public void Setup(BaseGame game, BaseAI ai) { this.Game = game; this.AI = ai; this.GameManager = new GameManager(game, ai); }
public GameManager(BaseGame game, BaseAI ai) { this.Game = game; this.AI = ai; this.GameObjects = this.Game.GameObjects; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var argParser = new ArgParser(args, "Runs the C# client with options. Must a provide a game name to play on the server.", new ArgParser.Argument[] { new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "game" }, "game", "the name of the game you want to play on the server", true), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "-s", "--server" }, "server", "the url to the server you want to connect to e.g. locahost:3000", false, ""), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "-p", "--port" }, "port", "the port to connect to on the server. Can be defined on the server arg via server:port", false, 3000), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "-n", "--name" }, "name", "the name you want to use as your AI\'s player name. This over-rides the name you set in your code"), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "-i", "--index" }, "index", "the player number you want to be, with 0 being the first player", false, -1), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "-r", "--session" }, "requestedSession", "the requested game session you want to play on the server", false, "*"), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "-w", "--password" }, "password", "the password required for authentication on official servers"), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "--gameSettings" }, "gameSettings", "Any settings for the game server to force. Must be url parms formatted (key=value&otherKey=otherValue)"), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "--aiSettings" }, "aiSettings", "Any settings for the AI. Delimit pairs by an ampersand (key=value&otherKey=otherValue)"), new ArgParser.Argument(new string[] { "--printIO" }, "printIO", "(debugging) print IO through the TCP socket to the terminal", false, null, ArgParser.Argument.Store.True), }, (int)ErrorHandler.ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGS); string gameAlias = argParser.GetValue <string>("game"); string server = argParser.GetValue <string>("server"); string playerName = argParser.GetValue <string>("name"); int playerIndex = argParser.GetValue <int>("index"); string requestedSession = argParser.GetValue <string>("requestedSession"); string password = argParser.GetValue <string>("password"); string aiSettings = argParser.GetValue <string>("aiSettings"); string gameSettings = argParser.GetValue <string>("gameSettings"); int port = argParser.GetValue <int>("port"); bool printIO = argParser.GetValue <bool>("printIO"); if (server.Contains(":")) { var split = server.Split(':'); server = split[0]; port = Int32.Parse(split[1]); } Client client = Client.Instance; client.Connect(server, port, printIO); client.Send("alias", gameAlias); string gameName = client.WaitForEvent("named").ToString(); BaseGame game = null; try { Type gameType = Type.GetType("Joueur.cs.Games." + gameName + ".Game"); game = (BaseGame)Activator.CreateInstance(gameType, true); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorHandler.HandleError(ErrorHandler.ErrorCode.GAME_NOT_FOUND, exception, "Could create Game for game name '" + gameName + "'"); } BaseAI ai = null; try { Type aiType = Type.GetType("Joueur.cs.Games." + gameName + ".AI"); ai = (BaseAI)Activator.CreateInstance(aiType, true); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorHandler.HandleError(ErrorHandler.ErrorCode.AI_ERRORED, exception, "Could create AI for game name '" + gameName + "'"); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("Connecting to: " + server + ":" + port); Console.ResetColor(); client.Setup(game, ai); typeof(BaseAI).GetMethod("SetSettings", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(ai, new object[] { aiSettings }); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerName)) { playerName = ai.GetName(); } client.Send("play", new ServerMessages.SendPlay { playerName = playerName, playerIndex = playerIndex, gameName = gameName, password = password, gameSettings = gameSettings, requestedSession = requestedSession } ); var lobbiedData = (ServerMessages.LobbiedData)client.WaitForEvent("lobbied"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("In lobby for game '" + lobbiedData.gameName + "' in session '" + lobbiedData.gameSession + "'."); Console.ResetColor(); // hackish way to set the client in the game. we don't want to expose public methods that competitors may see via intellisense and try to use client.GameManager.SetConstants(lobbiedData.constants); var startData = (ServerMessages.StartData)client.WaitForEvent("start"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Game is starting."); Console.ResetColor(); // set the AI's game and player via reflection try { ai.GetType().GetField("Game").SetValue(ai, game); ai.GetType().GetField("Player").SetValue(ai, game.GameObjects[startData.playerID]); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorHandler.HandleError(ErrorHandler.ErrorCode.REFLECTION_FAILED, exception, "Could not set the Game and Player for the AI during game startup."); } try { ai.Start(); ai.GameUpdated(); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorHandler.HandleError(ErrorHandler.ErrorCode.AI_ERRORED, exception, "AI errored during initial game start."); } client.Play(); }