Esempio n. 1
        /// <param name="relativeRoot">
        /// The location where HKR entried will be stored, relative to 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\' (or ControlSet001 for that matter)
        /// </param>
        private void ProcessAddRegSection(PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, string sectionName, string relativeRoot)
            List <string> section = pnpDriverInf.GetSection(sectionName);

            foreach (string line in section)
                List <string> values            = INIFile.GetCommaSeparatedValues(line);
                string        hiveName          = values[0];
                string        subKeyName        = INIFile.Unquote(values[1]);
                string        valueName         = INIFile.TryGetValue(values, 2);
                string        valueType         = INIFile.TryGetValue(values, 3);;
                string        valueDataUnparsed = String.Empty;
                if (values.Count > 3)
                    valueDataUnparsed = StringUtils.Join(values.GetRange(4, values.Count - 4), ","); // byte-list is separated using commmas

                valueName = INIFile.Unquote(valueName);
                valueType = pnpDriverInf.ExpandToken(valueType);
                int    valueTypeFlags = PNPDriverINFFile.ConvertFromIntStringOrHexString(valueType);
                string valueTypeHexString;
                if (!valueType.StartsWith("0x"))
                    valueTypeHexString = "0x" + valueTypeFlags.ToString("X8"); // we want value type in 8 digit hex string.
                    valueTypeHexString = valueType;
                RegistryValueKind valueKind = PNPDriverINFFile.GetRegistryValueKind(valueTypeFlags);
                if (valueKind == RegistryValueKind.String)
                    valueDataUnparsed = pnpDriverInf.ExpandToken(valueDataUnparsed);
                object valueData = HiveINIFile.ParseValueDataString(valueDataUnparsed, valueKind);

                if (hiveName == "HKR")
                    string cssKeyName = relativeRoot;
                    if (subKeyName != String.Empty)
                        cssKeyName = cssKeyName + @"\" + subKeyName;
                    // Note that software key will stick from text-mode:
                    SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(cssKeyName, valueName, valueKind, valueData);
                else if (hiveName == "HKLM" && subKeyName.StartsWith(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    string cssKeyName = subKeyName.Substring(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\".Length);

                    SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(cssKeyName, valueName, valueKind, valueData);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Warning: unsupported registry path: " + hiveName + @"\" + subKeyName);
Esempio n. 2
        // Windows File Protection may restore a newer unsigned driver file to an older in-box signed driver file (sfc.exe is executed at the end of GUI-mode setup).
        // The list of files that is being protected is stored in sfcfiles.sys, and we can prevent a file from being protected by making sure it's not in that list.
        public static void DisableInBoxDeviceDriverFile(string setupDirectory, string fileName)
            fileName = fileName.ToLower(); // sfcfiles.dll stores all file names in lowercase
            string path = setupDirectory + "sfcfiles.dl_";

            byte[] packed   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            byte[] unpacked = HiveINIFile.Unpack(packed, "sfcfiles.dll");
            PortableExecutableInfo peInfo = new PortableExecutableInfo(unpacked);
            string oldValue = @"%systemroot%\system32\drivers\" + fileName;
            string newValue = @"%systemroot%\system32\drivers\" + fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 1) + "0"; // e.g. e1000325.sys => e1000325.sy0

            byte[] oldSequence = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(oldValue);
            byte[] newSequence = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(newValue);

            bool replaced = false;

            for (int index = 0; index < peInfo.Sections.Count; index++)// XP uses the .text section while Windows 2000 uses the .data section
                byte[] section           = peInfo.Sections[index];
                bool   replacedInSection = KernelAndHalIntegrator.ReplaceInBytes(ref section, oldSequence, newSequence);

                if (replacedInSection)
                    peInfo.Sections[index] = section;
                    replaced = true;

            if (replaced)
                Console.WriteLine("'{0}' has been removed from Windows File Protection file list.", fileName);

                MemoryStream peStream = new MemoryStream();
                PortableExecutableInfo.WritePortableExecutable(peInfo, peStream);
                unpacked = peStream.ToArray();
                packed   = HiveINIFile.Pack(unpacked, "sfcfiles.dll");

                File.WriteAllBytes(path, packed);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Successful USB 2.0 Boot: Inbox USB 2.0 host controller and hub Drivers   + USB mass storage class driver (usbstor.sys).
        /// Successful USB 3.0 Boot: Vendor provided host controller anb hub drivers + USB mass storage class driver (usbstor.sys).
        /// In addition, most systems will require an additional step in the form of a driver that will wait for the USB storage device to be initialized,
        /// I have written Wait4UFD for that purpose.
        /// See:
        /// </summary>
        public void IntegrateUSB20HostControllerAndHubDrivers()
            if (m_installation.IsWindows2000)
                // The service pack version must be SP4 for the /usbboot switch to get accepted
                if (!FileSystemUtils.IsFileExist(m_installation.SetupDirectory + ""))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Missing file:");

