Esempio n. 1
        public override void generateIsland(ChunkSpace chunkSpace, SetPieceManager setPieceManager, JobSiteManager jobSiteManager, IslandLocationProfile locationProfile)
            float magnitude   = 2.0f;
            float frequency   = .02f;
            float persistance = .25f;

            NoiseGenerator.setValuesForPass(1, 6, magnitude, frequency, persistance);

            Random rand = new Random();

            float radius = ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2;

            for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; z++)
                    float distFromCenter  = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(radius - x, 2) + Math.Pow(ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2 - z, 2));
                    float ratioFromCenter = (radius - distFromCenter) / (radius); //increases farther out
                    float centerCone      = 1.0f - ratioFromCenter;
                    float heightNormal    = (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x, z) + .5f) / 2.0f;

                    heightNormal += (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x, z) + .5f) / 2.0f;

                    float smoothedCone = 1 - ((float)Math.Pow(centerCone, 4f));
                    smoothedCone = (float)MathHelper.Clamp(smoothedCone, .1f, 1) + .03f;
                    float smoothConePurturbation = (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x + 903, z + 455) + .5f);

                    heightNormal  = smoothConePurturbation;
                    heightNormal += 1;
                    heightNormal *= 3;

                    heightNormal = 1f / heightNormal;

                    heightNormal += 1;
                    heightNormal  = (float)Math.Pow(heightNormal, 1.5f);
                    heightNormal -= 1;

                    heightNormal *= smoothedCone;

                    float beachHeight    = .02f;
                    float lowBeachLimit  = .1f;
                    float highBeachLimit = .2f;//
                    if (heightNormal < highBeachLimit && heightNormal > lowBeachLimit)
                        heightNormal = beachHeight;
                        heightNormal -= highBeachLimit - beachHeight;;

                    if (heightNormal >= highBeachLimit)
                        heightNormal *= 4.0f;
                        heightNormal  = (float)Math.Round(heightNormal);
                        heightNormal /= 4.0f;

                    float erosion = ((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(z * 2 + 644, x * 2 + 455) + .5f) * .5f * centerCone;
                    heightNormal *= 9;
                    heightNormal  = (int)heightNormal;
                    heightNormal /= 10;

                    erosion = ((float)Noise.Generate((float)z * .05f, (float)x * .05f) + 1) / 2.0f * .06f * (centerCone);
                    erosion = ((float)Noise.Generate((float)z * .03f, (float)x * .03f) + 1) / 2.0f * .05f * (centerCone);

                    heightNormal = MathHelper.Clamp(heightNormal, 0, 1);

                    heightNormal -= erosion / heightNormal;

                    heightNormal -= .05f;

                    heightNormal += .1f;

                    int heightHere = (int)(heightNormal * ChunkSpace.chunkHeight);
                    for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSpace.chunkHeight; y++)
                        if (Noise.Generate((float)x * .05f, (float)y * .05f, (float)z * .05f) < .6f)
                            if (heightHere == y && y > 3)
                                if (rand.NextDouble() > .97 + .03 * (1.0f - heightNormal))
                                    if (rand.NextDouble() > .8f)
                                    //deciding which type of tree to place
                                            new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(
                                                             new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())),
                                            new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(
                                                             new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())),
                            if (heightHere > y)
                                if (y <= 1)
                                    chunkSpace.setBlockAt(37, x, y, z);//beach area
                                    if (heightHere - 1 > y)
                                        chunkSpace.setBlockAt(34, x, y, z);
                                        if (rand.NextDouble() > .999)
                                            setPieceManager.placeDecorativePlant(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())));

                                        chunkSpace.setBlockAt((y > 2) ? (byte)15 : (byte)14, x, y, z);
                            else if (y == 0)
                                chunkSpace.setBlockAt(PaintedCubeSpace.AIR, x, y, z);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void generateIsland(ChunkSpace chunkSpace, SetPieceManager setPieceManager, JobSiteManager jobSiteManager, IslandLocationProfile locationProfile)
            float magnitude   = 1.0f;
            float frequency   = .02f;
            float persistance = .25f;

            NoiseGenerator.setValuesForPass(1, 6, magnitude, frequency, persistance);

