Esempio n. 1
        public static void generate(string ip)
                ftplib.user = "******";
                ftplib.pass = "******";
                Console.WriteLine("--> Connecting...");
                ftplib.Connect(ip, ftplib.user, ftplib.pass);

                RegistryKey JRunnerO = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion");
                string[]    values   = JRunnerO.GetValueNames();
                byte[]      value    = (byte[])JRunnerO.GetValue("DigitalProductId");
                string      file     = "C:\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmm") + ".bin";
                Oper.savefile(value, file);
                int perc = 0;
                if (!ftplib.IsConnected)
                    Console.WriteLine("E: Must be connected to a server.");

                ftplib.OpenUpload(file, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file));
                while (ftplib.DoUpload() > 0)
                    perc = (int)(((ftplib.BytesTotal) * 100) / ftplib.FileSize);
                    Console.Write("\rUpload: {0}/{1} {2}%", ftplib.BytesTotal, ftplib.FileSize, perc);
                Console.WriteLine("Contact Author for key");
            catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }
Esempio n. 2
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!changed)
                if (variables.filename1 == null || variables.cpkey == "")
                byte[] data = Nand.BadBlock.find_bad_blocks_b(variables.filename1, true);

                if (data.Length > 0x4500)
                    int    layout;
                    byte[] sparedata = new byte[0x10];

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0x4400, sparedata, 0, 0x10);

                    layout = Nand.Nand.identifylayout(sparedata);

                    if (checkBox2.Checked)
                        data = KV_Stuff(ref data, layout);
                    if (checkBox1.Checked)
                        data = Bootloader_Stuff(ref data, layout);
                    Oper.savefile(data, Path.Combine(variables.outfolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(variables.filename1) + "_patched.bin"));
                    Console.WriteLine("Saved as {0}", Path.Combine(variables.outfolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(variables.filename1) + "_patched.bin"));
Esempio n. 3
        void unpack_base_image_ecc(ref byte[] image, ref ProgressBar pb, ref eccs dt)
            byte[] data;

            if (Nand.Nand.hasecc(image))
                hasecc = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Spare Data found, will remove.");
                Nand.Nand.unecc(ref image, ref pb);
                hasecc = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Spare data NOT found");

                byte[] block_offset = new byte[4], smc_len = new byte[4], smc_start = new byte[4];
                //block_offset = Nand.returnportion(image, 0x8, 4);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(image, 0x8, block_offset, 0, 4);
                //smc_len = Nand.returnportion(image, 0x78, 4);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(image, 0x78, smc_len, 0, 4);
                //smc_start = Nand.returnportion(image, 0x7C, 4);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(image, 0x7C, smc_start, 0, 4);
                dt.SMC = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(smc_len), 16)];
                //SMC = Nand.returnportion(image, Convert.ToInt32(Nand.ByteArrayToString(smc_start), 16), Convert.ToInt32(Nand.ByteArrayToString(smc_len), 16));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(image, Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(smc_start), 16), dt.SMC, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(smc_len), 16));
                if (variables.extractfiles)
                    Oper.savefile(dt.SMC, "output\\SMC_en.bin");
                #region keyvault
                dt.Keyvault = new byte[0x4000];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(image, 0x4000, dt.Keyvault, 0, 0x4000);
                //Keyvault = Nand.returnportion(image, 0x4000, 0x4000);
                if (variables.extractfiles)
                    Oper.savefile(dt.Keyvault, "output\\KV_en.bin");

