/// <summary>
        /// Returns the primary id for the row in the drwplantintake table. Still sensitive to sql-injection.
        /// Will not yet return correct number if intake is there twice with different dates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Intake"></param>
        /// <param name="plant"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryGetPrimaryID(PumpingIntake Intake, Plant plant, out int ID)
            ID = -1;
            string sql = "select IntakeplantId from DRWPLANTINTAKE where PLANTID=" + plant.IDNumber.ToString() + " and BOREHOLENO ='" + Intake.Intake.well.ID + "' and INTAKENO = " + Intake.Intake.IDNumber.ToString();

            using (OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, odb))
                    using (OleDbDataReader reader2 = command.ExecuteReader())

                        if (!reader2.HasRows)
                            ID = reader2.GetInt32(0);
                catch (OleDbException E)
                    throw new Exception("Make sure that the database is in JupiterXL-format, Access 2000");
Esempio n. 2
      /// <summary>
      /// Creates wells from DataRows based on ShapeReaderConfiguration
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="DS"></param>
      /// <param name="SRC"></param>
      public static void FillInFromNovanaShape(DataRow[] DS, ShapeReaderConfiguration SRC, IWellCollection Wells, IPlantCollection Plants)
        bool ReadPumpActivity = false;
        bool ReadPlants = false;
        bool ReadLayer = false;
        if (DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.FraAArHeader) & DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.TilAArHeader))
          ReadPumpActivity = true;

        if (DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.LayerHeader))
          ReadLayer = true;

        if (Plants != null)
          if (DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.PlantIDHeader))
            ReadPlants = true;

        IWell CurrentWell;
        IIntake CurrentIntake;
        foreach (DataRow DR in DS)
          string wellID = DR[SRC.WellIDHeader].ToString();
          //Find the well in the dictionary
          if (Wells.Contains(wellID))
            CurrentWell = Wells[wellID];
            //Add a new well if it was not found
            CurrentWell = new Well(wellID);
            CurrentWell.UsedForExtraction = true;

          int intakeno = Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.IntakeNumber]);

          CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.Intakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.IDNumber == intakeno);

          if (CurrentIntake == null)
            CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.AddNewIntake(intakeno);

          if (ReadLayer)
            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(DR[SRC.LayerHeader]))
              CurrentIntake.Layer = Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.LayerHeader]);

          if (ReadPlants)
            Plant CurrentPlant;
            int PlantID = Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.PlantIDHeader]);
            if (!Plants.TryGetValue(PlantID, out CurrentPlant))
              CurrentPlant = new Plant(PlantID);
            PumpingIntake CurrentPumpingIntake = new PumpingIntake(CurrentIntake, CurrentPlant);
            if (ReadPumpActivity)
              CurrentPumpingIntake.Start = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.FraAArHeader]), 1, 1);
              CurrentPumpingIntake.End = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.TilAArHeader]), 12, 31);
          CurrentWell.X = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.XHeader]);
          CurrentWell.Y = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.YHeader]);
          CurrentWell.Terrain = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.TerrainHeader]);
          Screen CurrentScreen = new Screen(CurrentIntake);
          CurrentScreen.BottomAsKote = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.BOTTOMHeader]);
          CurrentScreen.TopAsKote = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.TOPHeader]);
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Read Extractions.
    /// The boolean set dates indicates whether the dates read from the DRWPLANTINTAKE table should be used as Pumpingstart
    /// and pumpingstop.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Plants"></param>
    /// <param name="Wells"></param>
    public IPlantCollection ReadPlants(IWellCollection Wells)
      List<Plant> Plants = new List<Plant>();
      IPlantCollection DPlants = new IPlantCollection();


      IIntake CurrentIntake = null;
      Plant CurrentPlant;

      List<Tuple<int, Plant>> SubPlants = new List<Tuple<int, Plant>>();

      foreach (var Anlaeg in JXL.DRWPLANT)
        CurrentPlant = new Plant(Anlaeg.PLANTID);

        if (Anlaeg.IsPLANTNAMENull())
          CurrentPlant.Name = "<no name in database>";
          CurrentPlant.Name = Anlaeg.PLANTNAME;

        CurrentPlant.Address = Anlaeg.PLANTADDRESS;

        CurrentPlant.PostalCode = Anlaeg.PLANTPOSTALCODE;

        if (!Anlaeg.IsSUPPLANTNull())
          CurrentPlant.SuperiorPlantNumber = Anlaeg.SUPPLANT;

