public static int GetQuestionCountByCategoryId(int driverId, int categoryId, QuestionType qt)
            List <int>           _categoryIdList  = new List <int>();
            IList <ExamCategory> examCategoryList = ExamCategoryRepository.GetExamCategoryListByParentId(categoryId, true);

            foreach (ExamCategory item in examCategoryList)

            StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();

            sbSQL.Append("  SELECT COUNT(QuestionID) FROM ExamQuestion ");
            sbSQL.Append("  WHERE EXISTS (");
            sbSQL.Append("      SELECT CID FROM (");
            sbSQL.Append("      ) AS C WHERE C.CID = ExamQuestion.CategoryID    ");
            sbSQL.Append("  ) ");
            if (driverId == (int)DriverType.Moto)
                sbSQL.Append(" AND ExamQuestion.QuestionLibrary = 2    ");
                sbSQL.Append(" AND ExamQuestion.QuestionLibrary = 1    ");
            if (qt == QuestionType.Choice)
                sbSQL.Append("  AND ExamQuestion.QuestionType = 1   ");
            if (qt == QuestionType.Judgmeng)
                sbSQL.Append("  AND ExamQuestion.QuestionType = 2   ");

            return(Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sbSQL.ToString())));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得问题集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driverId">驾驶证类型</param>
        /// <param name="provinceId">省份</param>
        /// <param name="qt">问题类型,选择题或者判断题,Null:说明包含全部题</param>
        /// <param name="categoryId">类别ID,可以是多个类别</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList <ExamQuestion> GetExamQuestionList(int driverId, string categories, QuestionType qt, ExerciseType et)
            string[]             _categoryArray   = categories.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            List <int>           _categoryList    = new List <int>();
            IList <ExamQuestion> examQuestionList = new List <ExamQuestion>();
            ExamQuestion         examQuestion     = null;
            StringBuilder        sbSql            = new StringBuilder();

            sbSql.AppendFormat("  SELECT {0}  ", EXAMQUESTIONFILEDLIST);
            sbSql.Append("  FROM ExamQuestion   ");
            sbSql.Append("  INNER JOIN (    ");

            foreach (string s in _categoryArray)
                if (Utils.IsInt(s))
                    int __i = Convert.ToInt32(s);
                    if (__i > 0 && __i < 100)

            if (_categoryList.Count > 0)

            sbSql.Append("  ) AS CategoryList   ");
            sbSql.Append("  ON ExamQuestion.CategoryID = CategoryList.CID    ");
            sbSql.Append("  WHERE   1 = 1   ");
            switch (driverId)
            case 1:         //小车
            case 2:         //客车专用
            case 3:         //货车专用
            case 4:         //吊车电瓶车
            case 5:         //地方试题
                sbSql.Append(" AND ExamQuestion.QuestionLibrary = 1    ");

            case 6:         //摩托车
                sbSql.Append(" AND ExamQuestion.QuestionLibrary = 2    ");

            if (qt == QuestionType.Choice)
                sbSql.Append("  AND ExamQuestion.QuestionType = 1   ");
            if (qt == QuestionType.Judgmeng)
                sbSql.Append("  AND ExamQuestion.QuestionType = 2   ");

            if (et == ExerciseType.Random)
                sbSql.Append("  ORDER BY NEWID()    ");

            using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sbSql.ToString()))
                while (dr.Read())
                    examQuestion = GetExamQuestionByQuestionId(Convert.ToInt32(dr["QuestionID"]));