                #region blocks

                int    block = 0, block_size, id;
                byte   block_id;
                int    block_build;
                byte[] block_build_b  = new byte[2], block_size_b = new byte[4];
                int    block_offset_b = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(block_offset), 16);
                int    semi           = 0;
                for (block = 0; block < 30; block++)
                    block_id = image[block_offset_b + 1];
                    //block_build_b = Nand.returnportion(image, block_offset_b + 2, 2);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(image, block_offset_b + 2, block_build_b, 0, 2);
                    //block_size_b = Nand.returnportion(image, block_offset_b + 12, 4);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(image, block_offset_b + 12, block_size_b, 0, 4);
                    block_size  = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(block_size_b), 16);
                    block_build = Convert.ToInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(block_build_b), 16);
                    block_size += 0xF;
                    block_size &= ~0xF;
                    id          = block_id & 0xF;

                    if (variables.debugme)
                        Console.WriteLine("Found {0}BL (build {1}) at {2}", id, block_build, Convert.ToString(block_offset_b, 16));
                    data = null;
                        data = new byte[block_size];
                        //data = Nand.returnportion(image, block_offset_b, block_size);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(image, block_offset_b, data, 0, block_size);
                    catch (Exception ex) { if (variables.debugme)
                    if (id == 2)
                        if (semi == 0)
                            if (block_build == 6751)
                                Console.WriteLine("A donor version will be used with this CB");
                                long csize = 0;
                                dt.CB_A = Oper.openfile(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, "common/CB/cb_6750.bin"), ref csize, 0);
                                if (dt.CB_A == null)
                                    Console.WriteLine("CB_A 6750 file is missing!!!");
                                donor = true;
                            else if (block_build == 5771)
                                if (variables.debugme)
                                    Console.WriteLine("This CB version can be for a Falcon or an Opus");
                                dt.CB_A = data;
                                dt.CB_A = data;
                            semi = 1;
                        else if (semi == 1)
                            dt.CB_B = data;
                            semi    = 0;
                    else if (id == 4)
                        dt.CD = data;
                    else if (id == 5)
                        dt.CE = data;

                    block_offset_b += block_size;
                    if (id == 5)
            catch (Exception ex) { if (variables.debugme)
Esempio n. 4
        public int creatergh2ecc(string filename, string outputfolder, ref ProgressBar pb, string cpukey)
            eccs dt = new eccs();

            byte[] data;
            int    layout;
            bool   rgh2 = false;

            bool sts = objAlphaPattern.IsMatch(cpukey);

            if (variables.rgh2 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cpukey) && sts)
                rgh2 = true;

            long   size      = 0;
            string imagefile = filename;

            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
            if (variables.debugme)

            string pathforit    = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string cdrgh2file   = Path.Combine(pathforit, @"common/cdxell/CDRGH2");
            string cdfile       = Path.Combine(pathforit, @"common/cdxell/CD");
            string cdjasperfile = Path.Combine(pathforit, @"common/cdxell/CDjasper");

            /// nand image
                byte[] bbimage = Nand.BadBlock.find_bad_blocks_X(imagefile, 0x50);
                data    = Oper.returnportion(ref bbimage, 0, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
                bbimage = null;

                layout = Nand.Nand.getConsole(new Nand.PrivateN(filename)).Layout;

                if (Oper.allsame(Oper.returnportion(ref data, 0x210, 0x200), 0xFF))
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Image");
                Console.WriteLine("* unpacking flash image, ....");
                unpack_base_image_ecc(ref data, ref pb, ref dt);
                dt.CB_A_crypted = dt.CB_A;
                dt.SMC          = decrypt_SMC(dt.SMC);

            creatergh2eccinit(ref dt);
            ///Finished Loading images
            data = null;
            if (dt.CD_plain == null)
            if (dt.SMC == null)
            Console.WriteLine(" * we found the following parts: ");
            Console.WriteLine("SMC: {0}.{1}", (dt.SMC[0x101].ToString()), (dt.SMC[0x102]).ToString());
            if (dt.CB_A != null)
                Console.WriteLine("CB_A: {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)));
                Console.WriteLine("CB_A: missing");
            if (dt.CB_B != null)
                Console.WriteLine("CB_B: {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B)));
                Console.WriteLine("CB_B: missing");

