/// <summary>Receives data from an open stream.</summary>
        /// <returns>Retrieved data</returns>
        public byte[] Read()
            byte[] responseLength = new byte[4];

            using (BigEndianMemoryStream readStream = new BigEndianMemoryStream())
                if (!this.bufferedStream.CanRead)

                this.bufferedStream.Read(responseLength, 0, 4);
                readStream.Write(responseLength, 0, 4);
                Debug.WriteLine("Packet length: " + BitConverter.ToString(responseLength));
                long bytesToRead = Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(responseLength);
                if (bytesToRead == 0x00000000 || bytesToRead == 0x40404040)

                bytesToRead -= 4;
                while (bytesToRead > 0)
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[(long)byte.MaxValue < bytesToRead ? byte.MaxValue : (int)bytesToRead];
                    if (!this.bufferedStream.CanRead)
                    this.bufferedStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    readStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    bytesToRead -= buffer.Length;
            // Class constructors

            /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserProfile"/> class.</summary>
            /// <param name="binaryData">Byte stream input</param>
            internal UserProfile(byte[] binaryData)
                // Check whether the table is at least 712B long (V7R2 minimum)
                if (binaryData.Length < 712)
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The received user data is too short for USRI0300 format.");

                // Check whether the returned bytes value makes sense
                if (Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(binaryData) > binaryData.Length)
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The received data length is bigger than the buffer size. Exiting.");

                this.UserName               = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 8, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.AccountingCode         = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 309, 15).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.LastPasswordChangeDate = Converters.DTSTimeStampToDateTime(binaryData, 46);
                this.PasswordExpirationDate = Converters.DTSTimeStampToDateTime(binaryData, 60);
                this.UserExpirationDate     = Converters.DTSTimeStampToDateTime(binaryData, 676);
                this.Status              = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 36, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.LastSignonDateTime  = Converters.TimestampToDateTime(Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 18, 13).ToUpper().Trim());
                this.BlockPasswordChange = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 661, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.Owner          = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 108, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.UserClass      = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 73, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.GroupAuthority = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 118, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                this.GroupProfile   = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 98, 10).ToUpper().Trim();
                string specialAuthorities = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(binaryData, 83, 15).ToUpper().PadRight(8);

                this.SpecialAuthorities = (specialAuthorities[0] == '1' ? "*ALLOBJ " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[1] == '1' ? "*SECADM " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[2] == '1' ? "*JOBCTL " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[3] == '1' ? "*SPLCTL " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[4] == '1' ? "*SAVSYS " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[5] == '1' ? "*SERVICE " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[6] == '1' ? "*AUDIT " : "") +
                                          (specialAuthorities[7] == '1' ? "*IOSYSCFG" : "");

                this.PasswordExpirationInterval = Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(binaryData, 56);
                this.PasswordExpirationDays     = Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(binaryData, 68);
                this.LastPasswordChangeDate     = Converters.DTSTimeStampToDateTime(binaryData, 46);
                this.PasswordExpirationDate     = Converters.DTSTimeStampToDateTime(binaryData, 60);
                //TODO: Implementation of other fields
Esempio n. 3
        // Private methods

        /// <summary>Connects to the Sign-on Verify server</summary>
        private void ConnectToSignonVerifyServer()
            // Establish authentication channel
            this.socketConnectorSignonVerify = new SocketConnector(this.serverName, this.useSSL ? TcpPortSignonVerifySSL : TcpPortSignonVerify, this.useSSL, this.ignoreSelfSignedCertificates);

            // Default current seed information
            this.clientSeed = 0;
            this.serverSeed = 0;

            // Exchange random seeds
            ulong clientSeed = (ulong)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds;
            BigEndianMemoryStream outputStream = new BigEndianMemoryStream();

