public static void AddOrUpdateForAllBuildProducts(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string Key, string Value) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, XCBuildConfiguration> CurrentConfig in CurrentProject.buildConfigurations) { object BuildSettingsObj =["buildSettings"]; PBXDictionary BuildSettingsDict = (PBXDictionary)BuildSettingsObj; if (BuildSettingsDict.ContainsKey(Key)) { BuildSettingsDict[Key] = Value; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Updated KeyValuePair (Key: " + Key + " Value: " + Value + ") to build target GUID " + CurrentConfig.Key); } else { BuildSettingsDict.Add(Key, Value); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added new KeyValuePair (Key: " + Key + " Value: " + Value + ") to build target GUID " + CurrentConfig.Key); } } CurrentProject.Save(); } }
public virtual bool UpdateAndroidProj() { List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Attempting to update the Android project, but one was not generated in the build phase!")) { string RootJavaPluginSource = Path.Combine("Assets", Path.Combine("Plugins", Path.Combine("Android", Path.Combine("src", "com")))); string RootJavaDest = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], Path.Combine(PlayerSettings.productName, Path.Combine("src", "com"))); CopyJavaFilesAndReplacePackageName(RootJavaPluginSource, RootJavaDest); string ResourcePath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], Path.Combine(PlayerSettings.productName, "res")); string AppID = GetParamOrConfigString(FacebookAndroidAppIDFlag, "Android Facebook ID isn't set, but we've enabled Facebook! This will probably cause the app to crash on startup!"); IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE"); IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values-es"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE"); IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values-he"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE"); IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values-iw"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE"); if (IgorBuildAndroid.RunAndroidCommandLineUtility(this, Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "facebook"), "update project --path .")) { IgorBuildAndroid.AddNewLibrary("facebook"); } } return(true); }
public static string GetZipAlignPath(IIgorModule ModuleInst) { string AndroidSDKPath = GetAndroidSDKPath(ModuleInst); string ZipAlignPath = ""; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(AndroidSDKPath), "The Android SDK path " + AndroidSDKPath + " doesn't exist!")) { string BuildToolsPath = Path.Combine(AndroidSDKPath, "build-tools"); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(BuildToolsPath), "The Android build tools path " + BuildToolsPath + " doesn't exist!")) { List <string> BuildToolVersions = IgorRuntimeUtils.GetListOfFilesAndDirectoriesInDirectory(BuildToolsPath, false, true, false, true, true); foreach (string CurrentVersion in BuildToolVersions) { string ZipAlignVersionPath = Path.Combine(BuildToolsPath, Path.Combine(CurrentVersion, "zipalign")); if (File.Exists(ZipAlignVersionPath)) { ZipAlignPath = ZipAlignVersionPath; break; } } IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, ZipAlignPath != "", "ZipAlign couldn't be found! Have you downloaded the android build-tools?"); } } return(ZipAlignPath); }
public static bool RunAnt(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectDirectory, string Targets) { string ANT_ROOT = IgorRuntimeUtils.GetEnvVariable("ANT_ROOT"); string AntCommand = ""; string FinalParams = ""; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX if (ANT_ROOT != "") { AntCommand = Path.Combine(ANT_ROOT, Path.Combine("bin", "ant")); } else { AntCommand = "/usr/bin/ant"; } FinalParams += Targets + " -lib " + Path.Combine(EditorApplication.applicationPath, Path.Combine("Contents", Path.Combine("PlaybackEngines", Path.Combine("AndroidPlayer", Path.Combine("bin", "classes.jar"))))); #else AntCommand = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"; FinalParams += "/C " + ANT_ROOT + "bin\\ant.bat " + Targets + " -lib " + Path.Combine(EditorApplication.applicationPath, Path.Combine("Data", Path.Combine("PlaybackEngines", Path.Combine("androidplayer", Path.Combine("bin", "classes.jar"))))); #endif // UNITY_EDITOR_OSX if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(AntCommand), "Can't find the Ant executable! Did you set your ANT_ROOT?")) { return(false); } // IgorCore.LogError(ModuleInst, "Ant params are " + FinalParams); return(IgorRuntimeUtils.RunProcessCrossPlatform(ModuleInst, AntCommand, AntCommand, FinalParams, ProjectDirectory, "Running Ant build") == 0); }
public static void HandleJobStatus(IgorCore.JobReturnStatus Status) { if (Status.bDone) { if (IgorAssert.HasJobFailed()) { IgorDebug.CoreLogError("Job failed!"); } else { IgorDebug.CoreLog("Job's done!"); } } if (!Status.bWasStartedManually && (Status.bFailed || Status.bDone)) { if (Status.bFailed) { Application.Quit(); } else { Application.Quit(); } } }
public static void ReplaceStringsInFile(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string FilePath, string OriginalString, string NewString) { string FullFilePath = FilePath; if (!File.Exists(FullFilePath)) { FullFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath("."), FilePath); } if (File.Exists(FullFilePath)) { File.SetAttributes(FullFilePath, System.IO.FileAttributes.Normal); } if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(FullFilePath), "Replace string in file failed because " + FullFilePath + " doesn't exist.")) { string FileContents = File.ReadAllText(FilePath); FileContents = FileContents.Replace(OriginalString, NewString); IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(FileContents); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, FileContents); } }