            int[] rghcbs  = { 6753, 6752, 5773, 4578, 4577, 5772, 9230 };
            int[] rgh1cbs = { 9188 };
            //if (rghcbs.Contains(bytearray_to_int(build(CB_A)))) rgh2 = true;
            if (dt.CB_B != null && !rgh1cbs.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B))))
                rgh2 = true;
            string c;

            if (rgh2)
                dt.CD_plain = Oper.openfile(cdrgh2file, ref size, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
                if (dt.CD_plain == null)
                if (dt.CD != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (image): {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CD)));
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (image): missing");
                if (dt.CD_plain != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (decrypted): {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CD_plain)));
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (decrypted): missing");
                byte[] CB_A_img_RAND = { };
                CB_A_img_RAND = Oper.returnportion(ref dt.CB_A_crypted, 0x10, 0x10);
                byte[] CB_A_img = Nand.Nand.decrypt_CB(dt.CB_A_crypted);
                Console.WriteLine(" * checking required versions...");

                int[] zephyr_builds   = { 4578, 4577, 4575, 4560, 4576 };
                int[] falcon_builds   = { 5771, 5772, 5773 };
                int[] jasper_builds   = { 6750, 6752, 6753, 6754 };
                int[] trinity_builds  = { 9188, 9230, 9231 };
                int[] corona_builds   = { 13121, 13180 };
                int[] xor_hack_builds = { 9230, 9231, 5773, 6753, 6754, 4575, 4560, 13180 };
                int[] patch_builds    = { 5772, 6752, 9188, 13121 };

                if (!zephyr_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))) &&
                    !falcon_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))) &&
                    !jasper_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))) &&
                    !corona_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))) &&
                if (!xor_hack_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))) &&
                    !patch_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(cpukey))


                Console.WriteLine(" * patching SMC...");
                dt.SMC = patch_SMC(dt.SMC);

                Console.WriteLine(" * Replacing CD...");
                dt.CD       = dt.CD_plain;
                dt.CD_plain = null;

                string cbapath = "", cbbpath = "";

                if (falcon_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    cbapath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_A.5772.bin");
                    cbbpath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_B.5772.bin");
                else if (jasper_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    cbapath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_A.6752.bin");
                    cbbpath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_B.6752.bin");
                else if (trinity_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    cbapath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_A.9188.bin");
                    cbbpath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_B.9188.bin");
                else if (zephyr_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    cbapath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_A.4577.bin");
                    cbbpath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_B.4577.bin");
                else if (corona_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    cbapath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_A.13121.bin");
                    cbbpath = Path.Combine(pathforit, "common\\CB\\CB_B.13121.bin");

                c      = "RGH2 2stage CB img";
                cpukey = "";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cpukey))
                    if (patch_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B))))
                        Console.WriteLine(" * patching CB_B...");
                        dt.CB_B = patch_CB(dt.CB_B);
                        dt.CB_A = dt.CB_A_crypted;
                    else if (xor_hack_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B))))
                        Console.WriteLine("* XOR HACK NEEDED FOR CB {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B)));

                        byte[] CB_B_plain = Oper.openfile(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"common\CB\CB_B." + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B)) + ".bin"), ref size, 0);
                        if (CB_B_plain == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to open CB_B.{0}.bin", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B))); return(5);

                        byte[] CB_B_patched = Oper.openfile(cbbpath, ref size, 0);
                        if (CB_B_patched == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to open {0}", cbbpath); return(5);
                        Console.WriteLine(" * patching CB_B...");

                        CB_B_patched = patch_CB(CB_B_patched);
                        if (CB_B_patched == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to patch the CB_B"); return(5);
                        Console.WriteLine(" * Applying XOR Hack to CB_B {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B)));

                        dt.CB_B = xor_hack(dt.CB_B, CB_B_plain, CB_B_patched);
                        Console.WriteLine(" * Replacing CB_A {0} with {1}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)), Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(CB_B_patched)));

