public IfcDocumentInformation(IfcIdentifier identification, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcURIReference location, IfcText purpose, IfcText intendedUse, IfcText scope, IfcLabel revision, IfcActorSelect documentOwner, List <IfcActorSelect> editors, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcDateTime lastRevisionTime, IfcIdentifier electronicFormat, IfcDate validFrom, IfcDate validUntil, IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum confidentiality, IfcDocumentStatusEnum status) : base() { DocumentInfoForObjects = new List <IfcRelAssociatesDocument>(); HasDocumentReferences = new List <IfcDocumentReference>(); IsPointedTo = new List <IfcDocumentInformationRelationship>(); IsPointer = new List <IfcDocumentInformationRelationship>(); Identification = identification; Name = name; Description = description; Location = location; Purpose = purpose; IntendedUse = intendedUse; Scope = scope; Revision = revision; DocumentOwner = documentOwner; Editors = editors; CreationTime = creationTime; LastRevisionTime = lastRevisionTime; ElectronicFormat = electronicFormat; ValidFrom = validFrom; ValidUntil = validUntil; Confidentiality = confidentiality; Status = status; }
public IfcInventory(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcInventoryTypeEnum predefinedType, IfcActorSelect jurisdiction, List <IfcPerson> responsiblePersons, IfcDate lastUpdateDate, IfcCostValue currentValue, IfcCostValue originalValue) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType) { PredefinedType = predefinedType; Jurisdiction = jurisdiction; ResponsiblePersons = responsiblePersons; LastUpdateDate = lastUpdateDate; CurrentValue = currentValue; OriginalValue = originalValue; }
public IfcLibraryInformation(IfcLabel name, IfcLabel version, IfcActorSelect publisher, IfcDateTime versionDate, IfcURIReference location, IfcText description) : base() { LibraryInfoForObjects = new List <IfcRelAssociatesLibrary>(); HasLibraryReferences = new List <IfcLibraryReference>(); Name = name; Version = version; Publisher = publisher; VersionDate = versionDate; Location = location; Description = description; }
public IfcAsset(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcIdentifier identification, IfcCostValue originalValue, IfcCostValue currentValue, IfcCostValue totalReplacementCost, IfcActorSelect owner, IfcActorSelect user, IfcPerson responsiblePerson, IfcDate incorporationDate, IfcCostValue depreciatedValue) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType) { Identification = identification; OriginalValue = originalValue; CurrentValue = currentValue; TotalReplacementCost = totalReplacementCost; Owner = owner; User = user; ResponsiblePerson = responsiblePerson; IncorporationDate = incorporationDate; DepreciatedValue = depreciatedValue; }
public IfcConstraint(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcConstraintEnum constraintGrade, IfcLabel constraintSource, IfcActorSelect creatingActor, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcLabel userDefinedGrade) : base() { HasExternalReferences = new List <IfcExternalReferenceRelationship>(); PropertiesForConstraint = new List <IfcResourceConstraintRelationship>(); Name = name; Description = description; ConstraintGrade = constraintGrade; ConstraintSource = constraintSource; CreatingActor = creatingActor; CreationTime = creationTime; UserDefinedGrade = userDefinedGrade; }
public IfcApproval(IfcIdentifier identifier, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcDateTime timeOfApproval, IfcLabel status, IfcLabel level, IfcText qualifier, IfcActorSelect requestingApproval, IfcActorSelect givingApproval) : base() { HasExternalReferences = new List <IfcExternalReferenceRelationship>(); ApprovedObjects = new List <IfcRelAssociatesApproval>(); ApprovedResources = new List <IfcResourceApprovalRelationship>(); IsRelatedWith = new List <IfcApprovalRelationship>(); Relates = new List <IfcApprovalRelationship>(); Identifier = identifier; Name = name; Description = description; TimeOfApproval = timeOfApproval; Status = status; Level = level; Qualifier = qualifier; RequestingApproval = requestingApproval; GivingApproval = givingApproval; }
public IfcActor(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcActorSelect theActor) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType) { IsActingUpon = new List <IfcRelAssignsToActor>(); TheActor = theActor; }
} // inverse /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcActor with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcActor(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcActorSelect theActor) : base(globalId) { IsActingUpon = new List <IfcRelAssignsToActor>(); TheActor = theActor; }
public IfcOccupant(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcActorSelect theActor, IfcOccupantTypeEnum predefinedType) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType, theActor) { PredefinedType = predefinedType; }
} // optional /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcOccupant with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcOccupant(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcActorSelect theActor) : base(globalId, theActor) { }
public IfcMetric(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcConstraintEnum constraintGrade, IfcLabel constraintSource, IfcActorSelect creatingActor, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcLabel userDefinedGrade, IfcBenchmarkEnum benchmark, IfcLabel valueSource, IfcMetricValueSelect dataValue, IfcReference referencePath) : base(name, description, constraintGrade, constraintSource, creatingActor, creationTime, userDefinedGrade) { Benchmark = benchmark; ValueSource = valueSource; DataValue = dataValue; ReferencePath = referencePath; }
public IfcObjective(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcConstraintEnum constraintGrade, IfcLabel constraintSource, IfcActorSelect creatingActor, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcLabel userDefinedGrade, List <IfcConstraint> benchmarkValues, IfcLogicalOperatorEnum logicalAggregator, IfcObjectiveEnum objectiveQualifier, IfcLabel userDefinedQualifier) : base(name, description, constraintGrade, constraintSource, creatingActor, creationTime, userDefinedGrade) { BenchmarkValues = benchmarkValues; LogicalAggregator = logicalAggregator; ObjectiveQualifier = objectiveQualifier; UserDefinedQualifier = userDefinedQualifier; }