Esempio n. 1
        private void GetGridView()
            Frm用户默认帐套 f = new Frm用户默认帐套(FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid);


            if (f.DialogResult != DialogResult.Yes)
                throw new Exception("取消查询");

                DataTable dt = f.dt.Copy();
                for (int i = gridView1.Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "科目编码")

                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "科目")

                for (int i = gridView1.Bands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (gridView1.Bands[i].Caption.Trim() == "科目")


                string sCol = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["选择"]))
                        string s帐套号     = dt.Rows[i]["帐套号"].ToString().Trim();
                        string s帐套名称    = dt.Rows[i]["帐套名称"].ToString().Trim();
                        string sCaption = "[" + s帐套号 + "]" + s帐套名称;

                        sCol = sCol + "," + s帐套号;

                        SetCol(sCaption, s帐套号, "AccID" + s帐套号, i + 6);
                SetCol("累计", "累计", "累计", dt.Rows.Count + 6);

                SqlConnection  con = new SqlConnection(FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sConnString);
                SqlCommand     cmd = new SqlCommand();
                SqlTransaction trans;
                cmd.Connection  = con;
                trans           = con.BeginTransaction();
                cmd.Transaction = trans;
                    string sTableName = "RepTH" + FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid;

                    //sSQL = @"IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + sTableName + "]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[" + sTableName + "]";

                    sSQL            = @"if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[111111]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[111111]";
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    string[] sColList = sCol.Split(',');
                    string   s组装字段    = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < sColList.Length; i++)
                        string s = sColList[i].Trim();
                        if (s == "")

                        s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期初借方" + s + " decimal(16,2)";
                        s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期初贷方" + s + " decimal(16,2)";
                        s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",本期借方" + s + " decimal(16,2)";
                        s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",本期贷方" + s + " decimal(16,2)";
                        s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期末借方" + s + " decimal(16,2)";
                        s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期末贷方" + s + " decimal(16,2)";

                    s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期初借方累计" + " decimal(16,2)";
                    s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期初贷方累计" + " decimal(16,2)";
                    s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",本期借方累计" + " decimal(16,2)";
                    s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",本期贷方累计" + " decimal(16,2)";
                    s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期末借方累计" + " decimal(16,2)";
                    s组装字段 = s组装字段 + ",期末贷方累计" + " decimal(16,2)";

                    sSQL = @"
create table RepTH(
类型 varchar(50),
科目编码 varchar(50),
科目 varchar(200)

                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", s组装字段);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    string sYear = lookUpEdit年度.Text.Trim();

                    for (int i = 0; i < sColList.Length; i++)
                        string s = sColList[i].Trim();
                        if (s == "")

                        string sAccID    = sColList[i].Trim();
                        string sUFDBName = "UFDATA_" + sAccID + "_" + sYear;

                        int i包含未记账 = 1;
                        if (chk包含未记账.Checked)
                            i包含未记账 = 0;

                        int i级次1 = ReturnInt(lookUpEdit级次1.EditValue);
                        int i级次2 = ReturnInt(lookUpEdit级次2.EditValue);

                        int i开始月份 = ReturnInt(lookUpEdit月份1.Text.Trim());
                        int i结束月份 = ReturnInt(lookUpEdit月份2.Text.Trim());

                        if (FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sERPEdition == "u851a")
                            sSQL = "exec UFDATA..GL_P_FSEYEB 'aaaaaa','bbbbbb','cccccc', NULL, '我', '1', '1', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'case when cclass =''资产'' then 1 else case when cclass =''负债'' then 2 else case when cclass =''权益'' then 3 else case when cclass =''成本'' then 4 else 5 end  end  end  end  as lx', 'YEB98612'";
                            if (chk末级科目.Checked)
                                sSQL = "exec UFDATA..GL_P_FSEYEB 'aaaaaa','bbbbbb','cccccc','1','1',NULL,'我',0,0,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'case when cclass =''资产'' then 1 else case when cclass =''负债'' then 2 else case when cclass =''权益'' then 3 else case when cclass =''成本'' then 4 else 5 end  end  end  end  as lx','YEB58183'";
                                sSQL = "exec UFDATA..GL_P_FSEYEB 'aaaaaa','bbbbbb','cccccc','1','1',NULL,'我',dddddd,eeeeee,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'case when cclass =''资产'' then 1 else case when cclass =''负债'' then 2 else case when cclass =''权益'' then 3 else case when cclass =''成本'' then 4 else 5 end  end  end  end  as lx','YEB58183'";
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", i开始月份.ToString().Trim());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", i结束月份.ToString().Trim());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("cccccc", i包含未记账.ToString().Trim());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("dddddd", i级次1.ToString().Trim());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("eeeeee", i级次2.ToString().Trim());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("UFDATA", sUFDBName);
                        DataTable dtTemp = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                        if (dtTemp == null || dtTemp.Rows.Count < 1)