                // Note: Windows 2000 SP4 added USB 2.0 support, earlier versions are limited to USB 1.1
                // Copy USB 2.0 filles from
                string path     = m_installation.SetupDirectory + "";
                byte[] packed   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                byte[] unpacked = HiveINIFile.Unpack(packed, "usbehci.sys");
                File.WriteAllBytes(m_installation.BootDirectory + "usbehci.sys", unpacked);
                unpacked = HiveINIFile.Unpack(packed, "usbport.sys");
                File.WriteAllBytes(m_installation.BootDirectory + "usbport.sys", unpacked);
                unpacked = HiveINIFile.Unpack(packed, "usbhub20.sys");
                File.WriteAllBytes(m_installation.BootDirectory + "usbhub20.sys", unpacked);

                // Create the [files.usbehci] and [files.usbhub20] sections.
                // Those sections lists the driver files that will be copied if the device has been detected.
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "hid.dll", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "hccoin.dll", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "hidclass.sys", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "hidparse.sys", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32_Drivers);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "usbd.sys", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32_Drivers);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "usbport.sys", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32_Drivers);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbehci", "usbehci.sys", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32_Drivers);

                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddFileToFilesSection("files.usbhub20", "usbhub20.sys", (int)WinntDirectoryName.System32_Drivers);

                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbehci", "Enhanced Host Controller", "files.usbehci");

                RegisterBootBusExtender("openhci", "Open Host Controller", "files.openhci");

                RegisterBootBusExtender("uhcd", "Universal Host Controller", "files.uhcd");

                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbhub", "Generic USB Hub Driver", "files.usbhub");
                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbhub20", "Generic USB Hub Driver", "files.usbhub20");

                // Update the CDDB
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddDeviceToCriticalDeviceDatabase(@"PCI\CC_0C0320", "usbehci");
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddDeviceToCriticalDeviceDatabase(@"USB\ROOT_HUB20", "usbhub20");
                // Needed in case the user uses a USB 2.0 Hub between the UFD and the root hub:
                // Note: Under Windows 2000 SP4, 'USB\HubClass' is the identifier of USB 2.0 Hubs.
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddDeviceToCriticalDeviceDatabase(@"USB\HubClass", "usbhub20");
                // Note: I could not get usbhub.sys and usbhub20.sys working consistently at the same time under text-mode setup.
                // as a solution, we must prevent usbhub.sys from being loaded (USB 1.x devices such as mouse / keyboard may not work)

                Console.Write("*The author was not able to get USB 1.x and USB 2.0 consistently working at the*");
                Console.Write("*same time during Windows 2000 text-mode setup. USB 1.x has been temporarily   *");
                Console.Write("*disabled, devices such as USB mouse or keyboard may not work as a result.     *");
                Console.Write("*USB 1.x will be re-enabled during GUI-mode setup.                             *");
                // One notable exception to the above was when a USB 2.0 hub was connected between the UFD and the onboard USB port:
                // When connected directly, the I got a BSOD, but when connected to the same port through a USB 2.0 hub
                // ('USB\ROOT_HUB' was set to load usbhub.sys, 'USB\CLASS_09' had to be removed from the CDDB), Both USB 1.x and USB 2.0 devices worked properly.
                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbehci", "Enhanced Host Controller", "files.usbehci");

                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbohci", "Open Host Controller", "files.usbohci");

                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbuhci", "Universal Host Controller", "files.usbuhci");

                RegisterBootBusExtender("usbhub", "Generic USB Hub Driver", "files.usbhub");
                // The root hub and generic hub have two different INF files, but both use the same service,
                // so if a generic USB 2.0 hub is detected, the service will be reinstalled.
                // We must make sure the service will still be set to boot start during this process.

            // Add the generic USB hub to the final CDDB, in case our user will decide to add
            // a hub between the UFD and the root hub after the installation.
            // see:
            m_installation.HiveSystemInf.AddDeviceToCriticalDeviceDatabase(@"USB\Class_09", "usbhub");
            if (m_installation.IsWindows2000)
                // Windows 2000 uses usbhub.sys for USB 1.x hubs, and usbhub20.sys for USB 2.0 hubs.
                m_installation.HiveSystemInf.AddDeviceToCriticalDeviceDatabase(@"USB\HubClass", "usbhub20");
 public void SetRegistryKeyUnparsed(string keyName, string valueName, RegistryValueKind valueKind, string valueData)
     SetRegistryKey(keyName, valueName, valueKind, HiveINIFile.ParseValueDataString(valueData, valueKind));
        // update txtsetup.sif and dotnet.inf
        private void UpdateTextSetupInformationFileAndCopyFiles(string deviceID)
            // Files.HwComponent.ID Section
            TextModeDriverSetupINIFile driverINI = m_driverDirectory.TextModeDriverSetupINI;
            List <string> section = driverINI.GetDriverFilesSection(deviceID);

