Esempio n. 1
        public override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string str = "";
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            string str5 = "";
            string str3 = "";
            string str2 = "";
            string str4 = "";
            int num = 13;
                base._isLoggingIn = true;
                base._isLoginSuccess = false;
                base._objMatchDetailsListPrevious = null;
                base._objmemberListPrevious = new MemberList();
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intMemberListSpiderFailCount = 0;
                str = base._strLoginURL;
                string changeUrl = "";
                if (!this.IsLoginFailCountOK(ref changeUrl))
                    base._strLoginURL = changeUrl;
                    str = changeUrl;
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Change URL (" + base._strLoginURL + ")...");
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Login Info...");
                if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
                    base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                    str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Website ("+ str + ")...");
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                if (str3 != null)
                    base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str3, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Captcha URL...");
                str2 = "fromPage=default";
                int num2 = 0;
                str3 = CommonFunction.substring(base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/ImgTextRefresh.aspx", str, str2.Length, ""), str2, ref str5, ref str3), 0, "updateImgText('", "'", ref num2).Trim();
                if (str3 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Captcha URL not found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Validation Code...");
                WebResponse response = null;
                string str9 = null;
                HttpWebResponse response2 = (HttpWebResponse)response;
                response = response2;
                bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str3, str, ""), ref str9, ref response2));
                if (response != null)
                CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\SBOBetAgent\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
                if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
                    base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Login User (" + base._strAccountID + ") ...");
                str2 = "username="******"&password="******"&vcode=" + breaker.get_Result() + "&lang=en&page=default";
                str4 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/processlogin.aspx", str, str2.Length, ""), str2, ref str5, ref str3);
                if (str4.Contains("default.aspx?e="))
                    num2 = 0;
                    string str10 = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "default.aspx?e=", "&", ref num2).Trim();
                    if (str10 == "1")
                        base._strLoginError = "Username is empty";
                    else if (str10 == "2")
                        base._strLoginError = "Password is empty";
                    else if (str10 == "3")
                        base._strLoginError = "Password must be at least 6 chars";
                    else if (str10 == "4")
                        base._strLoginError = "Invalid validation code";
                    else if (str10 == "5")
                        base._strLoginError = "IP Address not valid";
                    else if (str10 == "10")
                        base._strLoginError = "Your username as password is not valid";
                        base._strLoginError = "Login failed - Unknown error";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Welcome Page...");
                num2 = 0;
                str5 = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "name='f' action='", "'", ref num2).Trim();
                num2 = 0;
                string str6 = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "name='id' value='", "'", ref num2).Trim();
                num2 = 0;
                string str7 = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "name='key' value='", "'", ref num2).Trim();
                num2 = 0;
                string str8 = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "name='lang' value='", "'", ref num2).Trim();
                if ((((str5 == string.Empty) | (str6 == string.Empty)) | (str7 == string.Empty)) | (str8 == string.Empty))
                    base._strLoginError = "Error while accessing Welcome Page!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                str9 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(string.Format("{0}?id={1}&key={2}&lang={3}", new object[] { str5, str6, str7, str8 }), str + "/processlogin.aspx", ""), ref str9, ref str3);
                if (str.Contains(".com"))
                    num2 = 0;
                    str = "ht" + CommonFunction.substring(str5, 0, "ht", ".com", ref num2) + ".com";
                    num2 = 0;
                    str = "http://" + CommonFunction.substring(str5, 0, "http://", "/", ref num2);
                    if (str.Length > 0)
                        str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                if (str3 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Main Page not found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Welcome Process Page...");
                str9 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str3, str, ""), ref str9, ref str3);
                if (str3.ToLower().Contains("termscondition") | str3.ToLower().Contains("password.aspx"))
                    str9 = null;
                    str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/tc/termsconditions.aspx?type=iom_audit", str + "/processlogin.aspx", ""), ref str9, ref str3);
                    str9 = null;
                    str4 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/tc/termsconditions.aspx", str + "/webroot/restricted/tc/termsconditions.aspx?type=iom_audit", "agree=1".Length, ""), "agree=1", ref str9, ref str3);
                if (str4.ToLower().Contains("password.aspx"))
                    base._strLoginError = "Password Expired! Please change new password from Internet Explorer and login again...";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                else if (!str4.ToLower().Contains("home.aspx"))
                    base._strLoginError = "Login to Main Page Failed!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Home Page...");
                str9 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str3, str, ""), ref str9, ref str3);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Account Info...");
                base._objMatchDetailsListPrevious = null;
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._strRootURL = str;
                base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Agent Credit Balance...");
                str9 = null;
                string str11 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "/webroot/restricted/account/balance_new.aspx", base._strRootURL + "/webroot/restricted/homeleft.aspx", ""), ref str9, ref str11);
                this.ExtractAgentCreditFromText(str4, ref this._strAccountCurrency, ref this._decAccountCashBalance, ref this._decAccountTotalBalance, ref this._decAccountTotalOutstanding, ref this._decAccountTotalOutstanding, ref this._decAccountTotalCredit);
                base._objRole = this.GetAgentRoleByText(str4);
                str11 = null;
                str9 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "/webroot/restricted/HomeTop.aspx", base._strRootURL + "/webroot/restricted/home.aspx", ""), ref str11, ref str9);
                num2 = 0;
                base._strAccountCurrency = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "icon-cur.gif", ">", "<", ref num2).Trim();
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Other Info...");
                base._strWinLossReportRaw = this.GetMemberWinLossReport();
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Member URL List...");
                List<string> memberListURL = this.GetMemberListURL(false);
                if (memberListURL != null)
                    base._objMemberURLList = memberListURL;

