 // Constructor: achievement
 // Author: Neil Holmes
 // Summary: Constructor - prepares the achievement data
 public achievement(achievement rhs)
     this.name = string.Copy(rhs.name);
     this.description = string.Copy(rhs.description);
     this.value = rhs.value;
     this.icon = rhs.icon;
     this.unlocked = rhs.unlocked;
        // Method: Activate
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: test function to make the achievement display
        public void OnAchievementUnlocked(int userId, ICELandaLib.CoAchievement achievement)
            int width;
            int heightPixels;
            achievement.Image.GetDimensions(out width, out heightPixels);

            Byte[] pixelData = (Byte[])achievement.Image.PixelData;
            Texture2D icon = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, width, heightPixels, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);

            achievement unlockedAchievement = new achievement();

            unlockedAchievement.icon = icon; // testIcon; // testAchievements[0].icon;

            unlockedAchievement.name = String.Copy(achievement.Title);
            unlockedAchievement.description = String.Copy(achievement.Description);
            unlockedAchievement.value = (int)achievement.TrueValue;

            unlockedAchievement.unlocked = false;
