public void NotEqualsTest2()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			QualifiedName name2 = null; 
			Assert.IsFalse(name1 == name2, "Should not be the same.");
		public void HashCodeTest()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			XmlQualifiedName xmlQualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName("foo", "");

			Assert.AreEqual(name1.GetHashCode(), xmlQualifiedName.GetHashCode());
		public void EqualsTest2()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			QualifiedName name2 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			Assert.AreEqual(name1, name2, "Should be the same.");
		public void EqualsTest3()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			QualifiedName name2 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "ggg");
			Assert.IsTrue(name1 == name2, "Should be the same.");
 public void AttributeWithPrefix()
     string text = " a:test=";
     QualifiedName expectedName = new QualifiedName("test", String.Empty, "a");
     QualifiedName name = XmlParser.GetQualifiedAttributeName(text, text.Length);
     Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, name);
Esempio n. 6
        MemberResolveResult ResolveAttribute(XmlReader r, string attributeName)
            if (context.ElementPath.Elements.Count == 0)
            string attributeXmlNamespace;

            if (attributeName.Contains(":"))
                attributeXmlNamespace = r.LookupNamespace(attributeName.Substring(0, attributeName.IndexOf(':')));
                attributeName         = attributeName.Substring(attributeName.IndexOf(':') + 1);
                attributeXmlNamespace = r.LookupNamespace("");
            if (attributeName.Contains("."))
                string className = attributeName.Substring(0, attributeName.IndexOf('.'));
                attributeName = attributeName.Substring(attributeName.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                return(ResolveProperty(attributeXmlNamespace, className, attributeName, true));
                ICSharpCode.XmlEditor.QualifiedName lastElement = context.ElementPath.Elements[context.ElementPath.Elements.Count - 1];
                return(ResolveProperty(lastElement.Namespace, lastElement.Name, attributeName, false));
		public void SuccessTest8()
			string text = "<a type='a";
			QualifiedName expectedName = new QualifiedName("type", String.Empty);
			QualifiedName name = XmlParser.GetQualifiedAttributeNameAtIndex(text, text.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, name);
 public void AttributeNameWithPrefix2()
     string text = "<a xab:test=";
     QualifiedName expectedName = new QualifiedName("test", String.Empty, "xab");
     QualifiedName name = XmlParser.GetQualifiedAttributeNameAtIndex(text, text.IndexOf("xa"));
     Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, name);
		public void SuccessTest5()
			string text = "<a foo=";
			QualifiedName expectedName = new QualifiedName("foo", String.Empty);
			QualifiedName name = XmlParser.GetQualifiedAttributeNameAtIndex(text, 3);
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, name);
		public void SuccessTest6()
			string text = " foo = '#";
			QualifiedName expectedName = new QualifiedName("foo", String.Empty);
			QualifiedName name = XmlParser.GetQualifiedAttributeName(text, text.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, name, "Should have retrieved the attribute name 'foo'");
        public void CreateQualifiedNameCollectionInstanceUsingQualifiedNameCollection()
            QualifiedName[] array = new QualifiedName[] { firstName, secondName };
            QualifiedNameCollection oldCollection = new QualifiedNameCollection(array);
            QualifiedNameCollection newCollection = new QualifiedNameCollection(oldCollection);

            Assert.AreSame(firstName, newCollection[0]);
		public void Init()
			firstName = new QualifiedName("first", "first-ns", "first-prefix");
			secondName = new QualifiedName("second", "second-ns", "second-prefix");	
			QualifiedName[] array = new QualifiedName[] { firstName, secondName };
			qualifiedNameCollection = new QualifiedNameCollection(array);
		public void Init()
			path = new XmlElementPath();
			firstQualifiedName = new QualifiedName("foo", "http://foo", "f");
			secondQualifiedName = new QualifiedName("bar", "http://bar", "b");
		public void SetUpFixture()
			// Get the path for the DesignSurface element.
			int index = xaml.IndexOf("designer:DesignSurface");
			designSurfacePath = XmlParser.GetActiveElementStartPathAtIndex(xaml, index);
			designSurfacePath2 = XmlParser.GetActiveElementStartPath(xaml, index);
			// Get the path for the DesignSurface/@Name attribute.
			index = xaml.IndexOf("Name=\"designSurface\"");
			designSurfaceNameAttribute = XmlParser.GetQualifiedAttributeNameAtIndex(xaml, index, true);
        public override void FixtureInit()
            // Note element path.
            noteElementPath = new XmlElementPath();
            QualifiedName noteQualifiedName = new QualifiedName("note", "");

