public JsFunction New(Delegate d) { JsFunction constructor = (JsFunction) new ClrFunction(d, this.PrototypeProperty); constructor.PrototypeProperty = this.Global.ObjectClass.New(constructor); return(constructor); }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base(global.ObjectClass.New()) { = global; // Add the named parameters for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(arguments.Length, callee.Arguments.Count); i++) { ValueDescriptor d = new ValueDescriptor(this, i < callee.Arguments.Count ? callee.Arguments[i] : i.ToString()) { Attributes = PropertyAttributes.DontDelete }; d.Set(this, i < arguments.Length ? arguments[i] : JsUndefined.Instance); this.DefineOwnProperty(i.ToString(), d); } length = arguments.Length; calleeDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor(this, CALLEE) { Attributes = PropertyAttributes.DontEnum }; DefineOwnProperty(CALLEE, calleeDescriptor); calleeDescriptor.Set(this, callee); DefineOwnProperty("length", new PropertyDescriptor <JsArguments>(global, this, "length", GetLength) { Attributes = PropertyAttributes.DontEnum }); }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base() { this.args = arguments; = global; Prototype = global.ObjectClass.New(); // Add the named parameters for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(arguments.Length, callee.Arguments.Count); i++) { ValueDescriptor d = new ValueDescriptor(this, i < callee.Arguments.Count ? callee.Arguments[i] : i.ToString()); d.Set(this, i < arguments.Length ? arguments[i] : JsUndefined.Instance); if (i < callee.Arguments.Count) { this.DefineOwnProperty(callee.Arguments[i], d); } this.DefineOwnProperty(i.ToString(), d); } length = arguments.Length; calleeDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor(this, "callee"); DefineOwnProperty("callee", calleeDescriptor); calleeDescriptor.Set(this, callee); DefineOwnProperty("length", new PropertyDescriptor <JsArguments>(global, this, "length", GetLength)); DefineOwnProperty("array", new PropertyDescriptor <JsArguments>(global, this, "array", GetArray)); }
public JsFunction New() { JsFunction constructor = new JsFunction(this.PrototypeProperty); constructor.PrototypeProperty = this.Global.ObjectClass.New(constructor); return(constructor); }
public JsFunction New <T>(Func <T, JsInstance[], JsInstance> impl, int length) where T : JsInstance { JsFunction constructor = (JsFunction) new ClrImplDefinition <T>(impl, length, this.PrototypeProperty); constructor.PrototypeProperty = this.Global.ObjectClass.New(constructor); return(constructor); }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base() { this.args = arguments; = global; Prototype = global.ObjectClass.New(); // Add the named parameters for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(arguments.Length, callee.Arguments.Count); i++) { ValueDescriptor d = new ValueDescriptor(this, i < callee.Arguments.Count ? callee.Arguments[i] : i.ToString()); d.Set(this, i < arguments.Length ? arguments[i] : JsUndefined.Instance); if (i < callee.Arguments.Count) this.DefineOwnProperty(callee.Arguments[i], d); this.DefineOwnProperty(i.ToString(), d); } length = arguments.Length; calleeDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor(this, "callee"); DefineOwnProperty("callee", calleeDescriptor); calleeDescriptor.Set(this, callee); DefineOwnProperty("length", new PropertyDescriptor<JsArguments>(global, this, "length", GetLength)); DefineOwnProperty("array", new PropertyDescriptor<JsArguments>(global, this, "array", GetArray)); }
public override JsInstance Execute( IJintVisitor visitor, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsFunction function = that as JsFunction; if (function == null) { throw new ArgumentException("the target of call() must be a function"); } JsDictionaryObject _this = parameters.Length < 1 || parameters[0] == JsUndefined.Instance || parameters[0] == JsNull.Instance ? visitor.Global as JsDictionaryObject : parameters[0] as JsDictionaryObject; JsInstance[] _parameters; if (parameters.Length >= 2 && parameters[1] != JsNull.Instance) { _parameters = new JsInstance[parameters.Length - 1]; for (int index = 1; index < parameters.Length; ++index) { _parameters[index - 1] = parameters[index]; } } else { _parameters = JsInstance.EMPTY; } visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, _this, _parameters); return(visitor.Result); }
public override JsObject Construct(JsInstance[] parameters, Type[] genericArgs, IJintVisitor visitor) { JsFunction instance = New(); instance.Arguments = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length - 1; i++) { string arg = parameters[i].ToString(); foreach (string a in arg.Split(',')) { instance.Arguments.Add(a.Trim()); } } if (parameters.Length >= 1) { Program p = JintEngine.Compile(parameters[parameters.Length - 1].Value.ToString(), visitor.DebugMode); instance.Statement = new BlockStatement() { Statements = p.Statements }; } return(instance); }
