void SendToServer(HardFile h) { if (Connected) { while (h.NeedToStream) { byte[] buff = h.StreamBytes(); Array.Resize(ref buff, sck.SendBufferSize); sck.Send(buff); Debug.WriteLine("Sent: {0}/{1} ( {2} % )", h.BytesSent, h.Information.Length, ((float)h.BytesSent / (float)h.Information.Length) * 100); Program.pMain.SetStatusText("Sent " + ((float)h.BytesSent / (float)h.Information.Length) * 100 + " % of file " + h.ShortName); } lvQueue.Items.RemoveByKey(h.Information.Name); } }
private void SendToServer(object h) { if (Connected && h is HardFile) { HardFile _h = (HardFile)h; while (_h.NeedToStream) { byte[] buff = _h.StreamBytes(); Array.Resize(ref buff, sck.SendBufferSize); sck.Send(buff); Debug.WriteLine("Sent: {0}/{1} ( {2} % )", _h.BytesSent, _h.Information.Length, ((float)_h.BytesSent / (float)_h.Information.Length) * 100); Program.pMain.SetStatusText("Sent " + ((float)_h.BytesSent / (float)_h.Information.Length) * 100 + " % of file " + _h.ShortName); } lvQueue.Items.RemoveByKey(_h.Information.Name); } else { throw new Exception("Either not connected, or tried to send something that wasnt of type <HardFile>"); } }