Esempio n. 1
        public static HKEYType ConnectRegistry(string computerName, BigInteger key)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(computerName))
                computerName = string.Empty;

            RegistryKey newKey;

            try {
                newKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(MapSystemKey(key), computerName);
            }catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, PythonExceptions._WindowsError.ERROR_BAD_NETPATH, ioe.Message);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ExternalException(e.Message);
            return(new HKEYType(newKey));
Esempio n. 2
        public static PythonTuple EnumValue(object key, int index)
            HKEYType rootKey = GetRootKey(key);

            if (index >= rootKey.GetKey().ValueCount)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, PythonExceptions._WindowsError.ERROR_BAD_COMMAND, "No more data is available");

            var    nativeRootKey = rootKey.GetKey();
            string valueName     = nativeRootKey.GetValueNames()[index];

            int    valueKind;
            object value;

            QueryValueExImpl(nativeRootKey, valueName, out valueKind, out value);
            return(PythonTuple.MakeTuple(valueName, value, valueKind));
Esempio n. 3
        public static bool QueryReflectionKey(object key)
            HKEYType rootKey = GetRootKey(key);
            bool     isDisabled;

            if (!Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
                throw new NotImplementedException("not implemented on this platform");

            int dwRet = RegQueryReflectionKey(rootKey.GetKey().Handle, out isDisabled);

            if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, dwRet);
Esempio n. 4
        public static HKEYType OpenKey(object key, string subKeyName, int reserved, int mask)
            HKEYType    rootKey = GetRootKey(key);
            RegistryKey newKey  = null;

            // I'm assuming that the masks that CPy uses are the same as the Win32 API one mentioned here-

            // KEY_WRITE is a combination of KEY_SET_VALUE and KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY. We'll open with write access
            // if any of this is set.
            // KEY_READ is a combination of KEY_QUERY_VALUE, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS and KEY_NOTIFY. We'll open
            // with read access for all of these.

            try {
                if ((mask & KEY_SET_VALUE) == KEY_SET_VALUE ||
                    (mask & KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY) == KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY)
                    newKey = rootKey.key.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, true);
                else if ((mask & KEY_QUERY_VALUE) == KEY_QUERY_VALUE ||
                         (mask & KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS) == KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS ||
                         (mask & KEY_NOTIFY) == KEY_NOTIFY)
                    newKey = rootKey.key.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, false);
                    throw new Win32Exception("Unexpected mode");
            } catch (SecurityException) {
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, PythonExceptions._WindowsError.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Access is denied");

            if (newKey == null)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, PythonExceptions._WindowsError.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "The system cannot find the file specified");

            return(new HKEYType(newKey));
Esempio n. 5
            public void do_handshake()
                try {
                    // make sure the remote side hasn't shutdown before authenticating so we don't
                    // hang if we're in blocking mode.
#pragma warning disable 219 // unused variable
                    int available = _socket._socket.Available;
#pragma warning restore 219
                } catch (SocketException) {
                    throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.OSError, "socket closed before handshake");


                var enabledSslProtocols = GetProtocolType(_protocol);

                try {
                    if (_serverSide)
                        _sslStream.AuthenticateAsServer(_cert, _certsMode == PythonSsl.CERT_REQUIRED, enabledSslProtocols, false);
                        var collection = new X509CertificateCollection();

                        if (_cert != null)
                        _sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(_serverHostName ?? _socket._hostName, collection, enabledSslProtocols, false);
                } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
                    throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonSsl.SSLError(_context), "errors while performing handshake: ", e.ToString());

                if (_validationFailure != null)
                    throw _validationFailure;
Esempio n. 6
        public static PythonTuple EnumValue(object key, int index)
            HKEYType rootKey = GetRootKey(key);

            if (index >= rootKey.GetKey().ValueCount)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.OSError, PythonExceptions._OSError.ERROR_BAD_COMMAND, "No more data is available", null, PythonExceptions._OSError.ERROR_BAD_COMMAND);

            var    nativeRootKey = rootKey.GetKey();
            string valueName     = nativeRootKey.GetValueNames()[index];

            // it looks like nativeRootKey.Handle fails on HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA so manually create the handle instead
            var handle = rootKey.hkey == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA ? new SafeRegistryHandle(new IntPtr(unchecked ((int)0x80000004)), true) : nativeRootKey.Handle;

            int    valueKind;
            object value;

