Esempio n. 1
        public void GetUdpConnections()
            byte[] buffer  = new byte[20000]; // Start with 20.000 bytes left for information about tcp table
            int    pdwSize = 20000;
            int    res     = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetUdpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                buffer = new byte[pdwSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetUdpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                    return;     // Error. You should handle it

            UdpConnections = new IpHlpApidotnet.MIB_UDPTABLE();

            int nOffset = 0;

            // number of entry in the
            UdpConnections.dwNumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
            nOffset += 4;
            UdpConnections.table = new MIB_UDPROW[UdpConnections.dwNumEntries];
            for (int i = 0; i < UdpConnections.dwNumEntries; i++)
                ((MIB_UDPROW)(UdpConnections.table[i])).Local = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, false);//new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(LocalAdrr), LocalPort);
Esempio n. 2
        public void GetUdpConnexions()
            byte[] buffer  = new byte[20000];            // Start with 20.000 bytes left for information about tcp table
            int    pdwSize = 20000;
            int    res     = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetUdpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);

            if (res != NO_ERROR)
                buffer = new byte[pdwSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetUdpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);
                if (res != 0)
                    return;                         // Error. You should handle it

            UdpConnexion = new IpHlpApidotnet.MIB_UDPTABLE();

            int nOffset = 0;

            // number of entry in the
            UdpConnexion.dwNumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
            nOffset           += 4;
            UdpConnexion.table = new MIB_UDPROW[UdpConnexion.dwNumEntries];
            for (int i = 0; i < UdpConnexion.dwNumEntries; i++)
                string LocalAdrr = buffer[nOffset].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 1].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 2].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 3].ToString();
                nOffset += 4;

                int LocalPort = (((int)buffer[nOffset]) << 8) + (((int)buffer[nOffset + 1])) +
                                (((int)buffer[nOffset + 2]) << 24) + (((int)buffer[nOffset + 3]) << 16);
                nOffset += 4;
                ((MIB_UDPROW)(UdpConnexion.table[i])).Local = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(LocalAdrr), LocalPort);
Esempio n. 3
        public void GetUdpConnections()
            int AF_INET  = 2;   // IP_v4
            int buffSize = 20000;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
            int    res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedUdpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, UDP_TABLE_CLASS.UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID, 0);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                buffer = new byte[buffSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedUdpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, UDP_TABLE_CLASS.UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID, 0);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
            int nOffset    = 0;
            int NumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);

            nOffset += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                TCPUDPConnection row = new TCPUDPConnection(this);
                row.Protocol = Protocol.UDP;
                row.Local    = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, false);
                row.PID      = Utils.BufferToInt(buffer, ref nOffset);
Esempio n. 4
        // New IPv6 version
        public void GetTcp6Connections()
            int AF_INET  = (int)AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;   // AF_INET6
            int buffSize = 20000;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
            int    res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR) //If there is no enough memory to execute function
                buffer = new byte[buffSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
            int nOffset = 0;
            // number of entries in the table
            int NumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);

            nOffset += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                TCPUDPConnection row = new TCPUDPConnection(this);
                row.Protocol      = Protocol.TCP;
                row.AddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;

                // Read in local address information
                row.Local = Utils.BufferToIPv6EndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset);

                // Read in remote address information
                row.Remote = Utils.BufferToIPv6EndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset);

                // State
                int state = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, nOffset);
                row.iState = state;
                nOffset   += 4;

                // PID
                row.PID  = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, nOffset);
                nOffset += 4;

                // Add row to list of connections
Esempio n. 5
        public void GetTcpConnections()
            byte[] buffer  = new byte[20000]; // Start with 20.000 bytes left for information about tcp table
            int    pdwSize = 20000;
            int    res     = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetTcpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                buffer = new byte[pdwSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetTcpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);
                if (res != 0)
                    return;     // Error. You should handle it

            TcpConnections = new IpHlpApidotnet.MIB_TCPTABLE();

            int nOffset = 0;

