Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results">The result of the safety analysis the order analysis should be conducted for.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The model checker's configuration that determines certain model checker settings.</param>
        public OrderAnalysis(SafetyAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> results, AnalysisConfiguration configuration)
            Requires.NotNull(results, nameof(results));

            _results = results;
            _backend.InitializeModel(configuration, results.RuntimeModelCreator, results.Hazard);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 ///   Initializes a new instance.
 /// </summary>
 internal OrderAnalysisResults(SafetyAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> safetyAnalysisResults, TimeSpan time,
                               IDictionary <ISet <Fault>, IEnumerable <OrderRelationship <TExecutableModel> > > orderRelationships)
     SafetyAnalysisResults = safetyAnalysisResults;
     Time = time;
     OrderRelationships = orderRelationships;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns a string representation of the minimal critical fault sets.
        /// </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            var builder = new StringBuilder();


            builder.AppendLine("=======        Fault Activation Order Analysis: Results         =======");

            builder.AppendLine($"Elapsed Time: {Time}");
            builder.AppendLine($"Order Relationship Count: {OrderRelationships.Values.SelectMany(r => r).Count()}");

            foreach (var pair in OrderRelationships)
                var relationships = pair.Value.ToArray();

                builder.AppendLine($"{{ {String.Join(", ", pair.Key.Select(f => f.Name))} }}");

                if (relationships.Length == 0)
                    builder.AppendLine("    no order relationships exist");
                    var i = 1;
                    foreach (var relationship in pair.Value)
                        builder.AppendLine($"    ({i}) {relationship}");

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the minimal critical sets for the <paramref name="hazard" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createModel">The creator for the model that should be checked.</param>
        /// <param name="hazard">The hazard the minimal critical sets should be computed for.</param>
        /// <param name="maxCardinality">
        ///   The maximum cardinality of the fault sets that should be checked. By default, all minimal
        ///   critical fault sets are determined.
        /// </param>
        public SafetyAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> ComputeMinimalCriticalSets(CoupledExecutableModelCreator <TExecutableModel> createModel, Formula hazard, int maxCardinality = Int32.MaxValue)
            Requires.NotNull(createModel, nameof(createModel));
            Requires.NotNull(hazard, nameof(hazard));

            ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine("Running Deductive Cause Consequence Analysis.");

            var heuristicWatch = new Stopwatch();
            var stopwatch      = new Stopwatch();


            var allFaults = createModel.FaultsInBaseModel;


            var forcedFaults           = allFaults.Where(fault => fault.Activation == Activation.Forced).ToArray();
            var suppressedFaults       = allFaults.Where(fault => fault.Activation == Activation.Suppressed).ToArray();
            var nondeterministicFaults = allFaults.Where(fault => fault.Activation == Activation.Nondeterministic).ToArray();
            var nonSuppressedFaults    = allFaults.Where(fault => fault.Activation != Activation.Suppressed).ToArray();

            ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine($"Of the {allFaults.Length} faults contained in the model,");
            ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine($"   {suppressedFaults.Length} faults are suppressed,");
            ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine($"   {forcedFaults.Length} faults are forced, and");
            ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine($"   {nondeterministicFaults.Length} faults are nondeterministically activated.");

            _suppressedSet = new FaultSet(suppressedFaults);
            _forcedSet     = new FaultSet(forcedFaults);

            var isComplete = true;

            // Remove information from previous analyses

            // Initialize the backend, the model, and the analysis results
            switch (Backend)
            case SafetyAnalysisBackend.FaultOptimizedOnTheFly:
                _backend = new FaultOptimizationBackend <TExecutableModel>();

            case SafetyAnalysisBackend.FaultOptimizedStateGraph:
                _backend = new StateGraphBackend <TExecutableModel>();

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            _backend.Output = Output;
            _backend.InitializeModel(Configuration, createModel, hazard);
            _results = new SafetyAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel>(createModel, hazard, suppressedFaults, forcedFaults, Heuristics, FaultActivationBehavior);

            // Remember all safe sets of current cardinality - we need them to generate the next power set level
            var currentSafe = new HashSet <FaultSet>();