                        sSQL = "select * from UFDATA..code order by ccode";
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("UFDATA", sUFDBName);
                        DataTable dt科目 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                        for (int j = 0; j < dtTemp.Rows.Count; j++)
                            string sCode = dtTemp.Rows[j]["cCode"].ToString().Trim();

                            decimal d期初借方 = ReturnDecimal(dtTemp.Rows[j]["sbb"], 2);
                            decimal d期初贷方 = ReturnDecimal(dtTemp.Rows[j]["sbb1"], 2);
                            decimal d本期借方 = ReturnDecimal(dtTemp.Rows[j]["smd"], 2);
                            decimal d本期贷方 = ReturnDecimal(dtTemp.Rows[j]["smc"], 2);
                            decimal d期末借方 = ReturnDecimal(dtTemp.Rows[j]["smm"], 2);
                            decimal d期末贷方 = ReturnDecimal(dtTemp.Rows[j]["smm1"], 2);

                            string s科目编码 = dtTemp.Rows[j]["ccode"].ToString().Trim();
                            string s科目   = dtTemp.Rows[j]["ccode_name"].ToString().Trim();
                            if (s科目编码.Length > 3 && s科目编码.Substring(0, 2) == "zz")

                            if (s科目编码 == "zz" && dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim() == "1")
                                s科目编码 = "资产小计";
                            if (s科目编码 == "zz" && dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim() == "2")
                                s科目编码 = "负债小计";
                            if (s科目编码 == "zz" && dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim() == "3")
                                s科目编码 = "权益小计";
                            if (s科目编码 == "zz" && dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim() == "4")
                                s科目编码 = "成本小计";
                            if (s科目编码 == "zz" && dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim() == "5")
                                s科目编码 = "损益小计";
                            if (s科目编码 == "zz" && dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim() == "9")
                                s科目编码 = "合计";

                            sSQL = @"
if exists (select * from RepTH where 科目编码 = 's科目编码') 
    update RepTH set 期初借方aaaaaa = d期初借方, 期初贷方aaaaaa = d期初贷方, 本期借方aaaaaa = d本期借方, 本期贷方aaaaaa = d本期贷方, 期末借方aaaaaa = d期末借方, 期末贷方aaaaaa = d期末贷方 where 科目编码 = 's科目编码'
    insert into RepTH(类型,科目编码,科目, 期初借方aaaaaa,期初贷方aaaaaa ,本期借方aaaaaa,本期贷方aaaaaa,期末借方aaaaaa,期末贷方aaaaaa)
    values('s类型','s科目编码','s科目',d期初借方,d期初贷方,d本期借方, d本期贷方,d期末借方, d期末贷方)
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", sColList[i].Trim());
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("s科目编码", s科目编码);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("s科目", s科目);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("s类型", dtTemp.Rows[j]["lx"].ToString().Trim());

                            //d期初借方 =(decimal) 0.00;
                            if (d期初借方 == 0)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期初借方", "null");
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期初借方", d期初借方.ToString());
                            if (d期初贷方 == 0)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期初贷方", "null");
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期初贷方", d期初贷方.ToString());

                            if (d本期借方 == 0)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d本期借方", "null");
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d本期借方", d本期借方.ToString());
                            if (d本期贷方 == 0)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d本期贷方", "null");
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d本期贷方", d本期贷方.ToString());

