Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up cached PropertyInfo and determines the best delegate to use to compare values
        /// retrieved from that property.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize()
            if (fFoundProperty == false)
                fFoundProperty = true;
                if (pi == null)
                    PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
                    property = props[sPropertyName];
                    pi       = typeof(T).GetProperty(sPropertyName);

                    if (pi == null)
                        throw new Exception("Property name " + sPropertyName +
                                            " not found while trying to compare objects of type " + typeof(T).Name);
                typ = pi.PropertyType;
                // Set up the property comparison delegate to use based on the type of values we will be comparing
                if (sortType == SortType.eUsePropertyOrFieldType)
                    sortType = Sorting.GetSortTypeEnumForType(typ);
                    if (typ == typeof(string))
                        if (stringComparisonToUse == StringComparison.Ordinal)
                            DoCompare = StringCompareOrdinal;
                            DoCompare = StringCompare;
                    else if (typ == typeof(int) && !fSortDescending)
                        DoCompare = CompareInt;
                    else if (typ == typeof(int))
                        DoCompare = CompareIntDesc;
                    else if (typ == typeof(DateTime))
                        DoCompare = CompareDates;
                    else if (typ == typeof(long))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <long>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(double))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <double>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(float))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <float>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(short))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <short>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(byte))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <byte>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(bool))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <bool>;
                    else if (typ.BaseType == typeof(Enum))
                        FastEnumLookup = new Dictionary <int, string>(32);
                        if (fSortDescending)
                            DoCompare = FastCompareEnumsDesc;
                            DoCompare = FastCompareEnumsAsc;
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToString;
                    if (sortType == SortType.eString)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToString;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eByte)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToByte;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eDateTime)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToDate;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eInteger)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToInt;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eLong)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToInt64;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eDoubleOrFloat)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToDouble;
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToString;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the Episode image and overview, also over-write the episode name if user has selected this
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictTvDBEpisodes"></param>
        /// <param name="dictTvDBSeasons"></param>
        /// <param name="dictTvDBSeasonsSpecials"></param>
        /// <param name="tvDBCrossRef"></param>
        public void SetTvDBInfo(TvDBSummary tvSummary)
            TvDBLinkExists  = false;
            TvDBLinkMissing = true;

            #region episode override
            // check if this episode has a direct tvdb over-ride
            if (tvSummary.DictTvDBCrossRefEpisodes.ContainsKey(AniDB_EpisodeID))
                foreach (TvDB_EpisodeVM tvep in tvSummary.DictTvDBEpisodes.Values)
                    if (tvSummary.DictTvDBCrossRefEpisodes[AniDB_EpisodeID] == tvep.Id)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.Overview))
                            this.EpisodeOverviewLoading = "Episode Overview Not Available";
                            this.EpisodeOverviewLoading = tvep.Overview;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.FullImagePath) || !File.Exists(tvep.FullImagePath))
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.OnlineImagePath))
                                this.EpisodeImageLoading = @"/Images/EpisodeThumb_NotFound.png";
                                // if there is no proper image to show, we will hide it on the dashboard
                                ShowEpisodeImageInDashboard = false;
                            //	this.EpisodeImageLoading = tvep.OnlineImagePath;
                            this.EpisodeImageLoading = tvep.FullImagePath;

                        if (JMMServerVM.Instance.EpisodeTitleSource == DataSourceType.TheTvDB && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.EpisodeName))
                            EpisodeName = tvep.EpisodeName;

                        TvDBLinkExists  = true;
                        TvDBLinkMissing = false;


            logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: normal episodes start");

            #region normal episodes
            // now do stuff to improve performance
            if (this.EpisodeTypeEnum == JMMClient.EpisodeType.Episode)
                if (tvSummary != null && tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2 != null && tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2.Count > 0)
                    logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: sorting TvDB cross refs: {0} records", tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2.Count);

