Esempio n. 1
        // Restricts the movement of the player to the screen size
        public static void RestrictMovement(GraphicsDevice graphics, Player ninja)
            // Current screen dimensions
            int screenWidth = graphics.Viewport.Width;
            int screenHeight = graphics.Viewport.Height;

            // Cannot move beyond the left side
            if (ninja.PositionX <= 0)
                ninja.PositionX = 0;

            // Cannot move beyond the right side
            if (ninja.PositionX + ninja.Texture.Width >= screenWidth)
                ninja.PositionX = screenWidth - ninja.Texture.Width;

            // Cannot move beyond the top
            if (ninja.PositionY <= 0)
                ninja.PositionY = 0;

            // Cannot move beyond the bottom
            if (ninja.PositionY + ninja.Texture.Height >= screenHeight)
                ninja.PositionY = screenHeight - ninja.Texture.Height;
Esempio n. 2
        // Adds an attack when the attack button is pressed accompanied by sound and animation
        public static void AttackAdd(ContentManager Content, Player ninja, List<PlayerAttack> ninjaAttacks, 
            KeyboardState presentKey, KeyboardState pastKey,
            GamePadState pressentButton, GamePadState pastButton)
            if (presentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && pastKey.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space)
                || pressentButton.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A) && pastButton.IsButtonUp(Buttons.A))
                // if the attack button is pressed a new attack will be added to the list
                ninjaAttacks.Add(new PlayerAttack(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images\\Attack"),
                    new Vector2(ninja.PositionX + (int)(ninja.Texture.Width * 0.8),
                    ninja.PositionY + (int)(ninja.Texture.Height / 2.25))));

                // A sound effect will be played each time we press the attack button


            // The animation texture of the character will change with each attack
            if (presentKey.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || pressentButton.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A))
                ninja.Texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images\\NinjaFrame1-2");
                ninja.Texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images\\NinjaFrame1-1");
        public static void CollisionEnemyFireBallsToPlayer(ContentManager Content, Player ninja, List<EnemyAttack> fireBalls, List<Explosion> explosions)
            // Rectangle of the player character
            Rectangle ninjaRectangle = new Rectangle((int)ninja.PositionX - 55,
                   (int)ninja.PositionY + 60, ninja.Texture.Width,
                   ninja.Texture.Height / 2);

            // Going through each enemy fireball
            for (int index = 0; index < fireBalls.Count; index++)
                // Creating a rectangle that represents the desired hit box of the current fireball
                Rectangle fireBall = new Rectangle((int)fireBalls[index].Position.X,
                    (int)(fireBalls[index].Position.Y + 50), fireBalls[index].Texture.Width / 2,
                    fireBalls[index].Texture.Height / 2);

                // If the hit boxes intersect
                if (ninjaRectangle.Intersects(fireBall))
                    // Generate a new explosions on the current position
                    explosions.Add(new Explosion(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images\\Boom2"),
                        Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound\\Glock"), new Vector2(fireBalls[index].Position.X,
                        fireBalls[index].Position.Y), new Vector2(fireBalls[index].VelocityX + 3, 0)));

                    // Play sound for the explosion
                    explosions[explosions.Count - 1].PlaySound();

                    // remove the fireball that was hit
                    index--;   // reduce the fireball index
Esempio n. 4
 // Draws the player character and every attack thats been generated
 public static void DrawNinjaAndAttacks(Player ninja, List<PlayerAttack> ninjaAttacks, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont font)
     spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Lives " +, new Vector2(10, 10), Color.Black);
     foreach (var attack in ninjaAttacks)
Esempio n. 5
        // Updates the position of each individual player attacks and removes it if its off screen
        public static void AttackUpdate(GraphicsDevice graphics,Player ninja, List<PlayerAttack> ninjaAttacks,
            KeyboardState presentKey, KeyboardState pastKey,
            GamePadState pressentButton, GamePadState pastButton)
            foreach (var attack in ninjaAttacks)

            for (int index = 0; index < ninjaAttacks.Count; index++)
                if (ninjaAttacks[index].Position.X > graphics.Viewport.Width +
                    // if the attack is off screen it will be removed from the list