Esempio n. 1
        }                     // GetCatalogTableIndexes

        ** GetCatalogTablePrimaryKey
        ** Description:
        **	Find the fields that make up the table's primary key.
        ** History:
        **	10-Feb-03 (thoda04)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Find the fields that make up the table's primary key.
        /// </summary>
        public Catalog.Table GetCatalogTablePrimaryKey(Catalog.Table catTable)
            string sql_lvl = AdvanConnect.conn.dbCaps.getDbCap("COMMON/SQL_LEVEL");
            int    cs_lvl  = 0;
            int    key_id;
            int    key_id_prior = -1;
            Object obj;

            if (sql_lvl != null)                // get the Ingres or Gateway support level
                try { cs_lvl = Int32.Parse(sql_lvl); }
                catch (Exception /*ignore*/) {}

            IDbCommand     cmd = AdvanConnect.Connection.CreateCommand();
            IDataParameter parm;

            parm        = cmd.CreateParameter();
            parm.Value  = catTable.SchemaName;
            parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;              // don't send Unicode

            parm        = cmd.CreateParameter();
            parm.Value  = catTable.TableName;
            parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;              // don't send Unicode

            IDataReader rdr             = null;
            bool        PrimaryKeyFound = false;

            // if Ingres server and iikeys is supported
            if (AdvanConnect.conn.is_ingres && cs_lvl > 601)
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT DISTINCT k.column_name, k.key_position " +
                    "FROM iikeys k, iiconstraints c " +
                    "WHERE k.schema_name = ? AND k.table_name = ? AND " +
                    "c.constraint_type = 'P'  AND " +
                    "k.constraint_name = c.constraint_name ";

                // send the query to the database catalog to get keys
                rdr = null;

                    // read the primary key columns of table from iikeys
                    rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (rdr.Read())                      // process list of columns
                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(0))                // skip if somehow null
                        String columnName = rdr.GetString(0).TrimEnd();
                        // find the primary key column in the table's columns
                        foreach (Catalog.Column col in catTable.Columns)
                            if (col.ColumnName.Equals(columnName))
                                if (rdr.IsDBNull(1))
                                    col.PrimaryKeySequence = 0;
                                    obj = rdr.GetValue(1);                                     // int32 or Oracle NUMERIC float
                                    col.PrimaryKeySequence = Convert.ToInt32(obj);
                                    PrimaryKeyFound        = true;
                        }                  // end loop through columns
                    }                      // end while loop reading through columns in catalog
                catch (SqlEx)              // ex)
                    if (rdr != null)

                if (PrimaryKeyFound)
                    return(catTable); // no need to look further
            }                         // end if Ingres server

            // Primary key not found in iikeys; try iialt_columns.
            // Use the primary key or first unique key.

            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT DISTINCT k.column_name, k.key_sequence, k.key_id " +
                "FROM iialt_columns k " +
                "WHERE table_owner = ? AND table_name = ? AND " +
                "key_sequence <> 0 " +
                "ORDER BY 3";

            // send the query to the database catalog to get keys
            rdr = null;

                // read the first unique key columns of table from iialt_columns
                rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (rdr.Read())                  // process list of columns
                    if (rdr.IsDBNull(0))            // skip if somehow null

                    if (rdr.IsDBNull(2))
                        key_id = 0;
                        obj    = rdr.GetValue(2);                      // int32 or Oracle NUMERIC float
                        key_id = Convert.ToInt32(obj);
                    if (PrimaryKeyFound && key_id != key_id_prior)
                        break;                          // break out if found new index key
                    String columnName = rdr.GetString(0).TrimEnd();
                    // find the primary key column in the table's columns
                    foreach (Catalog.Column col in catTable.Columns)
                        if (col.ColumnName.Equals(columnName))
                            if (rdr.IsDBNull(1))
                                col.PrimaryKeySequence = 0;
                                obj = rdr.GetValue(1);                                 // int32 or Oracle NUMERIC float
                                col.PrimaryKeySequence = Convert.ToInt32(obj);
                                PrimaryKeyFound        = true;
                                key_id_prior           = key_id; // save key_id of first key
                            break;                               // break out of table's columns search
                    }                                            // end loop through columns
                }                                                // end while loop reading through columns in catalog
            catch (SqlEx)                                        // ex)
                if (rdr != null)
                    cmd.Cancel();                      // cancel the remainder to avoid spurious msg

            if (PrimaryKeyFound)

