Esempio n. 1
        public BowlingPin(Game game, Model model, Matrix orientation, Vector3 position)
            : base(game, model)
            body = new Body();
            collision = new CollisionSkin(body);

            // add a capsule for the main corpus
            Primitive capsule = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, 0.1f, 1.3f);
            // add a small box at the buttom
            Primitive box = new Box(new Vector3(-0.1f,-0.1f,-0.1f), Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One * 0.2f);
            // add a sphere in the middle
            Primitive sphere = new Sphere(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f), 0.3f);

            collision.AddPrimitive(capsule, new MaterialProperties(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(box, new MaterialProperties(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(sphere, new MaterialProperties(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

            body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;
            Vector3 com = SetMass(0.5f);

            body.MoveTo(position, orientation);
            collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));

            this.scale = Vector3.One * 10.0f;
Esempio n. 2
        public CylinderObject(Game game, float radius, float length, Vector3 position, Model model)
            : base(game, model)
            body = new Body();
            collision = new CollisionSkin(body);

            if (length - 2.0f * radius < 0.0f)
                throw new ArgumentException("Radius must be at least half length");

            Capsule middle = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, radius, length - 2.0f * radius);

            float sideLength = 2.0f * radius / (float) Math.Sqrt(2.0d);

            Vector3 sides = new Vector3(-0.5f * sideLength, -0.5f * sideLength, -radius);

            Box supply0 = new Box(sides, Matrix.Identity,
                new Vector3(sideLength, sideLength, length));

            Box supply1 = new Box(Vector3.Transform(sides,Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.PiOver4)),
                Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.PiOver4), new Vector3(sideLength, sideLength, length));

            collision.AddPrimitive(middle, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(supply0, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(supply1, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));

            body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;

            Vector3 com = SetMass(1.0f);
            collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));

            #region Manually set body inertia
            float cylinderMass = body.Mass;

            float comOffs = (length - 2.0f * radius) * 0.5f; ;

            float Ixx = 0.5f * cylinderMass * radius * radius + cylinderMass * comOffs * comOffs;
            float Iyy = 0.25f * cylinderMass * radius * radius + (1.0f / 12.0f) * cylinderMass * length * length + cylinderMass * comOffs * comOffs;
            float Izz = Iyy;

            body.SetBodyInertia(Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

            body.MoveTo(position, Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2));


            this.scale = new Vector3(radius, radius, length * 0.5f);
Esempio n. 3
        // Sets up the collision skin
        void SetupSkin(float length, float radius)
            if (length - 2.0f * radius < 0.0f) throw new ArgumentException("Radius must be at least half length");

            this.length = length;
            this.radius = radius;

            Capsule middle = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, radius, length - 2.0f * radius);

            float sideLength = 2.0f * radius / (float)Math.Sqrt(2.0d);

            Vector3 sides = new Vector3(-0.5f * sideLength, -0.5f * sideLength, -radius);

            Box supply0 = new Box(sides, Matrix.Identity, new Vector3(sideLength, sideLength, length));

            Box supply1 = new Box(Vector3.Transform(sides, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.PiOver4)),
                Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.PiOver4), new Vector3(sideLength, sideLength, length));

            CollisionSkin.AddPrimitive(middle, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));
            CollisionSkin.AddPrimitive(supply0, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));
            CollisionSkin.AddPrimitive(supply1, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool SegmentCapsuleIntersection(out float tS, Segment seg, Capsule capsule)
            float bestFrac = float.MaxValue;

            tS = 0;

            // do the main sides
            float sideFrac = float.MaxValue;
            if (!SegmentInfiniteCylinderIntersection(out sideFrac, seg,
                    new Segment(capsule.Position, capsule.Orientation.Backward),
                return false; // check this

            // only keep this if the side intersection point is within the capsule segment ends
            Vector3 sidePos = seg.GetPoint(sideFrac);
            if (Vector3.Dot(sidePos - capsule.Position, capsule.Orientation.Backward) < 0.0f)
                sideFrac = float.MaxValue;
            else if (Vector3.Dot(sidePos - capsule.GetEnd(), capsule.Orientation.Backward) > 0.0f)
                sideFrac = float.MaxValue;

            // do the two ends
            float originFrac = float.MaxValue;
            SegmentSphereIntersection(out originFrac, seg, new Sphere(capsule.Position, capsule.Radius));
            float endFrac = float.MaxValue; // Check this!
            SegmentSphereIntersection(out endFrac, seg, new Sphere(capsule.Position, capsule.Radius));

            bestFrac = MathHelper.Min(sideFrac, originFrac);
            bestFrac = MathHelper.Min(bestFrac, endFrac);

            if (bestFrac <= 1.0f)
                tS = bestFrac;
                return true;

            return false;
Esempio n. 5
        public override void OnAdd(Scene scene)


            PhysicsSystem world = scene.GetPhysicsEngine();