                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(100, "Login OK.");
                base._isLoginSuccess = true;
                base._isLoggingIn = false;

                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);
                //base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.UpdateGeneralSpiderProcess);
            catch (Exception ex)
                base._isLoggingIn = false;
                    base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0,  base._strLoginError);
                }catch(Exception ex1)

                if (base._strLoginError != ex.Message)
                    this.WriteProgramLogger(ex.Message + "  Exception Info:" + ex.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string str = "";
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            string str5 = "";
            string str3 = "";
            string str2 = "";
            string str4 = "";
                base._isLoggingIn = true;
                base._isLoginSuccess = false;
                base._objMatchDetailsListPrevious = null;
                base._objmemberListPrevious = new MemberList();
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                str = base._strLoginURL;
                string changeUrl = "";

                if (!this.IsLoginFailCountOK(ref changeUrl))
                    base._strLoginURL = changeUrl;
                    str = changeUrl;
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Change URL (" + base._strLoginURL + ")...");
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Login Info...");
                if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
                    base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);

                if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                    str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);

                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Website(" + this._strLoginURL + " )");
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                if ((str3 != null) && !str3.Contains("SignIn.aspx"))
                    base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str3, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                str3 = str5;
                int num = 0;
                str = str + "/" + CommonFunction.substring(str3, 0, "/", "SignIn", ref num);
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "SignIn.aspx", "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Validation Code...");

                WebResponse response = null;
                string str7 = null;
                HttpWebResponse response2 = (HttpWebResponse) response;
                response = response2;
                bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "Handlers/Captcha.ashx", str + "SignIn.aspx", ""), ref str7, ref response2));
                if (response != null)
                CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\IBCBetAgent\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("captcha data is " + breaker.get_Result());
                if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
                    base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Login User (" + base._strAccountID + ") ...");
                str2 = "hidLanguage=en-US&txtUserName="******"&txtPassWord="******"&txtCaptcha=" + breaker.get_Result();

                // modify Aorta 2010.12.09
                //str4 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str.Replace("http:", "https:") + "SignIn.aspx", str, str2.Length, ""), str2, ref str5, ref str3);
                str4 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "SignIn.aspx", str, str2.Length, ""), str2, ref str5, ref str3);

                if (str4.Contains("errMsg"))
                    num = 0;
                    base._strLoginError = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "'errMsg':'", "'", ref num);
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Account Info Correct.");
                num = 0;
                str3 = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "href=\"", "\">", ref num).Trim();
                if (str3 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Login URL not found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Redirect to Login URL...");
                str5 = str;
                str3 = str3.Replace("&amp;", "&");
                num = 0;
                str = "http://" + CommonFunction.substring(str3, 0, "http://", ".com", ref num) + ".com";
                str7 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str3, str5, ""), ref str7, ref str3);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3))
                    base._strLoginError = "Authorization URL not found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Redirect to Authorization URL");
                str3 = str3.Replace("&amp;", "&");
                str7 = null;
                // 此行容易出错
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str3, str5, ""), ref str7, ref str3);
                if (!str3.Contains("Index.aspx"))
                    base._strLoginError = "Index Web Page Not Found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Redirect to Index Page...");
                str3 = str + str3;
                num = 0;
                str = "http://" + CommonFunction.substring(str3, 0, "http://", "Index.aspx", ref num);
                // Start Andy 2011.08.04 针对agent网站发生变化,屏蔽以下代码
                string result = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str3, str5, ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && !result.ToLower().Contains("creditbalance"))
                    base._strLoginError = "Agent Credit Balance Web Page Not Found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                // End Andy
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Account Info...");
                base._objMatchDetailsListPrevious = null;
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._strRootURL = str;
                base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();

                this.WriteProgramLogger(" Fetching Agent Credit Balance...");
                str7 = null;
                string str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "_MemberInfo/CreditBalance/CreditBalance.aspx?siteload=1", base._strRootURL + "Index.aspx", ""), ref str7, ref str8);

                this.ExtractAgentCreditFromText(str4, ref this._strAccountCurrency, ref this._decAccountCashBalance, ref this._decAccountTotalBalance, ref this._decAccountAgentOutstanding, ref this._decAccountTotalOutstanding, ref this._decAccountAgentCredit, ref this._decAccountTotalCredit);
                base._objRole = this.GetAgentRoleByText(str4);

                if (base._objRole == EnumCollection.eMemberPosition.Senior)
                    this._isToGetIndividualMemberBet = false;
                    this._isToGetIndividualMemberBet = true;
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Header...");
                str8 = null;
                str7 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "_Header/Header.aspx", base._strRootURL + "Index.aspx", ""), ref str8, ref str7);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Menu...");

                //str8 = null;
                //str7 = null;
                //str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "_Menu/Menu.aspx", base._strRootURL + "Index.aspx", ""), ref str8, ref str7);
                //if ((base._objRole != EnumCollection.eMemberPosition.Senior) & str4.Contains("CreditBalance.aspx"))
                //    this._isToGetIndividualMemberBet = true;
                //    this._isToGetIndividualMemberBet = false;
                //if (this._isToGetIndividualMemberBet)
                //    this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Member Credit Balance...");
                //    str8 = null;
                //    str7 = null;
                //    str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "MemberInfo/CreditBalance.aspx", base._strRootURL + "_Menu/Menu.aspx", ""), ref str8, ref str7);
                //    base._objMemberCreditList = this.GenerateMemberCreditListFromText(str4);
                //    this.WriteProgramLogger("Fetching Member URL List...");
                //    base._objMemberURLList = this.GetMemberListURL();
                base._objMemberURLList = this.getMemberOutstandingLists();
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(100, "Login OK.");
                base._isLoginSuccess = true;
                base._isLoggingIn = false;

                if (_isLoginSuccess)
                    base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
                    base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                    base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);

