Esempio n. 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MAutoservice mClass = ((MAutoservice)this.Master);


            LoginData login   = LoginUser.LogedUser(this.Page);
            Boolean   isAdmin = false;

            if (login != null)
                IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString());
                    Int64 enterpriseId = 0;

                    if ((Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData))
                        enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                    using (IAMRBAC rbac = new IAMRBAC())
                        isAdmin = rbac.HasAdminConsole(database, login.Id, enterpriseId);
                catch { }

            String html = "";

            html += "<ul class=\"home\">";

            if (isAdmin)
                html += "    <li><a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "admin/\"><div class=\"btn c2\"><div class=\"inner\"><i class=\"icon-change\"></i><span>Admin</span></div></div></a></li>";

            html += "    <li><a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "autoservice/user/\"><div class=\"btn c3\"><div class=\"inner\"><i class=\"icon-profile\"></i><span>Informações gerais</span></div></div></a></li>";
            html += "    <li><a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "autoservice/user/changepassword/\"><div class=\"btn c1\"><div class=\"inner\"><i class=\"icon-key\"></i><span>Alterar senha</span></div></div></a></li>";
            html += "    <li><a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "autoservice/access_request/\"><div class=\"btn c5\"><div class=\"inner\"><i class=\"icon-page\"></i><span>Requisição de acesso</span></div></div></a></li>";
            html += "    <li><a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "logout/\"><div class=\"btn c4\"><div class=\"inner\"><i class=\"icon-exit\"></i><span>Desconectar</span></div></div></a></li>";
            html += "</ul>";

            contentHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html));
Esempio n. 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MAutoservice mClass = ((MAutoservice)this.Master);

            menu1 = menu2 = menu3 = null;

            String ApplicationVirtualPath = Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"].ToString();

            menu1 = new LMenu("Home", ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/");
            menu3 = new LMenu("Usuário", ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/");

            login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this.Page);

            if (login == null)
                Session["last_page"] = Request.ServerVariables["PATH_INFO"];

            String action = "";

            if (RouteData.Values["action"] != null)
                action = RouteData.Values["action"].ToString().ToLower();

            String html = "";

            switch (action)
            case "changepassword":
                subtitle = "Troca de senha";

                html += "<section><form id=\"pwdForm\" name=\"pwdForm\" method=\"post\" action=\"/consoleapi/changepassword/\" onsubmit=\"return iamadmin.GenericSubmit('#pwdForm');\">";
                html += "    <div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">";
                html += "        <div class=\"form-group\">";
                html += "            <label>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password") + "</label>";
                html += "            <input id=\"current_password\" name=\"current_password\" placeholder=\"" + MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password") + "\" type=\"password\" maxlength=\"128\" maxlength=\"128\" onfocus=\"$('#current_password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#current_password').removeClass('focus');\">";
                html += "        </div>";
                html += "        <div class=\"form-group\">";
                html += "            <label>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "</label>";
                html += "            <input id=\"password\" name=\"password\" placeholder=\"" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "\" type=\"password\" maxlength=\"128\" maxlength=\"128\" onkeyup=\"iamadmin.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\">";
                html += "        </div>";
                html += "        <div class=\"form-group\">";
                html += "            <label>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "</label>";
                html += "            <input id=\"password2\" name=\"password2\" placeholder=\"" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "\" type=\"password\" maxlength=\"128\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\">";
                html += "        </div>";
                html += "        <div id=\"passwordStrength\" class=\"form-group\">";
                html += "            <label>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + "</label>";
                html += "            <div class=\"form-group-content\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>";
                html += "        </div>";
                html += "        <div class=\"clear-block\"></div>";
                html += "    </div>";
                html += "    <button type=\"submit\" id=\"user-profile-password-save\" class=\"button secondary floatleft\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "</button>";
                html += "    <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/\" class=\"button link floatleft\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a>";
                html += "</form></section>";


                subtitle = "Informações gerais";
                html    += "<section><form>";
                html    += "    <div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">";
                html    += "        <div class=\"form-group\">";
                html    += "            <label>Nome</label>";
                html    += "            <span class=\"no-edit\">" + login.FullName + "</span>";
                html    += "        </div>";
                html    += "        <div class=\"form-group\">";
                html    += "            <label>Login</label>";
                html    += "            <span class=\"no-edit\">" + login.Login + "</span>";
                html    += "        </div>";
                html    += "        <div class=\"clear-block\"></div>";
                html    += "    </div>";
                html    += "</form></section>";

            contentHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html));

