
public PulseTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMpulse; name = "Pulse Tower"; fireSound = "Space Gun 01"; texture = world.texTowerPulse; dmg = 100; range = 250; firingRate = 500.0f; missileInterval = 150.0f; mmColor = Color.OrangeRed; pSpeed = 25; volleyMode = true; maxMissiles = 3; homing = false; cost = 50; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg =dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; SetDrawRectangle(); }
public GammaRayTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMgamma; fireSound = "gammabeam"; name = "GammaRay Tower"; texture = world.texTowerGammaRay; firingRate = 100f; dmg = 6; range = 200; imprecision = 0; pSpeed = 10; mmColor = Color.Red; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg = dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; cost = 100; SetDrawRectangle(); beamOrigin = new Rectangle((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, 8, 8); beamOrigin.Y -= 34; beamOriginV = new Vector2(beamOrigin.X, beamOrigin.Y); }
public FlameTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMflame; texture = world.texTowerFlame; fireSound = "flamethrower"; name = "Flame Tower"; firingRate = 100; range = 100; imprecision = 16; homing = true; dmg = 3; sDmg = dmg; pSpeed = 2.0f; pAcceleration = 0; sInterval = 64; mmColor = Color.Yellow; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg = dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; cost = 75; SetDrawRectangle(); }
protected Boolean volleyReady = false; // max number of missiles are ready #endregion Fields #region Constructors public RocketTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMrocket; name = "Rocket Tower"; fireSound = "Rocket"; texture = world.texTowerRocket; firingRate = 1000.0f; homing = true; dmg = 10; sDmg = dmg; sRange = 60; range = 600; pSpeed = 0.1f; pAcceleration = 0.2f; mmColor = new Color(255, 200, 0, 255); cost = 50; pOffset = (float)(0.25 * towerBase.Width); defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg = dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; SetDrawRectangle(); }
public Tower(World world, Rectangle towerBase, int health) { = world; this.towerBase = towerBase; center = new Vector2(towerBase.Width / 2 + towerBase.X, towerBase.Height / 2 + towerBase.Y); = health; }
public Arrow(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { texProjectile = world.texArrow; hitAnimation = "red puff"; missAnimation = "dirt puff"; SetupProjectile(); CalculateMovement(); }
int width, height; // width & height of projectile #endregion Fields #region Constructors // Constructor public Projectile(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision) { = world; = target; this.position = position; this.dmg = dmg; this.speed = speed; this.imprecision = imprecision; this.texProjectile = world.texArrow; }
public AggressiveUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier, Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP, World world,int damage, int range, float attackRate) : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed, tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP) { this.tint = Color.Yellow; this.dSpeed *= 1.5f; this.speed = dSpeed; this.value = 2; = world; this.damage = damage; this.range = range; this.attackRate = attackRate; this.attackTimer = 0.0f; }
public GammaRay(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { origin = position; //texProjectile = world.texRay; additive = false; scale = 0.4f; dType = "energy"; color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); CalculateMovement(); SetupProjectile(); }
public Bullet(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { texProjectile = world.texBullet; missAnimation = "dirt puff"; hitAnimation = "red puff"; additive = true; scale = 0.4f; dType = "pierce"; color = new Color(255, 150, 150, 255); CalculateMovement(); SetupProjectile(); }
public Pulse(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { texProjectile = world.texBullet; missAnimation = "redCircle"; hitAnimation = "pulseHit"; dType = "energy"; acceleration = 0; additive = true; scale = 0.7f; color = new Color(255, 60, 60, 255); CalculateMovement(); SetupProjectile(); }
public Concussion(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision, int netSize, float slowEffect, int duration) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { texProjectile = world.texConcussion; missAnimation = "concussion"; hitAnimation = "concussion"; splash = true; dType = "energy"; this.netSize = netSize; this.slowEffect = slowEffect; this.duration = duration; CalculateMovement(); SetupProjectile(); }
public ArrowTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { name = "Arrow Tower"; texture = world.texTower; firingRate = 700.0f; dmg = 30; range = 150; imprecision = 7; pSpeed = 10; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg = dmg; SetDrawRectangle(); }
public Flame(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision, int sDmg, int sRange, float acceleration) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { texProjectile = world.texFire; hitAnimation = "explosion3"; missAnimation = hitAnimation; dType = "burn"; splash = true; this.sDmg = sDmg; this.sRange = sRange; this.homing = homing; this.acceleration = acceleration; SetupProjectile(); CalculateMovement(); }
public FlyingUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier, Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP, World world) : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed, tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP) { tint = Color.Yellow; dSpeed *= 1.5f; this.speed = dSpeed; this.value = 2; destination = world.Base.Crossroad; movement = new Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 toMove; float divisor; toMove = destination.Position - position; divisor = Math.Max(Math.Abs(toMove.X), Math.Abs(toMove.Y)); movement = (toMove / divisor); // adjust movement vector tier = destination.tier; // set the unit's tier to its destination's tier }
public Shell(World world, Vector2 position, Unit target, int dmg, float speed, int imprecision, int sDmg, int sRange, float acceleration, Boolean homing) : base(world, position, target, dmg, speed, imprecision) { texProjectile = world.texRocket; hitAnimation = "explosion1"; hitSound = "RndExplosion"; missAnimation = hitAnimation; dType = "explosive"; maxSpeed = 15; splash = true; this.sDmg = sDmg; this.sRange = sRange; this.homing = homing; this.acceleration = acceleration; SetupProjectile(); CalculateMovement(); }
public CommandCenter(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMcommand; name = "Command"; texture = world.texTowerCmdCenter; mmColor = Color.Gray; firingRate = 1.0f; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; dmg = 0; defaultDmg = dmg; range = 50; defaultRange = range; pSpeed = 0f; cost = 25; SetDrawRectangle(); }
protected Boolean barrelLeft = true; // first barrel to fire set to left #endregion Fields #region Constructors public MGTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMmg; name = "MG Tower"; fireSound = "mg"; texture = world.texTowerMG; dmg = 30; range = 175; firingRate = 70.0f; pSpeed = 15; imprecision = 12; cost = 50; mmColor = Color.Blue; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg =dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; SetDrawRectangle(); }
public RifleTower(World world, Rectangle towerBase) : base(world, towerBase) { textureMM = world.texMMrifle; fireSound = "rifle"; name = "Rifle Tower"; texture = world.texTowerRifle; firingRate = 700.0f; dmg = 30; range = 225; imprecision = 1; pSpeed = 18; mmColor = Color.Green; defaultRange = range; defaultFiringRate = firingRate; defaultDmg =dmg; baseDamage = defaultDmg; cost = 10; SetDrawRectangle(); }
public Base(World world, Crossroad lc) { this.area = lc.Area; = world; this.last = lc; }
protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); = GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width; = GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height; = false;; this.IsMouseVisible = true; = new Audio(this); this.Components.Add(audio);; = new Music(audio.soundBank, audio.engine); this.status = new Status(); = new World(this); this.ui = new UI(this); this.start = new Rectangle(Window.ClientBounds.Width - 300, Window.ClientBounds.Height - 102, 280, 82); this.tutorial = new Rectangle(10, Window.ClientBounds.Height - 102, 280, 82); }
public void Restart() { status = new Status(); world = new World(this); ui = new UI(this); }
private int health = 20; // TODO : use hard mode #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Base(World world, Rectangle area) { this.area = area; = world; }