internal void RegisterHandlerSafe(short msgType, JHSNetworkMessageDelegate handler) { if (handler == null) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("RegisterHandlerSafe id:" + msgType + " handler is null"); } return; } if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("RegisterHandlerSafe id:" + msgType + " handler:" + handler.GetMethodName()); } if (m_MsgHandlers.ContainsKey(msgType)) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("RegisterHandlerSafe id:" + msgType + " handler:" + handler.GetMethodName() + " conflict"); } return; } m_MsgHandlers.Add(msgType, handler); }
public void StartConnect() { IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(IP); remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, Port); if (connection != null && !connection.m_Disposed) { connection.Dispose(); connection = null; } connection = new JHSConnection(); connection.Init(true); if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager Connecting to Server reconnect attmpt:" + m_RecconectTry); } connection.m_socket = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { Blocking = false }; connection.m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer, 1048576); connection.m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendBuffer, 1048576); connection.m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.DontLinger, 1); connection.m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, 0); connection.m_socket.BeginConnect(remoteEP, ConnectCallback, connection.m_socket); Connecting = true; PermaDisconnected = false; }
public void StartListening() { IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(NetConfig.IP); IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, NetConfig.Port); _receiveSocket = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); try { _receiveSocket.Bind(localEndPoint); _receiveSocket.Listen(100); if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkServer :: Started to listen :" + ipAddress.ToString() + " Port:" + NetConfig.Port + " Protocol Version:" + NetConfig.Version); } else { JHSDebug.Log("Server Started IP[" + ipAddress.ToString() + ":" + NetConfig.Port + "] Version:[" + NetConfig.Version + "]"); } _receiveSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), _receiveSocket); } catch (Exception e) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkServer :: Excepiton:" + e.ToString()); } } }
protected void BeginSend() { if (ToSend.Count == 0) { sendbegined = false; return; } try { SendState state; lock (ToSend) { state = ToSend.Dequeue(); } byte[] buf = Crypt.Encode(PacketFarmer.ToBytes(state.msgType, state.packet)); m_socket.BeginSend(buf, 0, buf.Length, SocketFlags.None, asyncsend, null); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // do nothing } catch (SocketException) { Disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSConnection :: Exception: " + e.ToString()); } Disconnect(); } }
private void EndSend(IAsyncResult ar) { try { int bytesSent = m_socket.EndSend(ar); if (NetConfig.UseStatistics) { BytesSent += bytesSent; PacketsSend += 1; lastSentTime = JHSTime.Time; } BeginSend(); if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log(string.Format("JHSConnection :: Sent {0} bytes.", bytesSent)); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // do nothing } catch (SocketException) { Disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSConnection :: Exception: " + e.ToString()); } Disconnect(); } }
public void DoUpdate() { if (Connecting) { return; } if (PermaDisconnected) { return; } if (!Connected) { if (LastTryToConnect > JHSTime.Time) { return; } if (RecconectTry > m_RecconectTry) { LastTryToConnect = JHSTime.Time + NetConfig.ReconnectTimeOut; m_RecconectTry++; StartClient(); } else { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSProtocol Could not connect to the server."); } PermaDisconnected = true; } } }
private void WriteCheckForSpace(ushort count) { if (Position + count < m_Buffer.Length) { return; } int newLen = (int)Math.Ceiling(m_Buffer.Length * k_GrowthFactor); while (Position + count >= newLen) { newLen = (int)Math.Ceiling(newLen * k_GrowthFactor); if (newLen > k_BufferSizeWarning) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Warning) { JHSDebug.LogWarning("JHSNetworkBuffer :: Size is " + newLen + " bytes!"); } } } // only do the copy once, even if newLen is increased multiple times byte[] tmp = new byte[newLen]; m_Buffer.CopyTo(tmp, 0); m_Buffer = tmp; }
internal void AddConnection(JHSConnection con) { Connected(con); if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Added Connection To Pool."); } }
