public void SetPattern(PATTERN p)       //@Subodh: *p is pointer to the object of type TPATTERN. The object is passed by reference.
     Pattern = p;                        //@Subodh: Pattern is pointer of type TPATTERN that is defined as private variable in class LVQ.
     YinSize = p.getSizeVector();        //@Subodh: YinSize is input layer dimension. This is also stored inside file.
     //			YinSize is of type LVQ.
        public void SetPattern(PATTERN p) {	//@Subodh: *p is pointer to the object of type TPATTERN. The object is passed by reference.
            Pattern=p;						//@Subodh: Pattern is pointer of type TPATTERN that is defined as private variable in class LVQ.
            YinSize=p.getSizeVector();			//@Subodh: YinSize is input layer dimension. This is also stored inside file.
									//			YinSize is of type LVQ.