            // number of entry in the
            TcpConnections.dwNumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
            nOffset += 4;
            TcpConnections.table = new MIB_TCPROW[TcpConnections.dwNumEntries];

            for (int i = 0; i < TcpConnections.dwNumEntries; i++)
                // state
                int st = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                // state in string
                //((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnections.table[i])).StrgState = Utils.StateToStr(st);
                (TcpConnections.table[i]).StrgState = Utils.StateToStr(st);
                // state  by ID
                //((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnections.table[i])).iState = st;
                (TcpConnections.table[i]).iState = st;
                nOffset += 4;
                // local address
                //((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnections.table[i])).Local = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, false);
                (TcpConnections.table[i]).Local = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, false);
                // remote address
                //((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnections.table[i])).Remote = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, true);
                (TcpConnections.table[i]).Remote = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, true);
Esempio n. 6
        public static List <TCPUDPConnection> GetTcpConnections()
            int AF_INET  = 2;   // IP_v4
            int buffSize = 20000;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
            int    res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR) //If there is no enouth memory to execute function
                buffer = new byte[buffSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't call win API, because we couldn't build a large enough buffer");
            var ourReturn = new List <TCPUDPConnection>();
            int nOffset   = 0;
            // number of entry in the
            int NumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);

            Console.WriteLine("there are {0} entries", NumEntries);
            nOffset += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                // state
                int st  = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                var row = new TCPUDPConnection(null);
                row.iState   = st;
                nOffset     += 4;
                row.Protocol = Protocol.TCP;
                row.Local    = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, false);
                row.Remote   = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, true);
                row.PID      = Utils.BufferToInt(buffer, ref nOffset);
Esempio n. 7
        public void GetTcpConnections()
            int AF_INET  = 2;   // IP_v4
            int buffSize = 20000;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
            int    res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR) //If there is no enouth memory to execute function
                buffer = new byte[buffSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
            int nOffset = 0;
            // number of entry in the
            int NumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);

            Console.WriteLine("there are {0} entries", NumEntries);
            nOffset += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                // state
                int st            = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                var nextPosOffset = nOffset + 4;
                var row           = new TCPUDPConnection(this)
                    iState   = st,
                    Protocol = Protocol.TCP,
                    Local    = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nextPosOffset, false),
                    Remote   = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nextPosOffset, true),
                    PID      = Utils.BufferToInt(buffer, ref nextPosOffset)
Esempio n. 8
        public void GetTcpConnections()
            int AF_INET  = 2;   // IP_v4
            int buffSize = 20000;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
            int    res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR) //If there is no enouth memory to execute function
                buffer = new byte[buffSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedTcpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
            int nOffset = 0;
            // number of entry in the
            int NumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);

            nOffset += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                TCPUDPConnection row = new TCPUDPConnection(this);
                // state
                int st = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                // state  by ID
                row.iState        = st;
                nOffset          += 4;
                row.Protocol      = Protocol.TCP;
                row.AddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
                row.Local         = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, false);
                row.Remote        = Utils.BufferToIPEndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset, true);
                row.PID           = Utils.BufferToInt(buffer, ref nOffset);
Esempio n. 9
        //IPv6 Version
        public void GetUdp6Connections()
            int AF_INET  = (int)AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;    // IP_v6
            int buffSize = 20000;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
            int    res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedUdpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, UDP_TABLE_CLASS.UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID, 0);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                buffer = new byte[buffSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetExtendedUdpTable(buffer, out buffSize, true, AF_INET, UDP_TABLE_CLASS.UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID, 0);
                if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
            int nOffset    = 0;
            int NumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);

            nOffset += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                TCPUDPConnection row = new TCPUDPConnection(this);
                row.Protocol      = Protocol.UDP;
                row.AddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;

                // Read in local address information
                row.Local = Utils.BufferToIPv6EndPoint(buffer, ref nOffset);

                // PID
                row.PID  = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, nOffset);
                nOffset += 4;