public static void AddRequiredDeviceCapability(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string PlistPath, string NewRequiredDeviceCapability) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(PlistPath), "Plist " + PlistPath + " doesn't exist!")) { FileInfo PlistFileInfo = new FileInfo(PlistPath); NSObject PlistRoot = PropertyListParser.Parse(PlistFileInfo); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, PlistRoot != null, "Plist " + PlistPath + " could not be parsed!")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(PlistRoot.GetType()), "Plist " + PlistPath + " root object is not a dictionary.")) { NSDictionary RootDictionary = (NSDictionary)PlistRoot; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary != null, "Plist root is not a dictionary.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary.ContainsKey("UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities"), "Can't find UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in plist.")) { NSObject DeviceCapabilities = RootDictionary.Get("UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities"); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, DeviceCapabilities != null, "Plist does not contain UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSArray).IsAssignableFrom(DeviceCapabilities.GetType()), "Plist UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities is not an array.")) { NSArray CapabilitiesArray = (NSArray)DeviceCapabilities; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CapabilitiesArray != null, "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities is not an array.")) { if (CapabilitiesArray.ContainsObject(new NSString(NewRequiredDeviceCapability))) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities already contains " + NewRequiredDeviceCapability); } else { NSSet NewCapabilitiesSet = new NSSet(CapabilitiesArray.GetArray()); NewCapabilitiesSet.AddObject(new NSString(NewRequiredDeviceCapability)); NSArray NewCapabilitiesArray = new NSArray(NewCapabilitiesSet.AllObjects()); RootDictionary["UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities"] = NewCapabilitiesArray; IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(PlistPath); PropertyListParser.SaveAsXml(RootDictionary, PlistFileInfo); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, NewRequiredDeviceCapability + " added to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities."); } } } } } } } } } }
public static void SortGUIDIntoGroup(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string FileGUID, string GroupPath) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentProject != null, "XCodeProj couldn't be loaded.")) { bool bFoundGroup = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXGroup> CurrentGroup in CurrentProject.groups) { if (CurrentGroup.Value.path == GroupPath) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentGroup.Value.ContainsKey("children"), "XCodeProj PBXGroup " + GroupPath + " doesn't have a children array.")) { object GroupChildrenObj =["children"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, GroupChildrenObj != null, "XCodeProj PBXGroup " + GroupPath + " has a children key, but it can't be retrieved.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(PBXList).IsAssignableFrom(GroupChildrenObj.GetType()), "XCodeProj PBXGroup " + GroupPath + " has a children key, but it can't be cast to PBXList.")) { PBXList GroupChildrenList = (PBXList)GroupChildrenObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, GroupChildrenList != null, "XCodeProj casted Children List is null.")) { if (GroupChildrenList.Contains(FileGUID)) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "FileGUID " + FileGUID + " has already been added to the Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } else { GroupChildrenList.Add(FileGUID);["children"] = GroupChildrenList; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added the " + FileGUID + " file to the Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } } } } bFoundGroup = true; break; } } } IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, bFoundGroup, "Couldn't find a PBXGroup with path " + GroupPath + " in the XCodeProj."); CurrentProject.Save(); } } }
public virtual bool Build() { string BuiltName = GetBuiltNameForTarget(JobBuildTarget); string BuiltBaseName = BuiltName; if (BuiltBaseName.Contains(".")) { BuiltBaseName = BuiltName.Substring(0, BuiltBaseName.LastIndexOf('.')); } string DataFolderName = BuiltBaseName + "_Data"; if (File.Exists(BuiltName)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(BuiltName); } if (Directory.Exists(DataFolderName)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteDirectory(DataFolderName); } #if !UNITY_4_3 BuiltName = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("."), BuiltName); #endif BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(IgorUtils.GetLevels(), BuiltName, JobBuildTarget, IgorBuildCommon.GetBuildOptions()); Log("Destination file is: " + BuiltName); List <string> BuiltFiles = new List <string>(); if (Directory.Exists(DataFolderName)) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(BuiltName), "The built file " + BuiltName + " doesn't exist. Something went wrong during the build step. Please check the logs!")) { BuiltFiles.Add(BuiltName); } if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, Directory.Exists(DataFolderName), "The built data directory for the Windows build " + DataFolderName + " doesn't exist. Something went wrong during the build step. Please check the logs!")) { BuiltFiles.Add(DataFolderName); } } else { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, Directory.Exists(BuiltName), "The built app directory for the Mac build " + BuiltName + " doesn't exist. Something went wrong during the build step. Please check the logs!")) { BuiltFiles.Add(BuiltName); } } IgorCore.SetNewModuleProducts(BuiltFiles); return(true); }