            string        serviceName = String.Empty;
            List <string> driverKeys  = new List <string>();

            string sourceDirectoryInMediaRootForm = m_installation.GetSourceDriverDirectoryInMediaRootForm(deviceID);
            int    sourceDiskID = m_installation.TextSetupInf.AllocateSourceDiskID(m_installation.ArchitectureIdentifier, sourceDirectoryInMediaRootForm);

            string destinationWinntDirectory   = m_installation.GetDriverDestinationWinntDirectory(m_deviceID);
            int    destinationWinntDirectoryID = m_installation.TextSetupInf.AllocateWinntDirectoryID(destinationWinntDirectory);

            foreach (string line in section)
                KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line);
                string fileType       = keyAndValues.Key;
                string directory      = driverINI.GetDirectoryOfDisk(keyAndValues.Value[0]);
                string fileName       = keyAndValues.Value[1];
                string sourceFilePath = m_driverDirectory.Path + "." + directory + @"\" + fileName;
                bool   isDriver       = keyAndValues.Key.Equals("driver", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                m_installation.CopyFileToSetupDriverDirectory(sourceFilePath, deviceID + @"\", fileName);

                if (isDriver)
                    m_installation.CopyDriverToSetupRootDirectory(sourceFilePath, fileName);
                    if (m_installation.IsTargetContainsTemporaryInstallation)

                m_installation.TextSetupInf.SetSourceDisksFileEntry(m_installation.ArchitectureIdentifier, sourceDiskID, destinationWinntDirectoryID, fileName, FileCopyDisposition.AlwaysCopy);

                if (isDriver)
                    // unlike what one may understand from the reading specs, this value is *only* used to form [Config.DriverKey] section name,
                    // and definitely NOT to determine the service subkey name under CurrentControlSet\Services. (which is determined by the service file name without a .sys extension)
                    string driverKey = keyAndValues.Value[2];

                    // according to this, only the first driver entry should be processed.

                    // however, this sample and my experience suggest that files / registry entries from a second driver entry will be copied / registered,
                    // (both under the same Services\serviceName key), so we'll immitate that.

                    if (serviceName == String.Empty)
                        // Some txtsetup.oem drivers are without HardwareID entries,
                        // but we already know that the service is specified by the file name of its executable image without a .sys extension,
                        // so we should use that.
                        serviceName = TextSetupINFFile.GetServiceName(fileName);
                    // We should use FileCopyDisposition.DoNotCopy, because InstructToLoadSCSIDriver will already copy the device driver.
                    m_installation.TextSetupInf.SetSourceDisksFileDriverEntry(m_installation.ArchitectureIdentifier, fileName, FileCopyDisposition.DoNotCopy);
                    string deviceName = driverINI.GetDeviceName(deviceID);
                    m_installation.TextSetupInf.InstructToLoadSCSIDriver(fileName, deviceName);

                // add file to the list of files to be copied to local source directory
                if (!m_installation.IsTargetContainsTemporaryInstallation)
                    m_installation.DosNetInf.InstructSetupToCopyFileFromSetupDirectoryToLocalSourceDriverDirectory(sourceDirectoryInMediaRootForm, fileName);
                    if (isDriver)

            section = driverINI.GetHardwareIdsSection(deviceID);
            foreach (string line in section)
                KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line);
                string hardwareID = keyAndValues.Value[0];
                // The service is specified by the file name of its executable image without a .sys extension
                // it is incomprehensible that this line will change the value of serviceName, because we already set serviceName to the service file name without a .sys extension
                serviceName = INIFile.Unquote(keyAndValues.Value[1]);
                hardwareID  = INIFile.Unquote(hardwareID);
                m_installation.TextSetupInf.AddDeviceToCriticalDeviceDatabase(hardwareID, serviceName);

            foreach (string driverKey in driverKeys)
                section = driverINI.GetConfigSection(driverKey);
                foreach (string line in section)
                    KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > keyAndValues = INIFile.GetKeyAndValues(line);
                    string            subKeyNameQuoted  = keyAndValues.Value[0];
                    string            valueName         = keyAndValues.Value[1];
                    string            valueType         = keyAndValues.Value[2];
                    string            valueDataUnparsed = keyAndValues.Value[3];
                    RegistryValueKind valueKind         = TextModeDriverSetupINIFile.GetRegistryValueKind(valueType);
                    object            valueData         = HiveINIFile.ParseValueDataString(valueDataUnparsed, valueKind);
                    string            subKeyName        = INIFile.Unquote(subKeyNameQuoted);

                    m_installation.HiveSystemInf.SetServiceRegistryKey(serviceName, subKeyName, valueName, valueKind, valueData);
                    m_installation.SetupRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey(serviceName, subKeyName, valueName, valueKind, valueData);