Esempio n. 1
    private void DataPlay(int PageNo)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_mudel Hyoa_mudel = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mudel();
        DataTable dt_mudel = Hyoa_mudel.Getmudel(this.txtmudelid.Value);
        string ls_role = "Role9999";
        if (dt_mudel.Rows.Count > 0)
            ls_role = dt_mudel.Rows[0]["hy_roleid"].ToString();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig Hyoa_tableconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig();
        DataTable dttableconfig = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTablesbymudelidandtableid(this.txtmudelid.Value, this.txttableid.Value);

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();
        DataTable dtflowfield = Hyoa_flowfield.Getflowfieldsbytableid(dttableconfig.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString());
        string ls_flowfield = "";
        if (dtflowfield.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dtflowfield.Rows.Count; i++)
                string ls_fieldtype = dtflowfield.Rows[i]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString();
                if (ls_fieldtype == "文本" || ls_fieldtype == "多行文本" || ls_fieldtype == "文本加按钮" || ls_fieldtype == "多行文本加按钮" || ls_fieldtype == "日期" || ls_fieldtype == "数值" || ls_fieldtype == "对话框列表" || ls_fieldtype == "复选框" || ls_fieldtype == "单选框" || ls_fieldtype == "口令")
                    ls_flowfield += ",a.hyc_" + dtflowfield.Rows[i]["hy_fieldid"].ToString();

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (dttableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_tablerole"].ToString() == "0")
            if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole(ls_role, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
                this.isrole.Value = "1";
                this.newcontrol.Visible = true;
                this.delcontrol.Visible = true;
                //this.copycontrol.Visible = true;
                this.isrole.Value = "0";
        if (dttableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_tablerole"].ToString() == "1")
            this.isrole.Value = "1";
            this.newcontrol.Visible = true;
            this.delcontrol_my.Visible = true;
            //this.copycontrol.Visible = true;
        if (dttableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_tablerole"].ToString() == "2")
            if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole(ls_role, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
                this.isrole.Value = "1";
                this.newcontrol.Visible = true;
                this.delcontrol.Visible = true;
                //this.copycontrol.Visible = true;
                this.isrole.Value = "0";
                this.newcontrol.Visible = true;
                this.delcontrol_my.Visible = true;
                //this.copycontrol.Visible = true;
        if (dttableconfig.Rows[0]["hy_tablerole"].ToString() == "3")
            if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole(ls_role, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
                this.isrole.Value = "1";
                this.newcontrol.Visible = true;
                this.delcontrol_sq.Visible = true;
                //this.copycontrol.Visible = true;

        HyoaClass.Hyoa_listconfig Hyoa_listconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_listconfig();
        DataTable dtlist = Hyoa_listconfig.Getlistconfig(this.txtlistid.Value);     //列表配置

        this.lbdisplaytitle.Text = "";
        this.curpage.Text = PageNo.ToString();

        string cmdStr_Search = "";
        if (txtsearchfields.Text != "")
            string[] lv_searchfields = txtsearchfields.Text.Split(',');
            string[] lv_searchfields_sx = txtsearchfields_sx.Text.Split(',');
            for (int i = 0; i < lv_searchfields.Length; i++)
                string ls_fieldid = lv_searchfields[i].ToString();
                string ls_fieldid_sx = lv_searchfields_sx[i].ToString();
                string ls_searchtext = "";
                if (this.Request.Form[ls_fieldid] != null)
                    ls_searchtext = this.Request.Form[ls_fieldid].ToString();

                if (ls_searchtext != "")

                    if (ls_fieldid_sx == "0")