public virtual bool UnzipProducts() { List <string> ZipFilename = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, ZipFilename.Count == 1, "Unzipping expected exactly 1 built product, but we found " + ZipFilename.Count)) { Log("Unzipping file " + ZipFilename[0]); UnzipArchiveCrossPlatform(this, ZipFilename[0], Path.GetFullPath("."), true); } return(true); }
public virtual bool UpdateXCodeProj() { List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Attempting to update the XCode project, but one was not generated in the build phase!")) { string ProjectPath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Unity-IPhone.xcodeproj"); IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddFramework(this, ProjectPath, "StoreKit.framework", TreeEnum.SDKROOT, "System/Library/Frameworks/StoreKit.framework", -1, "wrapper.framework", "StoreKit.framework"); } return(true); }
public static bool ExecuteSteps() { if (IgorAssert.HasJobFailed()) { IgorDebug.CoreLogError("Job failed so we are bailing out early and not finishing the remaining steps!"); return(false); } List <StepID> SortedSteps = new List <StepID>(JobSteps.Keys); SortedSteps.Sort(); IgorJobConfig.SetIsRunning(true); int StartingPriority = IgorJobConfig.GetLastPriority(); int StartingIndexInPriority = IgorJobConfig.GetLastIndexInPriority(); foreach (StepID CurrentStep in SortedSteps) { if (CurrentStep.StepPriority > StartingPriority) { IgorJobConfig.SetLastPriority(CurrentStep.StepPriority - 1); int LastIndex = 0; List <JobStep> CurrentStepFuncs = JobSteps[CurrentStep]; foreach (JobStep CurrentFunction in CurrentStepFuncs) { if (LastIndex > StartingIndexInPriority) { if (CurrentFunction.StepFunction()) { IgorJobConfig.SetLastIndexInPriority(LastIndex); } return(false); } ++LastIndex; } StartingIndexInPriority = -1; IgorJobConfig.SetLastIndexInPriority(-1); } } return(true); }
public static void AddFrameworkSearchPath(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string NewPath) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); CurrentProject.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(NewPath); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added framework search path " + NewPath); CurrentProject.Save(); } }
public static int RunProcessCrossPlatform(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string OSXCommand, string WindowsCommand, string Parameters, string Directory, string CommandLogDescription, ref string ProcessOutput, ref string ProcessError, bool bUseShell = false) { int RunProcessExitCode = RunProcessCrossPlatform(OSXCommand, WindowsCommand, Parameters, Directory, ref ProcessOutput, ref ProcessError, bUseShell); IgorRuntimeUtils.PlatformNames CurrentPlatform = IgorRuntimeUtils.RuntimeOrEditorGetPlatform(); if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RunProcessExitCode == 0, CommandLogDescription + " failed!\nCommand: " + ( (CurrentPlatform == IgorRuntimeUtils.PlatformNames.Editor_OSX || CurrentPlatform == IgorRuntimeUtils.PlatformNames.Standalone_OSX) ? OSXCommand : WindowsCommand ) + " " + Parameters + "\nDirectory: " + Directory + "\nOutput:\n" + ProcessOutput + "\n\n\nError:\n" + ProcessError)) { return(RunProcessExitCode); } IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, CommandLogDescription + " succeeded!\nOutput:\n" + ProcessOutput + "\n\n\nError:\n" + ProcessError); return(RunProcessExitCode); }
public static void SetStringValue(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string PlistPath, string StringKey, string Value) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(PlistPath), "Plist " + PlistPath + " doesn't exist!")) { FileInfo PlistFileInfo = new FileInfo(PlistPath); NSObject PlistRoot = PropertyListParser.Parse(PlistFileInfo); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, PlistRoot != null, "Plist " + PlistPath + " could not be parsed!")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(PlistRoot.GetType()), "Plist " + PlistPath + " root object is not a dictionary.")) { NSDictionary RootDictionary = (NSDictionary)PlistRoot; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary != null, "Plist root is not a dictionary.")) { if (RootDictionary.ContainsKey(StringKey)) { RootDictionary[StringKey] = new NSString(Value); IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(PlistPath); PropertyListParser.SaveAsXml(RootDictionary, PlistFileInfo); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Plist key " + StringKey + " updated to " + Value); } else { RootDictionary.Add(StringKey, new NSString(Value)); IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(PlistPath); PropertyListParser.SaveAsXml(RootDictionary, PlistFileInfo); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Plist key " + StringKey + " added with value of " + Value); } } } } } }
public static string AddNewBuildFile(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string FileRefGUID) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXBuildFile> CurrentBuildFile in CurrentProject.buildFiles) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentBuildFile.Value.ContainsKey("fileRef"), "PBXBuildFile doesn't contain a key for fileRef.")) { if (["fileRef"] == FileRefGUID) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "The file GUID " + FileRefGUID + " already has an associated BuildFile in the XCodeProj."); return(CurrentBuildFile.Value.guid); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFileReference> CurrentFileRef in CurrentProject.fileReferences) { if (CurrentFileRef.Value.guid == FileRefGUID) { PBXBuildFile NewBuildFile = new PBXBuildFile(CurrentFileRef.Value); CurrentProject.buildFiles.Add(NewBuildFile); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "BuildFile for FileRefGUID " + FileRefGUID + " has been added to the XCodeProj."); CurrentProject.Save(); return(NewBuildFile.guid); } } } return(""); }