Esempio n. 10
        public void GetExUdpConnections()
            // the size of the MIB_EXTCPROW struct =  4*DWORD
            int rowsize    = 12;
            int BufferSize = 100000;
            // allocate a dumb memory space in order to retrieve  nb of connection
            IntPtr lpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
            //getting infos
            int res = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ref lpTable, true, IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2);

            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error : " + IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetAPIErrorMessageDescription(res) + " " + res);
                return; // Error. You should handle it
            int CurrentIndex = 0;
            //get the number of entries in the table
            int NumEntries = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(lpTable);

            lpTable = IntPtr.Zero;
            // free allocated space in memory

            // calculate the real buffer size nb of entrie * size of the struct for each entrie(24) + the dwNumEntries
            BufferSize = (NumEntries * rowsize) + 4;
            // make the struct to hold the resullts
            UdpExConnections = new IpHlpApidotnet.MIB_EXUDPTABLE();
            // Allocate memory
            lpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
            res     = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ref lpTable, true, IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2);
            if (res != Utils.NO_ERROR)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error : " + IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetAPIErrorMessageDescription(res) + " " + res);
                return; // Error. You should handle it
            // New pointer of iterating throught the data
            IntPtr current = lpTable;

            CurrentIndex = 0;
            // get the (again) the number of entries
            NumEntries = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
            UdpExConnections.dwNumEntries = NumEntries;
            // Make the array of entries
            UdpExConnections.table = new MIB_EXUDPROW[NumEntries];
            // iterate the pointer of 4 (the size of the DWORD dwNumEntries)
            CurrentIndex += 4;
            current       = (IntPtr)((int)current + CurrentIndex);
            // for each entries
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                // get the local address of the connection
                UInt32 localAddr = (UInt32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // iterate the pointer of 4
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
                // get the local port of the connection
                UInt32 localPort = (UInt32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // iterate the pointer of 4
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
                // Store the local endpoint in the struct and convertthe port in decimal (ie convert_Port())
                UdpExConnections.table[i].Local = new IPEndPoint(localAddr, Utils.ConvertPort(localPort));
                // store the process ID
                UdpExConnections.table[i].dwProcessId = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // Store and get the process name in the struct
                UdpExConnections.table[i].ProcessName = Utils.GetProcessNameByPID(UdpExConnections.table[i].dwProcessId);
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
            // free the buffer
            // re init the pointer
            current = IntPtr.Zero;
Esempio n. 11
 public void GetUdpStats()
     UdpStats = new MIB_UDPSTATS();
     IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetUdpStatistics(ref UdpStats);
Esempio n. 12
 public void GetTcpStats()
     TcpStats = new MIB_TCPSTATS();
     IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetTcpStatistics(ref TcpStats);
Esempio n. 13
        public string dumpRouteEntry(IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDROW row){
            adapterIDs idList = new adapterIDs();

            //Active Routes:
            //         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
            //Network Destination        Netmask          Gateway          Interface           Metric
            string s = "";

            s += (new IPAddress(row.dwForwardDest)).ToString().PadRight(27);
            s += (new IPAddress(row.dwForwardMask)).ToString().PadRight(17);
            s += (new IPAddress(row.dwForwardNextHop)).ToString().PadRight(17);

            //s += "".PadLeft(6) + row.dwForwardIfIndex.ToString("000") + "     ";
            s += "".PadLeft(2) + idList.getIPstrForID((int)row.dwForwardIfIndex).PadLeft(17) ;
            s += row.dwForwardMetric1.ToString().PadLeft(5);

            return s;
Esempio n. 14
        public void GetTcpConnexions()
            byte[] buffer  = new byte[20000];            // Start with 20.000 bytes left for information about tcp table
            int    pdwSize = 20000;
            int    res     = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetTcpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);

            if (res != NO_ERROR)
                buffer = new byte[pdwSize];
                res    = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetTcpTable(buffer, out pdwSize, true);
                if (res != 0)
                    return;                         // Error. You should handle it