                        if (ls_searchtext.Contains(","))
                            string[] lv_searchfieldSplit = ls_searchtext.Split(',');
                            for (int n = 0; n < lv_searchfieldSplit.Length; n++)
                                if (n == 0)
                                    cmdStr_Search += " and hyc_" + ls_fieldid + " like '%" + lv_searchfieldSplit[n] + "%' ";
                                    cmdStr_Search += " or hyc_" + ls_fieldid + " like '%" + lv_searchfieldSplit[n] + "%' ";
                            cmdStr_Search += " and hyc_" + ls_fieldid + " like '%" + ls_searchtext + "%' ";
                        if (ls_fieldid_sx == "1")
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                cmdStr_Search += " and left(CONVERT(varchar, hyc_" + ls_fieldid.Substring(0, ls_fieldid.Length - 2) + ", 120 ) ,10) >= '" + ls_searchtext + "' ";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                cmdStr_Search += " and to_char(hyc_" + ls_fieldid.Substring(0, ls_fieldid.Length - 2) + ",'YYYY-MM-DD') >= '" + ls_searchtext + "' ";
                        if (ls_fieldid_sx == "2")
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                cmdStr_Search += " and left(CONVERT(varchar, hyc_" + ls_fieldid.Substring(0, ls_fieldid.Length - 2) + ", 120 ) ,10) <= '" + ls_searchtext + "' ";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                cmdStr_Search += " and to_char(hyc_" + ls_fieldid.Substring(0, ls_fieldid.Length - 2) + ",'YYYY-MM-DD') <= '" + ls_searchtext + "' ";
                        if (ls_fieldid_sx == "3")
                            cmdStr_Search += " and hyc_" + ls_fieldid.Substring(0, ls_fieldid.Length - 2) + " >= " + ls_searchtext + " ";
                        if (ls_fieldid_sx == "4")
                            cmdStr_Search += " and hyc_" + ls_fieldid.Substring(0, ls_fieldid.Length - 2) + " <= " + ls_searchtext + " ";
        string cmdStr_SearchSort = "";
        if (dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield1"].ToString() != "")
            if (cmdStr_SearchSort == "")
                cmdStr_SearchSort = " order by hyc_" + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield1"].ToString() + " " + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype1"].ToString();
                cmdStr_SearchSort += " ,hyc_" + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield1"].ToString() + " " + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype1"].ToString();
        if (dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield2"].ToString() != "")
            if (cmdStr_SearchSort == "")
                cmdStr_SearchSort = " order by hyc_" + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield2"].ToString() + " " + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype2"].ToString();
                cmdStr_SearchSort += " ,hyc_" + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield2"].ToString() + " " + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype2"].ToString();
        if (dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield3"].ToString() != "")
            if (cmdStr_SearchSort == "")
                cmdStr_SearchSort = " order by hyc_" + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield3"].ToString() + " " + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype3"].ToString();
                cmdStr_SearchSort += " ,hyc_" + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield3"].ToString() + " " + dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype3"].ToString();
        if (this.txtfieldid.Value != "" && this.txtfieldsort.Value != "")
            cmdStr_SearchSort = " order by hyc_" + this.txtfieldid.Value + " " + this.txtfieldsort.Value + " ";
        if (cmdStr_SearchSort == "")
            cmdStr_SearchSort = " order by hy_djsj desc ";

        DataTable dt = new DataTable();         //单页数据集
        DataTable dt_total = new DataTable();   //数据总条数,返回总条数值
        DataTable dttable = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTable(this.txttableid.Value);  //得到表配置信息查看当前表是否有流程 hy_ifflowdoc

        string sql_sc = "";          //sql语句    hy_iftx=1   表示该合同已删除
        if (this.txttableid.Value == "TableVODfwxy" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tableffpdfwht" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablejdhazfwht" ||
            this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesyyhfwxy" || this.txttableid.Value == "TableDVBazfwdght" || this.txttableid.Value == "TableDVBazfwdght" ||
            this.txttableid.Value == "Tablejwdsjsxy" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablejwdscsxy" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablekdjrht" ||
             this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesjcsfwht" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesjgdcsfwht" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesjtxyyhzxy" ||
              this.txttableid.Value == "Tablezdyht" ||
              this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesyyhfwxy_new" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tableszdsywfwht_new" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablejwdscsxy_new"
              || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablejwdsjm" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesjcsfwht_new" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablekdjrht_new" ||
              this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesjgdcsfwht_new" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablesjtxyyhzxy_new" || this.txttableid.Value == "Tableqtht"
            || this.txttableid.Value == "Tablegxhzhht")
            sql_sc = " and hy_iftx is null";

