Esempio n. 1
        public void ManageHijackedBodies()
            var writeOutput = false;

            #region handle body Hi jacking
            //handle when a body walks in front of another body and takes the initial bodies body
            //when this occurs the initial body may get it's body back or the initial body will eventually get a new body

            var hijackedBodies = _trackedBodies.Where(tb => tb.Key.DetectBodyHijack(tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position) &&
                                                      !_trackedBodiesHijacked.Any(tbHijacked => tbHijacked.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId) &&
                                                      !_trackedBodiesMissing.Any(tbMissing => tbMissing.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId));

            if (hijackedBodies != null && hijackedBodies.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var hijackedBody in hijackedBodies)
                    if (!_trackedBodiesHijacked.Contains(hijackedBody.Key))
                        var newHijackedBody = new TrackedBody(this)
                            BodyPosition = new CameraSpacePoint()
                                X = hijackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X, Y = hijackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Y, Z = hijackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z

                        foreach (var trackedPlayerId in hijackedBody.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                        newHijackedBody.TimeWentMissing = DateTime.Now;


            #endregion handle body Hi jacking
Esempio n. 2
        public void ManageMissingBodies(Body[] bodies)
            bool writeOutput = false;

            #region handle missing Bodies
            //A Missing Body Candidate is initially identified by a TrackedBody that has a .Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId that does not match the body.Tracking Id
            //we could also use IsTracked flag (body.IsTracked and Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId != 0)
            //once we have a candidate missing body we need to check if it is missing because it disappaearred while in the viewing area or if it just gradually- walked out of the viewing area

            var missingTrackedBodies = (from trackedBodies in _trackedBodies
                                        where !bodies.Any(b => b.TrackingId == trackedBodies.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId) &&
                                        !_trackedBodiesMissing.Any(tbMissing => tbMissing.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == trackedBodies.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId) &&
                                        !_trackedBodiesHijacked.Any(tbHijacked => tbHijacked.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == trackedBodies.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId)
                                        select trackedBodies);

            foreach (var missingTrackedBody in missingTrackedBodies)
                //check if the body was within the viewing area before being lost, if it was assume it's missing due to someone walking in front of it
                if (missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X > MissingBodyLeftEdgeBoundary && missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X < MissingBodyRightEdgeBoundary &&
                    missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z < MissingBodyBackDepthBoundary)
                    #region debug output
                        if (writeOutput)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MISSING FromTrackedBody - CorrelatedPlayerId:{0}, CurrentPlayerTrackingId{1}, TrackedBodyX:{2}, TrackedBodyY:{3}, TrackedBodyZ{4}"
                                                           , missingTrackedBody.Key.CorrelationPlayerId
                                                           , missingTrackedBody.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                                                           , missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X
                                                           , missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Y
                                                           , missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z);

                            foreach (var trackingId in missingTrackedBody.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MISSING FromTrackedBody - PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerId: {0} - {1}", missingTrackedBody.Key.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
                    #endregion debug output

                    //create missing body and add to missing body collection
                    var newMissingBody = new TrackedBody(this)
                        BodyPosition = new CameraSpacePoint()
                            X = missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X, Y = missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Y, Z = missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z

                    foreach (var trackedPlayerId in missingTrackedBody.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                    newMissingBody.TimeWentMissing = DateTime.Now;

                    #region debug output
                        if (writeOutput)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Added - CorrelatedPlayerID:{0}, CurrentPlayerId{1}, BodyPosition.X{2}, BodyPosition.Y{3}, BodyPosition.Z{4}, TimeWentMissing{5}"
                                                           , newMissingBody.CorrelationPlayerId
                                                           , newMissingBody.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                                                           , newMissingBody.BodyPosition.X
                                                           , newMissingBody.BodyPosition.Y
                                                           , newMissingBody.BodyPosition.Z
                                                           , newMissingBody.TimeWentMissing.ToString());
                            foreach (var trackingId in newMissingBody.PlayerTrackingIds)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Added - PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerId: {0} - {1}", newMissingBody.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
                    #endregion end debug output

                //sync up the TrackedBody associated with the missing body with it's new body
                missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition = missingTrackedBody.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position;
            #endregion handle missing bodies

            #region clean up Missing Bodies


            #endregion clean up Missing Bodies
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages Body Tracking Id by detecting when a body moves is front of an existing body and the existing body loses it's body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodies">The Kinect bodies collection</param>
        public void TrackBodies(Body[] bodies)
            bool writeOutput = false;

            //if our body count hasn't changed just return null
            //we're doing this for performance
            //this could fail if someone quickly runs in front of a existing body or if an existing player leaves quickly and a new player enters quickly at the same time
            if (bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count() == TrackedKinectBodyCount)