                    // start Aorta
                    //base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.UpdateGeneralSpiderProcess);
                    //base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcessComplete);
                    // end Aorta
            catch (Exception ex)
                base._isLoggingIn = false;

                catch (Exception e1)

                if (base._strLoginError != ex.Message)
                    this.WriteProgramLogger(ex.Message + "  Exception Info:" + ex.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string str = "";
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            string str5 = "";
            string str3 = "";
            string str2 = "";
            string str4 = "";
            int num = 0x13;
                base._isLoggingIn = true;
                base._isLoginSuccess = false;
                base._objMatchDetailsListPrevious = null;
                this._objMatchNameList = new List<MatchNew>();
                this._strMainReportURL = "";
                this._strMainReportRootURL = "";
                this._strUID = "";
                this._strDateFrom = "";
                this._strDateTo = "";
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                str = base._strLoginURL;
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((1.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Checking Login Info...");
                if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
                    base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
                    throw new Exception();
                if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                    str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((2.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Accessing Website...");
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                if (str3 != null)
                    base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((3.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Redirecting (1)...");
                    base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str3, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                if (str3 != null)
                    base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((4.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Redirecting (2)...");
                    base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str3, "", ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                int num2 = 0;
                str = "http" + CommonFunction.substring(str.ToLower(), 0, "http", ".net", ref num2) + ".net/";
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((5.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Accessing Main Page...");
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "manager/mgr_email.asp", str, ""), ref str5, ref str3);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((6.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Checking Validation Code...");
                string str8 = null;
                bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "inc/GetCode.asp", str + "manager/mgr_email.asp", ""), ref str8));
                CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\SB188Agent\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
                if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
                    base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
                    throw new Exception();
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((7.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Login User (" + base._strAccountID + ") ...");
                string str6 = "";
                switch (base._objRole)
                    case EnumCollection.eMemberPosition.Senior:
                        str6 = "1";

                    case EnumCollection.eMemberPosition.Master:
                        str6 = "2";

                    case EnumCollection.eMemberPosition.Agent:
                        str6 = "3";
                str2 = "hidLang=1&radMgrGroup=" + str6 + "&txtLoginCode=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID) + "&txtLoginPwd=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountPassword) + "&vCode=" + breaker.get_Result() + "&btnEnter.x=0&btnEnter.y=0";
                str4 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "manager/mgr_login_proc.asp", str + "manager/mgr_email.asp", str2.Length, ""), str2, ref str5, ref str3);
                if (!str3.Contains("LoginID="))
                    num2 = 0;
                    string str9 = CommonFunction.substring(str3, 0, "hidErrorCode=", "&", ref num2).Trim();
                    if (str9 == "-11")
                        base._strLoginError = "Account Freeze.";
                    else if (str9 == "-12")
                        base._strLoginError = "Please Contact Upline to Reset Login ID.";
                    else if (str9 == "-1")
                        base._strLoginError = "Invalid User ID.";
                        base._strLoginError = "Unknown Error.";
                    throw new Exception();
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((8.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Accessing Front Menu...");
                str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "manager/menu/menu_fr.asp?LoginID=" + base._strAccountID, str + "manager/mgr_email.asp", ""), ref str8, ref str3);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((9.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Accessing Head Menu...");
                str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "manager/menu/menu_head.asp?LoginID=" + base._strAccountID, str + "manager/menu/menu_fr.asp?LoginID=" + base._strAccountID, ""), ref str8, ref str3);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((10.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Accessing Main Body...");
                str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "manager/menu/menu_main.asp", str + "manager/menu/menu_fr.asp?LoginID=" + base._strAccountID, ""), ref str8, ref str3);
                base._objMatchDetailsListPrevious = null;
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._strRootURL = str;
                base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((11.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Fetching Agent Credit Balance...");
                str8 = null;
                string str10 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "manager/mysetting/agent_mysetting.asp", base._strRootURL + "manager/menu/menu_head.asp?LoginID=" + base._strAccountID, ""), ref str8, ref str10);
                this.ExtractAgentCreditFromText(str4, ref this._strAccountCurrency, ref this._decAccountTotalCredit, ref this._decAccountTotalBalance);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((12.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Fetching Agent ID...");
                str10 = null;
                str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "manager/member/member_main.asp", base._strRootURL + "manager/menu/menu_head.asp?LoginID=" + base._strAccountID, ""), ref str10, ref str8);
                num2 = 0;
                this._strAgentID = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "optAgent", "value='", "'", ref num2).Trim();
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((13.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Fetching Member List...");
                str2 = "hidMemberCode=&hidMemberID=&hidPageFlag=1&hidUptFlag=&hidUptValue=&hidRefreshFlag=1&optAgent=" + this._strAgentID + "&optActive=-1&optSort=MemberCode&optPgNo=1&txtMemCodeLike=";
                str10 = null;
                str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(base._strRootURL + "manager/member/member_main.asp", base._strRootURL + "manager/member/member_main.asp", str2.Length, ""), str2, ref str10, ref str8);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((14.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Getting Main Report URL...");
                str10 = null;
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "manager/report/report_mgr_redirect.asp", base._strRootURL + "manager/menu/menu_head.asp", ""), ref str10, ref this._strMainReportURL);
                this._strMainReportURL = this._strMainReportURL.ToLower();
                if (!this._strMainReportURL.Contains("http"))
                    this._strMainReportURL = base._strRootURL + "manager" + this._strMainReportURL.Replace("..", "");
                num2 = 0;
                this._strMainReportRootURL = "http" + CommonFunction.substring(this._strMainReportURL, 0, "http", "/report_mgr_s", ref num2);
                str10 = null;
                str8 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(this._strMainReportURL, base._strRootURL + "manager/menu/menu_head.asp", ""), ref str10, ref str8);
                str10 = null;
                str8 = null;
                string str11 = null;
                string str12 = null;
                string str13 = null;
                this.ExtractReportMenuInfo(str4, ref this._strDateFrom, ref this._strDateTo, ref str10, ref str8, ref str11, ref str12, ref str13);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((15.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Getting UID...");
                str13 = null;
                str12 = null;
                str4 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(base._strRootURL + "manager/soccer/mgr_soccer_main.asp", base._strRootURL + "manager/soccer/mgr_soccer_main.asp", ""), ref str13, ref str12);
                num2 = 0;
                this._strUID = CommonFunction.substring(str4, 0, "uid=", "&", ref num2).Trim();
                if (this._strUID == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "UID not found!";
                    throw new Exception();
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((16.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Getting All Match Name...");
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((17.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Getting Member URL List...");
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((18.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Getting Other Info...");
                base._strWinLossReportRaw = this.GetMemberWinLossReport();
                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) ((19.0 / ((double) num)) * 100.0)), "Login Status: Login OK.");
                base._isLoginSuccess = true;
                base._isLoggingIn = false;
            catch (Exception exception1)
                Exception exception = exception1;
                base._isLoggingIn = false;
                if (base._strLoginError == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = exception.Message;
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0, "Login Status: " + base._strLoginError);
            base._isLoggingIn = false;
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string str = "";
            bool flag = false;
            int num2 = 14;
                string str11 = "";
                string str7 = "";
                string str6 = "";
                string str9 = "";
                string str8 = "";
                string str5 = "";
                base._isLoggingIn = true;
                base._isGettingFullOdds = false;
                base._isGettingPartOdds = false;
                base._isBetting = false;
                base._isLoginSuccess = false;
                base._isFirstGetOddsDone = false;
                base._strLoginError = "";
                base._strLoginStatus = "";
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intSpiderErrorCountCurrent = 0;
                base._intSpiderRunningCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderTodayCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderEarlyCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderSpecialCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderOddEvenCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderOutRightCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderTotalGoalCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderCorrectScoreCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSingleSpiderMS = 0;
                base._intAverageSpiderMS = 0;
                str = base._strLoginURL;
                base._intTimeoutCount = 0;