            // Text element path.
            textElementPath = new XmlElementPath();
            textElementPath.Elements.Add(new QualifiedName("text", ""));
        public override void FixtureInit()
            // Get shipto attributes.
            shipToPath = new XmlElementPath();
            QualifiedName shipOrderName = new QualifiedName("shiporder", "");
            shipToPath.Elements.Add(new QualifiedName("shipto", ""));

            shipToAttributes = SchemaCompletionData.GetAttributeCompletionData(shipToPath);

            // Get shiporder attributes.
            shipOrderPath = new XmlElementPath();

            shipOrderAttributes = SchemaCompletionData.GetAttributeCompletionData(shipOrderPath);
		XmlSchemaObject FindSchemaObjectType(QualifiedName qualifiedName, string elementName, XmlSchemaCompletion schema)
			switch (elementName) {
				case "element":
					return schema.FindComplexType(qualifiedName);
				case "attribute":
					return schema.FindSimpleType(qualifiedName.Name);
			return null;
		XmlSchemaCompletion GetSchemaForQualifiedName(QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaCompletion schema = schemas[name.Namespace];
			if (schema != null) {
				return schema;
			return currentSchema;
		XmlSchemaObject FindSchemaObjectReference(QualifiedName qualifiedName, string elementName, XmlSchemaCompletion schema)
			switch (elementName) {
				case "element":
					return schema.FindRootElement(qualifiedName);
				case "attribute":
					return schema.FindAttribute(qualifiedName.Name);
				case "group":
					return schema.FindGroup(qualifiedName.Name);
				case "attributeGroup":
					return schema.FindAttributeGroup(qualifiedName.Name);
			return null;
Esempio n. 20
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the parent element path based on the index position. This
		/// method does not compact the path so it will include all elements
		/// including those in another namespace in the path.
		/// </summary>
		static XmlElementPath GetFullParentElementPath(string xml)
			XmlElementPath path = new XmlElementPath();
			IDictionary<string, string> namespacesInScope = null;
			using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(xml)) {
				using (XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(reader)) {
					try {
						xmlReader.XmlResolver = null; // prevent XmlTextReader from loading external DTDs
						while (xmlReader.Read()) {
							switch (xmlReader.NodeType) {
								case XmlNodeType.Element:
									if (!xmlReader.IsEmptyElement) {
										QualifiedName elementName = new QualifiedName(xmlReader.LocalName, xmlReader.NamespaceURI, xmlReader.Prefix);
								case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
					} catch (XmlException) {
						namespacesInScope = xmlReader.GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope.All);
			// Add namespaces in scope for the last element read.
			if (namespacesInScope != null) {
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> ns in namespacesInScope) {
					path.NamespacesInScope.Add(new XmlNamespace(ns.Key, ns.Value));
			return path;
        public void DesignSurfaceNameAttribute()
            QualifiedName expectedName = new QualifiedName("Name", "clr-namespace:ICSharpCode.WpfDesign.Designer;assembly=ICSharpCode.WpfDesign.Designer", String.Empty);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, designSurfaceNameAttribute);
Esempio n. 22
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the element in the collection of schema objects.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindElement(XmlSchemaObjectCollection items, QualifiedName name)
			foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in items) {
				XmlSchemaElement element = schemaObject as XmlSchemaElement;
				XmlSchemaSequence sequence = schemaObject as XmlSchemaSequence;
				XmlSchemaChoice choice = schemaObject as XmlSchemaChoice;
				XmlSchemaGroupRef groupRef = schemaObject as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
				XmlSchemaElement matchedElement = null;
				if (element != null) {
					if (element.Name != null) {
						if (name.Name == element.Name) {
							return element;
					} else if (element.RefName != null) {
						if (name.Name == element.RefName.Name) {
							matchedElement = FindElement(element.RefName);
						} else {
							// Abstract element?
							XmlSchemaElement abstractElement = FindElement(element.RefName);
							if (abstractElement != null && abstractElement.IsAbstract) {
								matchedElement = FindSubstitutionGroupElement(abstractElement.QualifiedName, name);
				} else if (sequence != null) {
					matchedElement = FindElement(sequence.Items, name);
				} else if (choice != null) {
					matchedElement = FindElement(choice.Items, name);
				} else if (groupRef != null) {
					matchedElement = FindElement(groupRef, name);
				// Did we find a match?
				if (matchedElement != null) {
					return matchedElement;
			return null;
Esempio n. 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the named child element contained in the extension element.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement(XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension extension, QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = FindNamedType(schema, extension.BaseTypeName);