            #region debug output
                if (writeOutput)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("-------------------- Tracking Bodies ---------------------- ");

                    var trackedBodies = bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("trackedBodies Count:{0}", trackedBodies.Count());
                    var ghostBodies = bodies.Where(b => b.Joints.Count(joint => joint.Key == JointType.Head && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.Neck && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.ShoulderLeft && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.ShoulderRight && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.ElbowLeft && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.ElbowRight && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.WristLeft && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked ||
                                                                       joint.Key == JointType.WristRight && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked) >= RequiredJointsTrackedCount);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("ghostBodies Count:{0}", ghostBodies.Count());

                if (writeOutput && _trackedBodiesMissing != null && _trackedBodiesMissing.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var missingBody in _trackedBodiesMissing)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Output - CorrelatedPlayerId:{0}, CurrentPlayerTrackingId:{1}, BodyPosition.X:{2}, BodyPosition.Y:{3}, BodyPosition.Z{4}, TimeWentMissing{5}",
                                                       , missingBody.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                                                       , missingBody.BodyPosition.X
                                                       , missingBody.BodyPosition.Y
                                                       , missingBody.BodyPosition.Z
                                                       , missingBody.TimeWentMissing.ToString());

                        foreach (var trackingId in missingBody.PlayerTrackingIds)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Output PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerID: {0} - {1}", missingBody.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
                else if (writeOutput)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Output - there are no missing bodies ");

                if (writeOutput && bodies.Any(b => b.IsTracked) && _trackedBodies != null)
                    foreach (var body in bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Body - IsTracked:{0}, TrackingId:{1}, X:{2}, Y:{3}, Z{4}", body.IsTracked, body.TrackingId, body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.X, body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Y, body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Z);

                    foreach (var tb in _trackedBodies)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TrackedBody - BodyIsTracked:{0}, BodyTrackingId:{1}, TrackedBodyCorrelatedPlayerId:{2}, TrackedBodyCurrentPlayerTrackingId:{3}, BodyX:{4}, BodyY:{5}, BodyZ{6}, TrackedBodyX:{7}, TrackedBodyY:{8}, TrackedBodyZ{9}"
                                                       , tb.Value.IsTracked
                                                       , tb.Value.TrackingId
                                                       , tb.Key.CorrelationPlayerId
                                                       , tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                                                       , tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.X
                                                       , tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Y
                                                       , tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Z
                                                       , tb.Key.BodyPosition.X
                                                       , tb.Key.BodyPosition.Y
                                                       , tb.Key.BodyPosition.Z);

                        foreach (var trackingId in tb.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerID: {0} - {1}", tb.Key.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
#endif //DEBUG
            #endregion debug output

            if (bodies != null && bodies.Length > 0)
                //first time in, just add bodies to TrackedBodies collection
                if (_trackedBodies.Count() == 0)
                    foreach (var body in bodies)
                        var trackedBody = new TrackedBody(this)
                            BodyPosition = body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position,
                        _trackedBodies.Add(trackedBody, body);
                    //scenarios 1 - Missing Body - A second player body slowly passes in front of an existing player,
                    //in this scenario, the first body losses it's tracking and get's a new body assigned
                    //scenario 2 - Hijacked Body - A second body quickly passes in front of an existing body and takes the body of the first player

                    #region debug output
                        if (writeOutput && TrackedKinectBodyCount != bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count())
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("BodyCount changed from {0} to {1}", TrackedKinectBodyCount, bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count());
                    #endregion debug output




                    TrackedKinectBodyCount = bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count();
                    _trackedBodiesCount    = _trackedBodies.Where(tb => tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId != 0).Count();
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages Body Tracking Id by detecting when a body moves is front of an existing body and the existing body loses it's body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodies">The Kinect bodies collection</param>
        public void TrackBodies(Body[] bodies)
            bool writeOutput = false;

            //if our body count hasn't changed just return null
            //we're doing this for performance
            //this could fail if someone quickly runs in front of a existing body or if an existing player leaves quickly and a new player enters quickly at the same time
            if (bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count() == TrackedKinectBodyCount)