public JsFunction New() { JsFunction function = new JsFunction(PrototypeProperty); function.PrototypeProperty = Global.ObjectClass.New(function); return(function); }
public override JsInstance Execute( IJintVisitor visitor, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsFunction function = that as JsFunction; if (function == null) { throw new ArgumentException("the target of call() must be a function"); } JsDictionaryObject _this = parameters.Length < 1 || parameters[0] == JsUndefined.Instance || parameters[0] == JsNull.Instance ? visitor.Global as JsDictionaryObject : parameters[0] as JsDictionaryObject; JsInstance[] _parameters; if (parameters.Length >= 2 && parameters[1] != JsNull.Instance) { JsObject parameter = parameters[1] as JsObject; if (parameter == null) { throw new JsException((JsInstance)visitor.Global.TypeErrorClass.New("second argument must be an array")); } _parameters = new JsInstance[parameter.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < parameter.Length; ++index) { _parameters[index] = parameter[index.ToString()]; } } else { _parameters = JsInstance.EMPTY; } visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, _this, _parameters); return(visitor.Result); }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base(global.ObjectClass.New()) { = global; // Add the named parameters for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { this.DefineOwnProperty( new ValueDescriptor(this, i.ToString(), arguments[i]) { Enumerable = false } ); } length = arguments.Length; calleeDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor(this, CALLEE, callee) { Enumerable = false }; DefineOwnProperty(calleeDescriptor); DefineOwnProperty(new PropertyDescriptor <JsArguments>(global, this, "length", GetLength) { Enumerable = false }); }
public JsInstance ToStringImpl(JsArray target, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsArray jsArray = this.Global.ArrayClass.New(); for (int index = 0; index < target.Length; ++index) { JsDictionaryObject _this = (JsDictionaryObject)target[index.ToString()]; if (ExecutionVisitor.IsNullOrUndefined((JsInstance)_this)) { jsArray[index.ToString()] = (JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(); } else { JsFunction function = _this["toString"] as JsFunction; if (function != null) { this.Global.Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, _this, parameters); jsArray[index.ToString()] = this.Global.Visitor.Returned; } else { jsArray[index.ToString()] = (JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(); } } } return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(jsArray.ToString())); }
public override JsObject Construct( JsInstance[] parameters, Type[] genericArgs, IJintVisitor visitor) { JsFunction jsFunction = this.New(); jsFunction.Arguments = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < parameters.Length - 1; ++index) { string str1 = parameters[index].ToString(); char[] chArray = new char[1] { ',' }; foreach (string str2 in str1.Split(chArray)) { jsFunction.Arguments.Add(str2.Trim()); } } if (parameters.Length >= 1) { Program program = JintEngine.Compile(parameters[parameters.Length - 1].Value.ToString(), visitor.DebugMode); jsFunction.Statement = (Statement) new BlockStatement() { Statements = program.Statements }; } return((JsObject)jsFunction); }
public JsFunction New() { JsFunction function = new JsFunction(); function.Prototype = Global.ObjectClass.New(function); function.Scope.Prototype = Prototype; return(function); }
public void DefineProperty(int index, JsFunction @delegate, int argumentCount, PropertyAttributes attributes) { EnsurePropertyStore(); PropertyStore.DefineProperty( index, Global.CreateFunction(Global.GetIdentifier(index), @delegate, argumentCount), attributes ); }
public JsDelegate(string name, JsFunction @delegate, int argumentCount) { if (@delegate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("delegate"); Name = name; Delegate = @delegate; ArgumentCount = argumentCount; }
/// <summary> /// Creates new JsObject, sets a [[Prototype]] to the Prototype parameter and a 'constructor' property to the specified function. /// </summary> /// <param name="constructor">JsFunction which is used as a constructor</param> /// <param name="Prototype">JsObjetc which is used as a prototype</param> /// <returns>new object</returns> public JsObject New(JsFunction constructor, JsObject Prototype) { JsObject obj = new JsObject(Prototype); obj.DefineOwnProperty(new ValueDescriptor(obj, CONSTRUCTOR, constructor) { Enumerable = false }); return(obj); }