			if (complexType != null) {
				XmlSchemaElement matchedElement = FindChildElement(complexType, name);
				if (matchedElement == null) {
					XmlSchemaSequence sequence = extension.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
					XmlSchemaChoice choice = extension.Particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
					XmlSchemaGroupRef groupRef = extension.Particle as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
					if (sequence != null) {
						return FindElement(sequence.Items, name);
					} else if (choice != null) {
						return FindElement(choice.Items, name);
					} else if (groupRef != null) {
						return FindElement(groupRef, name);
				} else {
					return matchedElement;
			return null;
Esempio n. 24
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the named child element contained in the restriction element.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement(XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction restriction, QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaSequence sequence = restriction.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
			XmlSchemaGroupRef groupRef = restriction.Particle as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
			if (sequence != null) {
				return FindElement(sequence.Items, name);
			} else if (groupRef != null) {
				return FindElement(groupRef, name);
			return null;
Esempio n. 25
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement(XmlSchemaComplexType complexType, QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaSequence sequence = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
			XmlSchemaChoice choice = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
			XmlSchemaGroupRef groupRef = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
			XmlSchemaAll all = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaAll;
			XmlSchemaComplexContent complexContent = complexType.ContentModel as XmlSchemaComplexContent;
			if (sequence != null) {
				return FindElement(sequence.Items, name);
			} else if (choice != null) {
				return FindElement(choice.Items, name);
			} else if (complexContent != null) {
				XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension extension = complexContent.Content as XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension;
				XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction restriction = complexContent.Content as XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction;
				if (extension != null) {
					return FindChildElement(extension, name);
				} else if (restriction != null) {
					return FindChildElement(restriction, name);
			} else if (groupRef != null) {
				return FindElement(groupRef, name);
			} else if (all != null) {
				return FindElement(all.Items, name);
			return null;
Esempio n. 26
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds an element that matches the specified <paramref name="name"/>
		/// from the children of the given <paramref name="element"/>.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement(XmlSchemaElement element, QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = GetElementAsComplexType(element);
			if (complexType != null) {
				return FindChildElement(complexType, name);
			return null;
Esempio n. 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the complex type with the specified name.
		/// </summary>
		public XmlSchemaComplexType FindComplexType(QualifiedName name)
			XmlQualifiedName qualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName(name.Name, name.Namespace);
			return FindNamedType(schema, qualifiedName);
Esempio n. 28
		public void AddElement(QualifiedName elementName)
Esempio n. 29
		XmlSchemaElement FindElement(XmlSchemaGroupRef groupRef, QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaGroup schemaGroup = FindGroup(groupRef.RefName.Name);
			if (schemaGroup != null) {
				XmlSchemaSequence sequence = schemaGroup.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
				XmlSchemaChoice choice = schemaGroup.Particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
				if(sequence != null) {
					return FindElement(sequence.Items, name);
				} else if (choice != null) {
					return FindElement(choice.Items, name);
			return null;
Esempio n. 30
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds an element in the schema.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Only looks at the elements that are defined in the
		/// root of the schema so it will not find any elements
		/// that are defined inside any complex types.
		/// </remarks>
		public XmlSchemaElement FindRootElement(QualifiedName name)
			foreach (XmlSchemaElement element in schema.Elements.Values) {
				if (name.Equals(element.QualifiedName)) {
					return element;
			return null;
Esempio n. 31
		/// <summary>
		/// Looks for the substitution group element of the specified name.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindSubstitutionGroupElement(XmlQualifiedName groupName, QualifiedName name)
			foreach (XmlSchemaElement element in schema.Elements.Values) {
				if (element.SubstitutionGroup == groupName) {
					if (element.Name != null) {
						if (element.Name == name.Name) {
							return element;
			return null;