                if (!this.IsLoginFailCountOK(ref str5))
                    base._strLoginURL = str5;
                    str = str5;
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Change URL (" + base._strLoginURL + ")...");
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Login Info...");
                if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
                    base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                    str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Website(" + str + "/default.aspx)...");
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/default.aspx", "", ""), ref str11, ref str7);
                str9 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/hometop.aspx?ip=&p=", "", ""), ref str11, ref str7);
                int num3 = 0;
                string str4 = CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "input id=\"key\"", "value=\"", "\"", ref num3);
                num3 = 0;
                string str10 = CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "input id=\"tea\"", "value=\"", "\"", ref num3);
                if (str4 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Error while opening SBOBet!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Validation Code...");
                string str12 = null;
                Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(this.ExtractCaptchaURL(str9), str + "/hometop.aspx?ip=", ""), ref str12));
                CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\SBOBet\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
                if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
                    base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger(string.Format("Login User ({0})...", base._strAccountID));
                str8 = str + "/processlogin.aspx";
                str6 = "id=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID) + "&password="******"&code=" + breaker.get_Result() + "&page=default&lang=en&key=" + str4 + "&tea=" + str10 + "&tzDiff=0";
                str9 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/processlogin.aspx", str + "/hometop.aspx?ip=", str6.Length, ""), str6, ref str11, ref str7);
                num3 = 0;
                str4 = CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "name='key'", "value='", "'", ref num3);
                num3 = 0;
                string str3 = CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "name='id'", "value='", "'", ref num3);
                if (!((str4 == string.Empty) | (str3 == string.Empty)))
                    goto Label_061C;
                num3 = 0;
                str4 = CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "'error' value='", "'", ref num3);
                if (str4.Length > 0)
                    switch (str4.Substring(0, 1))
                        case "6":
                            base._strLoginError = "Username/Password Error!";
                            goto Label_0616;

                        case "5":
                            base._strLoginError = "Invalid Verification Code!";
                            goto Label_0616;

                        case "1":
                            base._strLoginError = "ID Cannot be Empty!";
                            goto Label_0616;

                        case "2":
                            base._strLoginError = "Password Cannot be Empty";
                            goto Label_0616;

                        case "3":
                            base._strLoginError = "Password must be at least 6 Characters!";