            Vector3 pos = Vector3.Up * 256 + 15*(new Vector3((float)RandomHelper.RandomGen.NextDouble(), (float)RandomHelper.RandomGen.NextDouble(), (float)RandomHelper.RandomGen.NextDouble())*2-Vector3.One);
            //pos.X += (scene.MainTerrain as TerrainHeightmap).GetWidth()*0.5f;
            //pos.Z += (scene.MainTerrain as TerrainHeightmap).GetDepth() * 0.5f;
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Up;
            //scene.MainTerrain.GenerateRandomTransform(RandomHelper.RandomGen, out pos, out normal);
            //pos = pos + Vector3.Up * 5;

            body = new CharacterBody();
            collision = new CollisionSkin(body);

            standCapsule = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2), 1.0f, 1.778f);
            crouchCapsule = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2), 1.0f, 1.0f);
            collision.AddPrimitive(standCapsule, (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.NormalRough);
            body.CollisionSkin = collision;
            Vector3 com = PhysicsHelper.SetMass(75.0f, body, collision);

            body.MoveTo(pos + com, Matrix.Identity);
            collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new JigLibX.Math.Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));

            body.SetBodyInvInertia(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            body.AllowFreezing = false;
            Transformation = new Transform(body);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// CollDetectCapsuleStaticMeshOverlap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldCapsule"></param>
        /// <param name="newCapsule"></param>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="collTolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionFunctor"></param>
        private void CollDetectCapsuleStaticMeshOverlap(Capsule oldCapsule, Capsule newCapsule,
            TriangleMesh mesh, CollDetectInfo info, float collTolerance, CollisionFunctor collisionFunctor)
            Vector3 body0Pos = (info.Skin0.Owner != null) ? info.Skin0.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 body1Pos = (info.Skin1.Owner != null) ? info.Skin1.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;

            float capsuleTolR = collTolerance + newCapsule.Radius;
            float capsuleTolR2 = capsuleTolR * capsuleTolR;

            Vector3 collNormal = Vector3.Zero;

            BoundingBox bb = BoundingBoxHelper.InitialBox;
            BoundingBoxHelper.AddCapsule(newCapsule, ref bb);

            #if USE_STACKALLOC
                SmallCollPointInfo* collPts = stackalloc SmallCollPointInfo[MaxLocalStackSCPI];
                int* potentialTriangles = stackalloc int[MaxLocalStackTris];
                SmallCollPointInfo[] collPtArray = SCPIStackAlloc();
                fixed (SmallCollPointInfo* collPts = collPtArray)
                    int[] potTriArray = IntStackAlloc();
                    fixed (int* potentialTriangles = potTriArray)
                        int numCollPts = 0;

                        int numTriangles = mesh.GetTrianglesIntersectingtAABox(potentialTriangles, MaxLocalStackTris, ref bb);

                        Vector3 capsuleStart = newCapsule.Position;
                        Vector3 capsuleEnd = newCapsule.GetEnd();
                        Matrix4 meshInvTransform = mesh.InverseTransformMatrix;

                        Vector3 meshSpaceCapsuleStart = Vector3.Transform(capsuleStart, meshInvTransform);
                        Vector3 meshSpaceCapsuleEnd = Vector3.Transform(capsuleEnd, meshInvTransform);

                        for (int iTriangle = 0; iTriangle < numTriangles; ++iTriangle)
                            IndexedTriangle meshTriangle = mesh.GetTriangle(potentialTriangles[iTriangle]);

                            // we do the plane test using the capsule in mesh space
                            float distToStart = meshTriangle.Plane.DotCoordinate(meshSpaceCapsuleStart);
                            float distToEnd = meshTriangle.Plane.DotCoordinate(meshSpaceCapsuleEnd);

                            // BEN-BUG-FIX: Fixed by replacing 0.0F with -capsuleTolR.
                            if ((distToStart > capsuleTolR && distToEnd > capsuleTolR)
                                || (distToStart < -capsuleTolR && distToEnd < -capsuleTolR))

                            // we now transform the triangle into world space (we could keep leave the mesh alone
                            // but at this point 3 vector transforms is probably not a major slow down)
                            int i0, i1, i2;
                            meshTriangle.GetVertexIndices(out i0, out i1, out i2);

                            Vector3 triVec0;
                            Vector3 triVec1;
                            Vector3 triVec2;
                            mesh.GetVertex(i0, out triVec0);
                            mesh.GetVertex(i1, out triVec1);
                            mesh.GetVertex(i2, out triVec2);

                            // Deano move tri into world space
                            Matrix4 transformMatrix = mesh.TransformMatrix;
                            Vector3.Transform(ref triVec0, ref transformMatrix, out triVec0);
                            Vector3.Transform(ref triVec1, ref transformMatrix, out triVec1);
                            Vector3.Transform(ref triVec2, ref transformMatrix, out triVec2);
                            Triangle triangle = new Triangle(ref triVec0, ref triVec1, ref triVec2);

