/// <summary>
        /// Startet eine Überwachung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Die zugehörige Empfangsinstanz.</param>
        /// <param name="services">Die Liste der Dienste.</param>
        /// <param name="processor">Der Verarbeitungsalgorithmus.</param>
        public static void Start(DataGraph graph, SourceIdentifier[] services, Func <PMT, bool, bool> processor)
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("graph");
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");

            // Nothing to do
            if (services == null)

            // Create scope and process
            var sequencer = new PMTSequencer(graph, services, processor);

            // Nothing to do
            if (sequencer.m_services.Length < 1)

            // Install watch dog
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Entschlüsselt eine einzelne Quelle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">Die Informationen zur Quelle.</param>
 /// <param name="graph">Der zu verwendende Graph.</param>
 public void Decrypt( ushort service, DataGraph graph )
     // Check COM interface
     var controlPtr = ComIdentity.QueryInterface( graph.AdditionalFilters[m_filterIndex].Interface, typeof( KsControl.Interface ) );
     if (controlPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
         using (var control = new KsControl( controlPtr ))
             control.SetServices( service );
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Startet eine Überwachung.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graph">Die zugehörige Empfangsinstanz.</param>
 /// <param name="services">Die Liste der Dienste.</param>
 /// <param name="processor">Der Verarbeitungsalgorithmus.</param>
 private PMTSequencer( DataGraph graph, SourceIdentifier[] services, Func<PMT, bool, bool> processor )
     // Remember
     m_services = services.Where( s => s != null ).ToArray();
     m_lastTable = m_services.ToDictionary( s => s.Service, s => default( PMT ) );
     m_processor = processor;
     m_graph = graph;
 /// <summary>
 /// Startet eine Überwachung.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graph">Die zugehörige Empfangsinstanz.</param>
 /// <param name="services">Die Liste der Dienste.</param>
 /// <param name="processor">Der Verarbeitungsalgorithmus.</param>
 private PMTSequencer(DataGraph graph, SourceIdentifier[] services, Func <PMT, bool, bool> processor)
     // Remember
     m_services  = services.Where(s => s != null).ToArray();
     m_lastTable = m_services.ToDictionary(s => s.Service, s => default(PMT));
     m_processor = processor;
     m_graph     = graph;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Führt die DiSEqC Steuerung aus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Die Informationen zur aktuellen Wahl der Quellgruppe.</param>
        /// <returns>Das Ergebnis der Operation.</returns>
        private PipelineResult ApplyDiSEqC( DataGraph.TuneToken token )
            // See if we are fully active
            var message = (token == null) ? null : token.DiSEqCMessage;
            if (message == null)
                // Shutdown connection

                // Reset
                m_LastDiSEqC = null;

                // Next
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to tuner
            var tuner = token.Pipeline.Graph.TunerFilter;
            if (tuner == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (token.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Already did it
            if (message.Equals( m_LastDiSEqC ))
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Open the device
            Open( tuner );
                // Process
                var data = (byte[]) message.Request.Clone();
                var error = bdaapiSetDiSEqCMsg( Device, data, (byte) data.Length, (byte) message.Repeat, message.Burst, Polarisation.NotSet );
                if (error == APIErrorCodes.Success)
                    m_LastDiSEqC = message.Clone();
                    throw new DVBException( error.ToString() );
            catch (Exception e)
                // Report
                EventLog.WriteEntry( "DVB.NET", string.Format( "TechnoTrend BDA API DiSEqC: {0}", e ), EventLogEntryType.Error );

                // Force recalibrate on next call
                m_LastDiSEqC = null;

            // Next one, please
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualisiert die Aktionslisten des DVB Empfangs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Der DirectShow Graph für den DVB Empfang.</param>
        /// <param name="profile">Das verwendete Geräteprofil.</param>
        /// <param name="types">Die gewünschte Aktivierung.</param>
        void IPipelineExtension.Install( DataGraph graph, Profile profile, PipelineTypes types )
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "graph" );
            if (profile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "profile" );

            // Check supported types
            if ((types & PipelineTypes.DVBS2) != 0)
                graph.TunePipeline.AddPreProcessing( ActivateS2 );
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualisiert die Aktionslisten des DVB Empfangs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Der DirectShow Graph für den DVB Empfang.</param>
        /// <param name="profile">Das verwendete Geräteprofil.</param>
        /// <param name="types">Die gewünschte Aktivierung.</param>
        void IPipelineExtension.Install( DataGraph graph, Profile profile, PipelineTypes types )
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "graph" );
            if (profile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "profile" );