            // We check fault sets by increasing cardinality; this is, we check the empty set first, then
            // all singleton sets, then all sets with two elements, etc. We don't check sets that we
            // know are going to be critical sets due to monotonicity
            for (var cardinality = 0; cardinality <= nonSuppressedFaults.Length; ++cardinality)
                // Generate the sets for the current level that we'll have to check
                var sets = GeneratePowerSetLevel(cardinality, nonSuppressedFaults, currentSafe);

                // Remove all sets that conflict with the forced or suppressed faults; these sets are considered to be safe.
                // If no sets remain, skip to the next level
                sets = RemoveInvalidSets(sets, currentSafe);
                if (sets.Count == 0)

                // Abort if we've exceeded the maximum fault set cardinality; doing the check here allows us
                // to report the analysis as complete if the maximum cardinality is never reached
                if (cardinality > maxCardinality)
                    isComplete = false;

                if (cardinality == 0)
                    ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine("Checking the empty fault set...");
                    ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine($"Checking {sets.Count} sets of cardinality {cardinality}...");

                // use heuristics
                var setsToCheck = new LinkedList <FaultSet>(sets);
                foreach (var heuristic in Heuristics)
                    var count = setsToCheck.Count;

                    heuristic.Augment((uint)cardinality, setsToCheck);

                    count = setsToCheck.Count - count;
                    if (count > 0)
                        ConsoleHelpers.WriteLine($"    {heuristic.GetType().Name} made {count} suggestions in {heuristicWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms.");

                // We have to check each set - heuristics may add further during the loop
                while (setsToCheck.Count > 0)
                    var set = setsToCheck.First.Value;

                    var isCurrentLevel = sets.Remove(set);                     // returns true if set was actually contained

                    // for current level, we already know the set is valid
                    var isValid = isCurrentLevel || IsValid(set);

                    // the set is invalid if it exceeds the maximum cardinality level
                    isValid &= set.Cardinality <= maxCardinality;

                    var isSafe = true;
                    if (isValid)
                        isSafe = CheckSet(set, allFaults, !isCurrentLevel);

                    if (isSafe && isCurrentLevel)

                    // inform heuristics about result and give them the opportunity to add further sets
                    foreach (var heuristic in Heuristics)
                        heuristic.Update(setsToCheck, set, isSafe);

                    if (StopOnFirstException && _exceptions.Count > 0)
                        goto returnResult;

                // in case heuristics removed a set (they shouldn't)
                foreach (var set in sets)
                    var isSafe = CheckSet(set, allFaults, false);
                    if (isSafe)

                    if (StopOnFirstException && _exceptions.Count > 0)
                        goto returnResult;


            // Reset the nondeterministic faults so as to not influence subsequent analyses
            foreach (var fault in nondeterministicFaults)
                fault.Activation = Activation.Nondeterministic;

            // due to heuristics usage, we may have informatiuon on non-minimal critical sets
            var minimalCritical = RemoveNonMinimalCriticalSets();

            _results.IsComplete = isComplete;
            _results.Time       = stopwatch.Elapsed;
            _results.SetResult(minimalCritical, _checkedSetCount, _checkedSets, _counterExamples, _exceptions);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the order relationships for all minimal critical fault sets contained in the
        ///   <paramref name="safetyAnalysisResults" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="safetyAnalysisResults">The results of the safety analysis the order relationships should be computed for.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration settings of the model checker that should be used.</param>
        public static OrderAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> ComputeOrderRelationships(SafetyAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> safetyAnalysisResults,
                                                                                        AnalysisConfiguration configuration)
            var analysis = new OrderAnalysis <TExecutableModel>(safetyAnalysisResults, configuration);

Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 ///   Computes the order relationships for all minimal critical fault sets contained in the
 ///   <paramref name="safetyAnalysisResults" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="safetyAnalysisResults">The results of the safety analysis the order relationships should be computed for.</param>
 public static OrderAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> ComputeOrderRelationships(SafetyAnalysisResults <TExecutableModel> safetyAnalysisResults)
     return(ComputeOrderRelationships(safetyAnalysisResults, AnalysisConfiguration.Default));