public static CacheIndentEngine CreateEngine(string text, CSharpFormattingOptions formatOptions = null, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			if (formatOptions == null) {
				formatOptions = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono();
				formatOptions.AlignToFirstIndexerArgument = formatOptions.AlignToFirstMethodCallArgument = true;
			var sb = new StringBuilder();
			int offset = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
				var ch = text [i];
				if (ch == '$') {
					offset = i;
			var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(sb.ToString());
			options = options ?? new TextEditorOptions { EolMarker = "\n" };
			var result = new CacheIndentEngine(new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, formatOptions));
			return result;
 public OmniSharpConfiguration()
     PathReplacements = new List<PathReplacement>();
     IgnoredCodeIssues = new List<string>();
     TextEditorOptions = new TextEditorOptions ();
     CSharpFormattingOptions = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateAllman();
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CSharpFormatter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">The formatting policy to use.</param>
 /// <param name="document">The text document to work upon.</param>
 /// <param name="options">The text editor options (optional). Default is: TextEditorOptions.Default</param>
 public CSharpFormatter(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, TextEditorOptions options = null)
     if (policy == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("policy");
     this.policy = policy;
     this.options = options ?? TextEditorOptions.Default;
Esempio n. 4
		public static void RandomTests(string filePath, int count, CSharpFormattingOptions policy = null, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			if (File.Exists(filePath))
				var code = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
				var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(code);
				policy = policy ?? FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono();
				options = options ?? new TextEditorOptions { IndentBlankLines = false };

				var engine = new CacheIndentEngine(new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, policy) { EnableCustomIndentLevels = true });
				Random rnd = new Random();

				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					int offset = rnd.Next(document.TextLength);
					if (engine.CurrentIndent.Length == 0)

				Assert.Fail("File " + filePath + " doesn't exist.");
		protected static IDocument Test (CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, string expectedOutput, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.Intrusive, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			expectedOutput = NormalizeNewlines(expectedOutput);

			IDocument doc = GetResult(policy, input, mode, options);
			if (expectedOutput != doc.Text) {
				Console.WriteLine ("expected:");
				Console.WriteLine (expectedOutput);
				Console.WriteLine ("got:");
				Console.WriteLine (doc.Text);
				for (int i = 0; i < expectedOutput.Length && i < doc.TextLength; i++) {
					if (expectedOutput [i] != doc.GetCharAt(i)) {
						Console.WriteLine (
							"i:"+i+" differ:"+ 
							expectedOutput[i].ToString ().Replace ("\n", "\\n").Replace ("\r", "\\r").Replace ("\t", "\\t") +
							" !=" + 
							doc.GetCharAt(i).ToString ().Replace ("\n", "\\n").Replace ("\r", "\\r").Replace ("\t", "\\t")
						Console.WriteLine(">"+expectedOutput.Substring (i).Replace ("\n", "\\n").Replace ("\r", "\\r").Replace ("\t", "\\t"));
						Console.WriteLine(">"+doc.Text.Substring (i).Replace ("\n", "\\n").Replace ("\r", "\\r").Replace ("\t", "\\t"));
			Assert.AreEqual (expectedOutput, doc.Text);
			return doc;
Esempio n. 6
		Indent(Indent engine)
			this.indentStack = engine.indentStack.Clone();
			this.options = engine.options;
			this.curIndent = engine.curIndent;
			this.extraSpaces = engine.extraSpaces;
			this.indentString = engine.indentString;
		/// <summary>
		///     Creates a new TextPasteIndentEngine instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="decoratedEngine">
		///     An instance of <see cref="IStateMachineIndentEngine"/> to which the
		///     logic for indentation will be delegated.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="textEditorOptions">
		///    Text editor options for indentation.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="formattingOptions">
		///     C# formatting options.
		/// </param>
		public TextPasteIndentEngine(IStateMachineIndentEngine decoratedEngine, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
			this.engine = decoratedEngine;
			this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
			this.formattingOptions = formattingOptions;