            // Primary key not found in iikeys nor iialt_columns
            // Fall back to trying to use the physical underlying key
            foreach (Catalog.Column col in catTable.Columns)
                col.PrimaryKeySequence = col.KeySequence;

        }          // GetCatalogTablePrimaryKey
Esempio n. 2
        }          // GetAllCatalogTablesAndViews

        ** GetCatalogTable
        ** History:
        **	28-Jan-03 (thoda04)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Find the schemaname.tablename in the in-core catalog.
        /// Add if not found and build its list of columns.
        /// </summary>
        public Catalog.Table GetCatalogTable(MetaData.Table table)
            if (table == null ||                // safety check
                table.TableName == null ||      // if table name is missing or
                table.SchemaName == null)       // if schema is unknown then
                return(null);                   //   return "table doesn't exist'
            // get a list of catalog columns for the specified schema and table
            // (use tilde to avoid ambiguity with "." in delimited identifiers
            // when building the key).
            string key = table.SchemaName + "^" + table.TableName;

            Catalog.Table  catTable = tables[key] as Catalog.Table;
            Catalog.Column catColumn;

            if (catTable != null)

            catTable = new Catalog.Table(table.SchemaName, table.TableName);

            IDbCommand     cmd = AdvanConnect.Connection.CreateCommand();
            IDataParameter parm;

            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT DISTINCT column_name, key_sequence, column_sequence " +
                "FROM iicolumns " +
                "WHERE table_owner = ? AND table_name = ? " +
                "ORDER BY column_sequence";

            parm        = cmd.CreateParameter();
            parm.Value  = table.SchemaName;
            parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;              // don't send Unicode

            parm        = cmd.CreateParameter();
            parm.Value  = table.TableName;
            parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;              // don't send Unicode

            // send the query to the database catalog to get columns
            IDataReader rdr = null;

                // read the columns of table from the catalog
                rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (rdr.Read())                  // process list of owners
                    if (rdr.IsDBNull(0))            // skip column if somehow null
                    catColumn            = new Catalog.Column();
                    catColumn.SchemaName = table.SchemaName;
                    catColumn.TableName  = table.TableName;
                    catColumn.ColumnName = rdr.GetString(0).TrimEnd();
                    // KeySequence may be used later for PrimaryKeySequence
                    if (rdr.IsDBNull(1))
                        catColumn.KeySequence = 0;
                        Object obj = rdr.GetValue(1);                                 // int32 or Oracle NUMERIC float
                        catColumn.KeySequence = Convert.ToInt32(obj);

                    if (catTable.Columns == null)
                        catTable.Columns = new ArrayList();
                    catTable.Columns.Add(catColumn); // add column to list
                }                                    // end while loop through columns in catalog
            catch (SqlEx /*ex*/)
                if (rdr != null)

            if (catTable.Columns == null)              // if no columns found
                return(null);                          //   return "table doesn't exist'
            GetCatalogTableIndexes(catTable);          // mark the unique columns
            GetCatalogTablePrimaryKey(catTable);       // mark primary key columns
            tables[key] = catTable;

            return(catTable); // return a MetaData.Table with the Columns
        }                     // GetCatalogTable
Esempio n. 3
        }                     // GetCatalogTable

        ** GetCatalogTableIndexes
        ** Description:
        **	Find each column that is unique, is the only column in this index,
        **	and is not-null.
        ** History:
        **	07-Feb-03 (thoda04)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Fill in the unique index information for the table's columns.
        /// </summary>
        public Catalog.Table GetCatalogTableIndexes(Catalog.Table catTable)
            ArrayList indexes = new ArrayList();              // list of unique indexes

