private void bgwCrypto_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs eventArgs) { bool encTask = (bool)eventArgs.Argument; if (encTask) // encryption { List <byte> bytes = new List <byte>(); int block_size = (n.BitLength() - 1) / 8; int nIter = currentFileContents.Length / block_size; byte[] subArr = new byte[block_size]; for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++) { Buffer.BlockCopy(currentFileContents, i * block_size, subArr, 0, block_size); BigInteger m = Util.ArrToUnsignedBigInt(ref subArr); BigInteger c = MyRSA.Encrypt(m, e, n); byte[] cip = Util.BigIntToFixedLenArr(ref c, block_size + 1); bytes.AddRange(cip); (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(100 * i / nIter); } int rem = currentFileContents.Length % block_size; if (rem > 0) { subArr = new byte[rem]; Buffer.BlockCopy(currentFileContents, nIter * block_size, subArr, 0, rem); BigInteger m = Util.ArrToUnsignedBigInt(ref subArr); BigInteger c = MyRSA.Encrypt(m, e, n); byte[] cip = Util.BigIntToFixedLenArr(ref c, block_size + 1); bytes.AddRange(cip); } bytes.AddRange(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new BigInteger(rem).ToString())); currentFileContents = bytes.ToArray(); (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(100); } else // decrypt { List <byte> bytes = new List <byte>(); int block_size = (n.BitLength() - 1) / 8 + 1; int nIter = currentFileContents.Length / block_size; byte[] subArr = new byte[block_size]; for (int i = 0; i < nIter - 1; i++) { Buffer.BlockCopy(currentFileContents, i * block_size, subArr, 0, block_size); BigInteger c = Util.ArrToUnsignedBigInt(ref subArr); BigInteger m = MyRSA.Decrypt(ref c, ref d, ref n); byte[] msg = Util.BigIntToFixedLenArr(ref m, block_size - 1); bytes.AddRange(msg); (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(100 * i / nIter); } { int rem = currentFileContents.Length % block_size; subArr = new byte[rem]; Buffer.BlockCopy(currentFileContents, nIter * block_size, subArr, 0, rem); int lastIterByteCount = (int)BigInteger.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(subArr)); subArr = new byte[block_size]; Buffer.BlockCopy(currentFileContents, (nIter - 1) * block_size, subArr, 0, block_size); BigInteger c = Util.ArrToUnsignedBigInt(ref subArr); BigInteger m = MyRSA.Decrypt(ref c, ref d, ref n); byte[] msg = Util.BigIntToFixedLenArr(ref m, lastIterByteCount); bytes.AddRange(msg); } currentFileContents = bytes.ToArray(); (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(100); } eventArgs.Result = encTask; }
private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string u = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); string p = txtPassword.Text; string r = txtRetype.Text; Regex uPattern = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"); if (!uPattern.IsMatch(u) || p.Length < 1 || p != r) { MessageBox.Show("Username and password must be at least 1 character long\nPassword and Confirm passwords must match", "Incorrect information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(Config.AppDataFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.AppDataFolderPath); } if (!File.Exists(Config.AppDataFilePath)) { var fs = File.Create(Config.AppDataFilePath); fs.Close(); } if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.AppDataFolderPath, u))) { var fs = File.Create(Config.GetAppDataUserFile(u)); fs.Close(); } string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(Config.AppDataFilePath); foreach (string line in lines) { if (u == line.Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0]) { MessageBox.Show("This username is already taken. Please use a different username.", "Username already taken", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } string hp = Util.Hash(p); BigInteger ke, kd, kn; MyRSA.KeyGen(Config.CryptoKeySize, out ke, out kd, out kn); string eStr = Convert.ToBase64String(Util.XOREncDec(ke.ToByteArray())); string dStr = Convert.ToBase64String(Util.XOREncDec(kd.ToByteArray())); string nStr = Convert.ToBase64String(Util.XOREncDec(kn.ToByteArray())); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(u); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(hp); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(eStr); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(dStr); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(nStr); File.AppendAllLines(Config.AppDataFilePath, new string[] { sb.ToString() }); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.AppDataFolderPath, u))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Config.AppDataFolderPath, u)); } this.Username = u; this.E = ke; this.D = kd; this.N = kn; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; MessageBox.Show("Registration successful.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); }