            // Check supported types
            if ((types & PipelineTypes.SignalInformation) != 0)
                graph.SignalPipeline.AddPostProcessing( TransformSignal );
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt neue Einstellungen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Der zugehörige Graph.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Es wurde kein Graph angegeben.</exception>
        internal GraphConfiguration( DataGraph graph )
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "graph" );

            // Remember
            Graph = graph;

            // Finish
            MinimumPATCountWaitTime = 50;
            MinimumPATCount = 5;
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt neue Einstellungen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Der zugehörige Graph.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Es wurde kein Graph angegeben.</exception>
        internal GraphConfiguration(DataGraph graph)
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("graph");

            // Remember
            Graph = graph;

            // Finish
            MinimumPATCountWaitTime = 50;
            MinimumPATCount         = 5;
        /// <summary>
        /// Führt die DiSEqC Steuerung aus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Die aktuellen Informationen zum Wechsel der Quellgruppe.</param>
        /// <returns>Meldet, wie die weitere Abarbeitung zu erfolgen hat.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult ApplyDiSEqC( DataGraph.TuneToken token )
            // Check mode
            var location = (token == null) ? null : token.GroupLocation as SatelliteLocation;
            if (location == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Load tuner
            var tuner = token.Pipeline.Graph.TunerFilter;
            if (tuner == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (token.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Check support
            var diseqc = tuner.GetOutputControlNode<IBDADiseqCommand>( 0 );
            if (diseqc == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Requires cleanup
                // Enable
                diseqc.Enable = true;

                // Set mode
                switch (location.LNB)
                    case DiSEqCLocations.BurstOff: diseqc.UseToneBurst = false; break;
                    case DiSEqCLocations.BurstOn: diseqc.UseToneBurst = true; break;
                    case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC1: diseqc.LNBSource = 1; break;
                    case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC2: diseqc.LNBSource = 2; break;
                    case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC3: diseqc.LNBSource = 3; break;
                    case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC4: diseqc.LNBSource = 4; break;
                    case DiSEqCLocations.None: diseqc.Enable = false; break;
                // Cleanup
                BDAEnvironment.Release( ref diseqc );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Berechnet die Signalstärke.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Der aktuelle Zustand der Berechnung.</param>
        /// <returns>Informationen zur Fortführung der Operation.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult TransformSignal( DataGraph.SignalToken token )
            // Shutdown call - ignore
            if (token == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Nothing we can do
            if (!token.SignalInformation.Strength.HasValue)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Make sure that bounds are respected
            token.SignalInformation.Strength = Math.Max( 0, Math.Min( 15, token.SignalInformation.Strength.Value ) );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Berechnet die Signalstärke.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Der aktuelle Zustand der Berechnung.</param>
        /// <returns>Informationen zur Fortführung der Operation.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult TransformSignal( DataGraph.SignalToken token )
            // Shutdown call - ignore
            if (token == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Nothing we can do
            if (!token.SignalInformation.Strength.HasValue)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Translate
            var dBGuess = Math.Round( 10.25 - token.SignalInformation.Strength.Value / 960.0, 1 );

            // Save in bounds
            token.SignalInformation.Strength = Math.Max( 0, Math.Min( 15, dBGuess ) );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktiviert die Entschlüsselung einer Quelle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Informationen zur gewählten Quelle.</param>
        private PipelineResult Decrypt( DataGraph.DecryptToken token )
            // Load graph
            if (token != null)
                m_DataGraph = token.Pipeline.Graph;

            // Get unique call identifier
            var callIdentifier = Interlocked.Increment( ref m_ChangeCounter );

            // Check mode of operation
            var sources = (token == null) ? null : token.Sources;
            var noSources = (sources == null) || (sources.Length < 1);
            if (noSources)
                // Shutdown all
                if (m_DataGraph != null)
                    if (m_DataGraph.TunerFilter != null)
                        lock (m_deviceAccess)
                            Decrypt( null, (token == null) || (sources == null) );

                // Next
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Start processor
                ( pmt, first ) =>
                    // See if we are still allowed to process and do so
                    lock (m_deviceAccess)
                        if (Thread.VolatileRead( ref m_ChangeCounter ) == callIdentifier)
                            Decrypt( pmt, false );
                            return false;