public JsObject New(JsFunction constructor, JsObject Prototype) { JsObject jsObject1 = new JsObject(Prototype); JsObject jsObject2 = jsObject1; ValueDescriptor valueDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor((JsDictionaryObject)jsObject1, JsFunction.CONSTRUCTOR, (JsInstance)constructor); valueDescriptor.Enumerable = false; jsObject2.DefineOwnProperty((Descriptor)valueDescriptor); return(jsObject1); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a JsInstance object to its CLR equivalence /// </summary> /// <param name="parameter">The object to convert</param> /// <returns>A CLR object</returns> public static object ConvertParameter(JsInstance parameter) { if (parameter.Class != JsFunction.TYPEOF && parameter.Class != JsArray.TYPEOF) { return(parameter.Value); } else if (parameter == JsNull.Instance) { return(null); } else { if (parameter.IsClr) { return(parameter.Value); } JsFunction constructor = ((JsDictionaryObject)parameter)["constructor"] as JsFunction; if (constructor == null) { return(parameter); } switch (constructor.Name) { case "Date": return(JsDateConstructor.CreateDateTime(parameter.ToNumber())); case "String": case "RegExp": case "Number": return(parameter.Value); case "Array": case "Object": if (parameter.Class == JsFunction.TYPEOF) { return(parameter); } object[] array = new object[((JsObject)parameter).Length]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsInstance> key in (JsObject)parameter) { int index; if (int.TryParse(key.Key, out index)) { array[index] = ConvertParameters(key.Value)[0]; } } return(new System.Collections.ArrayList(array)); default: return(parameter); } } }
public void DefineAccessor(int index, JsFunction getter, JsFunction setter, PropertyAttributes attributes) { var getterObject = getter != null ? Global.CreateFunction(null, getter, 0) : null; var setterObject = setter != null ? Global.CreateFunction(null, setter, 1) : null; DefineAccessor(index, getterObject, setterObject, attributes); }
public JsObject CreateNakedFunction(string name, JsFunction @delegate, int argumentCount, JsObject prototype, bool isClr) { // Prototype is set to the created object from the CreateFunction // above; prototype here is "Result(9)" // 11. Set the prototype property of F to Result(9). This property is given attributes as specified in section var result = CreateObject(null, prototype, new JsDelegate(name, @delegate, argumentCount)); result.SetClass(JsNames.ClassFunction); result.IsClr = isClr; return result; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsInstance Sort(JsObject target, JsInstance[] parameters) { if (target.Length <= 1) { return(target); } JsFunction compare = null; // Compare function defined if (parameters.Length > 0) { compare = parameters[0] as JsFunction; } var values = new List <JsInstance>(); var length = (int)target["length"].ToNumber(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { values.Add(target[i.ToString()]); } if (compare != null) { try { values.Sort(new JsComparer(Global.Visitor, compare)); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException is JsException) { throw e.InnerException; } throw; } } else { values.Sort(); } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { target[i.ToString()] = values[i]; } return(target); }
public JsGlobal(ExecutionVisitor visitor, Options options) : base((JsObject)JsNull.Instance) { this.Options = options; this.Visitor = (IJintVisitor)visitor; this["null"] = (JsInstance)JsNull.Instance; JsObject jsObject = new JsObject((JsObject)JsNull.Instance); JsFunction jsFunction = (JsFunction) new JsFunctionWrapper((Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>)(arguments => (JsInstance)JsUndefined.Instance), jsObject); this["Function"] = (JsInstance)(this.FunctionClass = new JsFunctionConstructor((IGlobal)this, (JsObject)jsFunction)); this["Object"] = (JsInstance)(this.ObjectClass = new JsObjectConstructor((IGlobal)this, (JsObject)jsFunction, jsObject)); this.ObjectClass.InitPrototype((IGlobal)this); this["Array"] = (JsInstance)(this.ArrayClass = new JsArrayConstructor((IGlobal)this)); this["Boolean"] = (JsInstance)(this.BooleanClass = new JsBooleanConstructor((IGlobal)this)); this["Date"] = (JsInstance)(this.DateClass = new JsDateConstructor((IGlobal)this)); this["Error"] = (JsInstance)(this.ErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "Error")); this["EvalError"] = (JsInstance)(this.EvalErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "EvalError")); this["RangeError"] = (JsInstance)(this.RangeErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "RangeError")); this["ReferenceError"] = (JsInstance)(this.ReferenceErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "ReferenceError")); this["SyntaxError"] = (JsInstance)(this.SyntaxErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "SyntaxError")); this["TypeError"] = (JsInstance)(this.TypeErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "TypeError")); this["URIError"] = (JsInstance)(this.URIErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor((IGlobal)this, "URIError")); this["Number"] = (JsInstance)(this.NumberClass = new JsNumberConstructor((IGlobal)this)); this["RegExp"] = (JsInstance)(this.RegExpClass = new JsRegExpConstructor((IGlobal)this)); this["String"] = (JsInstance)(this.StringClass = new JsStringConstructor((IGlobal)this)); this["Math"] = (JsInstance)(this.MathClass = new JsMathConstructor((IGlobal)this)); foreach (JsInstance jsInstance in this.GetValues()) { if (jsInstance is JsConstructor) { ((JsConstructor)jsInstance).InitPrototype((IGlobal)this); } } this[nameof(NaN)] = this.NumberClass[nameof(NaN)]; this["Infinity"] = this.NumberClass["POSITIVE_INFINITY"]; this["undefined"] = (JsInstance)JsUndefined.Instance; this[JsScope.THIS] = (JsInstance)this; this["eval"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.Eval), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["parseInt"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.ParseInt), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["parseFloat"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.ParseFloat), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["isNaN"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.IsNaN), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["isFinite"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.isFinite), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["decodeURI"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.DecodeURI), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["encodeURI"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.EncodeURI), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["decodeURIComponent"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.DecodeURIComponent), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this["encodeURIComponent"] = (JsInstance) new JsFunctionWrapper(new Func <JsInstance[], JsInstance>(this.EncodeURIComponent), this.FunctionClass.PrototypeProperty); this.Marshaller = new Marshaller((IGlobal)this); this.Marshaller.InitTypes(); }
public JsObject CreateFunction(string name, JsFunction @delegate, int argumentCount) { // The CreateObject here is because of 13.2; this is "Result(9)": // 9. Create a new object as would be constructed by the expression new Object(). var prototype = CreateObject(FunctionClass.Prototype); var result = CreateNakedFunction(name, @delegate, argumentCount, prototype, false); // Constructor on the prototype links back to the result of CreateFunction: // 10. Set the constructor property of Result(9) to F. This property is given attributes { DontEnum }. prototype.DefineProperty(Id.constructor, result, PropertyAttributes.DontEnum); return result; }
public JsFunctionDelegate(IJintVisitor visitor, JsFunction function, JsDictionaryObject that,Type delegateType) { if (visitor == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("visitor"); if (function == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("function"); if (delegateType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("delegateType"); if (!typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(delegateType)) throw new ArgumentException("A delegate type is required", "delegateType"); m_visitor = visitor; m_function = function; m_delegateType = delegateType; m_that = that; m_marshaller = visitor.Global.Marshaller; }
public override JsInstance Execute(IJintVisitor visitor, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsFunction function = that as JsFunction; if (function == null) { throw new ArgumentException("the target of call() must be a function"); } JsDictionaryObject _this; JsInstance[] _parameters; if (parameters.Length >= 1 && parameters[0] != JsUndefined.Instance && parameters[0] != JsNull.Instance) { _this = parameters[0] as JsDictionaryObject; } else { _this = visitor.Global as JsDictionaryObject; } if (parameters.Length >= 2 && parameters[1] != JsNull.Instance) { JsObject arguments = parameters[1] as JsObject; if (arguments == null) { throw new JsException(visitor.Global.TypeErrorClass.New("second argument must be an array")); } _parameters = new JsInstance[arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { _parameters[i] = arguments[i.ToString()]; } } else { _parameters = JsInstance.EMPTY; } // Executes the statements in 'that' and use _this as the target of the call visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, _this, _parameters); return(visitor.Result); //visitor.CallFunction(function, _this, _parameters); //return visitor.Result; }
