Esempio n. 1
        // TWS message response to real-time data: Last update
        private static void Ibclient_tickByTickAllLast(messages.TickByTickAllLastMessage last)
            // This request id will be active as long as the data subscription is valid
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(last.ReqId, false);

            c.Last = last.Price;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Download all available historical data for a given contract from TWS server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        public static void GetHistoricalData(GooContract c)
            // Historical data is retrieved using a state machine
            var e = new FSM_EventArgs.GooContract_With_Payload(c);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Request full contract details based on some initial specifications.
        /// Enough info should be provided so that only a single instrument type (FUT,Stock) will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static GooContract GetContractDetails(string symbol, string sectype, string primaryExchange)
            // This is a throw-away contract used for requesting information. TWS will return ones that are fully populated
            IBApi.Contract requestContract = new Contract();
            requestContract.Symbol   = symbol;
            requestContract.SecType  = sectype;
            requestContract.Exchange = primaryExchange;
            var reqId = GetOrderId();

            // New blank GooContract. TWS ContractDetails event will populate it.
            GooContract c           = new GooContract();
            string      contractKey = GetContractKey(requestContract);

            // Internal list
            if (contracts.ContainsKey(contractKey) == false)
                contracts.Add(contractKey, c);

            // Transmit request for details of all contracts as described above. Info will be returned via TWS events.
            AddContractRequest(reqId, contractKey);
            ibclient.ClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, requestContract);

            // We can look it up with the contract key as well.
Esempio n. 4
        // Real-time data
        #region Live Data
        // TWS message response to real-time data: Bid/Ask update
        private static void Ibclient_tickByTickBidAsk(messages.TickByTickBidAskMessage bidask)
            // This request id will be active for as long as the data subscription is valid
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(bidask.ReqId, false);

            c.Bid = bidask.BidPrice;
            c.Ask = bidask.AskPrice;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a new request id and associate a contract with it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <returns>new request id</returns>
        private static int AddContractRequest(GooContract c)
            int reqId = GetOrderId();

            AddContractRequest(reqId, c);

            // Return in case it is needed for use in a TWS call.
Esempio n. 6
        // Received final packet of data for the duration requested in the current historical data request.
        private static void Ibclient_HistoricalDataEnd(messages.HistoricalDataEndMessage hDataEnd)
            // Data request is now completed = delete
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(hDataEnd.RequestId, true);

            var e = new FSM_EventArgs.GooContract_With_Payload(c);

            c.FSM.DownloadHistoricalData.FireEvent(FSM_DownloadHistoricalData.Events.HistoricalDataEnd, e);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper to request historical data starting point for a given contract
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        public static void RequestHeadTimeStamp(GooContract c)
            int id_historical = GetOrderId();

            AddContractRequest(id_historical, c);

            var ib_contract = c.TWSActiveContractDetails.Contract;

            ibclient.ClientSocket.reqHeadTimestamp(id_historical, ib_contract, TWSInfo.WhatTicksToShow.Trades, TWSInfo.UseRealTimeHoursOnly.No, TWSInfo.TimeStampType.Standard);
Esempio n. 8
        // TWS message response to request for how much data is available. Returns timestamp of furthest out data.
        private static void Ibclient_HeadTimestamp(messages.HeadTimestampMessage headTimeStamp)
            // Get contract. This request is finished, so don't need any more.
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(headTimeStamp.ReqId, true);

            // Send event to the download FSM to tell it the head time stamp has been received from TWS.
            var e = new FSM_EventArgs.GooContract_With_Payload(c, headTimeStamp.HeadTimestamp);

            c.FSM.DownloadHistoricalData.FireEvent(FSM_DownloadHistoricalData.Events.HeadTimeStamp, e);
Esempio n. 9
        // Received packet of historical data from TWS
        private static void Ibclient_HistoricalData(messages.HistoricalDataMessage hData)
            // Data request is valid until HistoricalDataEnd is received.
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(hData.RequestId, false);

            // Package the quote and send the data received event to the state machine.
            OHLCQuote quote = new OHLCQuote(hData.Date, hData.Open, hData.High, hData.Low, hData.Close);
            var       e     = new FSM_EventArgs.GooContract_With_Payload(c, quote);

            c.FSM.DownloadHistoricalData.FireEvent(FSM_DownloadHistoricalData.Events.HistoricalData, e);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get contract associated with the data request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reqId">request Id to associate (int)</param>
        /// <param name="deleteAfterUse">true=>remove after lookup</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static GooContract GetDataRequestContract(int reqId, bool deleteAfterUse)
            string      contractKey = datarequests[reqId];
            GooContract c           = contracts[contractKey];