                    // Next
                    return true;
                }, sources );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Startet eine Überwachung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Die zugehörige Empfangsinstanz.</param>
        /// <param name="services">Die Liste der Dienste.</param>
        /// <param name="processor">Der Verarbeitungsalgorithmus.</param>
        public static void Start( DataGraph graph, SourceIdentifier[] services, Func<PMT, bool, bool> processor )
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "graph" );
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "processor" );

            // Nothing to do
            if (services == null)

            // Create scope and process
            var sequencer = new PMTSequencer( graph, services, processor );

            // Nothing to do
            if (sequencer.m_services.Length < 1)

            // Install watch dog
            sequencer.ProcessNext( null );
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Berechnet die Signalstärke.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Der aktuelle Zustand der Berechnung.</param>
        /// <returns>Informationen zur Fortführung der Operation.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult TransformSignal( DataGraph.SignalToken token )
            // Shutdown call - ignore
            if (token == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // See if strength information from network provider is available
            var strength = token.SignalStrength;
            if (!strength.HasValue)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Get the raw value
            var bias = (double) (short) -(strength + 1);

            // Translate
            var dBGuess = Math.Round( 8.175 - bias / 1368.0, 1 );

            // Save in bounds
            token.SignalInformation.Strength = Math.Max( 0, Math.Min( 15, dBGuess ) );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualisiert die Aktionslisten des DVB Empfangs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Der DirectShow Graph für den DVB Empfang.</param>
        /// <param name="profile">Das verwendete Geräteprofil.</param>
        /// <param name="types">Die gewünschte Aktivierung.</param>
        void IPipelineExtension.Install( DataGraph graph, Profile profile, PipelineTypes types )
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "graph" );
            if (profile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "profile" );

            // Check supported types
            if ((types & PipelineTypes.CICAM) != 0)
                // Load static settings
                m_suppress = AdditionalFilterSelector.GetSuppression( PipelineTypes.CICAM, profile.Parameters );
                m_hasBeenReset = (m_suppress != SuppressionMode.None);

                // Analyse settings
                if (!bool.TryParse( profile.Parameters.GetParameter( PipelineTypes.CICAM, AdditionalFilterSelector.CancelEncryptionOnChangedStream ), out m_disableOnChange ))
                    m_disableOnChange = false;
                if (!int.TryParse( profile.Parameters.GetParameter( PipelineTypes.CICAM, AdditionalFilterSelector.DelayOnChangedStream ), out m_changeDelay ))
                    m_changeDelay = 0;

                // Register in pipeline
                graph.DecryptionPipeline.AddPostProcessing( Decrypt );

                // Check for additional filter
                var filterDisplayName = profile.Parameters.GetParameter( PipelineTypes.CICAM, AdditionalFilterSelector.FilterName );
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( filterDisplayName ))
                    // Load moniker - if available
                    var filterMoniker = profile.Parameters.GetParameter( PipelineTypes.CICAM, AdditionalFilterSelector.FilterMoniker );

                    // Remember position of our extension
                    m_filterIndex = graph.AdditionalFilterInformations.Count;

                    // Register in graph
                    graph.AdditionalFilterInformations.Add( DeviceAndFilterInformations.Cache.AllFilters.FindFilter( filterDisplayName, filterMoniker ) );
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktiviert die Entschlüsselung einer Quelle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Informationen zur gewählten Quelle.</param>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Aktuell kann immer nur eine Quelle entschlüsselt werden.</exception>
        private PipelineResult Decrypt( DataGraph.DecryptToken token )
            // Load graph
            if (token != null)
                m_DataGraph = token.Pipeline.Graph;

            // Get unique call identifier
            var callIdentifier = Interlocked.Increment( ref m_ChangeCounter );

            // Check mode of operation
            var sources = (token == null) ? null : token.Sources;
            if ((sources == null) || (sources.Length < 1))
                // Shutdown
                if (sources == null)
                    lock (m_deviceAccess)

                // Next
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Check request
            if (sources.Length != 1)
                throw new NotSupportedException( Properties.Resources.Exception_DecryptSingle );

            // Wait for PMT
            token.WaitForPMTs( ( pmt, first ) =>
                    // See if we are still allowed to process and do so
                    lock (m_deviceAccess)
                        if (Thread.VolatileRead( ref m_ChangeCounter ) == callIdentifier)
                            Decrypt( pmt );
                            return false;