// and public JsInstance ToStringImpl(JsDictionaryObject target, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsFunction constructor = target.Prototype["constructor"] as JsFunction; if (target.Class == JsFunction.TYPEOF) { return(Global.StringClass.New(String.Concat("[object Function]"))); } if (constructor == null) { return(Global.StringClass.New(String.Concat("[object Object]"))); } else { return(Global.StringClass.New(String.Concat("[object ", constructor.Name, "]"))); } }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base(global.ObjectClass.New()) { = global; // Add the named parameters for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length ; i++) this.DefineOwnProperty( new ValueDescriptor(this, i.ToString(), arguments[i]) { Enumerable = false } ); length = arguments.Length; calleeDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor(this, CALLEE, callee) { Enumerable = false }; DefineOwnProperty(calleeDescriptor); DefineOwnProperty(new PropertyDescriptor<JsArguments>(global, this, "length", GetLength) { Enumerable = false }); }
public JsFunction New(Delegate d) { if (d == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } //JsFunction function = new ClrFunction(d, PrototypeProperty); JsMethodImpl impl = Global.Marshaller.WrapMethod(d.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"), false); JsObject wrapper = new JsObject(d, JsNull.Instance); JsFunction function = New <JsInstance>((that, args) => impl(Global, wrapper, args)); function.PrototypeProperty = Global.ObjectClass.New(function); //function.Scope = new JsScope(PrototypeProperty); return(function); }
public JsInstance Sort(JsObject target, JsInstance[] parameters) { if (target.Length <= 1) { return((JsInstance)target); } JsFunction function = (JsFunction)null; if ((uint)parameters.Length > 0U) { function = parameters[0] as JsFunction; } List <JsInstance> jsInstanceList = new List <JsInstance>(); int number = (int)target["length"].ToNumber(); for (int index = 0; index < number; ++index) { jsInstanceList.Add(target[index.ToString()]); } if (function != null) { try { jsInstanceList.Sort((IComparer <JsInstance>) new JsComparer(this.Global.Visitor, function)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException is JsException) { throw ex.InnerException; } throw; } } else { jsInstanceList.Sort(); } for (int index = 0; index < number; ++index) { target[index.ToString()] = jsInstanceList[index]; } return((JsInstance)target); }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base(global.ObjectClass.New()) { = global; // Add the named parameters for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(arguments.Length, callee.Arguments.Count); i++) { ValueDescriptor d = new ValueDescriptor(this, i < callee.Arguments.Count ? callee.Arguments[i] : i.ToString()) { Attributes = PropertyAttributes.DontDelete }; d.Set(this, i < arguments.Length ? arguments[i] : JsUndefined.Instance); this.DefineOwnProperty(i.ToString(), d); } length = arguments.Length; calleeDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor(this, CALLEE) { Attributes = PropertyAttributes.DontEnum }; DefineOwnProperty(CALLEE, calleeDescriptor); calleeDescriptor.Set(this, callee); DefineOwnProperty("length", new PropertyDescriptor<JsArguments>(global, this, "length", GetLength) { Attributes = PropertyAttributes.DontEnum }); }
public JsArguments(IGlobal global, JsFunction callee, JsInstance[] arguments) : base(global.ObjectClass.New()) { = global; for (int index = 0; index < arguments.Length; ++index) { ValueDescriptor valueDescriptor = new ValueDescriptor((JsDictionaryObject)this, index.ToString(), arguments[index]); valueDescriptor.Enumerable = false; this.DefineOwnProperty((Descriptor)valueDescriptor); } this.length = arguments.Length; ValueDescriptor valueDescriptor1 = new ValueDescriptor((JsDictionaryObject)this, nameof(callee), (JsInstance)callee); valueDescriptor1.Enumerable = false; this.calleeDescriptor = valueDescriptor1; this.DefineOwnProperty((Descriptor)this.calleeDescriptor); PropertyDescriptor <JsArguments> propertyDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor <JsArguments>(global, (JsDictionaryObject)this, nameof(length), new Func <JsArguments, JsInstance>(this.GetLength)); propertyDescriptor.Enumerable = false; this.DefineOwnProperty((Descriptor)propertyDescriptor); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsInstance ToStringImpl(JsArray target, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsArray result = Global.ArrayClass.New(); for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++) { var obj = (JsDictionaryObject)target[i.ToString()]; JsFunction function = obj["toString"] as JsFunction; if (function != null) { Global.Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, obj, parameters); result[i.ToString()] = Global.Visitor.Returned; } else { result[i.ToString()] = null; } } return(Global.StringClass.New(result.ToString())); }
