Esempio n. 1
        public override bool Equals(object other)
            TrsReductionRule otherRule = other as TrsReductionRule;

            return(otherRule != null &&
                   otherRule.Head.Equals(this.Head) &&
Esempio n. 2
 private void ExecuteRewriteForRule(InterpreterEvaluationTerm termToRewrite, TrsReductionRule rule, UnificationResult composedUnifier)
     bool rewritingTookPlaceLocal = false;
       if (composedUnifier.Succeed)
     if (rule.Tail.GetType() == typeof(TrsNativeKeyword))
       // Replacing term value with a native function generated value
       var nativeTermInHead = ((TrsTermBase)termToRewrite.CurrentSubTerm.CreateCopy()).ApplySubstitutions(composedUnifier.Unifier);
       foreach (var native in nativeFunctions)
     var processedTerm = native.Evaluate(nativeTermInHead);
     if (processedTerm == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("Native function in type {0} returned null", native.GetType().FullName));
     // If the rewrite result is the same, no rewriting took place ...
     if (!nativeTermInHead.Equals(processedTerm))
       var newTerm = termToRewrite.RootTerm.CreateCopyAndReplaceSubTerm(termToRewrite.CurrentSubTerm, processedTerm);
       rewritingTookPlaceLocal = true;
       var newTermWrapper = new InterpreterTerm(newTerm);
       newTermWrapper.IsNewTerm = true;
       // Normal rewriting without native eval functions
       var replacementTerm = ((TrsTermBase)rule.Tail.CreateCopy()).ApplySubstitutions(composedUnifier.Unifier);
       if (!termToRewrite.CurrentSubTerm.Equals(replacementTerm))
     var newTerm = termToRewrite.RootTerm.CreateCopyAndReplaceSubTerm(termToRewrite.CurrentSubTerm, replacementTerm);
     rewritingTookPlaceLocal = true;
     var newTermWrapper = new InterpreterTerm(newTerm);
     newTermWrapper.IsNewTerm = true;
       if (rewritingTookPlaceLocal)
     rewritingTookPlace = true; // stops rewriting on next rewrite step
     termToRewrite.CacheSourceTerm.MustDeletFromCache = true;
Esempio n. 3
        private void ApplyReductionRuleToCache(TrsReductionRule rule)
            // This data structure stores the Cartesian product used for term products
              // The length of each sub-List is the size of an alphabet for calculating a "Godel string" of terms.
              // This avoids the need for seperate sub-enumerators.
              var rewriteCandidates = new List<List<InterpreterEvaluationTerm>>();

              // Populate the rewriteCandidates
              TrsTermProduct ruleHead = (TrsTermProduct)rule.Head;
              int productLength = ruleHead.TermList.Count;
              for (int termProductIndex = 0; termProductIndex < productLength; termProductIndex++)
            rewriteCandidates.Add(new List<InterpreterEvaluationTerm>());
            foreach (var termInCache in executionCache)
              // Do not rewrite new terms, we are doing one rewrite step at a time
              if (termInCache.IsNewTerm) continue;

              // Test all sub-terms
              var expantionStack = new Stack<TrsTermBase>();
              while (expantionStack.Count > 0)
            var current = expantionStack.Pop();

            // Ignore the "variable only" case to avoid matching all rewrite rules to a sub-term.
            if (current is TrsVariable) continue;

            // Type rules applied here ... cater for multiple unification results by duplicating candidates
            foreach (var unifier in mguCalculation.GetUnifier(ruleHead.TermList[termProductIndex], current))
              if (IsUnifierValid(unifier, ruleHead.TermList[termProductIndex]))
                rewriteCandidates[termProductIndex].Add(new InterpreterEvaluationTerm(termInCache.RootTerm, current, termInCache, unifier));

            // Apply rewrite rule to subterms
            if (current is TrsTerm)
              foreach (var subTerm in ((TrsTerm)current).Arguments)
            else if (current is TrsAcTerm)
              foreach (var subTerm in ((TrsAcTerm)current).OnfArguments)

              // Execute rewite step ... iterate over cartesian term product
              // This iterationCount variable will prevent rewriting in the case where any of the lists are empty
              int iterationCount = rewriteCandidates.First().Count;
              foreach (var termList in rewriteCandidates.Skip(1)) iterationCount *= termList.Count;
              var matchTupple = new List<InterpreterEvaluationTerm>(rewriteCandidates.Count);
              for (int tuppleNumber = 0; tuppleNumber < iterationCount; tuppleNumber++)
            var currDiv = tuppleNumber;
            UnificationResult currentUnifier = null;
            UnificationResult testUnifier = null;
            // In order to do a substitution, all variables must bind to the same values across the tupple members
            for (int termColumn = 0; termColumn < rewriteCandidates.Count; termColumn++)
              var currMod = currDiv % rewriteCandidates[termColumn].Count;
              currDiv = currDiv / rewriteCandidates[termColumn].Count;
              var targetTerm = rewriteCandidates[termColumn][currMod];
              currentUnifier = targetTerm.Unifier;
              if (testUnifier == null) testUnifier = currentUnifier;
            var termProductUnifier = ComposeUnifiers(matchTupple.Select(term => term.Unifier));
            if (termProductUnifier.Succeed)
              foreach (var term in matchTupple) ExecuteRewriteForRule(term, rule, termProductUnifier);