            Random rand = new Random();

            float radius = ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2;

            for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; z++)
                    float distFromCenter = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(radius - x, 2)
                                                            + Math.Pow(ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2 - z, 2));
                    float ratioFromCenter = (radius - distFromCenter) / (radius); //increases farther out
                    ratioFromCenter = MathHelper.Clamp(ratioFromCenter, 0, 1);
                    float smoothDome = (float)Math.Pow(ratioFromCenter, 1.0f / 10.0f);
                    smoothDome = (float)MathHelper.Clamp(smoothDome, 0, 1);

                    float heightNormal = 0;

                    heightNormal = .1f;//smoothDome/10.0f;
                    float erosionMag = (float)(NoiseGenerator.Noise(x + 4456, z + 445) + .5f) / 2f + (1.0f - ratioFromCenter);
                    float erosion    = (float)Math.Pow((1.0f - ratioFromCenter), 3.0) * ((float)(NoiseGenerator.Noise(x * 3 + 34, z * 3 + 554)) / 2f + .1f);
                    erosion      += (1.0f - smoothDome) / 4.0f - .01f;
                    erosion       = normalClamp(erosion);
                    heightNormal -= erosion;
                    heightNormal *= smoothDome;

                    int heightHere = (int)(heightNormal * ChunkSpace.chunkHeight);

                    for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSpace.chunkHeight; y++)
                        if (heightHere == y && y > 3)
                            if (rand.NextDouble() > .999999)
                                jobSiteManager.placeTree(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())), Tree.treeTypes.maple);

                        if (heightHere > y)
                            if (y <= 1)
                                chunkSpace.setBlockAt(regularSandColor, x, y, z);
                                if (heightHere - 1 > y)
                                    chunkSpace.setBlockAt(5, x, y, z);

                                    if (rand.NextDouble() > .9995)
                                        jobSiteManager.placeTree(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())), Tree.treeTypes.maple);
                                    else if (rand.NextDouble() > .98)
                                        setPieceManager.placeDecorativePlant(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())));

                                    chunkSpace.setBlockAt((y > 2) ? (byte)184 : (byte)194, x, y, z);
                        else if (y == 0)
                            chunkSpace.setBlockAt(PaintedCubeSpace.AIR, x, y, z);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void generateIsland(ChunkSpace chunkSpace, SetPieceManager setPieceManager, JobSiteManager jobSiteManager, IslandLocationProfile locationProfile)
            float magnitude   = 1.0f;
            float frequency   = .02f;
            float persistance = .25f;

            NoiseGenerator.setValuesForPass(1, 6, magnitude, frequency, persistance);

            Random rand = new Random();

            float radius = ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2;

            for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; z++)
                    float distFromCenter  = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(radius - x, 2) + Math.Pow(ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2 - z, 2));
                    float ratioFromCenter = (radius - distFromCenter) / (radius); //increases farther out
                    float centerCone      = 1.0f - ratioFromCenter;
                    float heightNormal    = (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x, z) + .5f) / 2.0f;

                    heightNormal += (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x, z) + .5f) / 2.0f;

                    //heightNormal -= .3f*(1f-ratioFromCenter);

                    float smoothedCone = 1 - ((float)Math.Pow(centerCone, 4f));
                    smoothedCone = (float)MathHelper.Clamp(smoothedCone, .1f, 1) + .03f;
                    float smoothConePurturbation = (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x + 903, z + 455) + .5f);
                    heightNormal  = smoothConePurturbation;
                    heightNormal += 1;
                    heightNormal *= 4;

                    // heightNormal *=3;
                    //  heightNormal =(float) Math.Pow(heightNormal,.1f);
                    //  heightNormal /=3;

                    heightNormal = 1f / heightNormal;

                    heightNormal += 1;
                    heightNormal  = (float)Math.Pow(heightNormal, 2f);
                    heightNormal -= 1;

                    heightNormal *= smoothedCone;

                    float beachHeight    = .02f;
                    float lowBeachLimit  = .1f;
                    float highBeachLimit = .2f;//
                    if (heightNormal < highBeachLimit && heightNormal > lowBeachLimit)
                        heightNormal = beachHeight;
                        heightNormal -= highBeachLimit - beachHeight;
                        //heightNormal = (float)MathHelper.Clamp(heightNormal,.001f,1);

                    if (heightNormal >= highBeachLimit)
                        heightNormal *= 4.0f;
                        heightNormal  = (float)Math.Round(heightNormal);
                        heightNormal /= 4.0f;
                    else if (heightNormal > lowBeachLimit)

                    if (distFromCenter > radius)
                        //heightNormal = 0;

                    float erosion = ((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(z * 2 + 644, x * 2 + 455) + .5f) * .5f * centerCone;
                    heightNormal -= erosion / (heightNormal + 2.0f);
                    //heightNormal = (f`loat)Math.Pow(heightNormal, 1.3);
                    heightNormal  = (float)Math.Pow(heightNormal * ChunkSpace.chunkHeight, 1.1f) / ChunkSpace.chunkHeight;
                    heightNormal *= 1.6f;

                    heightNormal -= ((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(z * 2 + 454, x * 2 + 4445) + .5f) * .2f;
                    int heightHere = (int)(heightNormal * ChunkSpace.chunkHeight);

                    for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSpace.chunkHeight; y++)
                        if (heightHere == y && y > 3)
                            if (rand.NextDouble() > .985)
                                    new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(
                                                     new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())),
                                    Tree.treeTypes.pine);     //