                            if (d期末借方 == 0)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期末借方", "null");
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期末借方", d期末借方.ToString());
                            if (d期末贷方 == 0)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期末贷方", "null");
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("d期末贷方", d期末贷方.ToString());
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    sSQL = "select * from RepTH order by 类型,科目编码";
                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    DataTable dtRep = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtRep.Rows.Count; i++)
                        decimal d1 = 0;
                        decimal d2 = 0;
                        decimal d3 = 0;
                        decimal d4 = 0;
                        decimal d5 = 0;
                        decimal d6 = 0;

                        for (int j = 0; j < dtRep.Columns.Count; j++)
                            string sColC = dtRep.Columns[j].Caption.Trim();
                            if (sColC.Length > 4 && sColC.Substring(0, 4) == "期初借方" && sColC != "期初借方累计")
                                d1 = d1 + ReturnDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i][j]);
                            if (sColC.Length > 4 && sColC.Substring(0, 4) == "期初贷方" && sColC != "期初贷方累计")
                                d2 = d2 + ReturnDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i][j]);
                            if (sColC.Length > 4 && sColC.Substring(0, 4) == "本期借方" && sColC != "本期借方累计")
                                d3 = d3 + ReturnDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i][j]);
                            if (sColC.Length > 4 && sColC.Substring(0, 4) == "本期贷方" && sColC != "本期贷方累计")
                                d4 = d4 + ReturnDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i][j]);
                            if (sColC.Length > 4 && sColC.Substring(0, 4) == "期末借方" && sColC != "期末借方累计")
                                d5 = d5 + ReturnDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i][j]);
                            if (sColC.Length > 4 && sColC.Substring(0, 4) == "期末贷方" && sColC != "期末贷方累计")
                                d6 = d6 + ReturnDecimal(dtRep.Rows[i][j]);
                        if (d1 != 0)
                            dtRep.Rows[i]["期初借方累计"] = d1;
                        if (d2 != 0)
                            dtRep.Rows[i]["期初贷方累计"] = d2;
                        if (d3 != 0)
                            dtRep.Rows[i]["本期借方累计"] = d3;
                        if (d4 != 0)
                            dtRep.Rows[i]["本期贷方累计"] = d4;
                        if (d5 != 0)
                            dtRep.Rows[i]["期末借方累计"] = d5;
                        if (d6 != 0)
                            dtRep.Rows[i]["期末贷方累计"] = d6;

                    gridControl1.DataSource = dtRep;

                    sSQL            = @"IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + sTableName + "]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[" + sTableName + "]";
                    sSQL            = @"if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[111111]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[111111]";
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                catch (Exception ee)
                    throw new Exception(ee.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception("加载报表列失败:" + ee.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        private void GetGridView()
            string sErr = "";

            Frm用户默认帐套 f = new Frm用户默认帐套(FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid);


            if (f.DialogResult != DialogResult.Yes)
                throw new Exception("取消查询");

                DataTable dt = f.dt.Copy();
                for (int i = gridView1.Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "帐套号")
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "帐套")
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "客户/供应商编码")
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "客户/供应商")
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "总额")
                    if (gridView1.Columns[i].Caption.Trim() == "科目")


                SqlConnection  con = new SqlConnection(FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sConnString);
                SqlCommand     cmd = new SqlCommand();
                SqlTransaction trans;
                cmd.Connection  = con;
                trans           = con.BeginTransaction();
                cmd.Transaction = trans;
                    #region 列表字段

                    sSQL = "select * from dbo._LookUpDate where iType = 1 order by iID";
                    DataTable dtCol = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    int    iLow     = 0;
                    string s组装字段    = "";
                    string s组装字段sum = "";

                    //string s报表字段 = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtCol.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string sColName = "";;
                        if (i == 0)
                            sColName = " ~ " + dtCol.Rows[i]["iText"].ToString().Trim();
                            iLow     = ReturnInt(dtCol.Rows[i]["iText"]);

