public void ListController(object sender, PlaneDetectorEventArgs e)
            // If no previous data is present it has no base from which to calculate the velocity and the course, so the function returns
            if (flightDataListOld.Count <= 0)
                flightDataListOld = e.PlanesInAirspace;

            List <FlightData> listToReturn = new List <FlightData>();

            // Calculates the course and velocity based on the new flight data that has been sent and the previously sent data
            listToReturn = Calculator.CalculateCompassCourse(flightDataListOld, e.PlanesInAirspace);
                listToReturn = Calculator.CalculateVelocity(flightDataListOld, e.PlanesInAirspace);
            catch (ArgumentException exception)
                //There should be some error handling here

            render.DisplayData(listToReturn);       // Displays the data after it has been calculated

            flightDataListOld = e.PlanesInAirspace; // The new flight data has been calculated and displayed and now replaces the old flight data
 public void OnPlaneDetectorEvent(object sender, PlaneDetectorEventArgs e)
     for (int i = 0; i < e.PlanesInAirspace.Count; i++)         // Iterates through each plane in the list sent from AirSpacePlaneDetector
         for (int j = i + 1; j < e.PlanesInAirspace.Count; j++) // Iterates through the remainder of the planes in the list
             // Checks if the distance between two planes is within the specified distance of each other
             if ((Calculator.HorizontalDistance(e.PlanesInAirspace[i], e.PlanesInAirspace[j]) < 300) &&
                 (Calculator.VerticalDistance(e.PlanesInAirspace[i], e.PlanesInAirspace[j]) < 5000))
                 // Displays and alarm in the console window and adds an occurence to the log
                 logger.Log(e.PlanesInAirspace[i], e.PlanesInAirspace[j]);
 private void OnAirplaneDetected(PlaneDetectorEventArgs args)
     AirplaneDetected?.Invoke(this, args);