            ////           outputStream.WriteInt(52); // length
            outputStream.WriteShort(0);                    // Header ID (0)
            outputStream.WriteShort(ServerIDSignonVerify); // Server ID
            outputStream.WriteInt(0);                      // CS instance
            outputStream.WriteInt(0);                      // Correlation ID
            outputStream.WriteShort(0);                    // Template length
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x7003);               // ReqReP ID
            outputStream.WriteInt(10);                     // Client version LL
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x1101);               // Client version CP
            outputStream.WriteInt(1);                      // Client version
            outputStream.WriteInt(8);                      // Client data stream level LL
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x1102);               // Client datastream level CP
            outputStream.WriteShort(2);                    // Client datastream level
            outputStream.WriteInt(14);                     // Client seed LL
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x1103);               // Client seed CP
            outputStream.WriteLong(clientSeed);            // Client seed

            // Retrieve server response
            byte[] response = this.socketConnectorSignonVerify.Read();
            BigEndianMemoryStream inputStream = new BigEndianMemoryStream();

            inputStream.Write(response, 0, response.Length);

             *  The response comes  in the following format:
             *  Offset (byte)       Information         Length (byte)
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  Fixed header
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  0                   Response length     4
             *  4                   (Reserved)          16
             *  20                  Result code         4
             *  24                  (Dynamic fields)    see below
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  Dynamic fields (Offset is dynamic)
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  0                   Field length        4
             *  4                   Field code          2
             *  6                   Field data          (Field length - 6)

            // Read fixed header
            inputStream.Position = 0;
            uint responseLength = inputStream.ReadInt();

            if (responseLength < 20)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Seeds exchange failed. Bad response length.");

            inputStream.Position += 16;

            uint resultCode = inputStream.ReadInt();

            if (resultCode != 0)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Seeds exchange failed. Bad return code.");

            while (inputStream.Position < responseLength)
                uint   dynamicFieldLength = inputStream.ReadInt();
                ushort dynamicFieldCode   = inputStream.ReadShort();
                byte[] dynamicFieldData   = new byte[dynamicFieldLength - 6];
                inputStream.Read(dynamicFieldData, 0, (int)dynamicFieldLength - 6);

                switch (dynamicFieldCode)
                case 0x1101:        // Server Version
                    this.serverVersion = Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(dynamicFieldData);

                case 0x1102:        // Server Level
                    this.serverLevel = Converters.BigEndianToUInt16(dynamicFieldData);

                case 0x1103:        // Server Seed
                    this.serverSeed = Converters.BigEndianToUInt64(dynamicFieldData);

                case 0x1119:        // Password Level
                    this.passwordLevel = Converters.BigEndianToUInt8(dynamicFieldData);

                case 0x111F:        // Job Name
                    this.jobName = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(dynamicFieldData, 4);


            Debug.WriteLine("Seeds were exchanged, return code is 0x" + resultCode.ToString("X8"));

            this.clientSeed = clientSeed;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Authenticates the user to the signon server</summary>
        private void AuthenticateToSignonVerifyServer()
            BigEndianMemoryStream outputStream = new BigEndianMemoryStream();

            byte[] encryptedPassword;
            byte[] userID = Converters.AsciiToEbcdic(this.userName.ToUpper().PadRight(10));
            encryptedPassword = this.passwordLevel < 2 ? Encryption.EncryptPasswordDES(this.userName, this.password, this.serverSeed, this.clientSeed) : Encryption.EncryptPasswordSHA1(this.userName, this.password, this.serverSeed, this.clientSeed);

            if (this.serverLevel >= 5)
                outputStream.WriteShort(0);                                     // Header ID (0)
            outputStream.WriteShort(ServerIDSignonVerify);                      // Server ID
            outputStream.WriteInt(0);                                           // CS instance
            outputStream.WriteInt(0);                                           // Correlation ID
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x0001);                                    // Template length
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x7004);                                    // ReqReP ID
            outputStream.WriteByte((byte)(this.passwordLevel < 2 ? 1 : 3));     // Password encryption type
            outputStream.WriteInt(10);                                          // Client CCSID LL
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x1113);                                    // Client CCSID CP
            outputStream.WriteInt(1200);                                        // Client CCSID (big endian UTF-16)
            outputStream.WriteInt(6 + (uint)encryptedPassword.Length);          // Password LL
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x1105);                                    // Password CP. 0x1115 is other.
            outputStream.Write(encryptedPassword, 0, encryptedPassword.Length); // Password
            outputStream.WriteInt(16);                                          // User ID LL
            outputStream.WriteShort(0x1104);                                    // User ID CP
            outputStream.Write(userID, 0, userID.Length);                       // UserID
            if (this.serverLevel >= 5)
                outputStream.WriteInt(7);        // Return error messages LL
                outputStream.WriteShort(0x1128); // Return error messages CP
                outputStream.WriteByte(1);       // Return error messages