public virtual bool UpdateXCodeProj() { string FacebookID = GetParamOrConfigString(FacebookIDFlag, "Your Facebook ID hasn't been set! Facebook functionality will probably not work correctly."); string FacebookDisplayName = GetParamOrConfigString(FacebookDisplayNameFlag, "Your Facebook Display Name hasn't been set! Facebook functionality will probably not work correctly."); List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Attempting to update the XCode project, but one was not generated in the build phase!")) { string ProjectPath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Unity-IPhone.xcodeproj"); string FacebookIntegrationGUID = IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddNewFileReference(this, ProjectPath, "FacebookIntegration.h", TreeEnum.GROUP); IgorXCodeProjUtils.SortGUIDIntoGroup(this, ProjectPath, FacebookIntegrationGUID, "Libraries"); IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddFramework(this, ProjectPath, "FacebookSDK.framework", TreeEnum.GROUP, "Libraries/FacebookSDK.framework", -1, "wrapper.framework", "FacebookSDK.framework"); IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddFrameworkSearchPath(this, ProjectPath, "$(SRCROOT)/Libraries"); string PlistPath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Info.plist"); IgorPlistUtils.SetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "FacebookAppID", FacebookID); IgorPlistUtils.SetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "FacebookDisplayName", FacebookDisplayName); IgorPlistUtils.AddBundleURLType(this, PlistPath, "fb" + FacebookID); IgorZip.UnzipArchiveCrossPlatform(this, Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath("."), Path.Combine("Assets", Path.Combine("Plugins", Path.Combine("iOS", Path.Combine("FacebookSDK", ""))))), Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Libraries")); IgoriOSSourceUtils.AddHeaderToAppControllerSource(this, BuildProducts[0], "../Libraries/FacebookIntegration.h"); IgoriOSSourceUtils.AddFunctionToAppControllerSource(this, BuildProducts[0], "/* Pre iOS 4.2 support */\n- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url\n{\n\treturn [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];\n}\n"); IgorUtils.ReplaceStringsInFile(this, Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], Path.Combine("Classes", "")), "AppController_SendNotificationWithArg(kUnityOnOpenURL, notifData);\n\treturn YES;", "AppController_SendNotificationWithArg(kUnityOnOpenURL, notifData); return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];"); IgoriOSSourceUtils.AddSourceToApplicationDidBecomeActive(this, BuildProducts[0], "[FBSession.activeSession handleDidBecomeActive];"); } return(true); }
public static string GetStringValue(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string PlistPath, string StringKey) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(PlistPath), "Plist " + PlistPath + " doesn't exist!")) { FileInfo PlistFileInfo = new FileInfo(PlistPath); NSObject PlistRoot = PropertyListParser.Parse(PlistFileInfo); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, PlistRoot != null, "Plist " + PlistPath + " could not be parsed!")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(PlistRoot.GetType()), "Plist " + PlistPath + " root object is not a dictionary.")) { NSDictionary RootDictionary = (NSDictionary)PlistRoot; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary != null, "Plist root is not a dictionary.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary.ContainsKey(StringKey), "Plist does not contain " + StringKey + " in root dictionary.")) { NSObject StringObj = RootDictionary.ObjectForKey(StringKey); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSString).IsAssignableFrom(StringObj.GetType()), "Plist key " + StringKey + " is not a string type.")) { NSString StringValue = (NSString)StringObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, StringValue != null, "Plist key " + StringKey + " could not be cast to an NSString.")) { return(StringValue.GetContent()); } } } } } } } return(""); }
public static void EditorHandleJobStatus(IgorCore.JobReturnStatus Status) { if (Status.bDone) { if (IgorAssert.HasJobFailed()) { IgorDebug.CoreLogError("Job failed!"); } else { IgorDebug.CoreLog("Job's done!"); } float time = IgorUtils.PlayJobsDoneSound(); System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => WaitToExit(time)); t.Start(); while (t.IsAlive) { } } if (Status.bFailed) { IgorJobConfig.SetIsRunning(false); if (!Status.bWasStartedManually) { EditorApplication.Exit(-1); } } if (!Status.bWasStartedManually && Status.bDone) { EditorApplication.Exit(0); } }
public virtual bool UploadToFTP() { List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuiltProducts.Count == 1, "This module requires exactly one built file, but we found " + BuiltProducts.Count + " instead. Please make sure you've enabled a package step prior to this one."); string FileToCopy = ""; if (BuiltProducts.Count > 0) { FileToCopy = BuiltProducts[0]; } if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(FileToCopy), "JenkinsFTP upload was looking for the file " + FileToCopy + " to upload, but the file couldn't be found.")) { Cleanup(); IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(FileToCopy, GetParamOrConfigString(UploadToFTPFlag, "Destination file for JenkinsFTP isn't set so we can't copy it to the right location.")); Log("File copied to requested location for Jenkins post build FTP uploading."); } return(true); }