private void ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { Socket client = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; try { client.EndConnect(ar); } catch (SocketException x) { if (connection != null) { connection.Disconnect(); } if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Excepiton:" + x.GetErrorCode()); } Connecting = false; return; } catch (Exception e) { if (connection != null) { connection.Disconnect(); } if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Excepiton:" + e.ToString()); } Connecting = false; return; } try { connection.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); connection.StartReceiving(client); HandShakeMsg packet = new HandShakeMsg { Version = NetConfig.Version, OP = 0, }; connection.Send(InternalMessages.HeandShake_Server, packet); Connecting = false; Connected = true; m_RecconectTry = 0; } catch (Exception e) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Excepiton:" + e.ToString()); } Connecting = false; } }
private void EndReceive(IAsyncResult result) { if (stage == PerStage.NotConnected) { return; } lock (m_lockread) { try { int len = m_socket.EndReceive(result); if (len == 0) { Disconnect(); return; } byte[] buf = Crypt.Decode(this.m_Connbuffer, len); for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) { JHSNetworkReader ds = PacketFarmer.Accumulate(buf[i]); if (ds != null) { if (HandleReader(ds)) { if (NetConfig.UseStatistics) { PacketsRec += 1; BitesRev += len; } } } } m_socket.BeginReceive(this.m_Connbuffer, 0, this.m_Connbuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, asyncrec, null); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // do nothing } catch (SocketException sk) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSConnection :: Excepiton:" + sk.GetErrorCode()); } Disconnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSConnection :: Excepiton:" + ex.ToString()); } Disconnect(); } } }
internal void Discconnectx(JHSConnection con) { if (m_activeTransport != null) { m_activeTransport.Disconnect(con); if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Log && con != null) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Disconnected :" + con.connectionId); } } }
internal void InternalSend(short msgType, JHSMessageBase msg) { if (m_activeTransport != null) { m_activeTransport.Send(0, msgType, msg); return; } if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkManager :: Failed to send message to connection ID '" + 0 + ", not found in connection list"); } }
public void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (count > UInt16.MaxValue) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkWriter :: Write: buffer is too large (" + count + ") bytes. The maximum buffer size is 64K bytes."); } return; } m_Buffer.WriteBytesAtOffset(buffer, (ushort)offset, (ushort)count); }
public void Send(uint connectionId, short msgType, JHSMessageBase msg) { if (connection != null && connection.ConnectionReady()) { connection.Send(msgType, msg); return; } if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkManager :: CLIENT BASE TRANSPORT Failed to send message to connection ID '" + connectionId + ", not found in connection list"); } }
public JHSConnection StartClient() { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Log) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Created Client Version:" + NetConfig.Version); } Connecting = true; IP = NetConfig.IP; Port = NetConfig.Port; StartConnect(); Connected = false; return(null); }
public void Send(uint connectionId, short msgType, JHSMessageBase msg) { if (m_Connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out JHSConnection conection)) { if (conection != null) { conection.Send(msgType, msg); return; } } if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkServer :: Failed to send message to connection ID '" + connectionId + ", not found in connection list"); } }
//NOTE: this will write the entire buffer.. including trailing empty space! public void WriteBytesFull(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) { Write((UInt16)0); return; } if (buffer.Length > UInt16.MaxValue) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkWriter :: WriteBytes: buffer is too large (" + buffer.Length + ") bytes. The maximum buffer size is 64K bytes."); } return; } Write((UInt16)buffer.Length); m_Buffer.WriteBytes(buffer, (UInt16)buffer.Length); }