                            //s报表字段 = s报表字段 + "aaaa" + i.ToString().Trim() + " <= " + dtCol.Rows[i]["iText"].ToString().Trim();
                            AddGridCol(sColName, sColName, "d" + i.ToString(), i + 10);
                            s组装字段    = s组装字段 + "," + "d" + i.ToString() + " money";
                            s组装字段sum = s组装字段sum + ",sum(" + "d" + i.ToString() + ") as " + "d" + i.ToString() + "";
                            sColName = iLow.ToString().Trim() + " ~ " + dtCol.Rows[i]["iText"].ToString().Trim();
                            iLow     = ReturnInt(dtCol.Rows[i]["iText"]);
                            AddGridCol(sColName, sColName, "d" + i.ToString(), i + 10);
                            s组装字段    = s组装字段 + "," + "d" + i.ToString() + " money";
                            s组装字段sum = s组装字段sum + ",sum(" + "d" + i.ToString() + ") as " + "d" + i.ToString() + "";
                        if (i != 0 && i == dtCol.Rows.Count - 1)
                            sColName = dtCol.Rows[i]["iText"].ToString().Trim() + " ~ ";
                            AddGridCol(sColName, sColName, "d" + (i + 1).ToString(), i + 11);
                            s组装字段    = s组装字段 + "," + "d" + (i + 1).ToString() + " money";
                            s组装字段sum = s组装字段sum + ",sum(" + "d" + (i + 1).ToString() + ") as " + "d" + (i + 1).ToString() + "";

                    string sPublicTableName = "RepPublicCusTH" + FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid;

                    //sSQL = @"IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + sPublicTableName + "]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[" + sPublicTableName + "]";
                    sSQL            = @"if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[111111]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[111111]";
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", sPublicTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL            = @"
create table RepTH(
客户编码 varchar(20),
客户 varchar(200),
科目 varchar(200),
帐套客户编号 varchar(20),
帐套号 varchar(20),
帐套 varchar(200),
总额 money,
单据日期 datetime
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sPublicTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    string sTableName = "RepCusTH" + FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid;

                    //sSQL = @"IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + sTableName + "]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[" + sTableName + "]";
                    sSQL            = @"if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[111111]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[111111]";
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL            = @"
create table RepTH(
客户编码 varchar(20),
客户 varchar(200),
科目 varchar(200),
帐套号 varchar(20),
帐套 varchar(200),
来源客户编码 varchar(20),
来源帐套号 varchar(20),
总额 money
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", s组装字段);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;


                    DataTable dt应收账款凭证 = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < f.dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (!Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["选择"]))

                        string sAccID = dt.Rows[i]["帐套号"].ToString().Trim();

                        sSQL = @"
SELECT distinct A.cAcc_Id as 帐套号,A.cAcc_Name as 帐套名称,p.iYear as 年度
FROM UFSystem.dbo.UA_Account A inner join UFSystem.dbo.UA_period P on A.cAcc_Id=P.cAcc_Id 
	AND (P.bIsDelete=0 OR P.bIsDelete IS NULL) 
WHERE 1=1 and a.cAcc_Id = '111111'
order by A.cAcc_Id,p.iYear desc
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sAccID);
                        DataTable dtAccYear = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                        if (dtAccYear == null || dtAccYear.Rows.Count < 1)
                            sErr = sErr + "帐套" + sAccID + "不存在\n";

                        string sDBName = "UFDATA_" + sAccID + "_" + dtAccYear.Rows[0]["年度"].ToString().Trim();
// or c.ccode like '2131%'
                        if (!chk包含未记账.Checked)
                            sSQL = @"
insert into RepTH(客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,总额,来源客户编码,来源帐套号)
    case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then a.cCusCode else a.cCusDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cCusAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '333333'  else '公共' end as 帐套
	,isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) as 应收账款
    ,a.cCusCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Customer a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN UFDATA..GL_accass c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cCusCode=c.ccus_id  
where iPeriod <= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '1131%' or c.ccode like '1133%' )
Group By a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName,a.cCusDefine1,c.ccode
having isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) <> 0
order by a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName 

insert into RepTH(客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,总额,来源客户编码,来源帐套号)
    case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then a.cCusCode else a.cCusDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cCusAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '333333'  else '公共' end as 帐套
	,-isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) as 应收账款
    ,a.cCusCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Customer a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN UFDATA..GL_accass c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cCusCode=c.ccus_id  
where iPeriod <= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '2131%')
Group By a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName,a.cCusDefine1,c.ccode
having isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'借' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) <> 0
order by a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName 