public static string AddNewFileReference(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string Filename, TreeEnum TreeBase, string Path = "", int FileEncoding = -1, string LastKnownFileType = "", string Name = "") { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFileReference> CurrentFileRef in CurrentProject.fileReferences) { if ( == Filename) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "The file " + Filename + " is already referenced in the XCodeProj."); return(CurrentFileRef.Value.guid); } } PBXFileReference NewFile = new PBXFileReference(Filename, TreeBase); if (Path != "") { if (NewFile.ContainsKey("path")) { NewFile.Remove("path"); } NewFile.Add("path", Path); } if (FileEncoding != -1) { if (NewFile.ContainsKey("fileEncoding")) { NewFile.Remove("fileEncoding"); } NewFile.Add("fileEncoding", FileEncoding); } if (LastKnownFileType != "") { if (NewFile.ContainsKey("lastKnownFileType")) { NewFile.Remove("lastKnownFileType"); } NewFile.Add("lastKnownFileType", LastKnownFileType); } if (Name != "") { if (NewFile.ContainsKey("name")) { NewFile.Remove("name"); } NewFile.Add("name", Name); } CurrentProject.fileReferences.Add(NewFile); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "File " + Filename + " has been added to the XCodeProj."); CurrentProject.Save(); return(NewFile.guid); } return(""); }
public virtual bool CopyToFromSync(bool bToSync) { string LocalFile = ""; if (bToSync) { List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuiltProducts.Count == 1, "This module requires exactly one built file, but we found " + BuiltProducts.Count + " instead. Please make sure you've enabled a package step prior to this one."); if (BuiltProducts.Count > 0) { LocalFile = BuiltProducts[0]; } } else { LocalFile = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToLocalDirFlag, "", Path.GetFullPath("."), false); } if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, !bToSync || File.Exists(LocalFile), "BitTorrent Sync copy was told to copy file " + LocalFile + ", but the file doesn't exist!")) { string SyncFile = ""; if (IgorJobConfig.IsBoolParamSet(CopyToSyncExpEnabledFlag)) { SyncFile = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToSyncExplicitFlag, "BitTorrent Sync copy to sync explicit is enabled, but the path isn't set."); } if (SyncFile == "" && IgorJobConfig.IsBoolParamSet(CopyToSyncEnvEnabledFlag)) { string EnvVariable = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToSyncEnvFlag, "BitTorrent Sync copy to sync based on environment variable is enabled, but the env variable name isn't set."); if (EnvVariable == "") { return(true); } SyncFile = IgorRuntimeUtils.GetEnvVariable(EnvVariable); if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, SyncFile != "", "The BitTorrent Sync root path environment variable " + EnvVariable + " isn't set.")) { return(true); } } string SyncFilename = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToSyncFilenameFlag, (bToSync ? "BitTorrent Sync copy to sync destination filename isn't set." : "BitTorrent Sync copy from sync source filename isn't set.")); if (SyncFilename == "") { return(true); } SyncFile = Path.Combine(SyncFile, SyncFilename); if (bToSync) { if (File.Exists(SyncFile)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(SyncFile); } IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(LocalFile, SyncFile); Log("File " + LocalFile + " copied to requested location " + SyncFile + " for BitTorrent Sync uploading."); } else { LocalFile = Path.Combine(LocalFile, Path.GetFileName(SyncFile)); if (File.Exists(LocalFile)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(LocalFile); } IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(SyncFile, LocalFile); Log("File " + SyncFile + " copied from the BitTorrent Sync share to requested location " + LocalFile + "."); List <string> NewProducts = new List <string>(); NewProducts.Add(LocalFile); IgorCore.SetNewModuleProducts(NewProducts); } } return(true); }
public static void AddFramework(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string Filename, TreeEnum TreeBase, string Path = "", int FileEncoding = -1, string LastKnownFileType = "", string Name = "") { string FrameworkFileRefGUID = AddNewFileReference(ModuleInst, ProjectPath, Filename, TreeBase, Path, FileEncoding, LastKnownFileType, Name); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentProject != null, "XCodeProj couldn't be loaded.")) { bool bFoundFrameworksGroup = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXGroup> CurrentGroup in CurrentProject.groups) { if ( == "Frameworks") { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentGroup.Value.ContainsKey("children"), "XCodeProj Frameworks PBXGroup doesn't have a children array.")) { object FrameworkChildrenObj =["children"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkChildrenObj != null, "XCodeProj Frameworks PBXGroup has a children key, but it can't be retrieved.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(PBXList).IsAssignableFrom(FrameworkChildrenObj.GetType()), "XCodeProj Frameworks PBXGroup has a children key, but it can't be cast to PBXList.")) { PBXList FrameworkChildrenList = (PBXList)FrameworkChildrenObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkChildrenList != null, "XCodeProj casted Framework Children List is null.")) { if (FrameworkChildrenList.Contains(FrameworkFileRefGUID)) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Framework " + Filename + " has already been added to the Framework Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } else { FrameworkChildrenList.Add(FrameworkFileRefGUID);["children"] = FrameworkChildrenList; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added the " + Filename + " framework to the Framework Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } } } } bFoundFrameworksGroup = true; break; } } } IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, bFoundFrameworksGroup, "Couldn't find a Frameworks PBXGroup in the XCodeProj."); CurrentProject.Save(); } } string FrameworkBuildFileGUID = AddNewBuildFile(ModuleInst, ProjectPath, FrameworkFileRefGUID); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentProject != null, "XCodeProj couldn't be loaded.")) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> CurrentTarget in CurrentProject.frameworkBuildPhases) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentTarget.Value.ContainsKey("files"), "XCodeProj Framework Build Phase doesn't have a files array.")) { object FrameworkFilesObj =["files"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkFilesObj != null, "XCodeProj Framework Build Phase has a files key, but it can't be retrieved.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(PBXList).IsAssignableFrom(FrameworkFilesObj.GetType()), "XCodeProj Framework Build Phase has a files key, but it can't be cast to PBXList.")) { PBXList FrameworkFilesList = (PBXList)FrameworkFilesObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkFilesList != null, "XCodeProj casted Framework File List is null.")) { if (FrameworkFilesList.Contains(FrameworkBuildFileGUID)) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Framework " + Filename + " has already been added to the Framework Build Phase " + CurrentTarget.Key + "."); } else { FrameworkFilesList.Add(FrameworkBuildFileGUID);["files"] = FrameworkFilesList; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added the " + Filename + " framework to the Framework Build Phase " + CurrentTarget.Key + "."); } } } } } } CurrentProject.Save(); } } }
public virtual bool BuildAndroidProj() { List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Building the Android project, but there were no previous built products.")) { Log("Project should be saved to " + EditorUserBuildSettings.GetBuildLocation(BuildTarget.Android)); string BuiltProjectDir = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], PlayerSettings.productName); if (!RunAndroidCommandLineUtility(this, BuiltProjectDir, "update project --path ." + AndroidProjectUpdateAdditionalArgs)) { return(true); } string BuildXML = Path.Combine(BuiltProjectDir, "build.xml"); if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(BuildXML), "Can't check " + BuildXML + " for APK name because it doesn't exist.")) { return(false); } string BuildXMLFileContents = File.ReadAllText(BuildXML); int ProjectNameParamStart = BuildXMLFileContents.IndexOf("<project name=\"") + "<project name=\"".Length; int ProjectNameParamEnd = BuildXMLFileContents.IndexOf("\"", ProjectNameParamStart); string APKName = BuildXMLFileContents.Substring(ProjectNameParamStart, ProjectNameParamEnd - ProjectNameParamStart); if (!RunAnt(this, BuiltProjectDir, "clean debug")) { return(true); } Log("Debug APK built!"); string DebugSignedAPK = Path.Combine(BuiltProjectDir, Path.Combine("bin", APKName + "-debug.apk")); string AppropriatelySignedAPK = DebugSignedAPK; if (IgorJobConfig.IsBoolParamSet(AndroidResignInReleaseFlag)) { Log("Re-signing the APK for release."); string RepackageDir = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Repackage"); if (!ResignAPK(this, DebugSignedAPK, RepackageDir, ref AppropriatelySignedAPK, GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeystoreFilenameFlag, "Android Keystore filename isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"), GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeystorePassFlag, "Android Keystore password isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"), GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeyAliasFlag, "Android Key Alias isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"), GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeyAliasPassFlag, "Android Key Alias password isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"))) { return(true); } Log("Re-signing the APK succeeded!"); } string FinalBuildProductName = GetBuiltNameForTarget(BuildTarget.Android); if (File.Exists(FinalBuildProductName)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(FinalBuildProductName); } IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(AppropriatelySignedAPK, FinalBuildProductName); List <string> NewBuildProducts = new List <string>(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(AppropriatelySignedAPK), "The built APK " + AppropriatelySignedAPK + " doesn't exist. Something went wrong during the build step. Please check the logs!")) { NewBuildProducts.Add(AppropriatelySignedAPK); } IgorCore.SetNewModuleProducts(NewBuildProducts); Log("APK built and renamed to " + AppropriatelySignedAPK + "."); } return(true); }
public static JobReturnStatus RunJob(bool bFromMenu = false) { bool bWasStartedManually = false; bool bThrewException = false; bool bDone = false; try { if (!IgorJobConfig.GetIsRunning()) { IgorDebug.CoreLog("Job is starting!"); IgorAssert.StartJob(); CheckForNamedJobFlag(); } if (IgorJobConfig.GetWasMenuTriggered()) { bWasStartedManually = true; } else { bWasStartedManually = bFromMenu; IgorJobConfig.SetWasMenuTriggered(bWasStartedManually); } if (!IgorJobConfig.GetIsRunning() || EnabledModules.Count == 0) { RegisterAllModules(); } if (!IgorJobConfig.GetIsRunning() || ActiveModulesForJob.Count == 0) { ProcessArgs(); } if (ExecuteSteps()) { IgorJobConfig.SetIsRunning(false); bDone = true; } } catch (Exception e) { IgorDebug.CoreLogError("Caught exception while running the job. Exception is " + (e == null ? "NULL exception!" : e.ToString() + (e.InnerException == null ? "\n\nNULL inner exception." : ("\n\nInner: " + e.InnerException.ToString())))); bThrewException = true; } finally { if (bThrewException || bDone) { Cleanup(); } } JobReturnStatus NewStatus = new JobReturnStatus(); NewStatus.bDone = bDone; NewStatus.bFailed = bThrewException || IgorAssert.HasJobFailed(); NewStatus.bWasStartedManually = bWasStartedManually; return(NewStatus); }
public static string GetAndroidSDKPath(IIgorModule ModuleInst) { IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, EditorPrefs.HasKey("AndroidSdkRoot"), "You haven't set your Android SDK root yet! This build will fail!"); return(EditorPrefs.GetString("AndroidSdkRoot")); }