            Catalog.Table  index;
            Catalog.Column indexColumn;

            if (catTable == null ||                 // safety check
                catTable.TableName == null ||       // if table name is missing or
                catTable.SchemaName == null)        // if schema is unknown then
                return(catTable);                   //   just return return catTable as-is
            IDbCommand     cmd = AdvanConnect.Connection.CreateCommand();
            IDataParameter parm;

            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT DISTINCT ic.column_name, ic.index_name " +
                "FROM iicolumns c, iiindex_columns ic, iiindexes i " +
                "WHERE " +
                "i.base_owner = ? AND i.base_name = ? AND " +
                "c.table_name = i.base_name AND " +
                "c.table_owner = i.base_owner AND " +
                "ic.index_name = i.index_name AND " +
                "ic.index_owner = i.index_owner AND " +
                "ic.column_name = c.column_name AND " +
                "i.unique_rule  = 'U' AND " +
                "c.column_nulls  <> 'Y' ";

            parm        = cmd.CreateParameter();
            parm.Value  = catTable.SchemaName;
            parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;              // don't send Unicode

            parm        = cmd.CreateParameter();
            parm.Value  = catTable.TableName;
            parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;              // don't send Unicode

            // send the query to the database catalog to get columns
            IDataReader rdr = null;

                // read the columns of table from the catalog
                rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (rdr.Read())                  // process list of columns
                    if (rdr.IsDBNull(0) ||          // skip if somehow null
                    String indexName = rdr.GetString(1).TrimEnd();
                    index = null;
                    foreach (Catalog.Table indexSearch in indexes)
                        if (indexSearch.TableName.Equals(indexName))
                            index = indexSearch;
                    }                                         // end loop through existing indexes

                    if (index == null)                        // index is not in our local list yet
                        index = new Catalog.Table(indexName); // add to list

                    indexColumn = new Catalog.Column();
                    //	indexColumn.SchemaName = index.SchemaName;  // not needed
                    //	indexColumn.TableName  = index.TableName;   // not needed
                    indexColumn.ColumnName = rdr.GetString(0).TrimEnd();

                    if (index.Columns == null)                      // if 1st time, build col list
                        index.Columns = new ArrayList();
                    index.Columns.Add(indexColumn); // add column to list
                }                                   // end while loop reading through columns in catalog
            catch (SqlEx)                           // ex)
                // Console.WriteLine(ex);
                if (rdr != null)

            // At this point: indexes->index(Table)->indexColumn(Column)
            foreach (Catalog.Table indexSearch in indexes)
                if (indexSearch.Columns == null ||                     // skip indexes with
                    indexSearch.Columns.Count != 1)                    // multiple columns

                indexColumn = (Catalog.Column)(indexSearch.Columns[0]);
                string indexColumnName = indexColumn.ColumnName;
                // match up the index column to the caller's table column
                foreach (Catalog.Column col in catTable.Columns)
                    if (indexColumnName.Equals(col.ColumnName))
                        col.IsUnique = true;                          // mark Catalog.Column as unique
                }             // end loop thru table's columns
            }                 // end loop through indexes

            return(catTable); // return a MetaData.Table with the Columns
        }                     // GetCatalogTableIndexes
Esempio n. 4
        }                 // FindMissingSchemaName