            // Retrieve server response
            byte[] response = this.socketConnectorSignonVerify.Read();
            BigEndianMemoryStream inputStream = new BigEndianMemoryStream();

            inputStream.Write(response, 0, response.Length);

             *  The response comes  in the following format:
             *  Offset (byte)       Information         Length (byte)
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  Fixed header
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  0                   Response length     4
             *  4                   (Reserved)          16
             *  20                  Result code         4
             *  24                  (Dynamic fields)    see below
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  Dynamic fields (Offset is dynamic)
             *  -----------------------------------------------------------
             *  0                   Field length        4
             *  4                   Field code          2
             *  6                   Field data          (Field length - 6)

            // Read fixed header
            inputStream.Position = 0;
            uint responseLength = inputStream.ReadInt();

            if (responseLength < 20)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Bad response length.");

            inputStream.Position += 16;

            uint resultCode = inputStream.ReadInt();

            if (resultCode != 0)
                switch (resultCode)
                case 0x00020001:
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Unknown username.");

                case 0x0003000B:
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Wrong password.");

                case 0x0003000C:
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Wrong password. Profile will be disabled on the next invalid password.");

                case 0x0003000D:
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Password is expired.");

                case 0x00030010:
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Password is *NONE.");

                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed. Return code 0x" + resultCode.ToString("X8"));

            while (inputStream.Position < responseLength)
                uint   dynamicFieldLength = inputStream.ReadInt();
                ushort dynamicFieldCode   = inputStream.ReadShort();
                byte[] dynamicFieldData   = new byte[dynamicFieldLength - 6];
                inputStream.Read(dynamicFieldData, 0, (int)dynamicFieldLength - 6);

                switch (dynamicFieldCode)
                case 0x1114:        // Server Version
                    this.serverCCSID = Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(dynamicFieldData);


            Debug.WriteLine("User authenticated to signon server.");
 /// <summary>Reads an int value from the stream</summary>
 /// <returns>A int value</returns>
 public uint ReadInt()
     byte[] intArray = new byte[4];
     this.Read(intArray, 0, 4);
        // Class methods

        public string[] GetUsersList()
             *  https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/ssw_ibm_i_72/apis/qgyolaus.htm
             *  Required Parameter Group:
             *   1   Receiver variable              Output   Char(*) - 120000B
             *   2   Length of receiver variable    Input    Binary(4) - 120000
             *   3   List information               Output   Char(80)
             *   4   Number of records to return    Input    Binary(4) - "9999"
             *   5   Format name                    Input    Char(8) - "AUTU0100"
             *   6   Selection criteria             Input    Char(10) - "*ALL"
             *   7   Group profile name             Input    Char(10) - "*NONE"
             *   8   Error code                     I/O      Char(*)

            ProgramCallParameters qgyolausCallParameters =
                new ProgramCallParameters(8)
                [0] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                [1] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                [2] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                [3] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                [4] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                [5] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                    Converters.AsciiToEbcdic("*ALL      ")),
                [6] = new ProgramCallParameter(
                    Converters.AsciiToEbcdic("*NONE     ")),
                [7] = new ProgramCallParameter(

            CallMessages qgyolausCallMessages = new CallMessages();

            if (CallProgram("QGYOLAUS", "QSYS", ref qgyolausCallParameters, ref qgyolausCallMessages) != 0)
                foreach (CallMessage outputMessage in qgyolausCallMessages)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The method GetUserList failed. Check debug information.");

            uint numEntries = Converters.BigEndianToUInt32(qgyolausCallParameters[2].ParameterValue, 0, 4);

            if (numEntries <= 0)

            string[] userList = new string[numEntries];
            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
                userList[i] = Converters.EbcdicToAsciiString(qgyolausCallParameters[0].ParameterValue, (uint)i * 12, 10);