Esempio n. 1
 private static void readData(string input, string name, planetData body)
     string[] data = input.Split(',');                       //Populates the body object with the position data.
     body.time     = data[1];
     body.position = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[2]), float.Parse(data[4]), float.Parse(data[3]));
     body.velocity = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[5]), float.Parse(data[7]), float.Parse(data[6]));     = name;
Esempio n. 2
        public static bool planetsHaveValues     = false;                   //Is true when planets should be populated with nonzero values.

        public void generateData(DateTime time)
        {                           //Call this script to generate the planetData objects for every value in ids
            if (planets.Count < ids.Length)
                foreach (int id in ids)                                                 //For all ids
                    planetData body = new planetData();                                 //Create an object
           = id;
                    planets.Add(body);                                                  //Add the object to the list

            //keep this from adding more bodies to the script.
            planets.ForEach(p => StartCoroutine(getData(time,, p)));
            StartCoroutine(updateData());                           //When all values are recived from the interwebz, populate the fields in the object
Esempio n. 3
        private static WWW www;                                                    //The www object for the horizons database.

        private IEnumerator getData(DateTime time, int bodyID, planetData body)
        {                                                           //Gets the data from the horizons server and populates the raw data field of the appropriate object
            UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(generateURL(DateTime.Now, bodyID));

            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());                     //Wait for return fromrequest

            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)              //If error, output error
            else                                                    //Else populate rawData
                body.rawData = www.downloadHandler.text;
            = bodyID;