            QueryValueExImpl(handle, valueName, out valueKind, out value);
            return(PythonTuple.MakeTuple(valueName, value, valueKind));
Esempio n. 7
        public static Bytes byteswap(CodeContext /*!*/ context, [NotNone] IBufferProtocol fragment, int width)
            if (width < 1 || width > 4)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(error(context), "Size should be 1, 2, 3 or 4");

            using var buffer = fragment.GetBuffer();
            if (buffer.NumBytes() % width != 0)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(error(context), "not a whole number of frames");

            var array = buffer.ToArray();

            if (width == 2)
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += width)
                    array.ByteSwap(i, i + 1);
            else if (width == 3)
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += width)
                    array.ByteSwap(i, i + 2);
            else if (width == 4)
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += width)
                    array.ByteSwap(i, i + 3);
                    array.ByteSwap(i + 1, i + 2);
Esempio n. 8
            public string GetLocale(CodeContext /*!*/ context, int category)
                switch ((LocaleCategories)category)
                case LocaleCategories.All:
                    if (Collate == CType &&
                        Collate == Time &&
                        Collate == Monetary &&
                        Collate == Numeric)
                        // they're all the same, return only 1 name
                        goto case LocaleCategories.Collate;

                    // return them all...
                                         GetLocale(context, LC_COLLATE),
                                         GetLocale(context, LC_CTYPE),
                                         GetLocale(context, LC_MONETARY),
                                         GetLocale(context, LC_NUMERIC),
                                         GetLocale(context, LC_TIME)));

                case LocaleCategories.Collate: return(CultureToName(Collate));

                case LocaleCategories.CType: return(CultureToName(CType));

                case LocaleCategories.Time: return(CultureToName(Time));

                case LocaleCategories.Monetary: return(CultureToName(Monetary));

                case LocaleCategories.Numeric: return(CultureToName(Numeric));

                    throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(_localeerror(context), "unknown locale category");
Esempio n. 9
 private void ValidationError(object reason)
     _validationFailure = PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonSsl.SSLError(_context), "errors while validating certificate chain: ", reason.ToString());
Esempio n. 10
 private static Exception Incomplete(CodeContext /*!*/ context, params object[] args)
     return(PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable((PythonType)context.LanguageContext.GetModuleState(_IncompleteKey), args));
Esempio n. 11
        public static PythonTuple CreateProcess(
            CodeContext context,
            string applicationName,
            string commandLineArgs,
            object pSec /* passes None*/,
            object tSec /* passes None*/,
            object lpEnvironment,
            string lpCurrentDirectory,
            object lpStartupInfo /* passes STARTUPINFO*/)
            object dwFlags     = PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, lpStartupInfo, "dwFlags");     //public Int32 dwFlags;
            object hStdInput   = PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, lpStartupInfo, "hStdInput");   //public IntPtr hStdInput;
            object hStdOutput  = PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, lpStartupInfo, "hStdOutput");  //public IntPtr hStdOutput;
            object hStdError   = PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, lpStartupInfo, "hStdError");   //public IntPtr hStdError;
            object wShowWindow = PythonOps.GetBoundAttr(context, lpStartupInfo, "wShowWindow"); //Int16 wShowWindow;

            Int32 dwFlagsInt32 = dwFlags != null?Converter.ConvertToInt32(dwFlags) : 0;

            IntPtr hStdInputIntPtr  = hStdInput != null ? new IntPtr(Converter.ConvertToInt32(hStdInput)) : IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr hStdOutputIntPtr = hStdOutput != null ? new IntPtr(Converter.ConvertToInt32(hStdOutput)) : IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr hStdErrorIntPtr  = hStdError != null ? new IntPtr(Converter.ConvertToInt32(hStdError)) : IntPtr.Zero;
            Int16  wShowWindowInt16 = wShowWindow != null?Converter.ConvertToInt16(wShowWindow) : (short)0;

            STARTUPINFO startupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();

            startupInfo.dwFlags     = dwFlagsInt32;
            startupInfo.hStdInput   = hStdInputIntPtr;
            startupInfo.hStdOutput  = hStdOutputIntPtr;
            startupInfo.hStdError   = hStdErrorIntPtr;
            startupInfo.wShowWindow = wShowWindowInt16;

            // No special security

            pSecSA.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(pSecSA);


            tSecSA.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(tSecSA);

            if (pSec != null)
                /* If pSec paseed in from Python is not NULL
                 * there needs to be some conversion done here...*/
            if (tSec != null)
                /* If tSec paseed in from Python is not NULL
                 * there needs to be some conversion done here...*/

            // If needed convert lpEnvironment Dictionary to lpEnvironmentIntPtr
            string lpEnvironmentStr = EnvironmentToNative(context, lpEnvironment);

            PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
            bool result = CreateProcessPI(
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationName) ? null : applicationName /*applicationNameHelper*//*processStartInfo.FileName*/,
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLineArgs) ? null : commandLineArgs /*commandLineArgsHelper*//*processStartInfo.Arguments*/,
                ref pSecSA, ref tSecSA,
                bInheritHandles.HasValue && bInheritHandles.Value > 0 ? true : false,
                dwCreationFlags.HasValue ? dwCreationFlags.Value : 0,
                ref startupInfo,
                out lpProcessInformation);

            if (!result)
                int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, error, FormatError(error));