                    // Next
                    return true;
                }, sources );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Führt die DiSEqC Steuerung aus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Die aktuellen Informationen zum Wechsel der Quellgruppe.</param>
        /// <returns>Meldet, wie die weitere Abarbeitung zu erfolgen hat.</returns>
        private PipelineResult ApplyDiSEqC( DataGraph.TuneToken token )
            // Not active
            var diseqc = (token == null) ? null : token.DiSEqCMessage;
            if (diseqc == null)
                // Reset request - or first call at all
                m_LastDiSEqC = null;

                // Next
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to tuner
            var tuner = token.Pipeline.Graph.TunerFilter;
            if (tuner == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (token.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Request the message to send
            if (diseqc.Equals( m_LastDiSEqC ))
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to the one input pin of the tuner
            using (var input = tuner.GetSinglePin( PinDirection.Input ))
            using (var propertySet = KsPropertySet.Create<DiSEqCMessage>( input.Interface ))
                if (propertySet != null)
                    // Create the identifier of the property to use
                    var nodeReference = KsPNode.Create( TunerExtensionPropertiesS2, TunerExtensionProperties.DiSEqC, 0 );

                    // Check for support of the property
                    if (!propertySet.DoesSupport( nodeReference, PropertySetSupportedTypes.Set ))
                        return PipelineResult.Continue;

                    // Create structures
                    var message = new DiSEqCMessage();

                    // Create a copy
                    var command = (byte[]) diseqc.Request.Clone();

                    // As long as necessary
                        // Prepare the message
                        message.Request = new byte[151];

                        // Fill the message
                        command.CopyTo( message.Request, 0 );

                        // Configure
                        message.RequestLength = (byte) command.Length;
                        message.LastMessage = true;
                        message.Power = 0;

                        // Send the message
                        propertySet.Set( nodeReference, message );
                        // Reset
                        m_LastDiSEqC = null;

                        // Forward

                    // Remember
                    m_LastDiSEqC = diseqc.Clone();

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setzt die DVB-S2 Empfangsparameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tune">Informationen zur aktuellen Auswahl der Quellgruppe.</param>
        /// <returns>Beschreibt, wie weiter vorzugehen ist.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult TuneDVBS2( DataGraph.TuneToken tune )
            // Graph is starting or resetting
            var group = (tune == null) ? null : tune.SourceGroup as SatelliteGroup;
            if (group == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to tuner
            var tuner = tune.Pipeline.Graph.TunerFilter;
            if (tuner == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (tune.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Not DVB-S2
            if (!group.UsesS2Modulation)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to the BDA interface
            var config = tuner.GetDigitalDemodulator();
            if (config == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Requires cleanup
                // Change interface
                var config2 = config as IBDADigitalDemodulator2;
                if (config2 == null)
                    return PipelineResult.Continue;

                // Pilot to use
                var pilot = PilotMode.NotSet;

                // Roll-Off to use
                var rollOff = RollOff.NotDefined;
                switch (group.RollOff)
                    case S2RollOffs.Alpha20: rollOff = RollOff.Twenty; break;
                    case S2RollOffs.Alpha25: rollOff = RollOff.TwentyFive; break;
                    case S2RollOffs.Alpha35: rollOff = RollOff.ThirtyFive; break;
                    default: rollOff = RollOff.NotSet; break;

                // Modulation to use
                var modulation = ModulationType.NotDefined;
                switch (group.Modulation)
                    case SatelliteModulations.QPSK: modulation = ModulationType.NBCQPSK; break;
                    case SatelliteModulations.PSK8: modulation = ModulationType.NBC8PSK; break;
                    case SatelliteModulations.QAM16: modulation = ModulationType.QAM16; break;

                // Update conditionally
                if (modulation != ModulationType.NotDefined)
                    config2.SetModulation( ref modulation );

                // Update unconditionally
                config2.SetRollOff( ref rollOff );
                config2.SetPilot( ref pilot );
                // Back to COM
                BDAEnvironment.Release( ref config );

            // Normal
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktiviert die Auswahl einer DVB-S2 Quellgruppe.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tune">Der aktuelle Auswahlvorgang.</param>
        /// <returns>Beschreibt, wie die Bearbeitung weiter fortgeführt werden soll.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult ActivateS2( DataGraph.TuneToken tune )
            // Graph is starting or resetting
            var group = (tune == null) ? null : tune.SourceGroup as SatelliteGroup;
            if (group == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to tuner
            var tuner = tune.Pipeline.Graph.TunerFilter;
            if (tuner == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (tune.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Not DVB-S2
            if (!group.UsesS2Modulation)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to the locator of the tune request
            var locator = tune.TuneRequest.Locator;
                // Apply modulation
                switch (group.Modulation)
                    case SatelliteModulations.QPSK: locator.Modulation = (ModulationType) (ModulationType.AnalogFrequency + 5); break;
                    case SatelliteModulations.PSK8: locator.Modulation = (ModulationType) (ModulationType.AnalogFrequency + 6); break;
                    case SatelliteModulations.QAM16: locator.Modulation = ModulationType.QAM16; break;