public override JsInstance Execute(IJintVisitor visitor, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { JsFunction function = that as JsFunction; if (function == null) { throw new ArgumentException("the target of call() must be a function"); } JsDictionaryObject _this; JsInstance[] _parameters; if (parameters.Length >= 1 && parameters[0] != JsUndefined.Instance && parameters[0] != JsNull.Instance) { _this = parameters[0] as JsDictionaryObject; } else { _this = visitor.Global as JsDictionaryObject; } if (parameters.Length >= 2 && parameters[1] != JsNull.Instance) { _parameters = new JsInstance[parameters.Length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < parameters.Length; i++) { _parameters[i - 1] = parameters[i]; } } else { _parameters = JsInstance.EMPTY; } // Executes the statements in 'that' and use _this as the target of the call visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, _this, _parameters); return(visitor.Result); //visitor.CallFunction(function, _this, _parameters); //return visitor.Result; }
public override JsInstance Execute( IJintVisitor visitor, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { try { JsInstance result; if (this.hasParameters) { result = this.impl.DynamicInvoke((object)that, (object)parameters) as JsInstance; } else { result = this.impl.DynamicInvoke((object)that) as JsInstance; } visitor.Return(result); return(result); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { throw ex.InnerException; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { JsFunction jsFunction = that["constructor"] as JsFunction; throw new JsException((JsInstance)visitor.Global.TypeErrorClass.New("incompatible type: " + (object)jsFunction == null ? "<unknown>" : jsFunction.Name)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException is JsException) { throw ex.InnerException; } throw; } }
public JsInstance ReplaceImpl(JsDictionaryObject target, JsInstance[] parameters) { if (parameters.Length == 0) { return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(target.ToString())); } JsInstance parameter = parameters[0]; JsInstance jsInstance = (JsInstance)JsUndefined.Instance; if (parameters.Length > 1) { jsInstance = parameters[1]; } string source = target.ToString(); JsFunction function = jsInstance as JsFunction; if (parameter.Class == "RegExp") { int count = ((JsRegExp)parameters[0]).IsGlobal ? int.MaxValue : 1; JsRegExp regexp = (JsRegExp)parameters[0]; int startat = regexp.IsGlobal ? 0 : Math.Max(0, (int)regexp["lastIndex"].ToNumber() - 1); if (regexp.IsGlobal) { regexp["lastIndex"] = (JsInstance)this.Global.NumberClass.New(0.0); } if (jsInstance is JsFunction) { return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(((JsRegExp)parameters[0]).Regex.Replace(source, (MatchEvaluator)(m => { List <JsInstance> jsInstanceList = new List <JsInstance>(); if (!regexp.IsGlobal) { regexp["lastIndex"] = (JsInstance)this.Global.NumberClass.New((double)(m.Index + 1)); } jsInstanceList.Add((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(m.Value)); for (int index = 1; index < m.Groups.Count; ++index) { if (m.Groups[index].Success) { jsInstanceList.Add((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(m.Groups[index].Value)); } else { jsInstanceList.Add((JsInstance)JsUndefined.Instance); } } jsInstanceList.Add((JsInstance)this.Global.NumberClass.New((double)m.Index)); jsInstanceList.Add((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(source)); this.Global.Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, (JsDictionaryObject)null, jsInstanceList.ToArray()); return this.Global.Visitor.Returned.ToString(); }), count, startat))); } string str = parameters[1].ToString(); return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(((JsRegExp)parameters[0]).Regex.Replace(target.ToString(), (MatchEvaluator)(m => { if (!regexp.IsGlobal) { regexp["lastIndex"] = (JsInstance)this.Global.NumberClass.New((double)(m.Index + 1)); } string after = source.Substring(Math.Min(source.Length - 1, m.Index + m.Length)); return JsStringConstructor.EvaluateReplacePattern(m.Value, source.Substring(0, m.Index), after, str, m.Groups); }), count, startat))); } string matched = parameter.ToString(); int length = source.IndexOf(matched); if (length == -1) { return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(source)); } if (jsInstance is JsFunction) { this.Global.Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, (JsDictionaryObject)null, new List <JsInstance>() { (JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(matched), (JsInstance)this.Global.NumberClass.New((double)length), (JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(source) }.ToArray()); JsInstance result = this.Global.Visitor.Result; return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(source.Substring(0, length) + result.ToString() + source.Substring(length + matched.Length))); } string before = source.Substring(0, length); string after1 = source.Substring(length + matched.Length); string replacePattern = JsStringConstructor.EvaluateReplacePattern(matched, before, after1, jsInstance.ToString(), (GroupCollection)null); return((JsInstance)this.Global.StringClass.New(before + replacePattern + after1)); }