                    // find the xref that is right
                    // relies on the xref's being sorted by season number and then episode number (desc)
                    List <SortPropOrFieldAndDirection> sortCriteria = new List <SortPropOrFieldAndDirection>();
                    sortCriteria.Add(new SortPropOrFieldAndDirection("AniDBStartEpisodeNumber", true, JMMClient.SortType.eInteger));
                    List <CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2> tvDBCrossRef = Sorting.MultiSort <CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2>(tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2, sortCriteria);

                    logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: looking for starting points");

                    bool foundStartingPoint          = false;
                    CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2 xrefBase = null;
                    foreach (CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2 xrefTV in tvDBCrossRef)
                        if (xrefTV.AniDBStartEpisodeType != (int)JMMClient.EpisodeType.Episode)
                        if (this.EpisodeNumber >= xrefTV.AniDBStartEpisodeNumber)
                            foundStartingPoint = true;
                            xrefBase           = xrefTV;

                    logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: looking for starting points - done");

                    // we have found the starting epiosde numbder from AniDB
                    // now let's check that the TvDB Season and Episode Number exist
                    if (foundStartingPoint)
                        logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: creating dictionary");

                        Dictionary <int, int>            dictTvDBSeasons  = null;
                        Dictionary <int, TvDB_EpisodeVM> dictTvDBEpisodes = null;
                        foreach (TvDBDetails det in tvSummary.TvDetails.Values)
                            if (det.TvDBID == xrefBase.TvDBID)
                                dictTvDBSeasons  = det.DictTvDBSeasons;
                                dictTvDBEpisodes = det.DictTvDBEpisodes;

                        logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: creating dictionary - done");

                        if (dictTvDBSeasons.ContainsKey(xrefBase.TvDBSeasonNumber))
                            int episodeNumber = dictTvDBSeasons[xrefBase.TvDBSeasonNumber] + (this.EpisodeNumber + xrefBase.TvDBStartEpisodeNumber - 2) - (xrefBase.AniDBStartEpisodeNumber - 1);
                            if (dictTvDBEpisodes.ContainsKey(episodeNumber))
                                logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: loading episode overview");
                                TvDB_EpisodeVM tvep = dictTvDBEpisodes[episodeNumber];
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.Overview))
                                    this.EpisodeOverviewLoading = "Episode Overview Not Available";
                                    this.EpisodeOverviewLoading = tvep.Overview;

                                logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: loading episode overview - done");

                                bool imagePathMissing = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.FullImagePath);

                                logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: checking for image path missing - done\n - {0}\n - {1}\n", tvep.FullImagePath, tvep.FullImagePathPlain);

                                bool imagePhysicalMissing = !File.Exists(tvep.FullImagePath);

                                logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: checking for physical image missing - done\n - {0}\n - {1}\n", tvep.FullImagePath, tvep.FullImagePathPlain);

                                if (imagePathMissing || imagePhysicalMissing)
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.OnlineImagePath))
                                        this.EpisodeImageLoading = @"/Images/EpisodeThumb_NotFound.png";
                                        // if there is no proper image to show, we will hide it on the dashboard
                                        ShowEpisodeImageInDashboard = false;
                                    //	this.EpisodeImageLoading = tvep.OnlineImagePath;
                                    this.EpisodeImageLoading = tvep.FullImagePath;

                                logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: episode image - done");

                                if (JMMServerVM.Instance.EpisodeTitleSource == DataSourceType.TheTvDB && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.EpisodeName))
                                    EpisodeName = tvep.EpisodeName;

            logger.Trace("SetTvDBInfo: normal episodes finish");

            #region special episodes
            if (this.EpisodeTypeEnum == JMMClient.EpisodeType.Special)
                // find the xref that is right
                // relies on the xref's being sorted by season number and then episode number (desc)
                List <SortPropOrFieldAndDirection> sortCriteria = new List <SortPropOrFieldAndDirection>();
                sortCriteria.Add(new SortPropOrFieldAndDirection("AniDBStartEpisodeNumber", true, JMMClient.SortType.eInteger));
                List <CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2> tvDBCrossRef = Sorting.MultiSort <CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2>(tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2, sortCriteria);

                bool foundStartingPoint          = false;
                CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2 xrefBase = null;
                foreach (CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBVMV2 xrefTV in tvDBCrossRef)
                    if (xrefTV.AniDBStartEpisodeType != (int)JMMClient.EpisodeType.Special)
                    if (this.EpisodeNumber >= xrefTV.AniDBStartEpisodeNumber)
                        foundStartingPoint = true;
                        xrefBase           = xrefTV;