            IntPtr hp  = lpProcessInformation.hProcess;
            IntPtr ht  = lpProcessInformation.hThread;
            int    pid = lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId;
            int    tid = lpProcessInformation.dwThreadId;

                       new PythonSubprocessHandle(hp, true),
                       new PythonSubprocessHandle(ht),
                       pid, tid));
Esempio n. 12
        private static Exception WindowsError(int code)
            string message = CTypes.FormatError(code);

            return(PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, code, message));
Esempio n. 13
        private static void QueryValueExImpl(SafeRegistryHandle handle, string valueName, out int valueKind, out object value)
            valueName = valueName ?? ""; // it looks like RegQueryValueEx can fail with null, use empty string instead
            valueKind = 0;
            int dwRet;

            byte[] data   = new byte[128];
            uint   length = (uint)data.Length;

            // query the size first, reading the data as we query...
            dwRet = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valueName, IntPtr.Zero, out valueKind, data, ref length);
            while (dwRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
                data   = new byte[data.Length * 2];
                length = (uint)data.Length;
                dwRet  = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valueName, IntPtr.Zero, out valueKind, data, ref length);

            if (dwRet == PythonExceptions._OSError.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.OSError, PythonExceptions._OSError.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "The system cannot find the file specified", null, PythonExceptions._OSError.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
            if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.OSError, dwRet);

            // convert the result into a Python object

            switch (valueKind)
            case REG_MULTI_SZ:
                PythonList list     = new PythonList();
                int        curIndex = 0;
                while (curIndex < length)
                    for (int dataIndex = curIndex; dataIndex < length; dataIndex += 2)
                        if (data[dataIndex] == 0 && data[dataIndex + 1] == 0)
                            // got a full string
                            list.Add(ExtractString(data, curIndex, dataIndex));
                            curIndex = dataIndex + 2;

                            if (curIndex + 2 <= length && data[curIndex] == 0 && data[curIndex + 1] == 0)
                                // double null terminated
                                curIndex = data.Length;

                    if (curIndex != data.Length)
                        // not null terminated
                        list.Add(ExtractString(data, curIndex, data.Length));
                value = list;

            case REG_BINARY:
                var tight_fit_data = new byte[length];
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    tight_fit_data[i] = data[i];
                value = length == 0 ? null : new Bytes(tight_fit_data);

            case REG_EXPAND_SZ:
            case REG_SZ:
                if (length >= 2 && data[length - 1] == 0 && data[length - 2] == 0)
                    value = ExtractString(data, 0, (int)length - 2);
                    value = ExtractString(data, 0, (int)length);

            case REG_DWORD:
                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                    value = (uint)((data[3] << 24) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | data[0]);
                    value = (uint)((data[0] << 24) | (data[1] << 16) | (data[2] << 8) | data[3]);

                value = null;
Esempio n. 14
 private static Exception ErrorDecoding(CodeContext context, params object[] args)
     return(PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(SSLError(context), ArrayUtils.Insert("Error decoding PEM-encoded file ", args)));
Esempio n. 15
 private static Exception Error(CodeContext /*!*/ context, params object[] args)
     return(PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable((PythonType)PythonContext.GetContext(context).GetModuleState(_ErrorKey), args));
Esempio n. 16
 private static Exception WindowsError(int code)
     return(PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.OSError, code, FormatError(code)));
Esempio n. 17
 private static Exception MakeException(CodeContext /*!*/ context, object value)
     return(PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable((PythonType)PythonContext.GetContext(context).GetModuleState("selecterror"), value));
Esempio n. 18
        public static HKEYType OpenKey(object key, string subKeyName, [DefaultParameterValue(0)] int res, [DefaultParameterValue(KEY_READ)] int sam)
            HKEYType    rootKey = GetRootKey(key);
            RegistryKey newKey  = null;

            // I'm assuming that the masks that CPy uses are the same as the Win32 API one mentioned here-

            // KEY_WRITE is a combination of KEY_SET_VALUE and KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY. We'll open with write access
            // if any of this is set.
            // KEY_READ is a combination of KEY_QUERY_VALUE, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS and KEY_NOTIFY. We'll open
            // with read access for all of these.

            var nativeRootKey = rootKey.GetKey();

            try {
                if ((sam & KEY_SET_VALUE) == KEY_SET_VALUE ||
                    (sam & KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY) == KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY)
                    if (res != 0)
                        newKey = nativeRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, (RegistryRights)res);
                        newKey = nativeRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default, (RegistryRights)res);
                        newKey = nativeRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, true);
                else if ((sam & KEY_QUERY_VALUE) == KEY_QUERY_VALUE ||
                         (sam & KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS) == KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS ||
                         (sam & KEY_NOTIFY) == KEY_NOTIFY)
                    if (res != 0)
                        newKey = nativeRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, (RegistryRights)res);
                        newKey = nativeRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree, (RegistryRights)res);
                        newKey = nativeRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, false);
                    throw new Win32Exception("Unexpected mode");
            } catch (SecurityException) {
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, PythonExceptions._WindowsError.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Access is denied");

            if (newKey == null)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(PythonExceptions.WindowsError, PythonExceptions._WindowsError.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "The system cannot find the file specified");

            return(new HKEYType(newKey));