public JsComparer(IJintVisitor visitor, JsFunction function) { this.Visitor = visitor; this.Function = function; }
public void ExecuteFunction(JsFunction function, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { if (function == null) { return; } JsScope functionScope = new JsScope(); JsArguments args = new JsArguments(Global, function, parameters); functionScope.Prototype = args; if (HasOption(Options.Strict)) functionScope.DefineOwnProperty(JsInstance.ARGUMENTS, args); else functionScope.Prototype.DefineOwnProperty(JsInstance.ARGUMENTS, args); if (that != null) functionScope.DefineOwnProperty(JsInstance.THIS, that); functionScope.Extensible = false; //for (int i = function.DeclaringScopes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) //{ // EnterScope(function.DeclaringScopes[i]); //} EnterScope(function); EnterScope(functionScope); try { PermissionSet.PermitOnly(); Result = function.Execute(this, that, parameters); // Resets the return flag if (exit) { exit = false; } } finally { ExitScope(); ExitScope(); CodeAccessPermission.RevertPermitOnly(); } }
public object CallFunction(JsFunction function, params object[] args) { Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, null, args.Select(x => Visitor.Global.Marshaller.MarshalClrValue<object>(x)).ToArray() //Array.ConvertAll<object,JsInstance>( args, x => Visitor.Global.Marshaller.MarshalClrValue<object>(x) ) ); return Visitor.Global.Marshaller.MarshalJsValue<object>(Visitor.Returned); }
public JintEngine SetFunction(string name, JsFunction function) { Visitor.GlobalScope[name] = function; return this; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="function">Function to exectue</param> /// <param name="that">Object to call the function on</param> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters of the execution</param> public void CallFunction(JsFunction function, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { function.Statement.Accept(this); }
public JsObject(JsFunction constructor) { Prototype = new JsObject(constructor.Prototype); }
public JsObject CreateNakedFunction(string name, JsFunction @delegate, int argumentCount, JsObject prototype) { return CreateNakedFunction(name, @delegate, argumentCount, prototype, false); }
public void ExecuteFunction(JsFunction function, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters) { ExecuteFunction(function, that, parameters, null); }
public JsObject CreateFunction(string name, JsFunction function, int parameterCount) { return Global.CreateFunction( name, function, parameterCount ); }
public void ExecuteFunction(JsFunction function, JsDictionaryObject that, JsInstance[] parameters, Type[] genericParameters) { if (function == null) { return; } if (recursionLevel++ > MaxRecursions) { throw new JsException(Global.ErrorClass.New("Too many recursions in the script.")); } // ecma chapter 10. // TODO: move creation of the activation object to the JsFunction // create new argument object and instantinate arguments into it JsArguments args = new JsArguments(Global, function, parameters); // create new activation object and copy instantinated arguments to it // Activation should be before the function.Scope hierarchy JsScope functionScope = new JsScope(function.Scope ?? GlobalScope); for (int i = 0; i < function.Arguments.Count; i++) if (i < parameters.Length) functionScope.DefineOwnProperty( new LinkedDescriptor( functionScope, function.Arguments[i], args.GetDescriptor(i.ToString()), args ) ); else functionScope.DefineOwnProperty( new ValueDescriptor( functionScope, function.Arguments[i], JsUndefined.Instance ) ); // define arguments variable if (HasOption(Options.Strict)) functionScope.DefineOwnProperty(JsScope.ARGUMENTS, args); else args.DefineOwnProperty(JsScope.ARGUMENTS, args); // set this variable if (that != null) functionScope.DefineOwnProperty(JsScope.THIS, that); else functionScope.DefineOwnProperty(JsScope.THIS, that = Global as JsObject); // enter activation object EnterScope(functionScope); try { PermissionSet.PermitOnly(); if (genericParameters != null && genericParameters.Length > 0) Result = function.Execute(this, that, parameters, genericParameters); else Result = function.Execute(this, that, parameters); // Resets the return flag if (exit) { exit = false; } } finally { // return to previous execution state ExitScope(); CodeAccessPermission.RevertPermitOnly(); recursionLevel--; } }