                        dt.CB_A = Oper.openfile(cbapath, ref size, 0);
                        if (dt.CB_A == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to open {0}", cbapath); return(5);
                        byte[] CB_A_key = { };
                        dt.CB_A = Nand.Nand.encrypt_CB(dt.CB_A, CB_A_img_RAND, ref CB_A_key);
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to build a new bootloader chain?", "Bootloader Chain", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No)
                        cpukey = "";
                        goto wtf;
                    Console.WriteLine("\n * Building new bootloader chain using cpu_key: {0}", cpukey);

                    dt.CB_A = Oper.openfile(cbapath, ref size, 0);
                    dt.CB_B = Oper.openfile(cbbpath, ref size, 0);

                    dt.CB_B = patch_CB(dt.CB_B);

                    byte[] CB_A_key = { };
                    dt.CB_A = Nand.Nand.encrypt_CB(dt.CB_A, CB_A_img_RAND, ref CB_A_key);
                    dt.CB_B = Nand.Nand.encrypt_CB_cpukey(dt.CB_B, CB_A_key, Oper.StringToByteArray(cpukey));
                Console.WriteLine(" * constructing new image...");

                c = c + ", CB=" + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A));
                if (dt.CD != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (image): {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CD)));
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (image): missing");
                if (dt.CD_plain != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (decrypted): {0}", Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CD_plain)));
                    Console.WriteLine("CD (decrypted): missing");
                int[] jasper_builds = { 6750, 6752, 6753 };
                if (jasper_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    dt.CD_plain = Oper.openfile(cdjasperfile, ref size, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
                if (dt.CD_plain == null)
                byte[] CB_A_img_RAND = { };
                if (!donor)
                    CB_A_img_RAND = Oper.returnportion(ref dt.CB_A_crypted, 0x10, 0x10);
                if (Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)) >= 1888 && Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)) <= 1940 || Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)) == 7373 || Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)) == 8192)
                    Console.WriteLine(" * using donor CB");
                    dt.CB_A_crypted = null;
                    if (MessageBox.Show("There have been various reports that using a different bootloader improves the glitch speeds on xenon. Click Yes to use the 7375 Bootloader or Click No to use the 1940 one.", "Choose CB", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        dt.CB_A = Oper.openfile(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"common\CB\CB_A.7375.bin"), ref size, 0);
                        dt.CB_A = Oper.openfile(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"common\CB\CB_A.1940.bin"), ref size, 0);
                    if (dt.CB_A == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to open CB"); return(5);
                    dt.CB_B     = null;
                    dt.CD_plain = Oper.openfile(cdfile, ref size, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
                    if (dt.CD_plain == null)
                int[] xenon_builds  = { 1923, 7375 };
                int[] zephyr_builds = { 4578, 4579, 4575 };
                int[] falcon_builds = { 5771, 5772, 5773 };
                //int[] jasper_builds = { 6750, 6752, 6753 };
                int[] trinity_builds  = { 9188, 9230 };
                int[] corona_builds   = { 13121, 13180 };
                int[] slim_builds     = { 9188, 9230, 13121 };
                int[] xor_hack_builds = { 9230, 5773, 6753, 4575 };

                if (!donor)
                    if ((dt.CB_A_crypted != null) && (Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)) != 9230))
                        dt.CB_A = Nand.Nand.decrypt_CB(dt.CB_A_crypted);
                        if (dt.CB_A == null)
                if (dt.CB_B != null && !slim_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    Console.WriteLine("Not supported yet");

                if (trinity_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: trinity (slim)");
                else if (corona_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: corona");
                else if (zephyr_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: zephyr");
                else if (falcon_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: falcon");
                else if (jasper_builds.Contains(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A))))
                    if (donor)
                        Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: jasper (CB_6751)");
                        Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: jasper (CB_6750)");
                    Console.WriteLine(" * this image will be valid *only* for: xenon");