public static void SetDevTeamID(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string DevTeamID) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); string ProjectGUID = CurrentProject.project.guid; object ProjectSectionObj = CurrentProject.GetObject(ProjectGUID); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, ProjectSectionObj != null, "Can't find Project Section in XCodeProj.")) { PBXDictionary ProjectSection = (PBXDictionary)ProjectSectionObj; object AttributesSectionObj = ProjectSection["attributes"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, AttributesSectionObj != null, "Can't find Attributes Section in Project Section.")) { object TargetAttributesObj = ((PBXDictionary)AttributesSectionObj)["TargetAttributes"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, TargetAttributesObj != null, "Can't find TargetAttributes Section in Attributes Section.")) { PBXDictionary TargetAttributes = (PBXDictionary)TargetAttributesObj; object TargetsObj = ProjectSection["targets"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, TargetsObj != null, "Can't find Targets Section in Project Section.")) { PBXList TargetsList = ((PBXList)TargetsObj); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, TargetsList.Count > 0, "No build targets defined in XCodeProj.")) { string PrimaryBuildTargetGUID = (string)(TargetsList[0]); PBXDictionary PrimaryBuildTargetToDevTeam = new PBXDictionary(); PBXDictionary DevTeamIDDictionary = new PBXDictionary(); DevTeamIDDictionary.Add("DevelopmentTeam", DevTeamID); PrimaryBuildTargetToDevTeam.Add(PrimaryBuildTargetGUID, DevTeamIDDictionary); if (TargetAttributes.ContainsKey(PrimaryBuildTargetGUID)) { object ExistingPrimaryBuildTargetObj = TargetAttributes[PrimaryBuildTargetGUID]; if (ExistingPrimaryBuildTargetObj != null) { PBXDictionary ExistingPrimaryBuildTarget = (PBXDictionary)ExistingPrimaryBuildTargetObj; if (!ExistingPrimaryBuildTarget.ContainsKey("DevelopmentTeam")) { ExistingPrimaryBuildTarget.Append(DevTeamIDDictionary); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added Development Team to XCodeProj."); } else { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Development Team already set up in XCodeProj."); } } else { IgorDebug.LogError(ModuleInst, "Primary build target already has a key in TargetAttributes, but the value stored is invalid."); } } else { TargetAttributes.Append(PrimaryBuildTargetToDevTeam); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added Development Team to XCodeProj."); } CurrentProject.Save(); } } } } } } }
public static void AddBundleURLType(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string PlistPath, string NewURLScheme) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(PlistPath), "Plist " + PlistPath + " doesn't exist!")) { FileInfo PlistFileInfo = new FileInfo(PlistPath); NSObject PlistRoot = PropertyListParser.Parse(PlistFileInfo); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, PlistRoot != null, "Plist " + PlistPath + " could not be parsed!")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(PlistRoot.GetType()), "Plist " + PlistPath + " root object is not a dictionary.")) { NSDictionary RootDictionary = (NSDictionary)PlistRoot; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary != null, "Plist root is not a dictionary.")) { NSSet BundleURLTypes = null; if (RootDictionary.ContainsKey("CFBundleURLTypes")) { NSObject BundleURLTypesObj = RootDictionary.Get("CFBundleURLTypes"); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, BundleURLTypesObj != null, "CFBundleURLTypes wasn't found in the root dictionary even though the key exists.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSArray).IsAssignableFrom(BundleURLTypesObj.GetType()), "CFBundleURLTypes isn't an NSArray.")) { BundleURLTypes = new NSSet(((NSArray)BundleURLTypesObj).GetArray()); } } } if (BundleURLTypes == null) { BundleURLTypes = new NSSet(); } bool bAlreadyExists = false; foreach (NSObject CurrentURLType in BundleURLTypes) { if (bAlreadyExists) { break; } if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(CurrentURLType.GetType()), "One of the CFBundleURLTypes isn't an NSDictionary.")) { NSDictionary CurrentURLTypeDict = (NSDictionary)CurrentURLType; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentURLTypeDict != null, "One of the CFBundleURLTypes didn't cast to NSDictionary correctly.")) { if (CurrentURLTypeDict.ContainsKey("CFBundleURLSchemes")) { NSObject CurrentURLSchemesArrayObj = CurrentURLTypeDict.Get("CFBundleURLSchemes"); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSArray).IsAssignableFrom(CurrentURLSchemesArrayObj.GetType()), "A CFBundleURLSchemes key exists for a given CFBundleURLType, but it's not an NSArray type.")) { NSArray CurrentURLSchemesArray = (NSArray)CurrentURLSchemesArrayObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentURLSchemesArray != null, "The CFBundleURLSchemes object didn't cast to NSDictionary correctly.")) { NSSet CurrentURLSchemesSet = new NSSet(CurrentURLSchemesArray.GetArray()); foreach (NSObject CurrentURLSchemeObj in CurrentURLSchemesSet) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSString).IsAssignableFrom(CurrentURLSchemeObj.GetType()), "One of the CFBundleURLSchemes is not an NSString.")) { NSString CurrentURLScheme = (NSString)CurrentURLSchemeObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentURLScheme != null, "A CFBundleURLScheme entry didn't cast to NSString correctly.")) { if (CurrentURLScheme.GetContent() == NewURLScheme) { bAlreadyExists = true; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "URL scheme " + NewURLScheme + " is already in " + PlistPath); break; } } } } } } } } } } if (!bAlreadyExists) { NSString NewSchemeString = new NSString(NewURLScheme); NSArray NewSchemeArray = new NSArray(1); NewSchemeArray.SetValue(0, NewSchemeString); NSDictionary NewTypeDictionary = new NSDictionary(); NewTypeDictionary.Add("CFBundleURLSchemes", NewSchemeArray); BundleURLTypes.AddObject(NewTypeDictionary); NSArray BundleURLTypesArray = new NSArray(BundleURLTypes.AllObjects()); if (RootDictionary.ContainsKey("CFBundleURLTypes")) { RootDictionary["CFBundleURLTypes"] = BundleURLTypesArray; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Updated CFBundleURLTypes to add " + NewURLScheme + "."); } else { RootDictionary.Add("CFBundleURLTypes", BundleURLTypesArray); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added CFBundleURLTypes to add " + NewURLScheme + "."); } IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(PlistPath); PropertyListParser.SaveAsXml(RootDictionary, PlistFileInfo); } } } } } }