			this.engine.EnableCustomIndentLevels = false;
Esempio n. 8
		Indent(Indent engine)
			this.indentStack = new Stack<IndentType>(engine.indentStack.Reverse());
			this.options = engine.options;
			this.curIndent = engine.curIndent;
			this.extraSpaces = engine.extraSpaces;
			this.indentString = engine.indentString;
		protected static IDocument GetResult(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.Intrusive, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			StringBuilderDocument document;
			var changes = GetChanges(policy, input, out document, mode, options);
			return document;
Esempio n. 10
 public CSharpIndentEngine(IDocument document, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
     this.document = document;
     this.options = formattingOptions;
     this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
     this.indent = new Indent(textEditorOptions);
     this.thisLineindent = new Indent(textEditorOptions);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new TextPasteIndentEngine instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decoratedEngine">
        ///     An instance of <see cref="IStateMachineIndentEngine"/> to which the
        ///     logic for indentation will be delegated.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="textEditorOptions">
        ///    Text editor options for indentation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="formattingOptions">
        ///     C# formatting options.
        /// </param>
        public TextPasteIndentEngine(IStateMachineIndentEngine decoratedEngine, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
            this.engine            = decoratedEngine;
            this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
            this.formattingOptions = formattingOptions;

            this.engine.EnableCustomIndentLevels = false;
Esempio n. 12
		/*public static string ApplyChanges (string text, List<TextReplaceAction> changes)
			changes.Sort ((x, y) => y.Offset.CompareTo (x.Offset));
			StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(text);
			foreach (var change in changes) {
				//Console.WriteLine ("---- apply:" + change);
//				Console.WriteLine (adapter.Text);
				if (change.Offset > b.Length)
				b.Remove(change.Offset, change.RemovedChars);
				b.Insert(change.Offset, change.InsertedText);
//			Console.WriteLine ("---result:");
//			Console.WriteLine (adapter.Text);
			return b.ToString();
		static TextEditorOptions GetActualOptions(TextEditorOptions options)
			if (options == null) {
				options = new TextEditorOptions();
				options.EolMarker = "\n";
				options.WrapLineLength = 80;
			return options;
Esempio n. 13
 public CSharpIndentEngine(IDocument document, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
     this.document          = document;
     this.options           = formattingOptions;
     this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
     this.indent            = new Indent(textEditorOptions);
     this.indentDelta       = new Indent(textEditorOptions);
     this.thisLineindent    = new Indent(textEditorOptions);
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CSharpFormatter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">The formatting policy to use.</param>
 /// <param name="options">The text editor options (optional). Default is: TextEditorOptions.Default</param>
 public CSharpFormatter(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, TextEditorOptions options = null)
     if (policy == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("policy");
     this.policy  = policy;
     this.options = options ?? TextEditorOptions.Default;
		static CacheIndentEngine CreateIndentEngine(IDocument document, TextEditorOptions options)
			IProject currentProject = null;
			var projectService = SD.GetService<IProjectService>();
			if (projectService != null) {
				currentProject = projectService.FindProjectContainingFile(new FileName(document.FileName));
			var formattingOptions = CSharpFormattingOptionsPersistence.GetProjectOptions(currentProject);
			var engine = new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, formattingOptions.OptionsContainer.GetEffectiveOptions());
			return new CacheIndentEngine(engine);
Esempio n. 16
		protected static FormattingChanges GetChanges(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, out StringBuilderDocument document, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.Intrusive, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			options = GetActualOptions(options);
			input = NormalizeNewlines(input);

			document = new StringBuilderDocument(input);
			var visitor = new CSharpFormatter(policy, options);
			visitor.FormattingMode = mode;
			var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser().Parse(document, "test.cs");

