Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Extracts methods and add them to method list for type.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">A type where methods will be added</param>
		/// <param name="methods">A collection of methods</param>
		private void ReadMethods(Type type, Collection<MethodDefinition> methods)
			foreach (MethodDefinition methodDefinition in methods)
				var method = new Method
					Name = FormatMethodName(methodDefinition),
					DeclaringType = type,
					IsConstructor = methodDefinition.IsConstructor,
					IsPublic = methodDefinition.IsPublic,
					IsPrivate = methodDefinition.IsPrivate,
					IsProtected = !methodDefinition.IsPublic && !methodDefinition.IsPrivate,
					IsStatic = methodDefinition.IsStatic,
					IsSealed = methodDefinition.IsFinal, // not sure if final is sealed
					IsAbstract = methodDefinition.IsAbstract,
					IsSetter = methodDefinition.IsSetter,
					IsGetter = methodDefinition.IsGetter,
					IsVirtual = methodDefinition.IsVirtual,
					Variables = methodDefinition.Body != null ? methodDefinition.Body.Variables.Count : 0

				var returnType =
					(from n in type.Namespace.Module.Namespaces
					 from t in n.Types
					 where t.FullName == FormatTypeName(methodDefinition.ReturnType, true)
					 select t).SingleOrDefault();

				method.ReturnType = returnType; // if null so return type is outside of assembly

				if (methodDefinition.ReturnType.IsGenericInstance)
					method.IsReturnTypeGenericInstance = true;
					                                                         (GenericInstanceType) methodDefinition.ReturnType));

				// reading types from parameters
				foreach (var parameter in methodDefinition.Parameters)
					var parameterType =
						(from n in type.Namespace.Module.Namespaces
						 from t in n.Types
						 where t.FullName == FormatTypeName(parameter.ParameterType, true)
						 select t).SingleOrDefault();

					if (parameterType != null)
						var param = new MethodParameter
							ParameterType = parameterType,
							IsIn = parameter.IsIn,
							IsOut = parameter.IsOut,
							IsOptional = parameter.IsOptional,

						// generic parameters
						if (parameter.ParameterType.IsGenericInstance)
							param.IsGenericInstance = true;
							param.GenericTypes = ReadGenericArguments(type.Namespace.Module,
							                                          (GenericInstanceType) parameter.ParameterType);



			foreach (MethodDefinition methodDefinition in methods)
				var method = (from m in type.Methods
				              where m.Name == FormatMethodName(methodDefinition)
				              select m).SingleOrDefault();

				if (methodDefinition.Body != null)
					ReadInstructions(method, methodDefinition, methodDefinition.Body.Instructions);
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Reads method calls by extracting instructions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="method">A method where information will be added</param>
		/// <param name="methodDefinition">A method definition with instructions</param>
		/// <param name="instructions">A collection of instructions</param>
		public void ReadInstructions(Method method, MethodDefinition methodDefinition,
		                             Collection<Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction> instructions)
			foreach (var instruction in instructions)
				method.Instructions.Add(new Instruction
				                        	DeclaringMethod = method,
				                        	// Operand = instruction.Operand.ToString() // for now operand as string should be enough

				// IL cyclomatic complexity
				if (instruction.OpCode.FlowControl == FlowControl.Cond_Branch)

				var operand = ReadOperand(instruction);

				if (operand is MethodDefinition)
					var md = operand as MethodDefinition;
					var type = (from n in method.DeclaringType.Namespace.Module.Namespaces
					            from t in n.Types
					            where t.FullName == FormatTypeName(md.DeclaringType, true)
					            select t).SingleOrDefault();


					var findTargetMethod = (from m in type.Methods
					                        where m.Name == FormatMethodName(md)
					                        select m).SingleOrDefault();

					if (findTargetMethod != null && type == method.DeclaringType)

				if (operand is FieldDefinition)
					var fd = operand as FieldDefinition;
					var field = (from f in method.DeclaringType.Fields
					             where f.Name == fd.Name
					             select f).SingleOrDefault();

					if (field != null)
Esempio n. 3
        public static BitmapSource GetIcon(Method method)
            if (method.IsPublic)
                return Method;
            if (method.IsPrivate)
                return PrivateMethod;
            if (method.IsProtected)
                return ProtectedMethod;

            if (method.IsGetter || method.IsSetter)
                if (method.IsPublic)
                    return PropertyMethod;
                if (method.IsPrivate)
                    return PrivatePropertyMethod;
                if (method.IsProtected)
                    return ProtectedPropertyMethod; 

            return Method;