Esempio n. 1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set default colors
            btnForegroundColor.BackColor = Color.Black;
            btnBackgroundColor.BackColor = Color.White;
            colorDialogBackground.Color  = Color.White;
            colorDialogForeground.Color  = Color.Black;

            // Set URL links
            LinkLabel.Link link1 = new LinkLabel.Link();
            link1.LinkData      = "";
            llblFyghtSoft1.Text = "FyghtSoft Website";

            LinkLabel.Link link2 = new LinkLabel.Link();
            link2.LinkData    = "";
            llblSupportA.Text = "Resources and Training";

            LinkLabel.Link link3 = new LinkLabel.Link();
            link3.LinkData    = "";
            llblSupportB.Text = "Community Support Forums";

            // Set default image paths
            tbxImageOutputPath.Text = outputPathForFinalImage;
            lblOutputImagePath.Text = outputPathForFinalImage;

            // Set Dimension Layout Info
            CurrentDesktopDimensions oCDD =

            lblDesktopDimensions.Text = oCDD.DesktopWidth.ToString() + " x "
                                        + oCDD.DesktopHeight.ToString() + " (pixels)";

            // Default URLs
            lblDefaultWSHDataIntegrationURL.Text = oInfaWSHMetaData.strDefaultURL_DataIntegration;
            lblDefaultWSHMetaDataURL.Text        = oInfaWSHMetaData.strDefaultURL_MetaData;

            // set dropdown defaults
            ddWallpaperPosition.SelectedIndex = 0;
            ddFontSize.SelectedIndex          = 6;

            if (File.Exists(outputFullFilePathForConfigXML))
                //MessageBox.Show("Configuration File Exists!");

                XmlDocument ConfigXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();

                InfaBGInfo.Config.ConfigXML oConfig = new InfaBGInfo.Config.ConfigXML(ConfigXMLDoc);
            //MessageBox.Show("Configuration File Does Not Exist");
        public static CurrentDesktopDimensions GetDesktopDimensions()
            const int SM_CXSCREEN = 0;
            const int SM_CYSCREEN = 1;

            CurrentDesktopDimensions oCDD = new CurrentDesktopDimensions();

            oCDD.DesktopHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
            oCDD.DesktopWidth  = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);

        public void SaveImageToFile(string sImageText, Color backgroundColor
                                    , Color foregroundColor, int fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle, string sOutputFile
                                    , CurrentDesktopDimensions oCDD, string sLayerOnImageFullFilePath
            // set some properties
            Bitmap objBmpImage = null;

            System.Drawing.Image original = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sLayerOnImageFullFilePath))
                // Create a background image of size and color basic bkg
                objBmpImage = new Bitmap(oCDD.DesktopWidth, oCDD.DesktopHeight);

                // Create a graphics object to measure the text's width and height.
                Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBmpImage);

                // Set Background color

                original = objBmpImage;
                //objBmpImage = new Bitmap(sLayerOnImageFullFilePath);
                objBmpImage = new Bitmap(Image.FromFile(sLayerOnImageFullFilePath)
                                         , oCDD.DesktopWidth
                                         , oCDD.DesktopHeight);
                original = objBmpImage;

            // Construct a bitmap from the button image resource
            // to create the main textToString image
            Bitmap bmp1 = CreateBitmapImage(sImageText, fontSize
                                            , fontStyle, foregroundColor);

            Graphics gra = null;

                gra = Graphics.FromImage(original);
            catch (Exception)
                 * On 2010/07/30 I couldn't figure out how to prevent a bad .GIF file from causing an Exception.
                 * The goal here was to some how convert the image to a renderable format that the text could be
                 * superimposed on.  I did not get this working.  instead I am posting basic code for a blank
                 * solid background image.
                ////////Bitmap org = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(sLayerOnImageFullFilePath);
                ////////Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(org.Width, org.Height); // Can specify optional pixel format but defaults to 32bppArgb

                //////////bm.Save(sOutputFile, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);

                ////////original = bm;
                // Create a background image of size and color basic bkg
                objBmpImage = new Bitmap(oCDD.DesktopWidth, oCDD.DesktopHeight);

                // Create a graphics object to measure the text's width and height.
                Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBmpImage);

                // Set Background color

                // These two objects must availble before proceeding.
                original = objBmpImage;
                gra      = Graphics.FromImage(original);

            Bitmap logo = new Bitmap(bmp1);

            gra.DrawImage(logo, new Point(5, 5));

            original.Save(sOutputFile, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);

            // Dispose of the image file.