                Console.WriteLine(" * patching SMC...");
                dt.SMC = patch_SMC(dt.SMC);

                dt.CD       = dt.CD_plain;
                dt.CD_plain = null;

                if (dt.CB_B != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(" * patching CB_B...");
                    dt.CB_B = patch_CB(dt.CB_B);
                    c       = "patched CB img";
                    //Nand.savefile(CB_A, "CB_f.bin");
                    Console.WriteLine(" * zero-pairing...");
                    for (int bytes = 0x20; bytes < 0x40; bytes++)
                        dt.CB_A[bytes] = 0x00;
                    c = "zeropair image";
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "output")))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "output"));
                Console.WriteLine(" * constructing new image...");
                byte[] random = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

                c = c + ", version=01, CB=" + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A));

                if (dt.CB_B == null)
                    byte[] CB_A_key = { };
                    //Nand.savefile(CB_A, "CB_d.bin");
                    dt.CB_A = Nand.Nand.encrypt_CB(dt.CB_A, random, ref CB_A_key);
                    //Nand.savefile(CB_A, "CB_e.bin");
                    dt.CD = Nand.Nand.encrypt_CD(dt.CD, random, CB_A_key);

            createrghheader(ref dt, c);
            dt.SMC = encrypt_SMC(dt.SMC);
            byte[] newXell = dt.Xell;
            if (dt.Xell.Length <= 256 * 1024)
                Console.WriteLine(" * No separate recovery Xell available!");
                newXell = Oper.concatByteArrays(dt.Xell, dt.Xell, dt.Xell.Length, dt.Xell.Length);
            dt.Xell = null;
            /// Start of image creation
            byte[] Final = { };
            Console.WriteLine(" * Flash Layout:");
            Final = addtoflash(Oper.returnportion(ref dt.Header, 0x00, 0x200), Final, "Header", 0x00, 0x200);
            Final = padto_v2(Final, 0x4000 - dt.SMC.Length);
            Final       = addtoflash(dt.SMC, Final, "SMC", Final.Length, dt.SMC.Length);
            dt.SMC      = null;
            Final       = addtoflash(dt.Keyvault, Final, "Keyvault", Final.Length, dt.Keyvault.Length);
            dt.Keyvault = null;
            if (dt.CB_B != null)
                if (!rgh2)
                    Final = addtoflash(dt.CB_A_crypted, Final, "CB_A " + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)), Final.Length, dt.CB_A_crypted.Length);
                    Final = addtoflash(dt.CB_A, Final, "CB_A " + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)), Final.Length, dt.CB_A.Length);
                Final = addtoflash(dt.CB_B, Final, "CB_B " + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_B)), Final.Length, dt.CB_B.Length);
                Final = addtoflash(dt.CB_A, Final, "CB_A " + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CB_A)), Final.Length, dt.CB_A.Length);
            dt.CB_A = null; dt.CB_B = null; dt.CB_A_crypted = null;
            Final = addtoflash(dt.CD, Final, "CD " + Oper.ByteArrayToInt(build(dt.CD)), Final.Length, dt.CD.Length);
            dt.CD = null;
            Final = padto_v2(Final, XELL_BASE_FLASH);
            Final   = addtoflash(Oper.returnportion(ref newXell, 0, 256 * 1024), Final, "Xell (backup)", Final.Length, 256 * 1024);
            Final   = addtoflash(Oper.returnportion(ref newXell, 256 * 1024, newXell.Length - (256 * 1024)), Final, "Xell (main)", Final.Length, newXell.Length - (256 * 1024));
            newXell = null;
            if (variables.extractfiles || variables.debugme)
                Oper.savefile(Final, Path.Combine(outputfolder, "image_no.ecc"));

            if (hasecc)
                Console.Write(" * Encoding ECC...");
                Final = Nand.Nand.addecc_v2(Final, true, 0, layout);
                Console.WriteLine("NOT adding Spare Data");

            Oper.savefile(Final, Path.Combine(outputfolder, "image_00000000.ecc"));
            DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(outputfolder);

            Console.WriteLine("------------- Written into {0}\n", Path.Combine(dinfo.Name, "image_00000000.ecc"));
            pb.Value = pb.Maximum;