                        case "4":
                            base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Cannot be Empty!";
                throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                num3 = 0;
                str7 = CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "action='", "'", ref num3);
                num3 = 0;
                str = "http://" + CommonFunction.substring(str7, 0, "http://", "/welcome.aspx", ref num3);
                string str2 = base._strLoginURL.ToLower().Replace("http://", "").Replace(".com/", ".com");
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str7 + "?key=" + str4 + "&id=" + str3 + "&lang=en&tzDiff=0&depositDay=0&redirect=true&ldomain=" + str2, str + "/hometop.aspx?ip=", ""), ref str11, ref str7);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str7))
                    base._strLoginError = "Login Process Error!";
                else if (str7.Contains("process-welcome"))
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Process Welcome Page...");
                    str9 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str7, str8, ""), ref str11, ref str7);
                // Modify Andy 密码过期时,请求处理
                if (!str7.ToLower().Contains("loginname"))
                   this.WriteProgramLogger("Agreement Page Opened.");
                   base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + str7, str8, "action=I+Agree".Length, ""), "action=I+Agree", ref str11, ref str7);
                   //str9 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str7, str8, ""), ref str11, ref str7);
                // End Andy
                this._strLoginName = this.ExtractLoginNameFromURL(str + str7);
                if (this._strLoginName == string.Empty)
                    this._strLoginError = "Password expired,please modify your password!";
                    throw new Exception(this._strLoginError);
                if (base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str7, str8, ""), ref str11, ref str7).ToLower().Contains("logout"))
                    base._strLoginError = "Login Failed!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Credit & Currency...");
                str12 = null;
                string str14 = null;
                str9 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/account/balance.aspx?loginname=" + this._strLoginName, str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeLeft.aspx", ""), ref str12, ref str14);
                this.ExtractAccountInfoFromText(str9, ref this._decAccountCash, ref this._decAccountOutstanding, ref this._decAccountCredit, ref this._decAccountBetCredit, ref this._strAccountCurrency);
                base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();
                base._strRootURL = str;
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Top Frame...");
                str14 = null;
                str12 = null;
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeTop.aspx", str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeLeft.aspx", ""), ref str14, ref str12);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Left Frame...");
                str14 = null;
                str12 = null;
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeLeft.aspx", str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeLeft.aspx", ""), ref str14, ref str12);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Bet Credit...");
                str14 = null;
                str12 = null;
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/betcredit.aspx", str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeLeft.aspx", ""), ref str14, ref str12);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Odds Type...");
                str14 = null;
                str12 = null;
                str9 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/webroot/restricted/odds/main.aspx?page=3&sport=1", str + "/webroot/restricted/HomeLeft.aspx", ""), ref str14, ref str12);

                /***if (base._isToGetMatchResultList)
                    base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int)Math.Round((double)(1200.0 / ((double)num2))), "Getting Match Result...");
                    base._strRootURL = str;
                    base._objMatchResultList = this.GetMatchResultListFromServer();
                // add Aorta
                if (this.IsLoggedOut(ref str9))
                    this._strLoginError = "Password expired,please modify your password!!";
                    throw new Exception();
                // end Aorta
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Selecting League...");
                base._strRootURL = str;

                flag = true;
                if (str9.Contains("changepassword"))
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Login OK but Password Expired!");
                    base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(100, "Login OK!");
                base._isLoginSuccess = true;
                base._intLoginFailCount = 0;
                base._isLoggingIn = false;

                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);
                //base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.UpdateGeneralSpiderProcess);
                //base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcessComplete);

            catch (Exception ex)
                base._isLoggingIn = false;

                    base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0, base._strLoginError);
                catch (Exception e1)