insert into RepTH(客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,总额,来源客户编码,来源帐套号)
    case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then a.cVenCode else a.cVenDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cVenAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then '333333'  else '公共' end as 帐套
	,isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) as 应收账款
    ,a.cVenCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Vendor a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN UFDATA..GL_accass c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cVenCode=c.csup_id  
where iPeriod <= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '1151%')
Group By a.cVenCode,a.cVenAbbName,a.cVenDefine1,c.ccode
having isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) <> 0
order by a.cVenCode,a.cVenAbbName 

                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", dateEdit分析日期.DateTime.Month.ToString());
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("222222", sAccID);
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("333333", dt.Rows[i]["帐套名称"].ToString().Trim());
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("UFDATA", sDBName);
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                            sSQL            = @"
insert into RepTH(客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,总额,来源客户编码,来源帐套号)
select 客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,sum(应收账款) as 应收账款,来源客户编码,来源帐套号
	 case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then a.cCusCode else a.cCusDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cCusAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '333333' else '公共' end as 帐套
	,(Sum(case when iperiod<1 then md-mc else 0 end) + Sum(case when iperiod>=1 then md else 0 end) - Sum(case when iperiod>=1 then mc else 0 end)) as 应收账款
    ,a.cCusCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Customer a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN  UFDATA..GL_accvouch c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cCusCode=c.ccus_id  
where iperiod<= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '1131%' or c.ccode like '1133%') and ibook=0 and (iflag is null or iflag=2) and iperiod>=1
Group By b.cCode,b.ccode_name,a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName ,a.cCusDefine1, c.ccode

union all

    case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then a.cCusCode else a.cCusDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cCusAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '333333'  else '公共' end as 帐套
	,isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) as 应收账款
    ,a.cCusCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Customer a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN  UFDATA..GL_accass c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cCusCode=c.ccus_id  
where iPeriod <= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '1131%' or c.ccode like '1133%') 
Group By a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName,a.cCusDefine1,c.ccode
group by 客户编码,客户,帐套号,帐套,来源客户编码,来源帐套号,科目
having sum(应收账款) <> 0
order by 客户编码 

insert into RepTH(客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,总额,来源客户编码,来源帐套号)
select 客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,sum(应收账款) as 应收账款,来源客户编码,来源帐套号
	 case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then a.cCusCode else a.cCusDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cCusAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '333333' else '公共' end as 帐套
	,-(Sum(case when iperiod<1 then md-mc else 0 end) + Sum(case when iperiod>=1 then md else 0 end) - Sum(case when iperiod>=1 then mc else 0 end)) as 应收账款
    ,a.cCusCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Customer a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN  UFDATA..GL_accvouch c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cCusCode=c.ccus_id  
where iperiod<= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and ( c.ccode like '2131%') and ibook=0 and (iflag is null or iflag=2) and iperiod>=1
Group By b.cCode,b.ccode_name,a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName ,a.cCusDefine1, c.ccode

union all

    case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then a.cCusCode else a.cCusDefine1 end as 客户编码,a.cCusAbbName as 客户
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cCusDefine1,'') = '' then '333333'  else '公共' end as 帐套
	,-isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) as 应收账款
    ,a.cCusCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Customer a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN  UFDATA..GL_accass c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cCusCode=c.ccus_id  
where iPeriod <= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '2131%') 
Group By a.cCusCode,a.cCusAbbName,a.cCusDefine1,c.ccode
group by 客户编码,客户,帐套号,帐套,来源客户编码,来源帐套号,科目
having sum(应收账款) <> 0
order by 客户编码 

