Esempio n. 1
        private bool CheckForOverload(PLSQLSpecPackage ss, string ProcName)
            int count = 0;

            foreach (PLSQLSpecProc sp in ss.Procedures)
                if (sp.ProcName.ToUpper() == ProcName.ToUpper())
            return(count > 1);
Esempio n. 2
        public void GenerateXML(PLSQLSpecPackage ss, bool dict_is_optional)
            int  j;
            bool bIsFunction;

            if (ss == null)

            packageDef = new Package();

   = ss.PackageName;

            if (ss.Procedures != null)
                    string missingParameters = "";
                    // identify missing parameters from dictionary
                    foreach (PLSQLSpecProc sp in ss.Procedures)
                        foreach (PLSQLSpecParam p in sp.Params)
                            if (InDictionary(p.ParamName) == null)
                                missingParameters += "    <field name=\"" + p.ParamName + "\" />\r\n";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(missingParameters))
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning parameters missing in dictionary\r\n" + missingParameters);

                packageDef.procedures = new ProcedureType[ss.Procedures.Count];

                int i = 0;
                foreach (PLSQLSpecProc sp in ss.Procedures)
                    bIsFunction = (sp.UnconnectedReturnType != "");

                    packageDef.procedures[i] = new ProcedureType();

                    packageDef.procedures[i].name       = sp.ProcName;
                    packageDef.procedures[i].overloaded = CheckForOverload(ss, sp.ProcName);

                    if (bIsFunction)
                        packageDef.procedures[i].type = ProcedureTypeType.Function;
                        packageDef.procedures[i].type = ProcedureTypeType.Procedure;

                    int ParamCount = sp.Params.Count;
                    if (bIsFunction)
                        ParamCount++; // return value is handled as an extra parameter
                    packageDef.procedures[i].parameters = new ParameterType[ParamCount];

                    j = 0;
                    foreach (PLSQLSpecParam p in sp.Params)
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j] = new ParameterType();

                        String newName = InDictionary(p.ParamName);
                        if (newName != null)
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].name = newName;
                            if (dict_is_optional)
                                packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].name = p.ParamName;
                                Exception e = new Exception("Parameter not found in dictionary: " + p.ParamName);
                                throw (e);

                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].originTable  = p.TableName;
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].originColumn = p.ColumnName;

                        if (p.DirIn && !p.DirOut)
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].direction = ParameterTypeDirection.@In;
                        else if (!p.DirIn && p.DirOut)
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].direction = ParameterTypeDirection.@Out;
                        else if (p.DirIn && p.DirOut)
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].direction = ParameterTypeDirection.InOut;
                        else if (!p.DirIn && !p.DirOut)
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].direction = ParameterTypeDirection.@In;

                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].dataType  = p.UnconnectedType;
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].fieldType = ParameterTypeFieldType.Normal;

                        if (p.Mandatory)
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].column           = new ColumnType();
                            packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].column.mandatory = true;


                    if (bIsFunction)
                        // the extra parameter
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j] = new ParameterType();

                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].name         = "";
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].originTable  = "";
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].originColumn = "";

                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].direction = ParameterTypeDirection.Result;
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].dataType  = sp.UnconnectedReturnType;
                        packageDef.procedures[i].parameters[j].fieldType = ParameterTypeFieldType.Normal;

Esempio n. 3
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public PLSQLSpecParser(string spectext)
            int             ixCurrent = 0;
            SourceTokenizer t         = new SourceTokenizer(spectext, " ();%.:=\r\n\t,/*");
            string          s;
            int             ixLast;
            string          DefaultValue = "";
            bool            bIsFunction  = false;

            bool WaitForPackageName    = false;
            bool WaitForProcedureName  = false;
            bool WaitForParamName      = false;
            bool WaitForMandatory      = false;
            bool WaitForParamType      = false;
            bool WaitForParamSeparator = false;
            bool WaitForReturnType     = false;
            bool WaitForDefaultValue   = false;

            PLSQLSpecProc  CurrentProc  = null;
            PLSQLSpecParam CurrentParam = null;

            while (!t.EOF(ixCurrent))
                s      = "";
                ixLast = 0;

                if (t.EatSpace(ref ixCurrent))
                    // eat space and countine in same lap!

                if (t.IsComment(ixCurrent, "/" + "*", "*" + "/", ref s, ref ixLast))
                    if (WaitForMandatory)
                        if (s.Trim().ToUpper() == "MANDATORY")
                            CurrentParam.Mandatory = true;
                            WaitForMandatory       = false;

