public bool InsertDanhMuc(clsDanhMuc dm)
            string sql = "Insert into tblDanhMuc(TenDanhMuc,TypeID,MoTa) values(@TenDM,@Type,@Mota)";
               bool st=false;
               clsDAConnection conn=new clsDAConnection();
               using (SqlCommand com = conn.getCon().CreateCommand()) {
               com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
               com.CommandText = sql;

               // Create a SqlParameter object for the title parameter.
               SqlParameter p1 = com.CreateParameter();
               p1.ParameterName = "@TenDM";
               p1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;
               p1.Size = 50;
               p1.Value = dm.TenDanhMuc;

               // Use a shorthand syntax to add the id parameter.
               com.Parameters.Add("@Type", SqlDbType.Int).Value = dm.MyType;
               com.Parameters.Add("@Mota", SqlDbType.NVarChar,1000).Value = dm.MoTa;
               // Execute the command and process the result.
               if (com.ExecuteNonQuery()==1)
                   st = true;
               return st;
 public bool DeleteDM(clsDanhMuc dm)
     string sql = "Delete from tblDanhMuc Where ID=@ID";
        bool st = false;
        clsDAConnection conn = new clsDAConnection();
        using (SqlCommand com = conn.getCon().CreateCommand())
        com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        com.CommandText = sql;
        com.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = dm.Id;
        // Execute the command and process the result.
        if (com.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1)
            st = true;
        return st;
 public bool InsertDM(clsDanhMuc dm)
     clsDADanhMuc d=new clsDADanhMuc();
        return d.InsertDanhMuc(dm);
 public bool EditDM(clsDanhMuc dm)
     clsDADanhMuc d = new clsDADanhMuc();
        return d.EditDanhMuc(dm);
 public bool DelDM(clsDanhMuc dm)
     clsDADanhMuc d = new clsDADanhMuc();
        return d.DeleteDM(dm);