                        if (heightHere > y)
                            if (y <= 1)
                                chunkSpace.setBlockAt(20, x, y, z);//beach area
                                if (heightHere - 1 > y)
                                    chunkSpace.setBlockAt(40, x, y, z);
                                    if (rand.NextDouble() > .98)
                                        setPieceManager.placeDecorativePlant(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())));

                                    chunkSpace.setBlockAt((y > 2) ? (byte)210 : (byte)211, x, y, z);
                        else if (y == 0)
                            chunkSpace.setBlockAt(PaintedCubeSpace.AIR, x, y, z);
Esempio n. 4
        public override void generateIsland(ChunkSpace chunkSpace, SetPieceManager setPieceManager, JobSiteManager jobSiteManager, IslandLocationProfile locationProfile)
            float magnitude   = 1.0f;
            float frequency   = .02f;
            float persistance = .25f;

            NoiseGenerator.setValuesForPass(1, 6, magnitude, frequency, persistance);

            Random rand = new Random();

            float radius = ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2;

            for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks; z++)
                    float distFromCenter  = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(radius - x, 2) + Math.Pow(ChunkSpace.chunkWidth * chunkSpace.widthInChunks / 2 - z, 2));
                    float ratioFromCenter = (radius - distFromCenter) / (radius); //increases farther out
                    float centerCone      = 1.0f - ratioFromCenter;
                    float heightNormal    = (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x, z) + .5f) / 2.0f;

                    heightNormal += (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x, z) + .5f) / 2.0f;

                    //heightNormal -= .3f*(1f-ratioFromCenter);

                    float smoothedCone = 1 - ((float)Math.Pow(centerCone, 4f));
                    smoothedCone = (float)MathHelper.Clamp(smoothedCone, .1f, 1) + .03f;
                    float smoothConePurturbation = (float)((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(x + 903, z + 455) + .5f) / 2.0f;
                    smoothConePurturbation += .5f;
                    heightNormal           *= smoothedCone * smoothConePurturbation;

                    float beachHeight    = .02f;
                    float lowBeachLimit  = .1f;
                    float highBeachLimit = .2f;

                    if (heightNormal < highBeachLimit && heightNormal > lowBeachLimit)
                        heightNormal = beachHeight;
                        heightNormal -= highBeachLimit - beachHeight;

                    if (heightNormal >= highBeachLimit)
                        heightNormal *= 4.0f;
                        heightNormal  = (float)Math.Round(heightNormal);
                        heightNormal /= 4.0f;

                    float erosion = ((float)NoiseGenerator.Noise(z + 644, x + 455) + .5f) * .5f * centerCone;
                    heightNormal -= erosion / (heightNormal + 2.0f);
                    //heightNormal = (float)Math.Pow(heightNormal, 1.3);

                    int heightHere = (int)(heightNormal * ChunkSpace.chunkHeight);

                    for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSpace.chunkHeight; y++)
                        if (heightHere == y && y > 3)
                            if (rand.NextDouble() > .999999)
                                jobSiteManager.placeTree(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())), Tree.treeTypes.maple);

                        if (heightHere > y)
                            if (y <= 1)
                                chunkSpace.setBlockAt(regularSandColor, x, y, z);//sand
                                if (heightHere - 1 > y)
                                    chunkSpace.setBlockAt(7, x, y, z);
                                    if (rand.NextDouble() > .999)
                                        jobSiteManager.placeTree(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())), Tree.treeTypes.maple);
                                    else if (rand.NextDouble() > .995)
                                        setPieceManager.placeDecorativePlant(new BlockLoc(locationProfile.profileSpaceToWorldSpace(new IntVector3(x, y, z).toVector3())));
                                    float grassRand = (float)rand.NextDouble();
                                    if (!(heightNormal + .1f < highBeachLimit && heightNormal + .1f > lowBeachLimit))
                                        chunkSpace.setBlockAt(184, x, y, z);
                                        chunkSpace.setBlockAt(187, x, y, z);
                        else if (y == 0)
                            chunkSpace.setBlockAt(PaintedCubeSpace.AIR, x, y, z);