        string cmdStr = "";
        if (dttable.Rows[0]["hy_ifdisplayall"].ToString() == "是")
            string ls_from = "";
            ls_from = " hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value + " where 1=1 " + sql_sc + cmdStr_Search;
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                cmdStr = "select top " + PageSize.Text + " * from " + ls_from;
                cmdStr += " and DOCID not in (select top " + ((PageNo - 1) * int.Parse(PageSize.Text)).ToString() + " DOCID from " + ls_from + cmdStr_SearchSort + ") " + cmdStr_SearchSort;
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                cmdStr = " select * from ( ";
                cmdStr += " select my_table.*, rownum as my_rownum from ";
                cmdStr += " ( ";

                cmdStr += " select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value + " where 1=1 " + cmdStr_Search + cmdStr_SearchSort;

                cmdStr += " )  my_table ";
                cmdStr += " where rownum<= " + ((PageNo) * int.Parse(PageSize.Text)).ToString();
                cmdStr += " ) where my_rownum> " + ((PageNo - 1) * int.Parse(PageSize.Text)).ToString();
            dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(cmdStr);
            cmdStr = "select count(*) from " + ls_from;
            dt_total = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(cmdStr);
            string ls_from = " hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value + " where 1=1 " + sql_sc;
            //特殊处理  add by wjs   at 20150701   依据模块id得到权限id   再依据权限id来判断显示内容  start
            string strRoleid = "";
            string sqlSelect = " select hy_roleid from hyt_mudel where hy_mudelid='" + this.txtmudelid.Value + "' ";
            DataTable dt_role = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_BASE(sqlSelect);
            if (dt_role.Rows.Count > 0)
                strRoleid = dt_role.Rows[0]["hy_roleid"].ToString();
                strRoleid = strRoleid.Substring(0, strRoleid.Length - 3);
                //查看所有权限  直接查看所有
                if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole(strRoleid + "001", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
                else if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole(strRoleid + "003", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()))
                    ls_from += " and hy_djrbmid='" + this.Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "' ";
                    ls_from += " and hy_djrid='" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' ";
                ls_from += " and hy_djrid='" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' ";
            //特殊处理  add by wjs   at 20150701   依据模块id得到权限id   再依据权限id来判断显示内容  end
            ls_from += " " + cmdStr_Search;

            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                cmdStr = "select top " + PageSize.Text + " * from " + ls_from;
                cmdStr += " and DOCID not in (select top " + ((PageNo - 1) * int.Parse(PageSize.Text)).ToString() + " DOCID from " + ls_from + cmdStr_SearchSort + ") " + cmdStr_SearchSort;
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                cmdStr = " select * from ( ";
                cmdStr += " select my_table.*, rownum as my_rownum from ";
                cmdStr += " ( ";

                cmdStr += " select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value + " where 1=1 " + cmdStr_Search + cmdStr_SearchSort;

                cmdStr += " )  my_table ";
                cmdStr += " where rownum<= " + ((PageNo) * int.Parse(PageSize.Text)).ToString();
                cmdStr += " ) where my_rownum> " + ((PageNo - 1) * int.Parse(PageSize.Text)).ToString();
            this.strSQL.Value = cmdStr;
            dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(cmdStr);
            cmdStr = "select count(*) from " + ls_from;
            dt_total = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(cmdStr);