insert into RepTH(客户编码,客户,科目,帐套号,帐套,总额,来源客户编码,来源帐套号)
select 供应商编码,供应商,科目,帐套号,帐套,sum(预付账款) as 应收账款,来源客户编码,来源帐套号
    case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then a.cVenCode else a.cVenDefine1 end as 供应商编码,a.cVenAbbName as 供应商
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then '333333'  else '公共' end as 帐套
	,isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) as 预付账款
    ,a.cVenCode as 来源客户编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Vendor a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN UFDATA..GL_accass c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cVenCode=c.csup_id  
where iPeriod <= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '1151%')
Group By a.cVenCode,a.cVenAbbName,a.cVenDefine1,c.ccode
having isnull(Sum(case when iperiod=111111 then (case when cendd_c<>'贷' then me else -me end) else 0 end),0) <> 0

union all

    case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then a.cVenCode else a.cVenDefine1 end as 供应商编码,a.cVenAbbName as 供应商
    ,c.ccode as 科目
	,case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then '222222' else '公共' end as 帐套号
	,case when isnull(a.cVenDefine1,'') = '' then '333333' else '公共' end as 帐套
	,(Sum(case when iperiod<1 then md-mc else 0 end) + Sum(case when iperiod>=1 then md else 0 end) - Sum(case when iperiod>=1 then mc else 0 end)) as 预付账款
    ,a.cVenCode as 来源供应商编码,'222222' as 来源帐套号
from  UFDATA..Vendor a right JOIN (UFDATA..Code b INNER JOIN  UFDATA..GL_accvouch c ON b.cCode=c.cCode) ON a.cVenCode=c.csup_id  
where iperiod<= 111111 and not c.cCode is Null and (c.ccode like '1151%') and ibook=0 and (iflag is null or iflag=2) and iperiod>=1
Group By a.cVenCode,a.cVenAbbName,a.cVenDefine1,c.ccode
group by 供应商编码,供应商,帐套号,帐套,来源客户编码,来源帐套号,科目
having sum(预付账款) <> 0
order by 供应商编码 

                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", dateEdit分析日期.DateTime.Month.ToString());
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("222222", sAccID);
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("333333", dt.Rows[i]["帐套名称"].ToString().Trim());
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("UFDATA", sDBName);
                            sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL     = "select * from RepTH order by 帐套号,客户编码";
                    sSQL     = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    dt应收账款凭证 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                    for (int j = 0; j < dt应收账款凭证.Rows.Count; j++)
                        string sCustomID = dt应收账款凭证.Rows[j]["客户编码"].ToString().Trim();

                        if (sCustomID == "1001")
                        decimal d客户总额  = ReturnDecimal(dt应收账款凭证.Rows[j]["总额"]);
                        string  sAccID = dt应收账款凭证.Rows[j]["来源帐套号"].ToString().Trim();

                        sSQL = @"
SELECT distinct A.cAcc_Id as 帐套号,A.cAcc_Name as 帐套名称,p.iYear as 年度
FROM UFSystem.dbo.UA_Account A inner join UFSystem.dbo.UA_period P on A.cAcc_Id=P.cAcc_Id 
	AND (P.bIsDelete=0 OR P.bIsDelete IS NULL) 
WHERE 1=1 and a.cAcc_Id = '003'
order by A.cAcc_Id,p.iYear desc
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("003", sAccID);
                        DataTable dtAccYear = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                        for (int k = 0; k < dtAccYear.Rows.Count; k++)
                            string s帐套   = sAccID; // dt应收账款凭证.Rows[j]["帐套号"].ToString().Trim();
                            string sUFDB = "UFDATA_" + sAccID + "_" + dtAccYear.Rows[k]["年度"].ToString().Trim();

                            string s科目 = dt应收账款凭证.Rows[j]["科目"].ToString().Trim();

                            #region 非公共客户,供应商

                            //if (s帐套 != "公共")
                            sSQL = @"
select * from UFDATA_003_2013..GL_accvouch  
where 1=1 and (isnull(md,0) <> 0 or isnull(mc,0) <> 0) and (ccode = '222222') and (isnull(ccus_id,'') = '111111'  or isnull(csup_id,'') = '111111')
order by dbill_date desc
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("UFDATA_003_2013", sUFDB);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sCustomID);
                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", s科目);
                            if (k != dtAccYear.Rows.Count - 1)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", " 1=1 and iperiod <> 0 ");
                            if (!chk包含未记账.Checked)
                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and isnull(cbook,'') <> '' ");