public object CallFunction(JsFunction function, params object[] args) { visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, null, JsClr.ConvertParametersBack(visitor, args)); return JsClr.ConvertParameter(visitor.Returned); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsInstance ReplaceImpl(JsDictionaryObject target, JsInstance[] parameters) { if (parameters.Length == 0) { return(Global.StringClass.New(target.ToString())); } JsInstance searchValue = parameters[0]; JsInstance replaceValue = JsUndefined.Instance; if (parameters.Length > 1) { replaceValue = parameters[1]; } string source = target.ToString(); JsFunction function = replaceValue as JsFunction; if (searchValue.Class == JsInstance.CLASS_REGEXP) { int count = ((JsRegExp)parameters[0]).IsGlobal ? int.MaxValue : 1; var regexp = ((JsRegExp)parameters[0]); int lastIndex = regexp.IsGlobal ? 0 : Math.Max(0, (int)regexp["lastIndex"].ToNumber() - 1); if (regexp.IsGlobal) { regexp["lastIndex"] = Global.NumberClass.New(0); } if (replaceValue is JsFunction) { string ret = ((JsRegExp)parameters[0]).Regex.Replace(source, delegate(Match m) { List <JsInstance> replaceParameters = new List <JsInstance>(); if (!regexp.IsGlobal) { regexp["lastIndex"] = Global.NumberClass.New(m.Index + 1); } replaceParameters.Add(Global.StringClass.New(m.Value)); for (int i = 1; i < m.Groups.Count; i++) { if (m.Groups[i].Success) { replaceParameters.Add(Global.StringClass.New(m.Groups[i].Value)); } else { replaceParameters.Add(JsUndefined.Instance); } } replaceParameters.Add(Global.NumberClass.New(m.Index)); replaceParameters.Add(Global.StringClass.New(source)); Global.Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, null, replaceParameters.ToArray()); return(Global.Visitor.Returned.ToString()); }, count, lastIndex); return(Global.StringClass.New(ret)); } else { string str = parameters[1].ToString(); string ret = ((JsRegExp)parameters[0]).Regex.Replace(target.ToString(), delegate(Match m) { if (!regexp.IsGlobal) { regexp["lastIndex"] = Global.NumberClass.New(m.Index + 1); } string after = source.Substring(Math.Min(source.Length - 1, m.Index + m.Length)); return(EvaluateReplacePattern(m.Value, source.Substring(0, m.Index), after, str, m.Groups)); }, count, lastIndex); return(Global.StringClass.New(ret)); } } else { string search = searchValue.ToString(); int index = source.IndexOf(search); if (index != -1) { if (replaceValue is JsFunction) { List <JsInstance> replaceParameters = new List <JsInstance>(); replaceParameters.Add(Global.StringClass.New(search)); replaceParameters.Add(Global.NumberClass.New(index)); replaceParameters.Add(Global.StringClass.New(source)); Global.Visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, null, replaceParameters.ToArray()); replaceValue = Global.Visitor.Result; return(Global.StringClass.New(source.Substring(0, index) + replaceValue.ToString() + source.Substring(index + search.Length))); } else { string before = source.Substring(0, index); string after = source.Substring(index + search.Length); string newString = EvaluateReplacePattern(search, before, after, replaceValue.ToString(), null); return(Global.StringClass.New(before + newString + after)); } } else { return(Global.StringClass.New(source)); } } }
public CallProxyFunction(JsFunction callee) { Callee = callee; }
/// <summary> /// Creates new JsObject, sets a [[Prototype]] to the Prototype parameter and a 'constructor' property to the specified function. /// </summary> /// <param name="constructor">JsFunction which is used as a constructor</param> /// <param name="Prototype">JsObjetc which is used as a prototype</param> /// <returns>new object</returns> public JsObject New(JsFunction constructor, JsObject Prototype) { JsObject obj = new JsObject(Prototype); obj.DefineOwnProperty(new ValueDescriptor(obj, CONSTRUCTOR, constructor) { Enumerable = false }); return obj; }
public object CallFunction(JsFunction function, params object[] args) { try { visitor.ExecuteFunction(function, null, JsClr.ConvertParametersBack(visitor, args)); return JsClr.ConvertParameter(visitor.Returned); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { string message = String.Format("{0}\n{1}: {2} in {3}" , e.InnerException.Message, moduleName, CurrentString, CurrentLine); throw new BitMobile.Utilities.Exceptions.JSException(message, e); } catch (BitMobile.Utilities.Exceptions.JsGlobalException e) { string message = String.Format("Error occured in script function:\n{0}\n{1}: {2} in {3}" , e.Message, moduleName, CurrentString, CurrentLine); throw new BitMobile.Utilities.Exceptions.JSException(message, e); } catch (Exception e) { string message = String.Format("{0}\n{1}: {2} in {3}" , e.Message, moduleName, CurrentString, CurrentLine); throw new BitMobile.Utilities.Exceptions.JSException(message, e); } }