                if (base._strLoginError != ex.Message)
                    this.WriteProgramLogger(ex.Message + "Exception Error:" + ex.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 5
 protected override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     string str = "";
     bool flag = false;
     int num2 = 13;
         string str8 = "";
         string str6 = "";
         string str5 = "";
         string str7 = "";
         string str3 = "";
         string str4 = "";
         base._isLoggingIn = true;
         base._isGettingFullOdds = false;
         base._isGettingPartOdds = false;
         base._isBetting = false;
         base._isLoginSuccess = false;
         base._isFirstGetOddsDone = false;
         base._strLoginError = "";
         base._strLoginStatus = "";
         base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
         base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
         base._intSpiderErrorCountCurrent = 0;
         base._isCanGetRunningOdds = false;
         base._isCanGetTodayOdds = false;
         base._isCanGetEarlyOdds = false;
         base._intSpiderRunningCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderTodayCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderEarlyCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderSpecialCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderOddEvenCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderOutRightCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderTotalGoalCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderCorrectScoreCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intTimeoutCount = 0;
         if (!this.IsLoginFailCountOK(ref str4))
             base._strLoginURL = str4;
             str = str4;
             base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(1, "Login Status: Change URL (" + base._strLoginURL + ")...");
         base._strAccountID = base._strAccountID.ToUpper();
         str = base._strLoginURL;
         if (str.ToLower().Contains("slv"))
             this._strWebsiteType = "SLV";
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (100.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Checking Login Info...");
         if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
             base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (200.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Accessing Website (" + str + ")...");
         if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
             str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
         str7 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str8, ref str6);
         if (str6 != string.Empty)
             base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (300.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Checking Redirection (" + str + str6 + ")...");
             str7 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + str6, "", ""), ref str8, ref str6);
         int num3 = 0;
         string str9 = CommonFunction.substring(str7, 0, "id=\"__VIEWSTATE\"", "value=\"", "\"", ref num3);
         num3 = 0;
         string str2 = CommonFunction.substring(str7, 0, "id=\"__EVENTVALIDATION\"", "value=\"", "\"", ref num3);
         if ((str9 == string.Empty) | (str2 == string.Empty))
             base._strLoginError = "Viewstate / EventValidation is Empty!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (400.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Checking Validation Code...");
         HttpWebResponse response = null;
         string str10 = null;
         Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/Common/GetCaptcha.aspx", str + "/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdefault.aspx", ""), ref str10, ref response));
         if (response != null)
         CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\SB188\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
         if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
             base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (500.0 / ((double) num2))), string.Format("Login Status: Login User ({0})...", base._strAccountID));
         str5 = string.Format("__VIEWSTATE={0}&__EVENTVALIDATION={1}&s21UserIdTextBox={2}&s21PassWordTextBox={3}&i14VerificationCodeTextBox={4}&LoginButton.x=0&LoginButton.y=0", new object[] { HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str9), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str2), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountPassword), breaker.get_Result() });
         str7 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/Common/" + this._strWebsiteType + "/Login_" + this._strWebsiteType + ".aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdefault.aspx", str + "/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdefault.aspx", str5.Length, ""), str5, ref str8, ref str6);
         if (str6 == string.Empty)
             num3 = 0;
             base._strLoginError = CommonFunction.substring(str7, 0, "class=\"warning\">", "</", ref num3).Replace("<span id=\"MessageLabel\">", "").Trim();
             if (base._strLoginError == string.Empty)
                 base._strLoginError = str7;
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (600.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Login Account OK...");
         if (!str6.ToUpper().Contains("DEFAULT.ASPX"))
             num3 = 0;
             str3 = CommonFunction.substring(str7, 0, "class=\"warning\">", "</", ref num3);
             if (str3.Length > 0)
                 base._strLoginError = str3.Replace("<span id=\"MessageLabel\">", "").Trim();
                 base._strLoginError = "Error not found!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (700.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Accessing Main Page...");
         str10 = null;
         string str11 = null;
         str7 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/Default.aspx", str + "/Common/" + this._strWebsiteType + "/Login_" + this._strWebsiteType + ".aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdefault.aspx", ""), ref str10, ref str11);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (800.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Getting Credit & Currency...");
         str11 = null;
         str10 = null;
         str7 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/Info/UserProfile.aspx?s21mc=" + base._strAccountID, str + "/Default.aspx", ""), ref str11, ref str10);
         this.ExtractAccountInfoFromText(str7, ref this._decAccountCredit, ref this._decAccountBetCredit, ref this._strAccountCurrency);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (900.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Getting Outstanding...");
         str11 = null;
         str10 = null;
         str7 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/Info/OpenBet.aspx?s21mc=" + base._strAccountID, str + "/Default.aspx", ""), ref str11, ref str10);
         str11 = Conversions.ToString(base._decAccountOutstanding);
         this.ExtractOutstandingFromText(str7, ref str11);
         base._decAccountOutstanding = Conversions.ToDecimal(str11);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (1000.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Getting Cash Balance...");
         str5 = "s11NavAction=6";
         str11 = null;
         str10 = null;
         str7 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/MenuBet/TopNav.aspx", str + "/MenuBet/TopMenu_SLV.aspx", str5.Length, ""), str5, ref str11, ref str10);
         this.ExtractCashBalanceFromText(str7, ref this._decAccountCash);
         if (base._isToGetMatchResultList)
             base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (1100.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Getting Match Result...");
             base._strRootURL = str;
             base._objMatchResultList = this.GetMatchResultListFromServer();
         if (!base._objLeagueListSelected.get_IsSelectAll())
             base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (1200.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Selecting League...");
             base._strRootURL = str;
         base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();
         base._strRootURL = str;
         base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
         base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
         base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);
         flag = true;
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int) Math.Round((double) (1300.0 / ((double) num2))), "Login Status: Login OK!");
         base._isLoginSuccess = true;
         base._intLoginFailCount = 0;
         base._isLoggingIn = false;
     catch (Exception exception1)
         Exception exception = exception1;
         base._isLoggingIn = false;
         if (base._strLoginError == string.Empty)
             base._strLoginError = exception.Message;
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0, "Login Status: " + base._strLoginError);
     base._isLoggingIn = false;
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string str = "";
            int num2 = 14;
                int num3;
                string str12 = "";
                string str9 = "";
                string str8 = "";
                string str11 = "";
                string str10 = "";
                string str7 = "";
                base._isLoggingIn = true;
                base._isGettingFullOdds = false;
                base._isGettingPartOdds = false;
                base._isBetting = false;
                base._isLoginSuccess = false;
                base._isFirstGetOddsDone = false;
                base._strLoginError = "";
                base._strLoginStatus = "";
                base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
                base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
                this._strEarlyUpdateTime = "";
                this._strRunningUpdateTime = "";
                this._strTodayUpdateTime = "";
                base._intTimeoutCount = 0;
                this._intLogoutCount = 0;
                base._intSpiderRunningCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderTodayCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderEarlyCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderSpecialCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderOddEvenCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderOutRightCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderTotalGoalCoolDownSec = 0;
                base._intSpiderCorrectScoreCoolDownSec = 0;
                str = base._strLoginURL;