            String sideHTML = "";

            sideHTML += "<ul class=\"user-profile\">";
            sideHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-general\" " + (action == "" ? "class=\"bold\"" : "") + "><span><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/\">Informações gerais</a></span></li>";
            sideHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-password\" " + (action == "changepassword" ? "class=\"bold\"" : "") + "><span><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/changepassword/\">Troca de senha</a></span></li>";
            //sideHTML += "    <i id=\"scans-expand-filters\" class=\"icon-right\"></i>";
            //sideHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-tags\" " + (action == "" ? "class=\"bold\"" : "") + " href=\"#/users/edit/64764a0f77d1af87fbf808c3c043348c/folders\"><span>Folders</span></li>";
            //sideHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-plugin-rules\" " + (action == "" ? "class=\"bold\"" : "") + " href=\"#/users/edit/64764a0f77d1af87fbf808c3c043348c/rules\" class=\"mHide\"><span>Plugin Rules</span></li>";
            sideHTML += "</ul>";

            sideHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sideHTML));

            String titleBarHTML = "";

            titleBarHTML += "<ul class=\"mobile-button-bar w50 \">";
            titleBarHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-general-mobile\" " + (action == "" ? "class=\"on\"" : "") + "><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/\">Informações gerais</a></li>";
            titleBarHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-password-mobile\" " + (action == "changepassword" ? "class=\"on\"" : "") + "><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/changepassword/\">Troca de senha</a></li>";
            titleBarHTML += "</ul>";

            titleBarContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(titleBarHTML));
Esempio n. 3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MAutoservice mClass = ((MAutoservice)this.Master);

            menu1 = menu2 = menu3 = null;

            String ApplicationVirtualPath = Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"].ToString();

            menu1 = new LMenu("Home", ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/");
            menu3 = new LMenu("Requisição de acesso", ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/");

            login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this.Page);

            if (login == null)
                Session["last_page"] = Request.ServerVariables["PATH_INFO"];

            String action = "";

            if (RouteData.Values["action"] != null)
                action = RouteData.Values["action"].ToString().ToLower();

            String errorTemplate = "<span class=\"empty-results\">{0}</span>";
            String infoTemplate  = "<tr><td class=\"col1\">{0}</td><td class=\"col2\"><span class=\"no-edit\">{1}</span></td></tr>";

            String html  = "";
            String eHtml = "";
            String js    = "";
            String rData = "";
            String jData = "";

            String sideHTML = "";

            if (action != "new")
                sideHTML += "<div class=\"sep\"><button class=\"a-btn-big a-btn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/new/'\">Nova requisição</button></div>";

            //Verifica se está selecionado o usuário

            switch (action)
            case "new":
                subtitle = "Nova requisição de acesso";

                using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                    //Busca todos os workflows disponíveis no mesmo contexto do usuário atual que esteja habilitado
                    DataTable dtWorkflow = database.ExecuteDataTable("select w.* from st_workflow w with(nolock) inner join context c with(nolock) on = w.context_id inner join entity e with(nolock) on e.context_id = where w.enabled = 1 and w.deprecated = 0 and = " + login.Id + " order by");
                    if ((dtWorkflow == null) || (dtWorkflow.Rows.Count == 0))
                        eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, "Nenhuma acesso disponível para solicitação");
                        js += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
                        js += "$( document ).ready(function() {";
                        js += "     $('#workflow').change(function() {";
                        js += "        $('#desc_text').html('');";
                        js += "        $('#desc_text').html( $('option:selected', this ).attr('description') );";
                        js += "     });";
                        js += "});";
                        js += "</script>";

                        html += "<form id=\"form_add_role\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/action/add_request/\">";
                        html += "<div class=\"no-tabs fields\"><table><tbody>";

                        String select = "<select id=\"workflow\" name=\"workflow\" ><option value=\"\"></option>";
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dtWorkflow.Rows)
                            select += "<option value=\"" + dr["id"] + "\" description=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(dr["description"]) + "\">" + dr["name"] + "</option>";
                        select += "</select><span id=\"desc_text\" class=\"description\" style=\"padding: 5px 0 0 0;\"></span>";

                        html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Acesso", select);

                        html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Descrição da necessidade do acesso", "<textarea id=\"description\" name=\"description\" rows=\"5\" placeholder=\"Digite a justificativa para necessidade de acesso\"></textarea>");

                        html += "</tbody></table><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>";