            #region debug output
            #if DEBUG
                if (writeOutput)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("-------------------- Tracking Bodies ---------------------- ");

                    var trackedBodies = bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("trackedBodies Count:{0}", trackedBodies.Count());
                    var ghostBodies = bodies.Where(b => b.Joints.Count(joint => joint.Key == JointType.Head && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.Neck && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.ShoulderLeft && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.ShoulderRight && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.ElbowLeft && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.ElbowRight && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.WristLeft && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked
                                                                    || joint.Key == JointType.WristRight && joint.Value.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked) >= RequiredJointsTrackedCount);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("ghostBodies Count:{0}", ghostBodies.Count());

                if (writeOutput && _trackedBodiesMissing != null && _trackedBodiesMissing.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var missingBody in _trackedBodiesMissing)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Output - CorrelatedPlayerId:{0}, CurrentPlayerTrackingId:{1}, BodyPosition.X:{2}, BodyPosition.Y:{3}, BodyPosition.Z{4}, TimeWentMissing{5}",
                            , missingBody.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                            , missingBody.BodyPosition.X
                            , missingBody.BodyPosition.Y
                            , missingBody.BodyPosition.Z
                            , missingBody.TimeWentMissing.ToString());

                        foreach (var trackingId in missingBody.PlayerTrackingIds)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Output PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerID: {0} - {1}", missingBody.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);

                else if (writeOutput)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Output - there are no missing bodies ");

                if (writeOutput && bodies.Any(b => b.IsTracked) && _trackedBodies != null)
                    foreach (var body in bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Body - IsTracked:{0}, TrackingId:{1}, X:{2}, Y:{3}, Z{4}", body.IsTracked, body.TrackingId, body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.X, body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Y, body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Z);

                    foreach (var tb in _trackedBodies)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TrackedBody - BodyIsTracked:{0}, BodyTrackingId:{1}, TrackedBodyCorrelatedPlayerId:{2}, TrackedBodyCurrentPlayerTrackingId:{3}, BodyX:{4}, BodyY:{5}, BodyZ{6}, TrackedBodyX:{7}, TrackedBodyY:{8}, TrackedBodyZ{9}"
                            , tb.Value.IsTracked
                            , tb.Value.TrackingId
                            , tb.Key.CorrelationPlayerId
                            , tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                            , tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.X
                            , tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Y
                            , tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position.Z
                            , tb.Key.BodyPosition.X
                            , tb.Key.BodyPosition.Y
                            , tb.Key.BodyPosition.Z);

                        foreach (var trackingId in tb.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerID: {0} - {1}", tb.Key.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
            #endif //DEBUG
            #endregion debug output

            if (bodies != null && bodies.Length > 0)
                //first time in, just add bodies to TrackedBodies collection
                if (_trackedBodies.Count() == 0)
                    foreach (var body in bodies)
                        var trackedBody = new TrackedBody(this)
                            BodyPosition = body.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position,
                        _trackedBodies.Add(trackedBody, body);
                    //scenarios 1 - Missing Body - A second player body slowly passes in front of an existing player,
                    //in this scenario, the first body losses it's tracking and get's a new body assigned
                    //scenario 2 - Hijacked Body - A second body quickly passes in front of an existing body and takes the body of the first player

                    #region debug output
            #if DEBUG
                        if (writeOutput && TrackedKinectBodyCount != bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count())
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("BodyCount changed from {0} to {1}", TrackedKinectBodyCount, bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count());
                    #endregion debug output




                    TrackedKinectBodyCount = bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).Count();
                    _trackedBodiesCount = _trackedBodies.Where(tb => tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId != 0).Count();
Esempio n. 5
        public void ManageMissingBodies(Body[] bodies)
            bool writeOutput = false;

            #region handle missing Bodies
            //A Missing Body Candidate is initially identified by a TrackedBody that has a .Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId that does not match the body.Tracking Id
            //we could also use IsTracked flag (body.IsTracked and Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId != 0)
            //once we have a candidate missing body we need to check if it is missing because it disappaearred while in the viewing area or if it just gradually- walked out of the viewing area

            var missingTrackedBodies = (from trackedBodies in _trackedBodies
                                        where !bodies.Any(b => b.TrackingId == trackedBodies.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId)
                                        && !_trackedBodiesMissing.Any(tbMissing => tbMissing.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == trackedBodies.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId)
                                        && !_trackedBodiesHijacked.Any(tbHijacked => tbHijacked.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == trackedBodies.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId)
                                        select trackedBodies);

            foreach (var missingTrackedBody in missingTrackedBodies)
                //check if the body was within the viewing area before being lost, if it was assume it's missing due to someone walking in front of it
                if (missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X > MissingBodyLeftEdgeBoundary && missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X < MissingBodyRightEdgeBoundary
                    && missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z < MissingBodyBackDepthBoundary)
                    #region debug output
            #if DEBUG
                        if (writeOutput)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MISSING FromTrackedBody - CorrelatedPlayerId:{0}, CurrentPlayerTrackingId{1}, TrackedBodyX:{2}, TrackedBodyY:{3}, TrackedBodyZ{4}"
                            , missingTrackedBody.Key.CorrelationPlayerId
                            , missingTrackedBody.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                            , missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X
                            , missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Y
                            , missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z);