                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Login Info...");
                if (!this.IsLoginFailCountOK(ref str7))
                    base._strLoginURL = str7;
                    str = str7;
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Change URL (" + base._strLoginURL + ")...");
                if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
                    base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Accessing Website (" + str + ")...");
                if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                    str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str12, ref str9);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Header...");
                str11 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/head.aspx", str, ""), ref str12, ref str9);
                bool flag = false;
                if (str11.Contains("callSubmit("))
                    flag = true;
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Checking Validation Code...");
                string str14 = null;
                Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/login_code.aspx?", str + "/login_code.aspx?", ""), ref str14));
                CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\IBCBet\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
                if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
                    base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                string str2 = "";
                string str5 = "";
                string str4 = "";
                //if (flag)
                    str2 = this.CFS(base._strAccountPassword);
                    str5 = CommonFunction.MD5Encrypt(str2.ToLower() + breaker.get_Result());
                    str4 = CommonFunction.MD5Encrypt(str2 + breaker.get_Result());
                this.WriteProgramLogger(string.Format("Login User ({0})...", base._strAccountID));
                string str6 = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    str6 = str.Replace("http://", "").Replace("www.", "");
                if (!flag)
                    //str8 = "selLang=en&txtID=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID) + "&txtPW=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountPassword) + "&txtCode=" + breaker.get_Result() + "&hidServerKey=" + str6 + "&submit=GO";
                    str8 = "selLang=en&txtID=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID) + "&txtPW=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str4) + "&txtCode=" + breaker.get_Result() + "&hidKey=&hidLowerCasePW=&hidServerKey=" + str6;

                    str8 = "selLang=en&txtID=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID) + "&txtPW=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str2) + "&txtCode=" + breaker.get_Result() + "&hidKey=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str4) + "&hidLowerCasePW=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str5) + "&hidServerKey=" + str6;
                str11 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/ProcessLogin.aspx", str + "/head.aspx", str8.Length, ""), str8, ref str12, ref str9);
                if (str11.Contains("alert("))
                    num3 = 0;
                    base._strLoginError = CommonFunction.substring(str11, 0, "alert('", "')", ref num3).Trim();
                    if (base._strLoginError.Contains("invalid code"))
                        bitmap.Save(Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\IBCBet\" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + ".jpg"));
                    base._strLoginError = "ProcessLogin Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                str10 = str + "/ProcessLogin.aspx";
                num3 = 0;
                str9 = CommonFunction.substring(str11, 0, "location='", "'", ref num3).Trim();
                if (str9 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Login Process Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Opening Agreement Page...");
                str14 = null;
                str11 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str9, str10, ""), ref str12, ref str14);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Agreement Page OK...");
                str8 = "Accept=YES";
                num3 = 0;
                str9 = CommonFunction.substring(base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str9, str + "/rulesalert.aspx", str8.Length, ""), str8, ref str12, ref str9), 0, "location='", "'", ref num3).Trim();
                if (str9 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Login Process Error!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Validate Login...");
                num3 = 0;
                str = "http" + CommonFunction.substring(str9, 0, "http", ".com", ref num3) + ".com";
                str11 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str9, str + "/rulesalert.aspx", ""), ref str12, ref str9);
                if (str9 == string.Empty)
                    base._strLoginError = "Login Process Error!";
                    throw new Exception();
                this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Username...");
                num3 = 0;
                string str13 = CommonFunction.substring(base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/main.aspx", str10, ""), ref str12, ref str9), 0, "UserName = \"", "\";", ref num3).Trim();
                if (str13 != string.Empty)
                    base._strAccountID = str13;
                    this._strSystemAccountID = str13;
                    if (base._objAccountInfoList.get_SourceList().Count > 0)
                        base._objAccountInfoList.get_SourceList().Add(new AccountInformation("", base._strAccountID, base._strAccountPassword));
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Currency...");
                    str14 = null;
                    string str15 = null;
                    str11 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/LeftAllInOne.aspx", str + "/main.aspx", ""), ref str14, ref str15);
                    num3 = 0;
                    base._strAccountCurrency = CommonFunction.substring(str11, 0, "<span class=\"text_blue12B\">", "<", ref num3).Trim();
                    num3 = 0;
                    string substring = CommonFunction.substring(str11,0,"<form action=\"mixcom/BetProcess_data.aspx\"","</form>",ref num3);
                    string nameStr = "input type=\"hidden\" name=\"";
                    string valueStr = "value=\"";
                    int index = substring.LastIndexOf(nameStr);
                    if(- 1 != index){
                        index += nameStr.Length;
                        substring = substring.Substring(index, (substring.Length - index));
                        int split = substring.IndexOf("\"");
                        this.key = substring.Substring(0,split);
                        index = substring.IndexOf(valueStr);
                        if (-1 != index)
                            index += valueStr.Length;
                            substring = substring.Substring(index,(substring.Length - index));
                            index = substring.IndexOf("\"");
                            this.value = substring.Substring(0, index);
                    this.WriteProgramLogger("Getting Credit...");
                    str15 = null;
                    str14 = null;
                    str11 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/leftAllInOneAccount_data.aspx", str + "/leftAllInOne.aspx", "accountUpdate=full".Length, ""), "accountUpdate=full", ref str15, ref str14);
                    this.ExtractAccountInfoFromText(str11, ref this._decAccountCash, ref this._decAccountOutstanding, ref this._decAccountBetCredit, ref this._decAccountCredit);
                    /***if (base._isToGetMatchResultList)
                        base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress((int)Math.Round((double)(1200.0 / ((double)num2))), "Getting Match Result...");
                        base._strRootURL = str;
                        base._objMatchResultList = this.GetMatchResultListFromServer();
                    if (!base._objLeagueListSelected.get_IsSelectAll())
                        this.WriteProgramLogger("Selecting League...");
                        base._strRootURL = str;
                    base._strLoginError = "Username Not Found!";
                    throw new Exception(base._strLoginError);
                base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(100, "Login OK!");
                base._isLoginSuccess = true;
                base._intLoginFailCount = 0;
                base._isLoggingIn = false;

