protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { connection.Open(); string pid; //uid = (string)Session["uid"]; pid = (string)Request.QueryString["pid"]; string sql = "insert into notification(rid,uid,not_text,not_date,status,not_flag,user_flag)" + "values(" + Session["uid"] + "," + Request.QueryString["uid"] + ",'A Job Invitation from Recruiter',GETDATE(),'UNREAD',2,2)"; SqlCommand sqlcommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); int x = sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sql = "insert into invitations(rid,uid,message,status)" + "values(" + Session["uid"] + "," + Request.QueryString["uid"] + ",'" + txtMsg.Text + "','PENDING')"; sqlcommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); x = sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); bool b = new NetworkCom().SendEmail(getEmailFromUid(uid), "Job Application", "You have applied to job recently"); bool a = new NetworkCom().SendEmail(getEmailFromUidRecruiter(getRidFromPid(pid)), "Job Application", "A User has applied to your job recently"); connection.Close(); if (x > 0) { Response.Write("<Script>alert('Invitation sent Successfully '); window.location('ViewApplications.aspx?pid=" + Request.QueryString["pid"] + "');</Script>"); } else { Response.Write("<Script>alert('Unable to Invite');</Script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uid, pid; uid = (string)Session["uid"]; pid = (string)Request.QueryString["pid"]; if (isAlreadyApplied(uid, pid) > 0) { Response.Write("<Script>alert('You have already applied to this job');window.location='jobrecommended.aspx'</Script>"); } else { string sql = "insert into ApplyJob(uid,pid)" + "values(" + uid + "," + pid + ")"; connection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlcommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); int x = sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sql = "insert into notification(rid,uid,not_text,not_date,status,not_flag,user_flag)" + "values(" + getRidFromPid(pid) + "," + uid + ",'A user has applied to job',GETDATE(),'UNREAD',1,1)"; sqlcommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); x = sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); bool b = new NetworkCom().SendEmail(getEmailFromUid(uid), "Job Application", "You have applied to job recently"); bool a = new NetworkCom().SendEmail(getEmailFromUidRecruiter(getRidFromPid(pid)), "Job Application", "A User has applied to your job recently"); connection.Close(); if (x > 0) { Response.Write("<Script>alert('You have applied to this job successfully');window.location='jobrecommended.aspx'</Script>"); } else { Response.Write("<Script>alert('Unable to Apply');</Script>"); } } }