                            foreach (var trackingId in missingTrackedBody.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MISSING FromTrackedBody - PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerId: {0} - {1}", missingTrackedBody.Key.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
                    #endregion debug output

                    //create missing body and add to missing body collection
                    var newMissingBody = new TrackedBody(this)
                        BodyPosition = new CameraSpacePoint() { X = missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X, Y = missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Y, Z = missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z },

                    foreach (var trackedPlayerId in missingTrackedBody.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                    newMissingBody.TimeWentMissing = DateTime.Now;

                    #region debug output
            #if DEBUG
                        if (writeOutput)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Added - CorrelatedPlayerID:{0}, CurrentPlayerId{1}, BodyPosition.X{2}, BodyPosition.Y{3}, BodyPosition.Z{4}, TimeWentMissing{5}"
                                , newMissingBody.CorrelationPlayerId
                                , newMissingBody.CurrentPlayerTrackingId
                                , newMissingBody.BodyPosition.X
                                , newMissingBody.BodyPosition.Y
                                , newMissingBody.BodyPosition.Z
                                , newMissingBody.TimeWentMissing.ToString());
                            foreach (var trackingId in newMissingBody.PlayerTrackingIds)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody Added - PlayerTrackingIds for CorrelatedPlayerId: {0} - {1}", newMissingBody.CorrelationPlayerId, trackingId);
                    #endregion end debug output

                //sync up the TrackedBody associated with the missing body with it's new body
                missingTrackedBody.Key.BodyPosition = missingTrackedBody.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position;
            #endregion handle missing bodies

            #region clean up Missing Bodies

            #region debug output
            //#if DEBUG
            //                    {
            //                        if (writeOutput)
            //                        {
            //                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TrackedMissingBody Count before Removing expired missing bodies {0}", TrackedBodiesMissing.Count());
            //                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TrackedMissingBodies Count to be removed:{0}", TrackedBodiesMissing.Where(tb => tb.TimeWentMissing.Value.AddSeconds(+_missingBodyExpiredTimeLimit) < DateTime.Now).Count());

            //                            foreach (var trackedMissingBody in TrackedBodiesMissing.Where(tb => tb.TimeWentMissing.Value.AddSeconds(+_missingBodyExpiredTimeLimit) < DateTime.Now))
            //                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MissingBody to be Removed - Missing Body CorrelatedPlayerId:{0}, CurrentPlayerId:{1}", trackedMissingBody.CorrelationPlayerId, trackedMissingBody.CurrentPlayerTrackingId);
            //                        }
            //                    }
            #endregion debug output


            #region debug output
            //#if DEBUG
            //                    {
            //                        if (writeOutput)
            //                        {
            //                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TrackedMissingBody Count after Removing expired missing bodies {0}", TrackedBodiesMissing.Count());

            //                            if (TrackedBodiesCount != TrackedBodies.Where(tb => tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId != 0).Count())
            //                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TrackedBodyCount changed from {0} to {1}", TrackedBodiesCount, TrackedBodies.Where(tb => tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId != 0).Count());
            //                        }
            //                    }
            #endregion debug output
            #endregion clean up Missing Bodies
Esempio n. 6
        public void ManageHijackedBodies()
            var writeOutput = false;

            #region handle body Hi jacking
            //handle when a body walks in front of another body and takes the initial bodies body
            //when this occurs the initial body may get it's body back or the initial body will eventually get a new body

            var hijackedBodies = _trackedBodies.Where(tb => tb.Key.DetectBodyHijack(tb.Value.Joints[BodyPositionJoint].Position)
                                                    && !_trackedBodiesHijacked.Any(tbHijacked => tbHijacked.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId)
                                                    && !_trackedBodiesMissing.Any(tbMissing => tbMissing.CurrentPlayerTrackingId == tb.Key.CurrentPlayerTrackingId));

            if (hijackedBodies != null && hijackedBodies.Count() > 0)
                if (writeOutput)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Body Hijack Detected for BodyTrackingId:{0}", hijackedBodies.First().Value.TrackingId);

                foreach (var hijackedBody in hijackedBodies)
                    if (!_trackedBodiesHijacked.Contains(hijackedBody.Key))
                        var newHijackedBody = new TrackedBody(this)
                            BodyPosition = new CameraSpacePoint() { X = hijackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.X, Y = hijackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Y, Z = hijackedBody.Key.BodyPosition.Z },

                        foreach (var trackedPlayerId in hijackedBody.Key.PlayerTrackingIds)
                        newHijackedBody.TimeWentMissing = DateTime.Now;


            #endregion handle body Hi jacking