public MessengerObject AddFriendToCategory(Friend friend, Category category)
     AddFriendToCategory(friend.Befriendable, category);
     return this;
 public MessengerObject RemoveFriend(Friend friend)
     return this;
 public MessengerObject RemoveFriendFromCategory(Friend friend, Category category)
     RemoveFriendFromCategory(friend.Befriendable.GetID(), category);
     return this;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Add an IBefriendable as a friend only if the IBefriendable is not already a friend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "befriendable">The IBefriendable to add.</param>
        /// <returns>The instance of MessengerObject this was called on. This allows for chaining.</returns>
        public MessengerObject AddNewFriend(IBefriendable befriendable)
            if (_friends.ContainsKey(befriendable.GetID()))
                return this;

            Friend friend = new Friend(befriendable);
            _friends.Add(befriendable.GetID(), friend);

            return this;