			return visitor.AnalyzeFormatting(document, syntaxTree);
Esempio n. 17
		/*public static string ApplyChanges (string text, List<TextReplaceAction> changes)
			changes.Sort ((x, y) => y.Offset.CompareTo (x.Offset));
			StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(text);
			foreach (var change in changes) {
				//Console.WriteLine ("---- apply:" + change);
//				Console.WriteLine (adapter.Text);
				if (change.Offset > b.Length)
				b.Remove(change.Offset, change.RemovedChars);
				b.Insert(change.Offset, change.InsertedText);
//			Console.WriteLine ("---result:");
//			Console.WriteLine (adapter.Text);
			return b.ToString();
		protected static IDocument GetResult (CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.OnTheFly)
			input = NormalizeNewlines (input);
			var document = new StringBuilderDocument (input);
			var options = new TextEditorOptions ();
			options.EolMarker = "\n";
			var visitor = new AstFormattingVisitor (policy, document, options);
			visitor.FormattingMode = mode;
			var compilationUnit = new CSharpParser ().Parse (document, "test.cs");
			compilationUnit.AcceptVisitor (visitor);
			return document;
Esempio n. 18
 public AstFormattingVisitor(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, IDocument document, TextEditorOptions options = null)
     if (policy == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("policy");
     if (document == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("document");
     this.policy = policy;
     this.document = document;
     this.options = options ?? TextEditorOptions.Default;
     curIndent = new Indent(this.options);
Esempio n. 19
 protected static void Continue(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, IDocument document, string expectedOutput, FormattingMode formattingMode = FormattingMode.OnTheFly)
     expectedOutput = NormalizeNewlines (expectedOutput);
     var options = new TextEditorOptions ();
     options.EolMarker = "\n";
     var formatter = new CSharpFormatter (policy, options);
     formatter.FormattingMode = formattingMode;
     string newText = formatter.Format (document);
     if (expectedOutput != newText) {
         Console.WriteLine (newText);
     Assert.AreEqual (expectedOutput, newText);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new CSharpIndentEngine instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">
        ///     An instance of <see cref="IDocument"/> which is being parsed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="formattingOptions">
        ///     C# formatting options.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="textEditorOptions">
        ///    Text editor options for indentation.
        /// </param>
        public CSharpIndentEngine(IDocument document, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
            this.formattingOptions = formattingOptions;
            this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
            this.document          = document;

            this.currentState = new GlobalBodyState(this);

            this.conditionalSymbols       = new HashSet <string>();
            this.customConditionalSymbols = new HashSet <string>();
            this.wordToken       = new StringBuilder();
            this.previousKeyword = string.Empty;
            this.newLineChar     = textEditorOptions.EolMarker[0];
Esempio n. 21
 /*public static string ApplyChanges (string text, List<TextReplaceAction> changes)
     changes.Sort ((x, y) => y.Offset.CompareTo (x.Offset));
     StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(text);
     foreach (var change in changes) {
         //Console.WriteLine ("---- apply:" + change);
 //				Console.WriteLine (adapter.Text);
         if (change.Offset > b.Length)
         b.Remove(change.Offset, change.RemovedChars);
         b.Insert(change.Offset, change.InsertedText);
 //			Console.WriteLine ("---result:");
 //			Console.WriteLine (adapter.Text);
     return b.ToString();
 protected static IDocument GetResult(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.Intrusive)
     input = NormalizeNewlines(input);
     var document = new StringBuilderDocument(input);
     var options = new TextEditorOptions();
     options.EolMarker = "\n";
     options.WrapLineLength = 80;
     var visitor = new CSharpFormatter (policy, options);
     visitor.FormattingMode = mode;
     var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser ().Parse (document, "test.cs");
     var changes = visitor.AnalyzeFormatting(document, syntaxTree);
     return document;
Esempio n. 22
 public CodeFormatResponse Format(CodeFormatRequest request)
     var document = new StringBuilderDocument(request.Buffer);
     var options = new TextEditorOptions();
     options.EolMarker = Environment.NewLine;
     options.WrapLineLength = 80;
     options.TabsToSpaces = request.ExpandTab;
     var policy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateAllman();
     var visitor = new AstFormattingVisitor(policy, document, options);
     visitor.FormattingMode = FormattingMode.Intrusive;
     var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser().Parse(document, request.FileName);
     return new CodeFormatResponse(document.Text);
Esempio n. 23
		protected static void Continue (CSharpFormattingOptions policy, IDocument document, string expectedOutput, FormattingMode formattingMode = FormattingMode.OnTheFly)
			expectedOutput = NormalizeNewlines (expectedOutput);
			var options = new TextEditorOptions ();
			options.EolMarker = "\n";
			var visitior = new AstFormattingVisitor (policy, document, options);
			visitior.FormattingMode = formattingMode;
			var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser ().Parse (document, "test.cs");
			syntaxTree.AcceptVisitor (visitior);
			string newText = document.Text;
			if (expectedOutput != newText) {
				Console.WriteLine (newText);
			Assert.AreEqual (expectedOutput, newText);
Esempio n. 24
        public IndentEngine(IndentEngine prototype)
            this.Document          = prototype.Document;
            this.Options           = prototype.Options;
            this.TextEditorOptions = prototype.TextEditorOptions;