            // No need to keep track of this request any more if it was single-use only.
            if (deleteAfterUse == true)
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper to request historical data. Can be used from FSM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <param name="downloadDate">start date (DateTime)</param>
        /// <param name="twsinfo_stepsize">Duration (TWSInfo.TWS_StepSizes</param>
        /// <param name="twsinfo_barsize">Data bar size (TWSInfo.TWS_BarSizeSetting)</param>
        public static void RequestHistoricalData(GooContract c, DateTime downloadDate, string twsinfo_stepsize, string twsinfo_barsize)
            // Get a new order id for historical data request
            int histDataReqId = AddContractRequest(c);

            // TWS requires date to be in a specific format, so must convert from DateTime
            var startStr = downloadDate.ToString(TWSInfo.TimeStampStringFormat);

            // Submit request to tws based on the desired download criteria for the active contract
            ibclient.ClientSocket.reqHistoricalData(histDataReqId, c.TWSActiveContractDetails.Contract, startStr,
                                                    twsinfo_stepsize, twsinfo_barsize, TWSInfo.WhatTicksToShow.Trades, 0, 1, false, null);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper to request tick market data (Level I bid/ask/last)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cd"></param>
        public static void RequestTickData(GooContract c)
            int    id_last     = GetOrderId();
            int    id_bidask   = GetOrderId();
            var    ib_contract = c.TWSActiveContractDetails.Contract;
            string contractKey = GetContractKey(ib_contract);

            AddContractRequest(id_last, c);
            AddContractRequest(id_bidask, c);
            ibclient.ClientSocket.reqTickByTickData(id_last, ib_contract, TWSInfo.TickType.Last, 0, false);
            ibclient.ClientSocket.reqTickByTickData(id_bidask, ib_contract, TWSInfo.TickType.BidAsk, 0, false);
Esempio n. 13
        // TWS response for a single instance of contractDetails for a given request
        private static void Ibclient_ContractDetails(messages.ContractDetailsMessage msg_cd)
            ContractDetails cd          = msg_cd.ContractDetails;
            string          contractKey = GetContractKey(cd.Contract);

            // Keep the request active until end is signaled by ContractDetailsEnd event.
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(msg_cd.RequestId, false);

            // TWS returns contracts in calendar order (front month first) so we preserve the order.

            MessageLogger.LogMessage(String.Format("ContractDetails request {0}: {1}", msg_cd.RequestId.ToString(), contractKey));
Esempio n. 14
        // TWS has replied with all available contract details for a given request Id
        private static void Ibclient_ContractDetailsEnd(int reqId)
            // Details end means this request is done, so delete after it is accessed.
            GooContract c = GetDataRequestContract(reqId, true);

            // TODO: Active month is front month. Near expiration this may not be the best.
            c.TWSActiveContractDetails = c.TWSContractDetailsList[0];

            // Some details we want to break out for the UI
            c.Expiration = c.TWSActiveContractDetails.ContractMonth;
            c.Name       = c.TWSActiveContractDetails.LongName;
            c.Symbol     = c.TWSActiveContractDetails.MarketName;

            string contractKey = GetContractKey(c.TWSActiveContractDetails.Contract);

            // Notify outside world that a new contract has been created and pass along the contractkey and GooContract.
            OnNewContract?.Invoke(contractKey, c);

            MessageLogger.LogMessage(String.Format("ContractDetails request {0} completed", reqId.ToString()));
Esempio n. 15
 private void btnReqContracts_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     sp500 = TWS.GetContractDetails("ES", "FUT", TWSInfo.Exchanges.Globex);
     nq100 = TWS.GetContractDetails("NQ", "FUT", TWSInfo.Exchanges.Globex);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Associate contract with a specifc request id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reqId"></param>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        private static void AddContractRequest(int reqId, GooContract c)
            string contractKey = GetContractKey(c.TWSActiveContractDetails.Contract);

            AddContractRequest(reqId, contractKey);
Esempio n. 17
 // Constructor
 public FSM_DownloadHistoricalData(GooContract c) :
     base(typeof(States), typeof(Events), Transitions, typeof(Action <FSM_EventArgs.GooContract_With_Payload>), c)
Esempio n. 18
 public TWSFiniteStateMachines(GooContract c)
     // state machines need the contract so it can be accessed during execution of the FSM.
     DownloadHistoricalData = new FSM_DownloadHistoricalData(c);
Esempio n. 19
 // Can remove default null if we want events to be explicit that there is no payload
 public GooContract_With_Payload(GooContract c, object p = null)
     Contract = c;
     Payload  = p;