                if (tvSummary != null && tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2 != null && tvSummary.CrossRefTvDBV2.Count > 0)
                    // we have found the starting epiosde numbder from AniDB
                    // now let's check that the TvDB Season and Episode Number exist
                    if (foundStartingPoint)
                        Dictionary <int, int>            dictTvDBSeasons  = null;
                        Dictionary <int, TvDB_EpisodeVM> dictTvDBEpisodes = null;
                        foreach (TvDBDetails det in tvSummary.TvDetails.Values)
                            if (det.TvDBID == xrefBase.TvDBID)
                                dictTvDBSeasons  = det.DictTvDBSeasons;
                                dictTvDBEpisodes = det.DictTvDBEpisodes;

                        if (dictTvDBSeasons.ContainsKey(xrefBase.TvDBSeasonNumber))
                            int episodeNumber = dictTvDBSeasons[xrefBase.TvDBSeasonNumber] + (this.EpisodeNumber + xrefBase.TvDBStartEpisodeNumber - 2) - (xrefBase.AniDBStartEpisodeNumber - 1);
                            if (dictTvDBEpisodes.ContainsKey(episodeNumber))
                                TvDB_EpisodeVM tvep = dictTvDBEpisodes[episodeNumber];
                                this.EpisodeOverviewLoading = tvep.Overview;

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.FullImagePath) || !File.Exists(tvep.FullImagePath))
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.OnlineImagePath))
                                        this.EpisodeImageLoading = @"/Images/EpisodeThumb_NotFound.png";
                                        // if there is no proper image to show, we will hide it on the dashboard
                                        ShowEpisodeImageInDashboard = false;
                                    //	this.EpisodeImageLoading = tvep.OnlineImagePath;
                                    this.EpisodeImageLoading = tvep.FullImagePath;

                                if (JMMServerVM.Instance.EpisodeTitleSource == DataSourceType.TheTvDB && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvep.EpisodeName))
                                    EpisodeName = tvep.EpisodeName;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up cached FieldInfo and determines the best delegate to use to compare values
        /// retrieved from that field.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize()
            if (fFoundField == false)
                fFoundField = true;

                if (fi == null)
                    // You can play around with binding flags if you really want to access nonpublic fields, etc...
                    // note that there is a significant performance hit on accessing protected and private fields,
                    // since security / permissions are checked every time, from what I can tell.  It's better
                    // just to go through public properties if you're not accessing public fields.
                    // fi = typeof(T).GetField(sFieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    fi = typeof(T).GetField(sFieldName);
                    if (fi == null)
                        throw new Exception("Field name " + sFieldName +
                                            " not found while trying to compare objects of type " + typeof(T).Name);
                typ = fi.FieldType;
                if (sortType == SortType.eUsePropertyOrFieldType)
                    sortType = Sorting.GetSortTypeEnumForType(typ);
                    if (typ == typeof(string))
                        if (stringComparisonToUse == StringComparison.Ordinal)
                            DoCompare = StringCompareOrdinal;
                            DoCompare = StringCompare;
                    else if (typ == typeof(int) && !fSortDescending)
                        DoCompare = CompareInt;
                    else if (typ == typeof(int))
                        DoCompare = CompareIntDesc;
                    else if (typ == typeof(DateTime))
                        DoCompare = CompareDates;
                    else if (typ == typeof(long))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <long>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(double))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <double>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(float))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <float>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(short))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <short>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(byte))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <byte>;
                    else if (typ == typeof(bool))
                        DoCompare = CompareTypeSensitive <bool>;
                    else if (typ.BaseType == typeof(Enum))
                        FastEnumLookup = new Dictionary <int, string>(32);
                        if (fSortDescending)
                            DoCompare = FastCompareEnumsDesc;
                            DoCompare = FastCompareEnumsAsc;
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToString;
                    // optimize to use the ABOVE path if the property or field type matches
                    // the requested sort type (i.e. below)
                    if (sortType == SortType.eString)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToString;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eByte)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToByte;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eDateTime)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToDate;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eInteger)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToInt;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eLong)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToInt64;
                    else if (sortType == SortType.eDoubleOrFloat)
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToDouble;
                        DoCompare = CompareUsingToString;