public virtual bool CreateWebDeployFiles() { List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts(); string FileToCopy = ""; string RootProjectDirectory = ""; string WebDeployTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath("."), "iOSOTATemp"); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuiltProducts.Count > 1, "iOS OTA expected at least two built products, the IPA and the iOS XCode project directory.")) { FileToCopy = BuiltProducts[0]; RootProjectDirectory = BuiltProducts[1]; } if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(FileToCopy), "iOS OTA expected the IPA to be at " + FileToCopy + ", but it was not there.") && IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, Directory.Exists(RootProjectDirectory), "iOS OTA expected the XCode Project folder to be at " + RootProjectDirectory + ", but it was not there.")) { if (Directory.Exists(WebDeployTempDir)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteDirectory(WebDeployTempDir); } Directory.CreateDirectory(WebDeployTempDir); string PlistPath = Path.Combine(RootProjectDirectory, "Info.plist"); string BundleIdentifier = PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier; string BundleVersion = IgorPlistUtils.GetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "CFBundleVersion"); string DisplayName = IgorPlistUtils.GetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "CFBundleDisplayName"); string OTAManifestPath = GetParamOrConfigString(OTAPlistNameFlag, "", "Application", false); if (!OTAManifestPath.EndsWith(".plist")) { OTAManifestPath += ".plist"; } OTAManifestPath = Path.Combine(WebDeployTempDir, OTAManifestPath); string FullIconName = Path.Combine(RootProjectDirectory, Path.Combine("Unity-iPhone", Path.Combine("Images.xcassets", Path.Combine("AppIcon.appiconset", "Icon.png")))); string IPAName = Path.GetFileName(FileToCopy); string IconName = Path.GetFileName(FullIconName); GenerateAndSavePlist(OTAManifestPath, IPAName, IconName, BundleIdentifier, BundleVersion, DisplayName); string IPADeployName = Path.Combine(WebDeployTempDir, IPAName); string IconDeployName = Path.Combine(WebDeployTempDir, IconName); IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(FileToCopy, IPADeployName); IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(FullIconName, IconDeployName); List <string> NewBuiltProducts = new List <string>(); NewBuiltProducts.Add(OTAManifestPath); NewBuiltProducts.Add(IPADeployName); NewBuiltProducts.Add(IconDeployName); IgorCore.SetNewModuleProducts(NewBuiltProducts); Log("iOS OTA files successfully generated."); } return(true); }
public virtual bool Build(BuildOptions PlatformSpecificOptions) { if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, GetAndroidSDKPath(this) != "", "Android SDK path is not set!")) { return(true); } PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass = GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeystorePassFlag, "Your Android Keystore Password isn't set! We won't be able to sign your application!"); PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass = GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeyAliasPassFlag, "Your Android Key Alias Password isn't set! We won't be able to sign your application!"); if (PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass == "" || PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass == "") { return(true); } FixReadOnlyFilesIn3rdPartyLibs(); string AndroidProjDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath("."), "Android"); if (AndroidProjDirectory.Contains(" ")) { AndroidProjDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath() + PlayerSettings.productName, "Android"); } if (Directory.Exists(AndroidProjDirectory)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteDirectory(AndroidProjDirectory); } string FullBuiltPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("."), GetBuiltNameForTarget(BuildTarget.Android)); if (File.Exists(FullBuiltPath)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.DeleteFile(FullBuiltPath); } // We need to force create the directory before we use it or it will prompt us for a path to build to Directory.CreateDirectory(AndroidProjDirectory); Log("Android project destination directory is: " + AndroidProjDirectory); EditorUserBuildSettings.symlinkLibraries = true; EditorUserBuildSettings.exportAsGoogleAndroidProject = true; EditorUserBuildSettings.SetBuildLocation(BuildTarget.Android, AndroidProjDirectory); BuildOptions AllOptions = PlatformSpecificOptions | BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer; AllOptions |= GetExternalBuildOptions(JobBuildTarget); BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(IgorUtils.GetLevels(), AndroidProjDirectory, BuildTarget.Android, AllOptions); CopyActivityOverrideSourceFiles(AndroidProjDirectory); List <string> BuiltFiles = new List <string>(); BuiltFiles.Add(AndroidProjDirectory); IgorCore.SetNewModuleProducts(BuiltFiles); Log("Android Eclipse project has been created."); return(true); }