public byte[] ToBytes(short msgType, JHSMessageBase packet) { lock (m_Writer) { m_Writer.StartMessage(msgType); packet.Serialize(m_Writer); m_Writer.FinishMessage(); byte[] buf = m_Writer.ToArray(); List <byte> listbuf = new List <byte>(); listbuf.AddRange(Write(PACKAGE_HEADER_ID)); listbuf.AddRange(Write((ushort)buf.Length)); listbuf.AddRange(buf); byte[] nesent = listbuf.ToArray(); if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSPacketFarmer Write:" + BitConverter.ToString(nesent)); } return(nesent); } }
public void WriteBytesAndSize(byte[] buffer, int count) { if (buffer == null || count == 0) { Write((UInt16)0); return; } if (count > UInt16.MaxValue) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkWriter :: WriteBytesAndSize: buffer is too large (" + count + ") bytes. The maximum buffer size is 64K bytes."); } return; } Write((UInt16)count); m_Buffer.WriteBytes(buffer, (UInt16)count); }
private static void TESTMSG_RECIVE(JHSNetworkMessage netMsg) { uint connectionId = netMsg.conn.connectionId; string ip = netMsg.conn.IP; SearchMatch packet = netMsg.ReadMessage <SearchMatch>(); if (packet != null) { JHSDebug.Log(packet.op.ToString()); netMsg.conn.Send(100, new SearchMatch() { op = SearchMatchOperations.Search }); netMsg.conn.Send(100, new SearchMatch() { op = SearchMatchOperations.START, IP = "", port = 1985 }); // JHSNetworkManager.SendToAll(100, new TESTMSGRE() {ClientId = connectionId, Time = packet.Time, TimeServ = JHSTime.TimeStamp }); } }
public void SendToAll(short msgType, JHSMessageBase msg) { try { JHSConnection[] connections = m_Connections.Values.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i] != null && connections[i].ConnectionReady()) { connections[i].Send(msgType, msg); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSNetworkServer :: Exception:" + e.ToString()); } } }
public JHSNetworkReader Accumulate(byte bt) { btbuf.Add(bt); if (btbuf.Count < PACKAGE_HEADER_LEN) { return(null); } byte[] buff = btbuf.ToArray(); uint head = ReadUInt32(buff, 0); uint len = ReadUInt16(buff, 4); int ptr = btbuf.Count - PACKAGE_HEADER_LEN; if (head == PACKAGE_HEADER_ID) { if (btbuf.Count >= 65536) { btbuf.Clear(); return(null); } if (len == ptr) { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Developer) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSPacketFarmer Read:" + BitConverter.ToString(buff)); } btbuf.Clear(); var x = new JHSNetworkReader(buff); x.ReadBytes(PACKAGE_HEADER_LEN); return(x); } } return(null); }
protected bool HandleReader(JHSNetworkReader reader) { try { ushort sz = reader.ReadUInt16(); short msgType = reader.ReadInt16(); byte[] msgBuffer = reader.ReadBytes(sz); if (isClient) { JHSNetworkReader msgReader = new JHSNetworkReader(msgBuffer); if (m_MessageHandlersDict.ContainsKey(msgType)) { JHSNetworkClient.PushMessage(new JHSNetworkMessage() { msgType = msgType, reader = msgReader, conn = this }); } else { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSConnection :: Unknown message ID " + msgType + " connId:" + connectionId); } if (NetConfig.UseStatistics) { ReadError += 1; } } } else { JHSNetworkReader msgReader = new JHSNetworkReader(msgBuffer); JHSNetworkMessageDelegate msgDelegate = null; if (m_MessageHandlersDict.ContainsKey(msgType)) { msgDelegate = m_MessageHandlersDict[msgType]; } if (msgDelegate != null) { msgDelegate(new JHSNetworkMessage() { msgType = msgType, reader = msgReader, conn = this }); } else { if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Error) { JHSDebug.LogError("JHSConnection :: Unknown message ID " + msgType + " connId:" + connectionId); } if (NetConfig.UseStatistics) { ReadError += 1; } } } } catch { } return(true); }
internal void HandleServerHandShake(JHSNetworkMessage netMsg) { HandShakeMsg packet = netMsg.ReadMessage <HandShakeMsg>(); if (packet != null) { if (packet.OP == 0) //VER VERSION { if (packet.Version == NetConfig.Version) { netMsg.conn.stage = PerStage.Verifying; HandShakeMsg p = new HandShakeMsg { Version = netMsg.conn.connectionId, OP = 0 }; netMsg.conn.Send(InternalMessages.HeandShake_Client, p); } else { netMsg.conn.Disconnect(); } } else if (packet.OP == 1) { if (packet.Version == NetConfig.Key) { netMsg.conn.stage = PerStage.Connecting; HandShakeMsg p = new HandShakeMsg { Version = (uint)NetConfig.Key, OP = 1 }; netMsg.conn.Send(InternalMessages.HeandShake_Client, p); } else { netMsg.conn.Disconnect(); } } else if (packet.OP == 2) { if (packet.Version == NetConfig.Key) { netMsg.conn.stage = PerStage.Connected; if (NetConfig.logFilter >= JHSLogFilter.Log) { JHSDebug.Log("JHSNetworkManager :: Connected:" + netMsg.conn.connectionId); } AddConnection(netMsg.conn); } else { netMsg.conn.Disconnect(); } } else { netMsg.conn.Disconnect(); } } }