public IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid(IfcProfileDef sweptArea, IfcAxis2Placement3D position, IfcCurve directrix, IfcParameterValue startParam, IfcParameterValue endParam, IfcDirection fixedReference) : base(sweptArea, position) { Directrix = directrix; StartParam = startParam; EndParam = endParam; FixedReference = fixedReference; }
public IfcOffsetCurve3D(IfcCurve basisCurve, IfcLengthMeasure distance, IfcLogical selfIntersect, IfcDirection refDirection) : base() { BasisCurve = basisCurve; Distance = distance; SelfIntersect = selfIntersect; RefDirection = refDirection; }
public IfcSweptDiskSolid(IfcCurve directrix, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure radius, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure innerRadius, IfcParameterValue startParam, IfcParameterValue endParam) : base() { Directrix = directrix; Radius = radius; InnerRadius = innerRadius; StartParam = startParam; EndParam = endParam; }
public IfcTrimmedCurve(IfcCurve basisCurve, List <IfcTrimmingSelect> trim1, List <IfcTrimmingSelect> trim2, IfcBoolean senseAgreement, IfcTrimmingPreference masterRepresentation) : base() { BasisCurve = basisCurve; Trim1 = trim1; Trim2 = trim2; SenseAgreement = senseAgreement; MasterRepresentation = masterRepresentation; }
public IfcCompositeCurveSegment(IfcTransitionCode transition, IfcBoolean sameSense, IfcCurve parentCurve) : base() { UsingCurves = new List <IfcCompositeCurve>(); Transition = transition; SameSense = sameSense; ParentCurve = parentCurve; }
} // inverse /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcGridAxis with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcGridAxis(IfcCurve axisCurve, IfcBoolean sameSense) : base() { PartOfW = new List <IfcGrid>(); PartOfV = new List <IfcGrid>(); PartOfU = new List <IfcGrid>(); HasIntersections = new List <IfcVirtualGridIntersection>(); AxisCurve = axisCurve; SameSense = sameSense; }
public IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal(IfcCurve directrix, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure radius, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure innerRadius, IfcParameterValue startParam, IfcParameterValue endParam, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure filletRadius) : base(directrix, radius, innerRadius, startParam, endParam) { FilletRadius = filletRadius; }
public IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef(IfcProfileTypeEnum profileType, IfcLabel profileName, IfcCurve outerCurve) : base(profileType, profileName) { OuterCurve = outerCurve; }
public static IfcDimensionCount IfcCurveDim(IfcCurve curve) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public IfcEdgeCurve(IfcVertex edgeStart, IfcVertex edgeEnd, IfcCurve edgeGeometry, IfcBoolean sameSense) : base(edgeStart, edgeEnd) { EdgeGeometry = edgeGeometry; SameSense = sameSense; }
public IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids(IfcProfileTypeEnum profileType, IfcLabel profileName, IfcCurve outerCurve, List <IfcCurve> innerCurves) : base(profileType, profileName, outerCurve) { InnerCurves = innerCurves; }
} // optional /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcSweptDiskSolid with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcSweptDiskSolid(IfcCurve directrix, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure radius) : base() { Directrix = directrix; Radius = radius; }
public IfcGeometricSetSelect(IfcCurve choice) { this.choice = choice; }
} // optional /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal(IfcCurve directrix, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure radius) : base(directrix, radius) { }
public IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment(IfcTransitionCode transition, IfcBoolean sameSense, IfcCurve parentCurve, IfcParameterValue paramLength) : base(transition, sameSense, parentCurve) { ParamLength = paramLength; }
public IfcPcurve(IfcSurface basisSurface, IfcCurve referenceCurve) : base() { BasisSurface = basisSurface; ReferenceCurve = referenceCurve; }
public IfcSurfaceCurve(IfcCurve curve3D, List <IfcPcurve> associatedGeometry, IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation masterRepresentation) : base() { Curve3D = curve3D; AssociatedGeometry = associatedGeometry; MasterRepresentation = masterRepresentation; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid(IfcProfileDef sweptArea, IfcCurve directrix, IfcSurface referenceSurface) : base(sweptArea) { Directrix = directrix; ReferenceSurface = referenceSurface; }
public IfcOffsetCurve2D(IfcCurve basisCurve, IfcLengthMeasure distance, IfcLogical selfIntersect) : base() { BasisCurve = basisCurve; Distance = distance; SelfIntersect = selfIntersect; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid(IfcProfileDef sweptArea, IfcCurve directrix, IfcDirection fixedReference) : base(sweptArea) { Directrix = directrix; FixedReference = fixedReference; }
public IfcIntersectionCurve(IfcCurve curve3D, List <IfcPcurve> associatedGeometry, IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation masterRepresentation) : base(curve3D, associatedGeometry, masterRepresentation) { }
public IfcCurveBoundedPlane(IfcPlane basisSurface, IfcCurve outerBoundary, List <IfcCurve> innerBoundaries) : base() { BasisSurface = basisSurface; OuterBoundary = outerBoundary; InnerBoundaries = innerBoundaries; }
} // optional /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcAnnotationFillArea with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcAnnotationFillArea(IfcCurve outerBoundary) : base() { InnerBoundaries = new List <IfcCurve>(); OuterBoundary = outerBoundary; }
public IfcPointOnCurve(IfcCurve basisCurve, IfcParameterValue pointParameter) : base() { BasisCurve = basisCurve; PointParameter = pointParameter; }
public IfcAnnotationFillArea(IfcCurve outerBoundary, List <IfcCurve> innerBoundaries) : base() { OuterBoundary = outerBoundary; InnerBoundaries = innerBoundaries; }