        DataTable tempTable = dt.Clone();
        DataColumn col = new DataColumn("displaycol", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列  add
        tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
        string lscolname = "";
        string lscolnameid = "";
        string lscolwidth = "";
        string ls_col = "";
        string[] lvcolname;
        string[] lvcolnameid;
        string[] lvcolwidth;
        string lscolwidthper;
        lscolname = dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_columnshow"].ToString();  //要显示的列名:附件,标题,收文来源
        lscolnameid = dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_columnshowid"].ToString();  //要显示的列名id:uploadfile1,Hy_bt,Hy_swly
        lscolwidth = dtlist.Rows[0]["hy_width"].ToString();  //要显示的列名id:10,20,30
        lvcolname = lscolname.Split(',');
        lvcolnameid = lscolnameid.Split(',');
        lvcolwidth = lscolwidth.Split(',');
        if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
            for (int n = 0; n < lvcolname.Length; n++)
                if (n >= lvcolwidth.Length)
                { lscolwidthper = ""; }//此判断是为了防止对应宽度没有输入时,会溢出报错。
                { lscolwidthper = lvcolwidth[n]; }
                this.lbdisplaytitle.Text += "<td width=\"" + lscolwidthper + "%\" class=\"TdcellHead\"><p align=\"center\">" + lvcolname[n] + "</td>";
        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                dr[dt.Columns[j].ColumnName] = dt.Rows[i][j];

            DataTable dtgetsqlfield;
            for (int m = 0; m < lvcolname.Length; m++)
                if (m >= lvcolwidth.Length)
                { lscolwidthper = ""; }//此判断是为了防止对应宽度没有输入时,会溢出报错。
                { lscolwidthper = lvcolwidth[m]; }

                dtgetsqlfield = Hyoa_flowfield.GetSQLfieldBymudelidAndFieldidAndTableid(this.txtmudelid.Value, lvcolnameid[m], this.txttableid.Value);

                if (i % System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) == 0)
                    this.lbdisplaytitle.Text += "<td width=\"" + lscolwidthper + "%\" class=\"TdcellHead\"><p align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\" title=\"点击可排序\" onclick=\"fun_sort('" + lvcolnameid[m] + "');\">" + lvcolname[m] + "</a></p></td>";

                string lsgetsqlfield = "hyc_" + dtgetsqlfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldid"].ToString();
                //根据数据库中对应的字段,得到输出字段的值start (日期型根据格式进行了转换)
                string lsgetputfiled = "";
                if (dtgetsqlfield.Rows[0]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString() == "yyyy-mm-dd")
                    if (dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString() != "")
                        lsgetputfiled = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
                    if (dtgetsqlfield.Rows[0]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString() == "数值")
                        if (dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString() != "")
                            //if (dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString().Contains(".") == true)
                            //    lsgetputfiled = float.Parse(dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString()).ToString("F2");
                            lsgetputfiled = float.Parse(dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString()).ToString();
                            lsgetputfiled = "0";
                        //lsgetputfiled = dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString();
                        lsgetputfiled = dt.Rows[i][lsgetsqlfield].ToString();

                if (lsgetputfiled == "")
                    lsgetputfiled = "&nbsp;";
                if (dtgetsqlfield.Rows[0]["hy_ifdbsybt"].ToString() == "是")
                    ls_col += "<td width=\"" + lscolwidthper + "%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var ss='main_flc.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_mudelid"].ToString() + "&tableid=" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_tableid"].ToString() + "&docid=" + dt.Rows[i]["DOCID"].ToString() + "&url='+window.location;window.location=ss;\">" + lsgetputfiled + "</a></td>";
                    ls_col += "<td width=\"" + lscolwidthper + "%\" align=\"center\">" + lsgetputfiled + "</td>";
            dr["displaycol"] = ls_col;  //将新值赋给相应的列  add
            ls_col = "";

        int TotalRecord = int.Parse(dt_total.Rows[0][0].ToString());
        this.sumts.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        this.sumts2.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        this.ShowTotalRecord.Text = TotalRecord.ToString();
        int TotalPage;
        if (TotalRecord < System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text))
            TotalPage = 1;
            if (TotalRecord % System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) != 0)
                TotalPage = TotalRecord / System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text) + 1;

                TotalPage = TotalRecord / System.Int32.Parse(PageSize.Text);

        this.ShowTotalPage.Text = TotalPage.ToString();
        this.rptlist.DataSource = tempTable;