                        html += "<button type=\"submit\" id=\"user-profile-password-save\" class=\"button secondary floatleft\">Salvar</button>    <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/\" class=\"button link floatleft\">Cancelar</a></form>";


                Int64 id = 0;
                    id = Int64.Parse((String)RouteData.Values["id"]);

                    if (id < 0)
                        id = 0;
                catch { }

                if (id > 0)
                    using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                        subtitle = "Requisição de acesso";

                        DataTable drRequest = database.ExecuteDataTable("select * from st_workflow_request r with(nolock) where = " + id);
                        if ((drRequest != null) && (drRequest.Rows.Count > 0))
                            WorkflowConfig workflow = new WorkflowConfig();
                            workflow.GetDatabaseData(database, (Int64)drRequest.Rows[0]["workflow_id"]);

                            WorkflowRequestStatus status = (WorkflowRequestStatus)((Int32)drRequest.Rows[0]["status"]);

                            DataTable drRequestStatus = database.ExecuteDataTable("select r.*, activity_name from st_workflow_request_status r with(nolock) inner join st_workflow_activity a with(nolock) on r.activity_id = where r.workflow_request_id = " + drRequest.Rows[0]["id"] + " order by date desc");
                            DataTable drActivity      = database.ExecuteDataTable("select * from st_workflow_activity a with(nolock) where a.workflow_id = " + workflow.WorkflowId + " order by a.execution_order");

                            //html += "<form id=\"form_add_role\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/action/add_request/\">";
                            html += "<div class=\"no-tabs fields\"><table><tbody>";

                            html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Acesso", "<span class=\"no-edit\">" + workflow.Name + "<span class=\"description\">" + workflow.Description + "</span></span>");

                            html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Último status", MessageResource.GetMessage("wf_" + status.ToString().ToLower()));

                            html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Data da requisição", MessageResource.FormatDate((DateTime)drRequest.Rows[0]["create_date"], false));

                            html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Descrição da necessidade do acesso", drRequest.Rows[0]["description"].ToString());

                            //html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "", "<span type=\"submit\" id=\"cancel\" class=\"button secondary floatleft red\">Cancelar requisição</span>");

                            //sideHTML += "<div class=\"sep\"><button class=\"a-btn-big a-btn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/new/'\">Nova requisição</button></div>";

                            html += "</tbody></table><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>";

                            html += "<h3>Passos de aprovação</h3>";

                            html += "<div class=\"sep\"><table id=\"users-table\" class=\"sorter\"><thead>";
                            html += "    <tr>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer w80 header headerSortDown\" data-column=\"name\">Passo <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer header headerSortDown\" data-column=\"name\">Atividade <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer tHide mHide header\" data-column=\"status\">Último status <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "    </tr>";
                            html += "</thead>";

                            html += "<tbody>";

                            String trTemplate = "    <tr class=\"request\" data-userid=\"{0}\">";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"ident10\">{1}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"tHide mHide\">{2}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"tHide mHide\">{3}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "    </tr>";

                            Int32 step = 1;
                            if ((drActivity != null) && (drActivity.Rows.Count > 0))
                                foreach (DataRow dr in drActivity.Rows)
                                    String   st   = "";
                                    DateTime last = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

                                    if ((drRequestStatus != null) && (drRequestStatus.Rows.Count > 0))
                                        foreach (DataRow drSt in drRequestStatus.Rows)
                                            if (drSt["activity_id"].ToString() == dr["id"].ToString())
                                                if (last.CompareTo((DateTime)drSt["date"]) < 0)
                                                    last = (DateTime)drSt["date"];
                                                    st   = MessageResource.GetMessage("wf_" + ((WorkflowRequestStatus)((Int32)drSt["status"])).ToString().ToLower());

                                    if (st == "")
                                        st = "Aguardando aprovação da atividade anterior";

                                    html += String.Format(trTemplate, dr["id"], step++, dr["name"], st);

                            html += "</tbody></table><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>";

                            html += "<h3>Todos os status</h3>";

                            html += "<table id=\"users-table\" class=\"sorter\"><thead>";
                            html += "    <tr>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"w50 mHide {sorter: false}\"><div class=\"select-all\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer w150 header headerSortDown\" data-column=\"name\">Data <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer w200 tHide mHide header\" data-column=\"status\">Status <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer tHide mHide header {sorter: false}\" data-column=\"create_date\">Atividade <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer tHide mHide header {sorter: false}\" data-column=\"create_date\">Descrição <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "    </tr>";
                            html += "</thead>";

                            html += "<tbody>";