        ** GetAllCatalogTablesAndViews
        ** History:
        **	23-Jun-03 (thoda04)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all table or view names, qualified by
        /// "User Tables", "User Views", "All Tables", "All Views".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qualification"></param>
        /// <returns>list of tables or views requested</returns>
        public ArrayList GetAllCatalogTablesAndViews(string qualification)
            if (qualification == null)         // if qualificatin is unknown then
                return(new ArrayList());       //   return empty list as safety check
            ArrayList tablesList;              // pointer to tables list we are building
            ArrayList viewsList;               // pointer to views list we are building

            string schemaName = null;
            string readSchemaName;
            string readTableName;
            string readType;

            qualification = qualification.ToUpper(

            switch (qualification)
            case "USER TABLES":
                if (this.userTablesList != null)                          // return if already built

                tablesList = this.userTablesList = new ArrayList();
                viewsList  = this.userViewsList = new ArrayList();

                if (userSearchOrder == null)                  // build current_user, dba, $ingres
                    userSearchOrder = new UserSearchOrder(AdvanConnect);
                if (userSearchOrder != null || userSearchOrder.Count > 0)
                    schemaName = (string)this.userSearchOrder[0];


            case "USER VIEWS":
                if (this.userViewsList != null)                          // return if already built

                tablesList = this.userTablesList = new ArrayList();
                viewsList  = this.userViewsList = new ArrayList();

                if (userSearchOrder == null)                          // build current_user, dba, $ingres
                    userSearchOrder = new UserSearchOrder(AdvanConnect);
                if (userSearchOrder != null || userSearchOrder.Count > 0)
                    schemaName = (string)this.userSearchOrder[0];


            case "ALL TABLES":
                if (this.allTablesList != null)                          // return if already built

                tablesList = this.allTablesList = new ArrayList();
                viewsList  = this.allViewsList = new ArrayList();


            case "ALL VIEWS":
                if (this.allViewsList != null)                          // return if already built

                tablesList = this.userTablesList = new ArrayList();
                viewsList  = this.userViewsList = new ArrayList();


                return(new ArrayList()); // return empty list as safety check
            }                            // end switch

            // We need to build the tables list and views list.
            // We distinguish between user and all for performance reasons
            // since all tables/views could be several thousand entries vs.
            // a couple dozen user tables/views.
            // We do batch table list and view list building together since
            // if the user is interested in a table list, we assume they are
            // interested in a view list on the next mouse click.  This
            // eliminates a second query.

            // get a list of catalog columns for the specified schema and table
            // (use tilde to avoid ambiguity with "." in delimited identifiers
            // when building the key).
            IDbCommand     cmd = AdvanConnect.Connection.CreateCommand();
            IDataParameter parm;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
                "SELECT DISTINCT table_owner, table_name, table_type " +
                "FROM iitables " +
                "WHERE " +
                "system_use <> 'S' AND " +
                "table_type in ('T','V') AND " +
                "table_name NOT LIKE 'ii%' AND " +
                "table_name NOT LIKE 'II%' "
                , 200);

            if (schemaName != null)                // "User Tables" or "User Views"
                sb.Append("AND table_owner = ? "); // qualify by user

                parm = cmd.CreateParameter();

                parm.Value  = schemaName;
                parm.DbType = DbType.AnsiString; // don't send Unicode
            }                                    // end if schemaName != null

            sb.Append("ORDER BY 1, 2");

            cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();

            // send the query to the database catalog to get columns
            IDataReader rdr = null;

                // read the table/view names from the catalog
                rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (rdr.Read())                  // process list of owners
                    if (rdr.IsDBNull(0) ||
                        rdr.IsDBNull(1) ||
                        rdr.IsDBNull(2))                          // skip table/view if somehow null

                    readSchemaName = rdr.GetString(0).TrimEnd();
                    readTableName  = rdr.GetString(1).TrimEnd();
                    readType       = rdr.GetString(2).TrimEnd();

                    Catalog.Table catTable =
                        new Catalog.Table(readSchemaName, readTableName);

                    if (readType == "T")
                        tablesList.Add(catTable);                          // add table to list
                        viewsList.Add(catTable); // add view to list
                }                                // end while loop through tables/views in catalog
            catch (SqlEx /*ex*/)
                if (rdr != null)

            // The right lists are built now.
            // Call ourselves recursively to return the desired list.
        }          // GetAllCatalogTablesAndViews