private void DoWork() { try { while (!manager.Stop) { RS.Sample sample = manager.GetSample(); streams.RenderStreams(sample); //manager.ShowPerformanceTick(); handsRecognition.RecogniseHands(sample); //Todo manager.SenseManager.ReleaseFrame(); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(null, e.ToString(), "Error while Recognition", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } Invoke(new DoWorkEnd( delegate { buttonStart.Enabled = true; buttonStop.Enabled = false; menuStrip.Enabled = true; ActivateGestureCheckboxes(true); manager.SenseManager.Close(); if (closing) { Close(); } } )); }
public void RenderStreams(RS.Sample sample) { /* Render streams */ EventHandler <RenderFrameEventArgs> render = RenderFrame; RS.Image image = null; if (StreamType != RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY && render != null) { // ??????????????????????? image = sample[StreamType]; render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(0, image)); //render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(1, image)); } }
public RS.Sample GetSample() { RS.Sample sample = null; /* Wait until a frame is ready: Synchronized or Asynchronous */ if (SenseManager.AcquireFrame(false) == RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { /* Aquire Frame from Camera */ sample = SenseManager.Sample; return(sample); } else { return(sample = null); } }
public void RenderStreams(RS.Sample sample) { /* Render streams */ EventHandler <RenderFrameEventArgs> render = RenderFrame; RS.Image image = null; if (render != null) { image = sample[RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_COLOR]; render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(0, image)); if (StreamType == RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY) { return; } else { image = sample[StreamType]; render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(1, image)); } } }
public void StreamColorDepth() /* Stream Color and Depth Synchronously or Asynchronously */ { try { bool sts = true; /* Create an instance of the RS.SenseManager interface */ RS.SenseManager sm = RS.SenseManager.CreateInstance(); if (sm == null) { SetStatus("Failed to create an SDK pipeline object"); return; } /* Optional: if playback or recoridng */ if ((Playback || Record) && File != null) { sm.CaptureManager.SetFileName(File, Record); } /* Optional: Set Input Source */ if (!Playback && DeviceInfo != null) { sm.CaptureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo); } /* Set Color & Depth Resolution and enable streams */ if (StreamProfileSet != null) { /* Optional: Filter the data based on the request */ sm.CaptureManager.FilterByStreamProfiles(StreamProfileSet); /* Enable raw data streaming for specific stream types */ for (int s = 0; s < RS.Capture.STREAM_LIMIT; s++) { RS.StreamType st = RS.Capture.StreamTypeFromIndex(s); RS.StreamProfile info = StreamProfileSet[st]; if (info.imageInfo.format != 0) { /* For simple request, you can also use sm.EnableStream(...) */ RS.DataDesc desc = new RS.DataDesc(); desc.streams[st].frameRate.min = desc.streams[st].frameRate.max = info.frameRate.max; desc.streams[st].sizeMin.height = desc.streams[st].sizeMax.height = info.imageInfo.height; desc.streams[st].sizeMin.width = desc.streams[st].sizeMax.width = info.imageInfo.width; desc.streams[st].options = info.options; desc.receivePartialSample = true; RS.SampleReader sampleReader = RS.SampleReader.Activate(sm); sampleReader.EnableStreams(desc); } } } /* Initialization */ SetStatus("Init Started"); if (sm.Init() >= RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { /* Reset all properties */ sm.CaptureManager.Device.ResetProperties(RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY); /* Set mirror mode */ RS.MirrorMode mirror = Mirror ? RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_HORIZONTAL : RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_DISABLED; sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode = mirror; SetStatus("Streaming"); while (!Stop) { /* Wait until a frame is ready: Synchronized or Asynchronous */ if (sm.AcquireFrame(Synced) < RS.Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } /* Display images */ RS.Sample sample = sm.Sample; /* Render streams */ EventHandler <RenderFrameEventArgs> render = RenderFrame; RS.Image image = null; if (MainPanel != RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY && render != null) { image = sample[MainPanel]; render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(0, image)); } if (PIPPanel != RS.StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY && render != null) { render(this, new RenderFrameEventArgs(1, sample[PIPPanel])); } /* Optional: Set Mirror State */ mirror = Mirror ? RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_HORIZONTAL : RS.MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_DISABLED; if (mirror != sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode) { sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode = mirror; } /* Optional: Show performance tick */ sm.ReleaseFrame(); } } else { SetStatus("Init Failed"); sts = false; } sm.Dispose(); if (sts) { SetStatus("Stopped"); } } catch (Exception e) { SetStatus(e.GetType().ToString()); } }