            TcpConnexion = new IpHlpApidotnet.MIB_TCPTABLE();

            int nOffset = 0;

            // number of entry in the
            TcpConnexion.dwNumEntries = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
            nOffset           += 4;
            TcpConnexion.table = new MIB_TCPROW[TcpConnexion.dwNumEntries];

            for (int i = 0; i < TcpConnexion.dwNumEntries; i++)
                // state
                int st = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                // state in string
                ((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnexion.table[i])).StrgState = convert_state(st);
                // state  by ID
                ((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnexion.table[i])).iState = st;
                nOffset += 4;
                // local address
                string LocalAdrr = buffer[nOffset].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 1].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 2].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 3].ToString();
                nOffset += 4;
                //local port in decimal
                int LocalPort = (((int)buffer[nOffset]) << 8) + (((int)buffer[nOffset + 1])) +
                                (((int)buffer[nOffset + 2]) << 24) + (((int)buffer[nOffset + 3]) << 16);

                nOffset += 4;
                // store the remote endpoint
                ((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnexion.table[i])).Local = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(LocalAdrr), LocalPort);

                // remote address
                string RemoteAdrr = buffer[nOffset].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 1].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 2].ToString() + "." + buffer[nOffset + 3].ToString();
                nOffset += 4;
                // if the remote address = 0 ( the remote port is always 0
                // else get the remote port in decimal
                int RemotePort;
                if (RemoteAdrr == "")
                    RemotePort = 0;
                    RemotePort = (((int)buffer[nOffset]) << 8) + (((int)buffer[nOffset + 1])) +
                                 (((int)buffer[nOffset + 2]) << 24) + (((int)buffer[nOffset + 3]) << 16);
                nOffset += 4;
                ((MIB_TCPROW)(TcpConnexion.table[i])).Remote = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(RemoteAdrr), RemotePort);
Esempio n. 15
        public void getRoutingTable()

            IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE fTable = new IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE();
            fTable.table = new IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDROW[1];

            int MIB_SIZE = Marshal.SizeOf(new IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDROW()) + Marshal.SizeOf(new UInt32());
            // Initialize unmanged memory to hold one struct entry.
            IntPtr pTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(MIB_SIZE);

                // Copy the struct to unmanaged memory.
                // Marshal.StructureToPtr(fTable, pTable, false);   //StructureToPtr does not like array inside struct
                byte[] buffer = new byte[MIB_SIZE];

                int dwSize = MIB_SIZE;
                int iRes   = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetIpForwardTable(buffer, ref dwSize, true);
                if (iRes == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
                    //need to get dwSize memory allocated
                    buffer = new byte[dwSize];
                    iRes   = IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetIpForwardTable(buffer, ref dwSize, true);
                    //now we have a list of structs

                    //see also
                    //now we have the buffer filled, create an empty entry
                    IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE ipForwardTable = new IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE();

                    // ...and fill the MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE with the bytes from the buffer
                    int nOffset = 0;
                    // number of rows in the table
                    ipForwardTable.dwNumEntries = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                    nOffset += 4;

                    ipForwardTable.table = new IPHlpAPI32Wrapper.MIB_IPFORWARDROW[ipForwardTable.dwNumEntries];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ipForwardTable.dwNumEntries; i++)
                        //((MIB_IPFORWARDROW)(ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardDest = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                        ((ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardDest = toIPInt(buffer, nOffset);
                        nOffset += 4;

                        ((ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardMask = toIPInt(buffer, nOffset);
                        nOffset += 4;
                        ((ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardPolicy = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                        nOffset += 4;
                        ((ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardNextHop = toIPInt(buffer, nOffset);
                        nOffset += 4;
                        ((ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardIfIndex = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                        nOffset += 8; //8 since we're skipping the next item (dwForwardType)
                        ((ipForwardTable.table[i])).dwForwardProto = Convert.ToUInt32(buffer[nOffset]);
                        nOffset += 4;

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);