Esempio n. 1
        public EmailPending(EmailFailed ef)
            : base()
            this.ID = ef.ID;
            this.CompanyID = ef.CompanyID;
            this.UserID = ef.UserID;

            this.EmailDraftID = ef.EmailDraftID;
            this.FromAddress = ef.FromAddress;
            this.LastRetryAt = ef.LastRetryAt;
            this.Message = ef.Message;
            this.NotificationID = ef.NotificationID;
            this.Retry = ef.Retry;
            this.Status = "Pending";
            this.Subject = ef.Subject;
            this.TimeToSend = ef.TimeToSend;
            this.ToAddress = ef.ToAddress;
            this.RecipientName = ef.RecipientName;
            this.CC = ef.CC;
            this.Bcc = ef.Bcc;
            this.AttachmentFiles = ef.AttachmentFiles;
            this.Priority = ef.Priority;
        private void SendSingleEmail(EmailPending ep)
            bool succeeded = false;
            if (ep == null) return;
                //generate mail
                var mail = new MailMessage(new MailAddress(ep.FromAddress, _EmailSenderName), new MailAddress(ep.ToAddress, ep.RecipientName));
                mail.Subject = StripOffHtmlTags(ep.Subject.Replace('\r', ' ').Replace('\n', ' '));
                _Log.Info("Subject in real mail: " + mail.Subject);
                if (ep.Retry > 1) _Log.Debug("Retry mail attachmentFiles: " + ep.AttachmentFiles);
                mail.Body = ep.Message;
                if (IsHtml(mail.Body))
                    mail.IsBodyHtml = true;

                mail.Priority = ep.Priority == 0 ? MailPriority.Low : ep.Priority == 2 ? MailPriority.High : MailPriority.Normal;

                //Add attachment if any
                if (ep.AttachmentFileList != null && ep.AttachmentFileList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string s in ep.AttachmentFileList)
                        var attData = new Attachment(s);

                //Add CC if any, assume CC contains email address only
                if (ep.CCList != null && ep.CCList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string s in ep.CCList)
                        mail.CC.Add(new MailAddress(s));
                //Add Bcc if any, assume Bcc contains email address only
                if (ep.BccList != null && ep.BccList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string s in ep.BccList)
                        mail.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(s));

                //send the mail
                if (_SmtpClient != null && !_SuppressNotification)
                    _Log.InfoFormat("Sending email {0}", mail.Body);
                succeeded = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = string.Format("Email ID={0} subject=[{1}] to=[{2}]: {3}", ep.ID, ep.Subject.Truncate(30), ep.ToAddress, ex.Message);
                AttentionUtils.Attention(new Guid("480EBC76-9EAF-BADD-823A-E8BF83D2A518"), msg);
                succeeded = false;
            //if send successfully, save to EmailSent and delete from EmailPending
            if (succeeded)
                DeleteEmailPending(new IDRequest(ep.ID));
                var req = new SaveRequest<EmailSent>();
                var es = new EmailSent(ep);
                es.LastRetryAt = ep.DateModified;
                es.TimeToSend = DateTime.MaxValue;//never to send again
                req.Item = es;

            //if failed, save to EmailFailed and delete from EmailPending
                DeleteEmailPending(new IDRequest(ep.ID));
                var request = new SaveRequest<EmailFailed>();
                var es = new EmailFailed(ep);
                if (es.ToAddress.HasValidEmailAddress() && es.Retry < _Retries.Length)
                    es.TimeToSend = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(_Retries[es.Retry]);
                    es.TimeToSend = DateTime.MaxValue; // don't send again
                    es.Deleted = true;
                request.Item = es;