                            Segment seg = new Segment(capsuleStart, capsuleEnd - capsuleStart);

                            float tS, tT0, tT1;
                            float d2 = Distance.SegmentTriangleDistanceSq(out tS, out tT0, out tT1, seg, triangle);

                            if (d2 < capsuleTolR2)
                                Vector3 oldCapsuleStart = oldCapsule.Position;
                                Vector3 oldCapsuleEnd = oldCapsule.GetEnd();
                                Segment oldSeg = new Segment(oldCapsuleStart, oldCapsuleEnd - oldCapsuleStart);
                                d2 = Distance.SegmentTriangleDistanceSq(out tS, out tT0, out tT1, oldSeg, triangle);
                                // report result from old position
                                float dist = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(d2);
                                float depth = oldCapsule.Radius - dist;
                                Vector3 pt = triangle.GetPoint(tT0, tT1);
                                Vector3 collisionN = (d2 > JiggleMath.Epsilon) ? JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(oldSeg.GetPoint(tS) - pt) :
                                if (numCollPts < MaxLocalStackSCPI)
                                    // BEN-OPTIMISATION: Reused existing collPts.
                                    collPts[numCollPts].R0 = pt - body0Pos;
                                    collPts[numCollPts].R1 = pt - body1Pos;
                                    collPts[numCollPts++].InitialPenetration = depth;
                                collNormal += collisionN;
                        if (numCollPts > 0)
                            JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref collNormal);
                            collisionFunctor.CollisionNotify(ref info, ref collNormal, collPts, numCollPts);
            #if USE_STACKALLOC
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// CollDetectCapsulseStaticMeshSweep
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldCapsule"></param>
        /// <param name="newCapsule"></param>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="collTolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionFunctor"></param>
        private void CollDetectCapsulseStaticMeshSweep(Capsule oldCapsule, Capsule newCapsule,
            TriangleMesh mesh, CollDetectInfo info, float collTolerance, CollisionFunctor collisionFunctor)
            // really use a swept test - or overlap?
            Vector3 delta = newCapsule.Position - oldCapsule.Position;
            if (delta.LengthSquared < (0.25f * newCapsule.Radius * newCapsule.Radius))
                CollDetectCapsuleStaticMeshOverlap(oldCapsule, newCapsule, mesh, info, collTolerance, collisionFunctor);
                float capsuleLen = oldCapsule.Length;
                float capsuleRadius = oldCapsule.Radius;

                int nSpheres = 2 + (int)(capsuleLen / (2.0f * oldCapsule.Radius));
                for (int iSphere = 0; iSphere < nSpheres; ++iSphere)
                    float offset = ((float)iSphere) * capsuleLen / ((float)nSpheres - 1.0f);
                    BoundingSphere oldSphere = new BoundingSphere(oldCapsule.Position + oldCapsule.Orientation.Backward() * offset, capsuleRadius);
                    BoundingSphere newSphere = new BoundingSphere(newCapsule.Position + newCapsule.Orientation.Backward() * offset, capsuleRadius);
                    CollDetectSphereStaticMesh.CollDetectSphereStaticMeshSweep(oldSphere, newSphere, mesh, info, collTolerance, collisionFunctor);
 public CharacterObject(string id, ObjectType objectType, Transform3D transform, Effect effect, 
     Texture2D texture, Model model, Color color, float alpha,
     float radius, float height, float accelerationRate, float decelerationRate)
     : base(id, objectType, transform, effect, texture, model, color, alpha)
     this.Body = new Character(accelerationRate, decelerationRate);
     this.Collision = new CollisionSkin(Body);
     this.Body.ExternalData = this;
     this.Body.CollisionSkin = this.Collision;
     Capsule capsule = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2), radius, height);
     this.Collision.AddPrimitive(capsule, (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.NormalSmooth);
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// AddCapsule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="capsule"></param>
 /// <param name="bb"></param>
 public static void AddCapsule(Capsule capsule, ref BoundingBox bb)
     AddSphere(new BoundingSphere(capsule.Position, capsule.Radius), ref bb);
     AddSphere(new BoundingSphere(capsule.Position + capsule.Length * capsule.Orientation.Backward(), capsule.Radius), ref bb);
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// AddCapsule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="capsule"></param>
 /// <param name="bb"></param>
 public static void AddCapsule(Capsule capsule, ref BoundingBox bb)
     AddSphere(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere(capsule.Position, capsule.Radius), ref bb);
     AddSphere(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere(capsule.Position + capsule.Length * capsule.Orientation.Backward, capsule.Radius), ref bb);
Esempio n. 11
 static public void AddCapsule(Capsule capsule, ref BoundingBox bb)
     AddSphere(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere(capsule.Position, capsule.Radius), ref bb);
     AddSphere(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere(capsule.Position + capsule.Length * capsule.Orientation.Backward, capsule.Radius), ref bb);