                if (base._isLoginSuccess)
                    base._isLoggingIn = false;
                    base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();
                    base._strRootURL = str;
                    base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
                    base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                    base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);
            catch (Exception ex)
                base._isLoggingIn = false;
                catch (Exception e1)

                if (base._strLoginError != ex.Message)
                    this.WriteProgramLogger(ex.Message + " Exception Info:" + ex.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 7
 protected override void Login(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     string str = "";
     bool flag = false;
         string str6 = "";
         string str4 = "";
         string str3 = "";
         string str5 = "";
         base._isLoggingIn = true;
         base._isGettingFullOdds = false;
         base._isGettingPartOdds = false;
         base._isBetting = false;
         base._isLoginSuccess = false;
         base._isFirstGetOddsDone = false;
         base._strLoginError = "";
         base._strLoginStatus = "";
         base._intGoodSpiderRequest = 0;
         base._intBadSpiderRequest = 0;
         base._intSpiderErrorCountCurrent = 0;
         base._isCanGetRunningOdds = false;
         base._isCanGetTodayOdds = false;
         base._isCanGetEarlyOdds = false;
         base._intSpiderRunningCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderTodayCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderEarlyCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderSpecialCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderOddEvenCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderOutRightCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderTotalGoalCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intSpiderCorrectScoreCoolDownSec = 0;
         base._intTimeoutCount = 0;
         str = base._strLoginURL;
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(6, "Login Status: Checking Login Info...");
         if ((base._strAccountID == string.Empty) | (base._strAccountPassword == string.Empty))
             base._strLoginError = "Username or Password Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(12, "Login Status: Accessing Website...");
         if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
             str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x12, "Login Status: Checking Redirection...");
         if (str4 != string.Empty)
             str = str4;
             str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str, "", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
             if (str.Substring(str.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                 str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x19, "Login Status: Accessing Header Frame...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/login_header.php?invalid=&language=english", str, ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x1f, "Login Status: Accessing Left Frame...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/login_left.php?language=english", str, ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x25, "Login Status: Accessing News Frame...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/login_news.php?language=english", str, ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x2b, "Login Status: Accessing Main Frame...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/login_main.php?language=english", str, ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(50, "Login Status: Checking Validation Code...");
         string str7 = null;
         Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(base._objCore.GetStreamAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/draw_gd.php", str + "/login_header.php?invalid=&language=english", ""), ref str7));
         CaptchaBreaker breaker = new CaptchaBreaker(bitmap, Path.Combine(CommonFunction.GetAppPath(), @"Data\BW3388\NN.dat"), base._strImageStep, base._strObjectStep);
         if (breaker.get_Result().Length != 4)
             base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x38, "Login Status: Accessing Left Frame...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/login_left.php?p=getTotalCount&lo=", str + "/login_left.php?language=english", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x3e, "Login Status: Accessing Index Frame...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/index.php?p=getTotalCount&l&lo=", str + "/login_left.php?language=english", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x44, string.Format("Login Status: Login User ({0})...", base._strAccountID));
         str3 = string.Format("fr_language=english&fr_username={0}&fr_password={1}&fr_gdcode={2}&fr_submit=Enter", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountID), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(base._strAccountPassword), breaker.get_Result());
         str5 = base._objCore.PostRequestAutoCookie(this.GeneratePostRequest(str + "/?p=login_action", str + "/login_header.php?invalid=&language=english", str3.Length, ""), str3, ref str6, ref str4);
         if ((str4 == string.Empty) | (str4.Length == 1))
             base._strLoginError = "Verification Code Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         if (str4.ToLower().Contains("invalid=1"))
             base._strLoginError = "Username/Password Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         if (str4.Contains("change"))
             base._strLoginError = "Password Expired! Please change your password.";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x4a, "Login Status: Login Account OK...");
         if (!str4.ToUpper().Contains("AGREEMENT"))
             base._strLoginError = "Login Error!";
             throw new Exception();
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x51, "Login Status: Accessing Agreement page...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/" + str4, str + "/login_header.php?invalid=&language=english", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x57, "Login Status: Accessing English Agreement page...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/?p=agreement_english", str + "/?p=agreement&language=english", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0x5d, "Login Status: Getting Credit & Currency...");
         str5 = base._objCore.GetRequestAutoCookie(this.GenerateGetRequest(str + "/english/index.php?p=profile", str + "/english/index.php?p=system", ""), ref str6, ref str4);
         this.ExtractAccountInfoFromText(str5, ref this._decAccountCredit, ref this._decAccountBetCredit, ref this._strAccountCurrency);
         base._objCookieList = base._objCore.get_CookieList();
         base._strRootURL = str;
         base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider = new BackgroundWorker();
         base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
         base._objBGWorkerInfoSpider.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.GeneralSpiderProcess);
         flag = true;
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(100, "Login Status: Login OK!");
         base._isLoginSuccess = true;
         base._isLoggingIn = false;
     catch (Exception exception1)
         Exception exception = exception1;
         base._isLoggingIn = false;
         if (base._strLoginError == string.Empty)
             base._strLoginError = exception.Message;
         base._objBGWorkerLogin.ReportProgress(0, "Login Status: " + base._strLoginError);
     base._isLoggingIn = false;