            this.CurrentState          = prototype.CurrentState.Clone();
            this.ConditionalSymbols    = new HashSet <string>(prototype.ConditionalSymbols);
            this.IfDirectiveEvalResult = prototype.IfDirectiveEvalResult;
            this.CurrentIndent         = new StringBuilder(prototype.CurrentIndent.ToString());

            this.offset       = prototype.offset;
            this.line         = prototype.line;
            this.column       = prototype.column;
            this.IsLineStart  = prototype.IsLineStart;
            this.CurrentChar  = prototype.CurrentChar;
            this.PreviousChar = prototype.PreviousChar;
Esempio n. 25
 CSharpIndentEngine(CSharpIndentEngine prototype)
     this.document = prototype.document;
     this.options = prototype.options;
     this.textEditorOptions = prototype.textEditorOptions;
     this.indent = prototype.indent.Clone();
     this.thisLineindent = prototype.thisLineindent.Clone();
     this.offset = prototype.offset;
     this.inside = prototype.inside;
     this.IsLineStart = prototype.IsLineStart;
     this.pc = prototype.pc;
     this.parenStack = new Stack<TextLocation>(prototype.parenStack.Reverse ());
     this.currentBody = prototype.currentBody;
     this.nextBody = prototype.nextBody;
     this.addContinuation = prototype.addContinuation;
     this.line = prototype.line;
     this.col = prototype.col;
     this.popNextParenBlock = prototype.popNextParenBlock;
Esempio n. 26
 CSharpIndentEngine(CSharpIndentEngine prototype)
     this.document          = prototype.document;
     this.options           = prototype.options;
     this.textEditorOptions = prototype.textEditorOptions;
     this.indent            = prototype.indent.Clone();
     this.indentDelta       = prototype.indentDelta.Clone();
     this.thisLineindent    = prototype.thisLineindent.Clone();
     this.offset            = prototype.offset;
     this.inside            = prototype.inside;
     this.IsLineStart       = prototype.IsLineStart;
     this.pc                = prototype.pc;
     this.parenStack        = new Stack <TextLocation>(prototype.parenStack.Reverse());
     this.currentBody       = prototype.currentBody;
     this.nextBody          = prototype.nextBody;
     this.addContinuation   = prototype.addContinuation;
     this.line              = prototype.line;
     this.col               = prototype.col;
     this.popNextParenBlock = prototype.popNextParenBlock;
Esempio n. 27
		public static IDocumentIndentEngine CreateEngine(string text, CSharpFormattingOptions formatOptions = null, IEnumerable<string> symbols = null)
			var policy = formatOptions;
			if ( policy == null) {
				policy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono();
				policy.IndentPreprocessorDirectives = false;
				policy.AlignToFirstMethodCallArgument = policy.AlignToFirstIndexerArgument = true;


			var sb = new StringBuilder();
			int offset = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
				var ch = text[i];
				if (ch == '$')
					offset = i;

			var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(sb.ToString());
			var options = new TextEditorOptions();

			var csi = new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, policy) {
				EnableCustomIndentLevels = true
			if (symbols != null) {
				foreach (var sym in symbols) {
			var result = new CacheIndentEngine(csi);
			return result;
Esempio n. 28
		public Indent(TextEditorOptions options)
			this.options = options;
Esempio n. 29
		/// <summary>
		///     Creates a new CSharpIndentEngine instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="document">
		///     An instance of <see cref="IDocument"/> which is being parsed.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="formattingOptions">
		///     C# formatting options.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="textEditorOptions">
		///    Text editor options for indentation.
		/// </param>
		public CSharpIndentEngine(IDocument document, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
			this.formattingOptions = formattingOptions;
			this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
			this.document = document;

			this.currentState = new GlobalBodyState(this);

			this.conditionalSymbols = new HashSet<string>();
			this.customConditionalSymbols = new HashSet<string>();
			this.wordToken = new StringBuilder();
			this.previousKeyword = string.Empty;
			this.newLineChar = textEditorOptions.EolMarker[0];
Esempio n. 30
		/// <summary>
		///     Creates a new CSharpIndentEngine instance from the given prototype.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="prototype">
		///     An CSharpIndentEngine instance.
		/// </param>
		public CSharpIndentEngine(CSharpIndentEngine prototype)
			this.formattingOptions = prototype.formattingOptions;
			this.textEditorOptions = prototype.textEditorOptions;
			this.document = prototype.document;