                // Store back
                tune.TuneRequest.Locator = locator;
                // Cleanup properly
                BDAEnvironment.Release( ref locator );

            // Attach to the one input pin of the tuner
            using (var input = tuner.GetSinglePin( PinDirection.Input ))
                // Start with roll-off
                using (var propertySet = KsPropertySet.Create<RollOff>( input.Interface ))
                    if (propertySet != null)
                        // Get the property and node to use
                        var roNode = KsPNode.Create( BdaTunerExtensionProperties, BDATunerExtensions.RollOff, BDANodes.Tuner );

                        // Update
                        if (propertySet.DoesSupport( roNode, PropertySetSupportedTypes.Set ))
                            switch (group.RollOff)
                                case S2RollOffs.Alpha35: propertySet.Set( roNode, RollOff.Offset35 ); break;
                                case S2RollOffs.Alpha25: propertySet.Set( roNode, RollOff.Offset25 ); break;
                                case S2RollOffs.Alpha20: propertySet.Set( roNode, RollOff.Offset20 ); break;
                                default: propertySet.Set( roNode, RollOff.NotSet ); break;

                // Continue with pilot
                using (var propertySet = KsPropertySet.Create<Pilot>( input.Interface ))
                    if (propertySet != null)
                        // Get the property and node to use
                        var piNode = KsPNode.Create( BdaTunerExtensionProperties, BDATunerExtensions.Pilot, BDANodes.Tuner );

                        // Update
                        if (propertySet.DoesSupport( piNode, PropertySetSupportedTypes.Set ))
                            propertySet.Set( piNode, Pilot.NotSet );

            // Normal
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Führt die DiSEqC Steuerung aus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Die aktuellen Informationen zum Wechsel der Quellgruppe.</param>
        /// <returns>Meldet, wie die weitere Abarbeitung zu erfolgen hat.</returns>
        private static PipelineResult ApplyDiSEqC( DataGraph.TuneToken token )
            // Check mode
            var location = (token == null) ? null : token.GroupLocation as SatelliteLocation;
            if (location == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to capture
            var capture = token.Pipeline.Graph.CaptureFilter;
            if (capture == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (token.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Initial
            uint positionOption;
            switch (location.LNB)
                case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC1: positionOption = 0x0000; break;
                case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC2: positionOption = 0x0001; break;
                case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC3: positionOption = 0x0100; break;
                case DiSEqCLocations.DiSEqC4: positionOption = 0x0101; break;
                default: positionOption = uint.MaxValue; break;

            // Request interface
            var filter = capture.GetFrequencyFilter();
            if (filter != null)
                // Do it the more or less modern way
                    // Load
                    filter.Range = positionOption;
                    // Cleanup
                    BDAEnvironment.Release( ref filter );
                // Attach to the tuning space
                var space = token.TuneRequest.TuningSpace;
                    // Store
                    ((IDVBSTuningSpace) space).InputRange = positionOption.ToString();
                    // Cleanup
                    BDAEnvironment.Release( ref space );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualisiert die Aktionslisten des DVB Empfangs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Der DirectShow Graph für den DVB Empfang.</param>
        /// <param name="profile">Das verwendete Geräteprofil.</param>
        /// <param name="types">Die gewünschte Aktivierung.</param>
        void IPipelineExtension.Install( DataGraph graph, Profile profile, PipelineTypes types )
            // Validate
            if (graph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "graph" );
            if (profile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "profile" );

            // Check supported types
            if ((types & PipelineTypes.CICAM) != 0)
                graph.DecryptionPipeline.AddPostProcessing( Decrypt );
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktiviert die Entschlüsselung einer Quelle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Informationen zur gewählten Quelle.</param>
        public PipelineResult Decrypt( DataGraph.DecryptToken token )
            // Load graph
            if (token != null)
                m_dataGraph = token.Pipeline.Graph;

            // Get unique call identifier
            var callIdentifier = Interlocked.Increment( ref m_changeCounter );