         CurrentPlant.NewCommuneNumber = Anlaeg.MUNICIPALITYNO2007;
         CurrentPlant.OldCommuneNumber = Anlaeg.MUNICIPALITYNO;

        var cmp =Anlaeg.GetDRWPLANTCOMPANYTYPERows().LastOrDefault();
        if(cmp !=null)
         CurrentPlant.CompanyType = cmp.COMPANYTYPE;

        if (!Anlaeg.IsPERMITDATENull())
          CurrentPlant.PermitDate = Anlaeg.PERMITDATE;

        if (!Anlaeg.IsPERMITEXPIREDATENull())
          CurrentPlant.PermitExpiryDate = Anlaeg.PERMITEXPIREDATE;

        if (Anlaeg.IsPERMITAMOUNTNull())
          CurrentPlant.Permit = 0;
          CurrentPlant.Permit = Anlaeg.PERMITAMOUNT;

        if (!Anlaeg.IsSUPPLANTNull())
          SubPlants.Add(new Tuple<int, Plant>(Anlaeg.SUPPLANT, CurrentPlant));

        if (!Anlaeg.IsXUTMNull())
          CurrentPlant.X = Anlaeg.XUTM;

        if (!Anlaeg.IsYUTMNull())
          CurrentPlant.Y = Anlaeg.YUTM;

        //Loop the intakes. Only add intakes from wells already in table
        foreach (var IntakeData in Anlaeg.GetDRWPLANTINTAKERows())
          if (Wells.Contains(IntakeData.BOREHOLENO))
            JupiterWell jw = Wells[IntakeData.BOREHOLENO] as JupiterWell;
            CurrentIntake = jw.Intakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.IDNumber == IntakeData.INTAKENO);
            if (CurrentIntake != null)
              PumpingIntake CurrentPumpingIntake = new PumpingIntake(CurrentIntake, CurrentPlant);

              if (!IntakeData.IsSTARTDATENull())
                CurrentPumpingIntake.StartNullable = IntakeData.STARTDATE;
              else if (jw.StartDate.HasValue)
                CurrentPumpingIntake.StartNullable = jw.StartDate;
              else if (CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.StartDate.HasValue).Count() != 0)
                CurrentPumpingIntake.StartNullable = CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.StartDate.HasValue).Min(var => var.StartDate);

              if (!IntakeData.IsENDDATENull())
                CurrentPumpingIntake.EndNullable = IntakeData.ENDDATE;
              else if (jw.EndDate.HasValue)
                CurrentPumpingIntake.EndNullable = jw.EndDate;
              else if (CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.EndDate.HasValue).Count() != 0)
                CurrentPumpingIntake.EndNullable = CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.EndDate.HasValue).Max(var => var.EndDate);
      //Now attach the subplants
      foreach (Tuple<int, Plant> KVP in SubPlants)
        Plant Upper;
        if (DPlants.TryGetValue(KVP.Item1, out Upper))
          if (Upper == KVP.Item2)
            string l = "what";
            foreach (PumpingIntake PI in KVP.Item2.PumpingIntakes)
              PumpingIntake d = Upper.PumpingIntakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.Intake.well.ID == PI.Intake.well.ID);
              //Remove pumping intakes from upper plant if they are attached to lower plants.
              if (d != null)

      return DPlants;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the primary id for the row in the drwplantintake table. Still sensitive to sql-injection.
    /// Will not yet return correct number if intake is there twice with different dates
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Intake"></param>
    /// <param name="plant"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool TryGetPrimaryID(PumpingIntake Intake, Plant plant, out int ID)
      ID = -1;
      string sql = "select IntakeplantId from DRWPLANTINTAKE where PLANTID=" + plant.IDNumber.ToString() + " and BOREHOLENO ='" + Intake.Intake.well.ID + "' and INTAKENO = " + Intake.Intake.IDNumber.ToString();

      using (OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, odb))
          using (OleDbDataReader reader2 = command.ExecuteReader())

            if (!reader2.HasRows)
              return false;
              ID = reader2.GetInt32(0);
              return true;
        catch (OleDbException E)
          throw new Exception("Make sure that the database is in JupiterXL-format, Access 2000");
 public ChangeDescription RemoveIntakeFromPlant(PumpingIntake Intake, Plant plant)
   return ChangeController.RemoveIntakeFromPlant(Intake, plant);
    public void GetPrimaryIDTest()

      Wells.Well w = new HydroNumerics.Wells.Well("193.  125A");

