public string Visit(NFunCall nFunCall)
            string      lexeme               = nFunCall.AnchorToken.Lexeme;
            FunctionSym functionSym          = semanticAnalyzer.GetFunctionSymbolByLexeme(lexeme);
            NExprList   argumentList         = (NExprList)nFunCall[0];
            string      argumentsPreparation = Visit(argumentList);

            string prefix = "";

            if (functionSym.kind == FunctionSymKind.STANDARD)
                prefix = "\t\tcall int64 class ['int64lib']'Int64'.'Utils'::";
                prefix = "\t\tcall int64 class 'Int64Program'::";

            string paramTypeList = "";

            for (var i = 0; i < argumentList.children.Count; i++)
                paramTypeList += "int64";
                if (i != argumentList.children.Count - 1)
                    paramTypeList += ", ";
            if (lexeme == "new")
                lexeme = "New";
            return(argumentsPreparation + prefix + "'" + lexeme + "'(" + paramTypeList + ")\n");
        public void Visit(NFunDef nFunDef)
            currentFunction = semanticAnalyzer.GetFunctionSymbolByLexeme(nFunDef.AnchorToken.Lexeme);
            // No need to visit neither parameter list nor variable definition list
            NStmtList stmtList = (NStmtList)nFunDef[2];

            currentFunction = null;
        private FunctionSym newStandardFunction(string symbol, params string[] parameters)
            FunctionSym retVal = new FunctionSym(new Token(symbol, TokenCategory.IDENTIFIER, -1, -1), FunctionSymKind.STANDARD);

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                retVal.AddLocalVariable(new VariableSym(new Token(parameters[i], TokenCategory.IDENTIFIER, -1, -1), VariableSymKind.PARAMETER));
 public void AddFunction(FunctionSym newFunction)
     foreach (FunctionSym function in functions)
         if (function.anchorToken.Lexeme == newFunction.anchorToken.Lexeme)
             throw new SemanticError("Name collision", newFunction.anchorToken);
        public void Visit(NFunCall nFunCall)
            string      lexeme       = nFunCall.AnchorToken.Lexeme;
            FunctionSym functionSym  = semanticAnalyzer.GetFunctionSymbolByLexeme(lexeme);
            NExprList   argumentList = (NExprList)nFunCall[0];

            if (functionSym != null && functionSym.GetArity() == argumentList.children.Count)
                throw new SemanticError("Nonexistent function or signature mismatch", nFunCall.AnchorToken);
Esempio n. 6
 public void Visit(NFunDefList node)
     foreach (NFunDef funDef in node)
         FunctionSym newFuncSym = new FunctionSym(funDef.AnchorToken, FunctionSymKind.USER_DEFINED);
         // Add parameters to local scope
         foreach (NParameter param in funDef[0])
             VariableSym newParam = new VariableSym(param.AnchorToken, VariableSymKind.PARAMETER);
         // Add variables to local scope
         foreach (NVarDef variable in funDef[1])
             VariableSym newVariable = new VariableSym(variable.AnchorToken, VariableSymKind.REGULAR);
        public string Visit(NFunDef nFunDef)
            currentFunction = semanticAnalyzer.GetFunctionSymbolByLexeme(nFunDef.AnchorToken.Lexeme);
            string lexeme     = nFunDef.AnchorToken.Lexeme;
            Node   parameters = nFunDef[0];
            Node   varDefList = nFunDef[1];
            Node   stmtList   = nFunDef[2];
            string retVal     = "\t.method public static hidebysig default int64 '" + lexeme + "' (" + Visit((dynamic)parameters) + ") cil managed {\n";

            if (lexeme == "main")
                retVal += "\t\t.entrypoint\n";
            retVal += Visit((dynamic)varDefList)
                      + Visit((dynamic)stmtList)
                      + "\t\tldc.i8 0\n"
                      + "\t\tret\n"
                      + "\t}\n";
            currentFunction = null;