            // See if we can do anything
            if (m_dataGraph == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;
            if (m_filterIndex < 0)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;
            if (m_filterIndex >= m_dataGraph.AdditionalFilters.Count)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Deactivate if CAM reset is forbidden
            var sources = (token == null) ? null : token.Sources;
            var noSources = (sources == null) || (sources.Length < 1);
            if ((noSources && (m_suppress != SuppressionMode.Complete)) || !m_hasBeenReset)
                lock (m_deviceAccess)
                    // Check COM interface
                    var controlPtr = ComIdentity.QueryInterface( m_dataGraph.AdditionalFilters[m_filterIndex].Interface, typeof( KsControl.Interface ) );
                    if (controlPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                        return PipelineResult.Continue;

                    // Process
                    using (var control = new KsControl( controlPtr ))
                        // Report
                        if (BDASettings.BDATraceSwitch.Enabled)
                            Trace.WriteLine( Properties.Resources.Trace_ResetCAM, BDASettings.BDATraceSwitch.DisplayName );

                        // Reset the CAM

                        // We did it once
                        m_hasBeenReset = true;

            // Start processor
                ( pmt, first ) =>
                    // See if we are still allowed to process and do so
                    lock (m_deviceAccess)
                        // No longer current
                        if (Thread.VolatileRead( ref m_changeCounter ) != callIdentifier)
                            return false;

                        // Try reset
                        if (!first)
                            if (m_disableOnChange)
                                Decrypt( 0, m_dataGraph );

                        // Wait for it
                        if (m_changeDelay > 0)
                            Thread.Sleep( m_changeDelay );

                        // Regular
                        Decrypt( pmt.ProgramNumber, m_dataGraph );

                    // Next
                    return true;
                }, sources );

            // Next
            return PipelineResult.Continue;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Übernimmt die Ansteuerung einer Antenne.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tune">Der aktuelle Änderungswunsch.</param>
        /// <returns>Beschreibt, wie weiter fortzufahren ist.</returns>
        private PipelineResult ApplyDiSEqC( DataGraph.TuneToken tune )
            // Not active
            var diseqc = (tune == null) ? null : tune.DiSEqCMessage;
            if (diseqc == null)
                // Reset request - or first call at all
                m_LastDiSEqC = null;

                // Next
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to tuner
            var tuner = tune.Pipeline.Graph.TunerFilter;
            if (tuner == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Verify that grpah is created
            if (tune.Pipeline.Graph.TransportStreamAnalyser == null)
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Request the message to send
            if (diseqc.Equals( m_LastDiSEqC ))
                return PipelineResult.Continue;

            // Attach to the one input pin of the tuner
            using (var input = tuner.GetSinglePin( PinDirection.Input ))
            using (var propertySet = KsPropertySet.Create<NovaDiSEqCMessage>( input.Interface ))
                if (propertySet != null)
                    // Create the identifier of the property to use
                    var nodeReference = KsPNode.Create( BdaTunerExtensionProperties, BDATunerExtensions.DiSEqC, BDANodes.Tuner );

                    // Check for support of the property
                    if (!propertySet.DoesSupport( nodeReference, PropertySetSupportedTypes.Set ))
                        return PipelineResult.Continue;

                    // Create structures
                    var message = new NovaDiSEqCMessage();

                    // Create a copy
                    var command = (byte[]) diseqc.Request.Clone();

                    // As long as necessary
                    for (int nCount = diseqc.Repeat; nCount-- > 0; Thread.Sleep( 120 ))
                            // Prepare the message
                            message.Request = new byte[151];
                            message.Response = new byte[9];

                            // Fill the message
                            command.CopyTo( message.Request, 0 );

                            // Set the lengths
                            message.RequestLength = (uint) command.Length;
                            message.ResponseLength = 0;

                            // Configure
                            message.ToneBurstModulation = (ToneBurstModulationModes) diseqc.Burst;
                            message.ResponseMode = DiSEqCReceiveModes.NoReply;
                            message.DiSEqCVersion = DiSEqCVersions.Version1;
                            message.AmplitudeAttenuation = 3;
                            message.LastMessage = true;

                            // Send the message
                            propertySet.Set( nodeReference, message );

                            // Set repeat flag
                            if (command.Length > 0)
                                command[0] |= 1;
                            // Reset
                            m_LastDiSEqC = null;

                            // Forward

                    // Remember
                    m_LastDiSEqC = diseqc.Clone();

            // Done
            return PipelineResult.Continue;