      Plant plant = new Plant(2065);
      PumpingIntake Intake = new PumpingIntake(w.Intakes.First(), plant);
      int actual;
      Assert.IsTrue(Reader.TryGetPrimaryID(Intake, plant, out actual));
      Assert.AreEqual(707, actual);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Read Extractions.
        /// The boolean set dates indicates whether the dates read from the DRWPLANTINTAKE table should be used as Pumpingstart
        /// and pumpingstop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Plants"></param>
        /// <param name="Wells"></param>
        public IPlantCollection ReadPlants(IWellCollection Wells)
            List <Plant>     Plants  = new List <Plant>();
            IPlantCollection DPlants = new IPlantCollection();


            IIntake CurrentIntake = null;
            Plant   CurrentPlant;

            List <Tuple <int, Plant> > SubPlants = new List <Tuple <int, Plant> >();

            foreach (var Anlaeg in JXL.DRWPLANT)
                CurrentPlant = new Plant(Anlaeg.PLANTID);

                if (Anlaeg.IsPLANTNAMENull())
                    CurrentPlant.Name = "<no name in database>";
                    CurrentPlant.Name = Anlaeg.PLANTNAME;

                CurrentPlant.Address = Anlaeg.PLANTADDRESS;

                CurrentPlant.PostalCode = Anlaeg.PLANTPOSTALCODE;

                if (!Anlaeg.IsSUPPLANTNull())
                    CurrentPlant.SuperiorPlantNumber = Anlaeg.SUPPLANT;

                CurrentPlant.NewCommuneNumber = Anlaeg.MUNICIPALITYNO2007;
                CurrentPlant.OldCommuneNumber = Anlaeg.MUNICIPALITYNO;

                var cmp = Anlaeg.GetDRWPLANTCOMPANYTYPERows().LastOrDefault();
                if (cmp != null)
                    CurrentPlant.CompanyType = cmp.COMPANYTYPE;

                if (!Anlaeg.IsPERMITDATENull())
                    CurrentPlant.PermitDate = Anlaeg.PERMITDATE;

                if (!Anlaeg.IsPERMITEXPIREDATENull())
                    CurrentPlant.PermitExpiryDate = Anlaeg.PERMITEXPIREDATE;

                if (Anlaeg.IsPERMITAMOUNTNull())
                    CurrentPlant.Permit = 0;
                    CurrentPlant.Permit = Anlaeg.PERMITAMOUNT;

                if (!Anlaeg.IsSUPPLANTNull())
                    SubPlants.Add(new Tuple <int, Plant>(Anlaeg.SUPPLANT, CurrentPlant));

                if (!Anlaeg.IsXUTMNull())
                    CurrentPlant.X = Anlaeg.XUTM;

                if (!Anlaeg.IsYUTMNull())
                    CurrentPlant.Y = Anlaeg.YUTM;

                //Loop the intakes. Only add intakes from wells already in table
                foreach (var IntakeData in Anlaeg.GetDRWPLANTINTAKERows())
                    if (Wells.Contains(IntakeData.BOREHOLENO))
                        JupiterWell jw = Wells[IntakeData.BOREHOLENO] as JupiterWell;
                        CurrentIntake = jw.Intakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.IDNumber == IntakeData.INTAKENO);
                        if (CurrentIntake != null)
                            PumpingIntake CurrentPumpingIntake = new PumpingIntake(CurrentIntake, CurrentPlant);

                            if (!IntakeData.IsSTARTDATENull())
                                CurrentPumpingIntake.StartNullable = IntakeData.STARTDATE;
                            else if (jw.StartDate.HasValue)
                                CurrentPumpingIntake.StartNullable = jw.StartDate;
                            else if (CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.StartDate.HasValue).Count() != 0)
                                CurrentPumpingIntake.StartNullable = CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.StartDate.HasValue).Min(var => var.StartDate);

                            if (!IntakeData.IsENDDATENull())
                                CurrentPumpingIntake.EndNullable = IntakeData.ENDDATE;
                            else if (jw.EndDate.HasValue)
                                CurrentPumpingIntake.EndNullable = jw.EndDate;
                            else if (CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.EndDate.HasValue).Count() != 0)
                                CurrentPumpingIntake.EndNullable = CurrentIntake.Screens.Where(var => var.EndDate.HasValue).Max(var => var.EndDate);
            //Now attach the subplants
            foreach (Tuple <int, Plant> KVP in SubPlants)
                Plant Upper;
                if (DPlants.TryGetValue(KVP.Item1, out Upper))
                    if (Upper == KVP.Item2)
                        string l = "what";
                        foreach (PumpingIntake PI in KVP.Item2.PumpingIntakes)
                            PumpingIntake d = Upper.PumpingIntakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.Intake.well.ID == PI.Intake.well.ID);
                            //Remove pumping intakes from upper plant if they are attached to lower plants.
                            if (d != null)