                            trTemplate  = "    <tr class=\"request\" data-userid=\"{0}\">";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"select mHide\"><div class=\"checkbox\"></div></td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"\">{1}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"tHide mHide\">{2}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"tHide mHide\">{3}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"tHide mHide\">{4}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "    </tr>";

                            if ((drRequestStatus != null) && (drRequestStatus.Rows.Count > 0))
                                foreach (DataRow dr in drRequestStatus.Rows)
                                        html += String.Format(trTemplate, dr["id"], MessageResource.FormatDate((DateTime)dr["date"], false), MessageResource.GetMessage("wf_" + ((WorkflowRequestStatus)((Int32)dr["status"])).ToString().ToLower()), dr["activity_name"], dr["description"]);
                                    catch (Exception ex)

                            html += "</tbody></table>";

                            //html += "<button type=\"submit\" id=\"user-profile-password-save\" class=\"button secondary floatleft\">Salvar</button>    <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/\" class=\"button link floatleft\">Cancelar</a></form>";
                            eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, "Requisição não encontrada");
                else     //Request não selecionado
                    subtitle = "Requisição de acesso";

                    js += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
                    js += "$( document ).ready(function() {";
                    js += "    $('table tbody tr').each(function (index, element) {";
                    js += "        if ($(this).attr('data-href')) {";
                    js += "            $(this).unbind('click');";
                    js += "            $(this).click(function (event) {";
                    js += "                event.preventDefault();";
                    js += "                window.location = $(this).attr('data-href');";
                    js += "            });";
                    js += "        }";
                    js += "    });";
                    js += "});";
                    js += "</script>";

                    using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                        DataTable dtWorkflowRequests = database.ExecuteDataTable("select * from st_workflow_request where entity_id = " + login.Id + " order by create_date desc");
                        if ((dtWorkflowRequests == null) || (dtWorkflowRequests.Rows.Count == 0))
                            eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, "Nenhuma requisição cadastrada");
                            html += "<table id=\"users-table\" class=\"sorter\"><thead>";
                            html += "    <tr>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"w50 mHide {sorter: false}\"><div class=\"select-all\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer header headerSortDown\" data-column=\"name\">Nome <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer tHide mHide header\" data-column=\"status\">Status <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "        <th class=\"pointer w150 tHide mHide header\" data-column=\"create_date\">Data de criação <div class=\"icomoon\"></div></th>";
                            html += "    </tr>";
                            html += "</thead>";

                            html += "<tbody>";

                            String trTemplate = "    <tr class=\"request\" data-userid=\"{0}\" data-href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/{0}/\">";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"select mHide\"><div class=\"checkbox\"></div></td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"pointer ident10\">{1}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"pointer tHide mHide\">{2}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "            <td class=\"pointer tHide mHide\">{3}</td>";
                            trTemplate += "    </tr>";

                            foreach (DataRow dr in dtWorkflowRequests.Rows)
                                    WorkflowConfig workflow = new WorkflowConfig();
                                    workflow.GetDatabaseData(database, (Int64)dr["workflow_id"]);

                                    WorkflowRequestStatus status = (WorkflowRequestStatus)((Int32)dr["status"]);

                                    html += String.Format(trTemplate, dr["id"].ToString(), workflow.Name, MessageResource.GetMessage("wf_" + status.ToString().ToLower()), ((DateTime)dr["create_date"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                                catch (Exception ex)

                            html += "</tbody></table>";

            headContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(js));
            contentHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl((eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html)));

            sideHTML += "<ul class=\"user-profile\">";
            sideHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-general\" " + (action == "" ? "class=\"bold\"" : "") + "><span><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/\">Requisições realizadas</a></span></li>";
            //sideHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-password\" " + (action == "changepassword" ? "class=\"bold\"" : "") + "><span><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/access_request/new/\">Nova requisição</a></span></li>";
            sideHTML += "</ul>";

            sideHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sideHTML));

            String titleBarHTML = "";

             * titleBarHTML += "<ul class=\"mobile-button-bar w50 \">";
             * titleBarHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-general-mobile\" "+ (action == "" ? "class=\"on\"" : "") + "><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/\">Informações gerais</a></li>";
             * titleBarHTML += "    <li id=\"user-profile-password-mobile\" " + (action == "changepassword" ? "class=\"on\"" : "") + "><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/user/changepassword/\">Troca de senha</a></li>";
             * titleBarHTML += "</ul>";*/

            titleBarContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(titleBarHTML));