                    // throw away comments
                    ixCurrent = ixLast;
                    //Console.WriteLine( "<comment><" + s + ">" );

                else if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper() == "PACKAGE")
                    WaitForPackageName = true;

                else if (WaitForPackageName)
                    //Console.WriteLine( "<package><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 0 ) + ">" );

                    Package = new PLSQLSpecPackage(t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0));

                    WaitForPackageName = false;

                else if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper() == "PROCEDURE")
                    WaitForProcedureName = true;
                    bIsFunction          = false;

                else if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper() == "FUNCTION")
                    WaitForProcedureName = true;
                    bIsFunction          = true;

                else if (WaitForProcedureName)
                    //Console.WriteLine( "  <procedure><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 0 ) + ">" );
                    string name = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0);

                    // Ignore the function Get_Source_Version_Info. It's added by the deploy.
                    if (name != "Get_Source_Version_Info")
                        CurrentProc = new PLSQLSpecProc(name);

                        WaitForParamName = true;
                        CurrentProc      = null;
                        WaitForParamName = false;

                    WaitForProcedureName = false;

                // sample params
                // ,ALMID_O         out ALM.ALMID%type
                // ,CHK_AI_I            varchar2  := '1'  );
                // ,ALMID_I /* mandatory */ ALM.ALMID%type

                else if (WaitForParamName) // ALMID_O
                    if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) == "(")
                        // ignore start ( as it is expected
                        //Console.WriteLine( "    <param><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 0 ) + ">" );

                        CurrentParam = new PLSQLSpecParam(t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0));

                        WaitForParamName = false;
                        WaitForParamType = true;
                        WaitForMandatory = true;

                else if (WaitForParamType)
                    if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper() == "IN") // in ALM.ALMID%type
                        //Console.WriteLine( "      <direction><IN>" );
                        CurrentParam.DirIn = true;
                    else if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper() == "OUT") // out ALM.ALMID%type
                        //Console.WriteLine( "      <direction><OUT>" );
                        CurrentParam.DirOut = true;
                        if ((t.Peek(ixCurrent, 1) == ".") &&
                            (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 3) == "%") &&
                            (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 4).ToUpper() == "TYPE")) // ALM.ALMID%type
                            //Console.WriteLine( "      <table><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 0 ) + ">" );
                            //Console.WriteLine( "      <column><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 2 ) + ">" );

                            CurrentParam.TableName  = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0);
                            CurrentParam.ColumnName = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 2);

                            ixCurrent += 4;

                        else // varchar2
                            //Console.WriteLine( "      <type><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 0 ).ToUpper() + ">" );

                            CurrentParam.UnconnectedType = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper();

                        WaitForParamType      = false;
                        WaitForParamSeparator = true;
                        WaitForMandatory      = false;

                else if (WaitForParamSeparator) // ","  ")"  ":= '1'"
                    WaitForParamSeparator = false;

                    if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) == ")")
                        WaitForReturnType = true;

                    else if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) == ",")
                        WaitForParamName = true;

                    else if ((t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) == ":") &&
                             (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 1) == "="))
                        WaitForDefaultValue = true;
                        ixCurrent          += 1;

                        Console.WriteLine("syntax error or unsupported format of spec");
                        if (CurrentProc != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("  parsing procedure/function " + CurrentProc.ProcName);
                        if (CurrentParam != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("  after param " + CurrentParam.ParamName);

                        Console.WriteLine(" near <" + t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) + ">");
                        Package = null;

                else if (WaitForDefaultValue) // '1' 1
                    if (t.IsString(ixCurrent, "'", ref DefaultValue, ref ixLast))
                        ixCurrent = ixLast;
                        // Def.XXXXX
                        if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 1) == ".")
                            DefaultValue = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) + t.Peek(ixCurrent, 1) + t.Peek(ixCurrent, 2);
                            ixCurrent   += 2;
                            DefaultValue = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0);

                    //Console.WriteLine( "      <default><" + DefaultValue + ">" );

                    CurrentParam.DefaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    WaitForDefaultValue   = false;
                    WaitForParamSeparator = true; // redo that step to catch return value after default

                else if (WaitForReturnType)
                    if (bIsFunction)
                        if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper() == "RETURN")
                            // ignore

                            //Console.WriteLine( "    <return type><" + t.Peek( ixCurrent, 0 ).ToUpper() + ">" );

                            CurrentProc.UnconnectedReturnType = t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0).ToUpper();

                            WaitForReturnType = false;

                    else if (t.Peek(ixCurrent, 0) == ";")
                        WaitForReturnType = false;