                            DataTable dt应收款明细 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                            for (int l = 0; l < dt应收款明细.Rows.Count; l++)
                                DateTime d单据日期 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt应收款明细.Rows[l]["dbill_date"]);

                                decimal d金额 = ReturnDecimal(dt应收款明细.Rows[l]["md"]);
                                decimal d   = ReturnDecimal(dt应收款明细.Rows[l]["mc"]);

                                if (s科目.Substring(0, 4) == "2131")
                                    d金额 = ReturnDecimal(dt应收款明细.Rows[l]["mc"]);
                                    d   = ReturnDecimal(dt应收款明细.Rows[l]["md"]);

                                    if (d < 0)
                                        d金额 = d金额 - d;
                                    if (d < 0)
                                        d金额 = d金额 - d;

                                TimeSpan ts    = dateEdit分析日期.DateTime - d单据日期;
                                int      iDays = ts.Days;

                                for (int ii = 0; ii < gridView1.Columns.Count; ii++)
                                    string sCaption = gridView1.Columns[ii].Caption.Trim();
                                    string sColName = gridView1.Columns[ii].FieldName.Trim();

                                    if (sColName.Substring(0, 1) == "d")
                                        string[] sList = sCaption.Split('~');
                                        if (sList[0].Trim() == "")
                                            sList[0] = "0";
                                        if (sList[1].Trim() == "")
                                            sList[1] = "65000";

                                        if (iDays >= ReturnInt(sList[0]) && iDays < ReturnInt(sList[1]))
                                            sSQL = @"
update RepTH set 111111 = isnull(111111,0) + 222222      
where isnull(客户编码,'') = '333333' and 来源帐套号 = '444444' and 科目 = '555555'           
                                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sColName);
                                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("333333", sCustomID);
                                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("444444", sAccID);
                                            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("555555", s科目);
                                            if (d客户总额 > d金额)
                                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", d金额.ToString());
                                                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", (d客户总额).ToString());
                                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                            d客户总额 = d客户总额 - d金额;
                                            if (d客户总额 <= 0)
                                if (d客户总额 <= 0)

                            if (d客户总额 <= 0)

                    sSQL = @"
insert into RepTH
select null,null,科目 + '小计' as 科目,帐套号,null,null,null,SUM(总额) as 总额 111111 from RepTH 
where 科目 not like '%小计%' and 科目 not like '%合计%' 
group by 科目,帐套号

                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", s组装字段sum);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL = @"
insert into RepTH
select null,null,科目 + '科目','合计' as 科目,null,null,null,SUM(总额) as 总额 111111 from RepTH 
where 科目 not like '%小计%' and 科目 not like '%合计%' 
group by 科目

                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", s组装字段sum);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL            = @"
insert into RepTH
select null,null,null,帐套号+'合计' as 帐套号,null,null,null,SUM(总额) as 总额 111111 from RepTH
where 科目 not like '%小计%' and 科目 not like '%合计%'  and 帐套号 not like '%合计%'
group by 帐套号,帐套
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", s组装字段sum);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL            = @"
insert into RepTH
select null,null,'合计','合计',null,null,null,SUM(总额) as 总额 111111 from RepTH
where 科目 not like '%小计%' and 帐套号 not like '%合计%' 
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", s组装字段sum);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    string sTemp = "总额 ";
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtCol.Rows.Count; i++)
                        sTemp = sTemp + " - isnull(d" + i.ToString() + ",0)";
                    sTemp           = "d" + dtCol.Rows.Count.ToString() + " =  case when " + sTemp + " <> 0 then " + sTemp + " end ";
                    sSQL            = @"
update RepTH set 111111

                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("111111", sTemp);
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL = "select * from RepTH order by 帐套号,科目,客户编码";
                    sSQL = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    DataTable dtGrid = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(trans, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    gridControl1.DataSource = dtGrid;

                    sSQL            = @"
drop table RepTH
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                    sSQL            = @"
drop table RepTH
                    sSQL            = sSQL.Replace("RepTH", sPublicTableName);
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;

                catch (Exception ee)
                    throw new Exception(ee.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
                throw new Exception("加载报表列失败:" + ee.Message);