Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this before ShowDialog to initialise the dialog with entry values to be edited
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BranchLocation">The path to the active branch</param>
        /// <param name="Index">The index of the favourite to be edited</param>
        /// <param name="LocalSettings">A reference to the local settings object used to persist personal preferences</param>
        public void InitializeDialog(string BranchLocation, int Index, SettingsDictionary LocalSettings)
            BuildConfiguration dbCfg = new BuildConfiguration(BranchLocation, LocalSettings);
            string             dbms, dbName, port, password, location, version;
            bool isBlank;

            dbCfg.GetStoredConfiguration(Index, out dbms, out dbName, out port, out password, out isBlank, out location, out version);

            cboDBMS.SelectedIndex = BuildConfiguration.GetDBMSIndex(dbms);
            txtDBName.Text        = dbName;
            txtPort.Text          = port;
            txtPassword.Text      = password;
            chkBlankPW.Checked    = isBlank;
            txtLocation.Text      = location;

            if (String.Compare(dbms, "postgresql", true) == 0)
                cboVersion.SelectedIndex = 0;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this before ShowDialog to initialise the dialog with entry values to be edited
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BranchLocation">The path to the active branch</param>
        /// <param name="Index">The index of the favourite to be edited</param>
        /// <param name="LocalSettings">A reference to the local settings object used to persist personal preferences</param>
        public void InitializeDialog(string BranchLocation, int Index, SettingsDictionary LocalSettings)
            BuildConfiguration dbCfg = new BuildConfiguration(BranchLocation, LocalSettings);
            string dbms, dbName, port, password, location, version;
            bool isBlank;

            dbCfg.GetStoredConfiguration(Index, out dbms, out dbName, out port, out password, out isBlank, out location, out version);

            cboDBMS.SelectedIndex = BuildConfiguration.GetDBMSIndex(dbms);
            txtDBName.Text = dbName;
            txtPort.Text = port;
            txtPassword.Text = password;
            chkBlankPW.Checked = isBlank;
            txtLocation.Text = location;

            if (String.Compare(dbms, "postgresql", true) == 0)
                cboVersion.SelectedIndex = 0;

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise the dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BranchLocation">Current branch location</param>
        /// <param name="LocalSettings">A reference to the local settings object</param>
        /// <param name="PreferredIDE">The user's preferred IDE (obtained from the registry)</param>
        public void Initialise(string BranchLocation, SettingsDictionary LocalSettings, TDevEnvironment PreferredIDE)
            // Step 1:  Is this an existing branch?
            bool gotSolutions = false;
            bool gotExes      = false;

            string searchPath = Path.Combine(BranchLocation, "delivery", "projects", "vs2010");

            if (Directory.Exists(searchPath))
                string[] solutionFiles = Directory.GetFiles(searchPath, "*.sln");
                gotSolutions = solutionFiles.Length >= 5;

            searchPath = Path.Combine(BranchLocation, "delivery", "bin");

            if (Directory.Exists(searchPath))
                string[] exeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(searchPath, "Petra*.exe");
                gotExes = exeFiles.Length >= 4;

            _wasExistingBranch = gotSolutions && gotExes;

            if (_wasExistingBranch)
                this.Text = this.Text.Replace(" a New ", " an Existing ");

            // Step 2: initialise the control settings based on our saved settings from last time.
            // There are separate settings for New and Existing
            chkGenerateSolution.Checked = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_GenerateSolutionOption >
                                          0 : LocalSettings.NBA_GenerateSolutionOption > 0;
            optFullCompile.Checked = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_GenerateSolutionOption <= 1 : LocalSettings.NBA_GenerateSolutionOption <=
            optMinimalCompile.Checked = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_GenerateSolutionOption >=
                                        2 : LocalSettings.NBA_GenerateSolutionOption >= 2;
            chkCreateConfigFiles.Checked    = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_CreateMyConfigurations : LocalSettings.NBA_CreateMyConfigurations;
            chkInitDatabase.Checked         = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_InitialiseDatabase : LocalSettings.NBA_InitialiseDatabase;
            chkOpenIDE.Checked              = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_LaunchIDE : LocalSettings.NBA_LaunchIDE;
            chkStartServerAndClient.Checked = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_StartClient : LocalSettings.NBA_StartClient;

            chkOpenIDE.Text = "Open the solution in the " + (PreferredIDE == TDevEnvironment.VisualStudio ? "Visual Studio IDE" : "SharpDevelop IDE");

            // Step 3. Initialise the database combo box
            BuildConfiguration DbCfg = new BuildConfiguration(string.Empty, LocalSettings);

            for (int i = 0;; i++)
                string dbms;
                string dbName;
                string port;
                string location;
                string unused1;
                bool   unused2;
                string unused3;

                if (DbCfg.GetStoredConfiguration(i, out dbms, out dbName, out port, out unused1, out unused2, out location, out unused3))
                    string portString = port == string.Empty ? port : " on port " + port;
                    string s          = string.Format("{0}: {1}{2} [{3}]", dbms, dbName, portString, location == string.Empty ? "local" : location);

            int dbIndex = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_DatabaseConfiguration : LocalSettings.NBA_DatabaseConfiguration;

            if ((cboInitialDatabase.Items.Count > 0) && (dbIndex < cboInitialDatabase.Items.Count))
                cboInitialDatabase.SelectedIndex = dbIndex;

            // Step 4.  Initialise the solutions combo box
            for (TSolution sln = TSolution.Full; sln <= TSolution.Testing; sln++)

            int slnIndex = _wasExistingBranch ? LocalSettings.EBA_IDESolution : LocalSettings.NBA_IDESolution;

            if ((slnIndex >= (int)TSolution.Full) && (slnIndex <= (int)TSolution.Testing))
                cboSolution.SelectedIndex = slnIndex;

            lblStatus.Visible   = false;
            progressBar.Visible = false;

            // Finally, keep a reference to the settings so we can save them on exit
            _localSettings = LocalSettings;