static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO Be sure to follow best practice when creating your classes

            // Create a class Animal
            // give this class 4 members that all Animals have in common
            // DONE

            // Create a class Bird
            // give this class 4 members that are specific to Bird
            // Set this class to inherit from your Animal Class
            // DONE

            // Create a class Reptile
            // give this class 4 members that are specific to Reptile
            // Set this class to inherit from your Animal Class
            // DONE

            /*Create an object of your Bird class
             *  give values to your members using the object of your Bird class
             * Creatively display the class member values
            /*Create an object of your Reptile class
             *  give values to your members using the object of your Bird class
             * Creatively display the class member values
            //DONE - SEE BELOW
            var blueJay = new Bird("Blue Jay", false, "tweet!", true);

            var penguin = new Bird("Penguin", false, "Sqwak!", false);

            Console.WriteLine("Penguin is trying to fly..");
            var rattlesnake = new Reptile("Rattlesnake", true, "hisss!", 0, false);

            var turtle = new Reptile("Turtle", false, "gulp", 4, true);

            Console.WriteLine("Turtle trying to eat meat...");
            Console.WriteLine("Turtle trying to slither...");
            Console.WriteLine($"The Turtle can swim: {turtle.Swimming}");
            var squirrel = new Animal("Squirrel", "Ththttht");

Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO Be sure to follow best practice when creating your classes

            var tropicalBird = new Bird();

            tropicalBird.Color  = "multicolor";
            tropicalBird.Name   = "Mango";
            tropicalBird.Wings  = "long";
            tropicalBird.Weight = 3;

            Console.WriteLine($"My bird is named {tropicalBird.Name} and {tropicalBird.Fly()}");

            var snake = new Reptile();

            snake.Name     = "Bingo";
            snake.Length   = 6;
            snake.Venimous = true;
            snake.Color    = "green";

            Console.WriteLine($"I have a snake called {snake.Name} and is {snake.Length} feet long " +
                              $"oh and by the way has {snake.Color} color and {snake.Crawl()} in the backyard");

            /*Create an object of your Bird class
             *  give values to your members using the object of your Bird class
             * Creatively display the class member values

            /*Create an object of your Reptile class
             *  give values to your members using the object of your Bird class
             * Creatively display the class member values