private static void CloseOnFlush(IO.Netty.Channel.Channel ch) { if (ch.IsActive()) { ch.WriteAndFlush(Unpooled.EmptyBuffer).AddListener(ChannelFutureListener.Close); } }
public override void ChannelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { if (proxiedChannel != null) { proxiedChannel.Close(); proxiedChannel = null; } }
public _ChannelFutureListener_115(SimpleHttpProxyHandler _enclosing, ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest req, IO.Netty.Channel.Channel client) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.ctx = ctx; this.req = req; this.client = client; }
public override void ExceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Exception cause) { Log.Info("Proxy for " + uri + " failed. cause: ", cause); if (proxiedChannel != null) { proxiedChannel.Close(); proxiedChannel = null; } ctx.Close(); }
public virtual void InitServer(string fsimage) { FSImageLoader loader = FSImageLoader.Load(fsimage); bootstrap.ChildHandler(new _ChannelInitializer_92(this, loader)); channel = bootstrap.Bind(address).Sync().Channel(); allChannels.AddItem(channel); address = (IPEndPoint)channel.LocalAddress(); Log.Info("WebImageViewer started. Listening on " + address.ToString() + ". Press Ctrl+C to stop the viewer." ); }
protected override void ChannelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest req) { uri = req.GetUri(); IO.Netty.Channel.Channel client = ctx.Channel(); IO.Netty.Bootstrap.Bootstrap proxiedServer = new IO.Netty.Bootstrap.Bootstrap().Group (client.EventLoop()).Channel(typeof(NioSocketChannel)).Handler(new _ChannelInitializer_106 (this, client)); ChannelFuture f = proxiedServer.Connect(host); proxiedChannel = f.Channel(); f.AddListener(new _ChannelFutureListener_115(this, ctx, req, client)); }
private Forwarder(string uri, IO.Netty.Channel.Channel client) { this.uri = uri; this.client = client; }
public _ChannelInitializer_106(SimpleHttpProxyHandler _enclosing, IO.Netty.Channel.Channel client) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.client = client; }