			this.newLineChar = prototype.newLineChar;
			this.currentState = prototype.currentState.Clone(this);
			this.conditionalSymbols = new HashSet<string>(prototype.conditionalSymbols);
			this.customConditionalSymbols = new HashSet<string>(prototype.customConditionalSymbols);

			this.wordToken = new StringBuilder(prototype.wordToken.ToString());
			this.previousKeyword = string.Copy(prototype.previousKeyword);

			this.offset = prototype.offset;
			this.line = prototype.line;
			this.column = prototype.column;
			this.isLineStart = prototype.isLineStart;
			this.isLineStartBeforeWordToken = prototype.isLineStartBeforeWordToken;
			this.currentChar = prototype.currentChar;
			this.previousChar = prototype.previousChar;
			this.previousNewline = prototype.previousNewline;
			this.currentIndent = new StringBuilder(prototype.CurrentIndent.ToString());
			this.lineBeganInsideMultiLineComment = prototype.lineBeganInsideMultiLineComment;
			this.lineBeganInsideVerbatimString = prototype.lineBeganInsideVerbatimString;
			this.ifDirectiveEvalResults = prototype.ifDirectiveEvalResults.Clone();
			this.ifDirectiveIndents = prototype.ifDirectiveIndents.Clone();

			this.EnableCustomIndentLevels = prototype.EnableCustomIndentLevels;
Esempio n. 31
 public ConstructFixer(CSharpFormattingOptions options, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions)
     this.options           = options;
     this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
		static TextEditorOptions CreateInvariantOptions()
			var options = new TextEditorOptions();
			options.EolMarker = "\n";
			return options;
Esempio n. 33
		protected static void TestNoUnnecessaryChanges(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.Intrusive, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			var formatted = GetResult(policy, input, mode, options).Text;
			var changes = GetChanges(policy, formatted, mode, options);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, changes.Count, "Wrong amount of changes");
Esempio n. 34
		public static void ReadAndTest(string filePath, CSharpFormattingOptions policy = null, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			if (File.Exists(filePath))
				filePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath);
				var code = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
				var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(code);
				if (policy == null) {
					policy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono();
					policy.AlignToFirstIndexerArgument = policy.AlignToFirstMethodCallArgument = true;
				options = options ?? new TextEditorOptions { IndentBlankLines = false };

				var engine = new CacheIndentEngine(new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, policy) { EnableCustomIndentLevels = true });
				int errors = 0;

				foreach (var ch in code)
					if (options.EolMarker[0] == ch)
						if (!(engine.LineBeganInsideMultiLineComment || engine.LineBeganInsideVerbatimString)) {
							if (engine.CurrentIndent.Length > 0) {
								if (engine.NeedsReindent) {
									Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Indent: {2}, Current indent: {3} in {0}:{1}", filePath, engine.Location.Line, engine.ThisLineIndent.Length, engine.CurrentIndent.Length));

				Assert.AreEqual(0, errors);

				Assert.Fail("File " + filePath + " doesn't exist.");
Esempio n. 35
		protected static FormattingChanges GetChanges(CSharpFormattingOptions policy, string input, FormattingMode mode = FormattingMode.Intrusive, TextEditorOptions options = null)
			StringBuilderDocument document;
			return GetChanges(policy, input, out document, mode, options);
Esempio n. 36
 public Indent(TextEditorOptions options)
     this.options = options;
Esempio n. 37
 Indent(TextEditorOptions options, Stack <IndentType> indentStack, int curIndent) : this(options)
     this.indentStack = indentStack;
     this.curIndent   = curIndent;
Esempio n. 38
		public ConstructFixer(CSharpFormattingOptions options, TextEditorOptions textEditorOptions)
			this.options = options;
			this.textEditorOptions = textEditorOptions;
		public void CustomizeEditorOptions(TextEditorOptions editorOptions)
			int? indentationSize = GetEffectiveIndentationSize();
			if (indentationSize.HasValue) {
				editorOptions.IndentSize = indentationSize.Value;
				editorOptions.TabSize = indentationSize.Value;
				editorOptions.ContinuationIndent = indentationSize.Value;
			bool? convertTabsToSpaces = GetEffectiveConvertTabsToSpaces();
			if (convertTabsToSpaces.HasValue)
				editorOptions.TabsToSpaces = convertTabsToSpaces.Value;